How To Become A Top 1% Onlyfans Chatter: The Definitive Guide


It’s no secret: if you want to make the big money in OFM, you need to master chatting.

This is a fact that I avoided for way too long.

Personally, I didn’t enjoy chatting. And I took the common business advice, “Focus on the things you enjoy and outsource the rest.”

This worked for me until recently.

Not long ago, I struck a deal with a competitor platform to funnel free traffic to my models from their network.

They would push the traffic to my models – free of charge – and all I had to do was sign them up to the platform and put some chatters on their accounts.

Without the burden of needing to generate traffic for my models (or cajole them into generating it for themselves), I found myself in the enviable position of being able to onboard any model I wanted, slap a chatter on her account, and collect some money.

“Great,” I thought. “Now all I need to do is find some chatters.”

Unfortunately, well-trained chatters who:

  • Speak proper English
  • Are money-motivated
  • Have good chatting fundamentals
  • Know how to do their job
  • Understand the big picture of chatting
  • Can handle whales and big spenders

…are hard to find.

So as the saying goes, “If you want to do something right, you gotta do it yourself.”

I decided that I would study the conversation history of my best chatters, interview some top performers, and put together my own training program.

After recording nearly 50 training videos (will be available soon), I realized that wasn’t enough.

I would have to write a full guide as well.

Initially, I thought I’d just keep the guide for internal use.

But since I haven’t published an article in a while, I figured I might as well go all out and write a massive guide on chatting based on what I’ve learned.

Compared to some people, I’m no expert. But at the very least, I believe this guide will get aspiring chatters from beginner to intermediate.

I actually wrote this guide FOR CHATTERS, not agency owners. So feel free to send it to your team as a resource.

Still, if you run an agency, this guide will probably be useful to you too.

If nothing else, you’ll have a more well-rounded idea of proper chatting fundamentals and be able to give constructive criticism to you team if their numbers drop.

(I can already tell this is going to be one of my most popular articles. Lucky you.)

So if you are:

  • A “fresher” Filipino chatter with no experience
  • An experienced chatter who feels like they could be hitting bigger numbers
  • A new agency owner who is still handling the chatting themselves
  • A busy agency owner looking for a good resource to train his team
  • A SUPER busy agency owner looking to hire well-trained chatters

Then read on my bru, because this one is going to be a banger.

Table of Contents

A Quick Note Before We Get Started

Disclaimer: I am not the best chatter in the world.

I could probably name a solid 50 people off the top of my head who could run circles around me when it comes to proper chatting.

But I do have over a decade of experience in commission-only sales and 15 months in the OFM game.

If you follow the instructions in this guide, you will make more money than if you try to “wing it” on your own.

We’ll go over that in more detail in a later section, but for now just understand that the pros – the ones who make Big Boy Money – have a specific strategy that they use to generate the big bucks with chatting.

And if you’re new and know nothing about the psychology of chatting, then there’s a 0% chance that you’re doing what they’re doing.

Furthermore, if you are looking for work, I am currently looking to hire chatters and team leaders.

Click here to view the job descripiton and apply. 

Depending on how this shakes out, I may also open a chatting agency as well.

Chatters: do not fucking DM me.

Now without further ado, let’s get down to business!

Introduction + The Mindset Of A Successful Chatter

Yeah yeah I know, you don’t care about mindset.

“Just tell me what to say, bro.” – you, probably.

Well, my inexperienced friend, there are a few problems with that:

  1. I can’t tell you what to say in every single situation
  2. If you don’t have the right mindset, you’ll make mistakes
  3. The right mindset is crucial to success with chatting

So put on your Big Boy Pants and read the mindset section with the enthusiasm of someone who takes their job seriously.

I put it in the beginning for a reason!

The importance of chatting

I’ll just come right out and say it: chatters are THE MOST important role at any agency.

Quality chatters are the difference between an account earning $2,400/month and $24,000/month.

Chatting (sales) is what brings in the BIG MONEY.

Yes, the agency may earn something from subscription revenue.

But neither the agency owner, the model, nor YOU should be interested in a couple hundred subscriptions at $14.99/month.

We are going after the BIG MONEY.

And as much as we agency owners hate to admit it, chatters are the key that will unlock the door to riches.

If you do a good job as a chatter (which I’ll show you how to do in this guide), you will:

  1. Have a job for life
  2. Make more money than you know what to do with
  3. Be able to solve all your family’s money problems forever
  4. Go on fancy vacations, buy fancy clothes, and eat at fancy restaurants
  5. Never have to worry about money again

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the OnlyFans Management (OFM) business model is EXPLODING right now.

The community of OnlyFans agency owners on Telegram alone is filled with thousands of incredibly motivated, intelligent, hard working hustlers.


If you learn the material in this article well enough to put into practice, your life will be much different 30 days from now.

Why Your Boss Is A Dickhead

I’m going to do something no other agency owner has ever done: tell you how they REALLY feel about hiring chatters.

The reason WHY I’m doing this is because if you understand your boss’s mindset, you will know how to:

  • Make his job easier
  • Make his life less stressful
  • Make him happy with your performance
  • Make him less of a dickhead (no promises)

Most agency owners have their hands full with dozens of complex and ever-changing tasks.

In no particular order, we need to:

  • Recruit and manage models
  • Create social media pages
  • Consantly learn how to outsmart billion dollar corporations
  • Make sure we get paid
  • Make sure we don’t get scammed
  • Balance all that with the rest of our lives

It’s a stressful business that brings new challenges every day.

When we FINALLY get to the point where we:

  1. Have a quality model
  2. She is getting subs
  3. We are too busy to the chatting ourselves

THEN we look to hire a chatter.

The challenge with this is that most agency owners cannot transfer their chatting skills from their OWN heads to YOUR head.

And even if they COULD, with all the other shit they need to do, they’re unlikely to have the time to do it.

And even if they DID have the time to do it, they probably wouldn’t do a good job – not because they’re stupid, but because most people suck at explaining things.

So, how do you get your boss to stop being a dickhead?

By being a good chatter and implementing the concepts in this article.

Most of you are already professional, polite, and probably have good intentions.

Your problem is that you are untrained, have bad habits, and have no idea what you’re doing.

But don’t worry – you’re well on your way to fixing those issues.

Just keep reading.

Welcome To Chatting – You Suck

Most chatters take an extremely basic approach to chatting.

They try to think of the SHORTEST PATH to money, which looks something like this:

  1. “I have a product I want to sell.”
  2. “The customer has my money.”
  3. “I should offer them my product in exchange for their money.”

There are a few problems with this approach:

  1. All the other chatters are doing the exact same thing
  2. It makes you sound like a retard
  3. It doesn’t work

While it may lead to some sales from subs who have subscribed in the past 30 seconds and find your model irresistable, the downside is that you’re missing out on the other 98% of them.

Even worse, if you take such a transactional approach, you immediately alienate the big spenders and the whales.

You’ll see me come back to this point many times in the course of this article, but it’s the big spenders and the whales that will generate 90% of your income.

Let me say that again so you get it through your heads:


Breaking The Habit Of Fishmarket Mode

Most new chatters that receive no training think that selling content on OnlyFans is the same as welling fish in an open air market.

  • “2 pounds of trout for $10!”
  • “50% off our salmon for the next 30 minutes, buy now!”
  • “Buy one swordfish filet, get another one free!”

The chatter equivalent of this is:

  • “Hey babe, my pussy is so wet. Do you want to see it?” Unlock $15
  • “OMG babe, I’m so horny right now. Come take off my panties and stick it in me.” Unlock $27
  • “Hi babe, tell me about your dirtiest fantasy, I really want to know.” – no pics, just a random text out of nowhere

This is wrong. This is bad. Do not do this.

Chatting like this will guarantee you stay an average / low quality chatter for the rest of your life.

If you chat like this, then

  • You will earn shit money
  • Your boss will always be angry with you
  • You will get fired constantly
  • You will bounce from job to job
  • You will wonder why your bosses are being so unfair.

The reason that this style of sales works in a fishmarket is because there are thousands of people who pass by the vendor over the course of the day.

Even if only 0.2% of the people there buy something, the vendor will still make money.

Furthermore, it’s not in the vendor’s best interest to take his time to get to know each customer, and here’s why:

It’s extremely unlikely that any of them will fall in love with the vendor and buy his fish because they have a strong emotional connection to him.

Furthermore, by re-training yourself to avoid Fishmarket Mode, you will have a lot more job security.

I can tell you from years of sales experience that the salespeople that generate big money will not only have a job for rest of their lives, but they can basically do whatever the fuck they want.

I’ve worked with salespeople who have shown up late (or not at all), come to work high on cocaine, used racial slurs, or fucked their coworkers in the bathroom on their break, yet they were STILL allowed to work because they put so much money in the pockets of their bosses.

Of course, we know YOU would never do that. But just understand the point.

If you become a good chatter, you will have BULLETPROOF job security.

Here’s the bottom line: do not do the lazy shit I mentioned above.


In the next sections, I’ll tell you what to do instead.

The Truth About The Fabled 1:15+ Ratio

This section is SUPER IMPORTANT because it will explain HOW people get the 1:15+ ratios. So pay attention.

If you’re in the same Telegram groups as I am, you may see people throw around ratios of subscription to PPV revenue of anywhere from 1:15 – 1:30.

For the uninitiated, that means that for every $1 in subscription revenue, the chatter earns $15 in message/tip revenue.

The SHIT strategy (aka “Fishmarket Mode”) that I outlined in the last section will never get you there.

If your girl is stunning, you MAY get 1:10.

If she’s average (read: pretty), you’ll be stuck at 1:5.

And while that may sound good to you, your boss will be forced to tread water with an anvil tied to his leg as he works tirelessly to constantly bring new subs to the account because you are BURNING THEM with your shitty messages.

Before I knew anything about chatting, I thought that getting a 1:15 ratio was damn near impossible.

All my chatters were getting 1:5 – do you know why?

Because they were all chatting like the mindless sexbots I mentioned above.


When I heard about 1:15 ratios, I thought that just meant that their salespeople were so much better at selling content to everyone.

And while there is some truth to that, these ratios are incredibly misleading.

Saying that you are getting a ratio of 1:15 implies that if your sub pays $3 for a subscription, that you are selling that sub $45 of content.

In this case, the word “ratio” implies that on average, you are selling each $3 sub $45 worth of content. 

So if your account has 100 subs on it at $3 each, multiply that by 15, and the implication is that your chatters are bringing in $4500 a month.

The problem with explaining chatter success as a ratio is that it is misleading as fuck, BECAUSE NOT ALL SUBS WILL BUY FROM YOU.

The TRUTH behind the ratios is this:

10% of your subs will result in 90% of your revenue.

This small number of subs will buy literally everything you offer them, order ridiculously priced custom content, and have a never-ending thirst for more from their model.

Elite-level chatting IS NOT ONLY about selling more to everyone – it’s about maxing out the whales and big spenders.

Nobody talks about this because when they describe it as a ratio, it makes them sound cool.

They don’t want to reveal the fact that their model did $15k last month, but $11,500 was from a frighteningly-obsessed 47 year old mechanical engineer who saved her pic on his phone’s home screen.

But as a chatter, you need to understand that MOST OF YOUR MONEY WILL COME FROM WHALES AND BIG SPENDERS.


Read that last line again and keep it at the front of your mind any time you are chatting.

NOTE: Yes, you still want to sell more to everyone. Calm down, ewhores.

Chatting Is A Long Term Game

So now you hopefully understand that treating your model’s page like an open-air fish market in Cairo is NOT the way to go.

When you chat on an account, you need to think long term.

Let me be more clear: DO NOT try to sell them content in the first couple of messages.

Of course, if a sub messages you and says, “I want to buy a solo video right now. How much?” – yes, in that case, sell them the fucking video.

But most subs will not do that.

And you SHOULD NOT message new subs with shit like, “Hey baby, want to see this HOT new video where I play with my toy?”


BAD chatter, BAD!

You want to think long term.

Chatting with the long-term in mind means going through the basic niceties of polite conversation before talking about a sale.

Like I said, you are not working a stall at a fish market.

If you were, then you could make the argument for shouting your crazy deals at everyone who walked by.

But imagine you walk into a store where the stuff is more expensive – diamond jewelry, let’s say – and the salesman comes up to you and says,


Unless you:

  • Were looking for that exact item
  • Wanted it immediately
  • Didn’t care about the dimensions, brand, or features
  • Didn’t care about whether or not you were getting a good deal

…then you would probably say no and be grossed out.

Furthermore, even if you DID buy it, the salesman didn’t give you any opportunity to develop an emotional connection with him.

If he was a really cool guy with a great personality, made some funny jokes, was an interesting conversationalist, and an overall pleasure to be around – the type of guy you could see yourself being friends with – then you would undoubtedly be willing to buy MORE from him just because he was so cool.

All he had to do was put his dick back in his pants and spend an extra five minutes talking to you.

More specifically – all he had to do was ask you some questions about yourself, identify some commonalities, and figure out what makes you tick.

That may sound like a lot, but it’s actually super easy once you know how to do it.

As a chatter, this is the mindset that you want to take.

Yes, you are selling something that everyone else is selling: explicit content.

But YOUR unique advantage is NOT going to be the price, the length of the content, or even the quality of the pics and videos themselves.

YOUR unique advantage as a chatter – regardless of the model you are representing – is going to be the overall EXPERIENCE you give to the sub.

GFE – The Ultimate Goal Of Chatting

Let’s recap:

  • Bad: SELL SELL SELLING your content to all subs without making any effort to get to know them first
  • Good: Having a polite conversation with them, exchanging several messages, and taking a genuine interest in them before trying to sell

If you do this right, then eventually you’ll come across a few subs who REALLY like talking to you.

They feel like you understand them, that you guys have stuff in common, and that you’re different than the rest of the money-hungry “girls” who are just out there to sell their content.

After long enough, these guys will start to fall in love with you.

They’ll put you on their phone’s home screen, write you poems, and send you obscene amounts of money for absolutely no reason other than that they felt like doing something nice for you.

THIS is the level you want to get to with your chatting.

And for the 100th time, you WILL NOT get there if you spam your Z-tier “BUY MY DILDO PICS NOW BABE” messages.

How you WILL get there is by making the sub believe that you have a real emotional connection.

This is what we mean when we talk about The Girlfriend Experience (GFE).

GFE can be an agreed-upon roleplay-esque situation where the sub gets a certain amount of messages/voice notes/videos per week for a pre-agreed upon price.

But in a perfect world, it would just happen.

The closest comparison to this – and one we’ll return to often – is of picking up a girl.

If you go in hot (“hey baby ur so fine lemme git yo number”) and the girl knows she is being picked up, her walls will go up immediately – EVEN IF SHE LIKES YOU.

When we sense that someone is trying to convince us of something, we reflexively resist their efforts to make sure we are not being unfairly manipulated.

It’s literally a survival mechanism – which is one of the reasons why salespeople have such a bad reputation.

NOBODY likes to feel like they are being “sold.”

But EVERYBODY likes to buy.

If, on the other hand, you:

  • Strike up a conversation with her about something unrelated to the two of you dating (how the line at Starbucks never seems to move)
  • Parlay that into a separate topic (how she looks like she’s about to go to the gym)
  • Identify commonalities between the two of you (she says she’s going to a boxing class actually, you say “wow I love boxing workouts, they’re the best”)
  • Communicate how you find her unique and interesting (“how interesting, most girls don’t like those classes”)
  • Suggest future plans based around your commonality (we should do a boxing class together)

…then it’s likely she will be much more receptive to making plans, meeting up, and eventually entering into a relationship with you.

This is just a stupid example I made up off the top of my head, but do you see the difference?

It will seem like it “just happened,” which will not only seem more romantic, but it will completely bypass any resistance the sub may have had felt if you had tried a more direct approach.

Anyone Can Be A Killer Chatter

Before I learned how to sell, I thought it was one of those things that you either are good at or you’re not.

As I began my sales career, started reading books on the topic, and gaining experience, I realized that the process of selling is really the same no matter what you’re selling.

Sure, there are little differences here and there.

Selling content on OnlyFans is much different than selling a house.

But at the end of the day, the psychology behind selling is the same no matter what you’re selling.

If your customer has money, needs what you’re selling, feels like it’s worth more than the funds you want for it, and you haven’t been a complete dickhead, then he’ll buy.

And if you’re likable, entertaining, attentive, friendly, and becoming your customer is a “win” for them, then so much the better

As a chatter, we have the added benefit of representing an extremely attrative female whose mere pics and videos can capture the hearts of men through the fucking internet.

To be a killer, all you have to do is just practice the fundamentals, not be greedy, show your subs a good time, and not be a fucking retarded Swordfish Salesman.

We are all born as naked babies crying and screaming – none of us have any idea how to sell explicit content through the internet.

Chatting is a skillset. And like any other skillset, it’s one that takes time to learn.

Your numbers will be better on day 60 than they will be on day 1.

If you consciously make an effort to become an amazing chattter, then you’ll learn new things every day.

Whether you’re making mistakes or scoring big wins, you’ll continue to learn until one day, it’ll all seem like it’s second nature.

Someone told me once, “If you want to be good at something, you have to be prepared to be bad at it first.”

No, this isn’t an excuse to relapse into Fishmarket Mode and say, “Oops, I’m learning!”

If you are applying the fundamentals and properly warming customers up before trying to sell them content, then you’re on the right track.

And not only will you be on the right track, but you’ll be 100x better than 99% of the lazier chatters who think they are selling tuna by the kilo.

Knowing Your Model

One of the biggest mistakes new chatters make is not accurately representing their models.

This can sometimes be the fault of the agency owner for not taking steps to inform the chatters on what the model is like as a person.

But oftentimes it’s because the chatter puts zero thought into how their model would actually talk.

That said, this one thing can make or break your chatting career.

Think about it: these subs may have watched dozens of pieces of content from the model’s social media accounts before deciding to subscribe.

They’ve “known” her for days, weeks, maybe even months. And then one day, they decide to pay their $3 and actually get a chance to talk to her on OnlyFans.

If their first experience talking to “her” is the same generic “hey babe, want to see me play with my pussy?” then they are likely to:

  1. Be immediately turned off
  2. Suspect that the account is being run by someone else
  3. Not spend any more money

That’s not just BAD, that’s UNACCEPTABLE.

If, on the other hand, the sub’s first experience talking to “her” is one that makes them think that they are talking to the ACTUAL girl, then they are 100x more likely to continue chatting with her.


These guys usually have no social skills, no female prospects in life, and are so fried from dopamine-overload that they do not know how to make conversation anyway.

The bar is VERY low for you to make good conversation with them.

All you have to do is accurately represent the girl.

Filling Out The Model Questionnaire

The FIRST thing you need to do when beginning on a new account is to review the model questionnaire.

The questionnaire – or “info sheet” – has a ton of the model’s information on it.

Things like:

  • Where she’s from
  • Her favorite food
  • Her favorite sexual position
  • What kind of content she is willing to make
  • Her ideal vacation

While this information might not be immediately relevant in any early conversations you have with subscribers, it will give you an idea of what type of person she is.

For example:

A 20 year old gamer girl from Salem, Virginia who dropped out of high school and lives in a studio apartment is going sound much different than a 42 year old divorced milf with big plastic boobies from California who worked in real estate.

  • One of them is going to use lots of emojis, and talk like thisssss, use lots of slang fr fr no cap, and probably not use proper punctuation and capitalization.
  • The other one is likely to take herself much more seriously, act more mature, and try to present herself as someone who expects a basic level of respect during chatting.

But it could be the opposite – which is why you need to review the info sheet.

Reviewing The Chat History

If you are lucky enough to be assigned an account, chances are it is not a brand new account with no history.

99% of the time you are taking over from another chatter, another agency, or the model herself.

There are likely to be previous conversations in the chat history with different subs.

Before you do any chatting, before you send any mass messages, before you do ANYTHING else – YOU NEED TO REVIEW THE CHAT HISTORY.

See what content was sold, see how the model was presented, and look to see if there are any big spenders or whales.

This is common sense, but unfortunately most chatters take a ham-fisted approach to starting on a new account.

They send out some generic fishmarket-esque message or basic conversation starter without actually checking the chat history.

I have a good friend who runs a chatting agency turning over $6 million/year in revenue and he told me that when he interviews a new chatter, the FIRST thing he looks for is that they review the chatting history.

If they don’t, then he does not hire them. NO EXCEPTIONS.

It’s that important.

Review The Model’s Social Media So You Can Sound Like Her

As a new agency owner, I remember the first model I signed who started getting regular subscribers.

I didn’t know much about chatting, so I quickly hired someone and threw him on the account.

He took your typical Fishmarket approach to chatting, trying to sell whatever he could for whatever price he could negotiate.

He didn’t sound ANYTHING like the girl at all.

He didn’t sound like ANY GIRL ever.

But because the girl was blowing up on social media, we still made money.

Even though he was burning subs left and right, he was selling content.

The model was making more money than she’d ever made, so for the time being she was happy.

However, a few months down the line, she started sending me screenshots of messages of her Instagram followers saying things like, “Is that really you on OnlyFans? It doesn’t sound anything like you.”

I could tell it bothered her, but because the account was making money, I didn’t think it was much of a big deal.

Meanwhile, the chatter on there was fishmarketing himself with zero shame – trying to make as much money as possible without building ANY emotional connection to the subs.

Eventually, the model had enough and quit.

Not because she wasn’t making any money, but because she didn’t like how the chatter sounded nothing like her.

The irony of it all is that if the chatter had made an effort to sound more like her, he would have made more money and she would have stuck around longer.

Ultimately, it was my fault for not telling my chatter how important this was, but I was new at the time and didn’t think it would be an issue.

But now, any time I have a chatter I make sure to tell them to review the model’s social media accounts so that they know how she talks.

An additional benefit is that this will also help you sound authentic when building a relationship with the subs.

If your model posted on her Instagram story that she visited her mom’s farm in the country, and you mention that in your chats with them, then you will immediately boost trust.

And increased trust means increased money.

Chances are, her hardcore fans (who will become the big spenders and whales) are very interested in her personal life.

Some agency owners don’t want to give out a model’s social media, but I would ask anyway.

Obviously DO NOT contact the model under any circumstances.

But it doesn’t hurt to ask.

How To Not Sound Like A Foreigner

One of the biggest pet peeves I have is how all chatters sound exactly the same.

At the time of this writing, most chatters are hired from the Phillippines.

I don’t know what it is about Filipino culture that makes you all sound exactly the same, but it is something that makes many agency owners cry themselves to sleep every night.

If you’re not selling to the Anglo market, then this is less of an issue.

But the biggest market for OnlyFans is the Anglo market – specifically the American market.

And as an American, I can tell you that if someone doesn’t speak fluent English, we automatically think they are fucking retarded.

Yes, logically we know that your mastery of the English language doesn’t have anything to do with your intelligence.

But it’s just how we are.

All Americans – regardless of race – tend to have this attittude, which is why it’s incredibly important for you to NOT sound like a Filipino.

Following the rest of the instructions in this guide will help get you most of the way there, but there’s really no substitute for experience here.

Obviously, you should be watching American movies/TV, but one secret weapon in your toolkit here is a subscription to Grammarly.

If I hire a chatter who doesn’t have perfect English, they are required to run ALL of their messages through Grammarly before sending them.

If I check their chats and they’re full of grammatical errors, then I fire them.

You have to understand – subs are not stupid.

Perverted? Yes.

Lonely? Of course.

Creepy? Obviously.

But they are NOT stupid.

If you type like a dyslexic 4 year old who recently suffered repeated head injuries, they are going to know something is up.


Did you hear that?

That was the sound of all your subs being burned because you didn’t pay enough attention in high school.

If you have broken English AND talk like a low-effort beer-gut-having stained-t-shirt-wearing stall owner at a fishmarket, they will know you are not the real girl.

GG sales and your career.

But again – USE GRAMMARLY.

It will fix your grammatical errors and make you sound more normal.

Understand that fans are subbed to more girls than just yours – and when ALL of them act exactly the same, only the DUMBEST of them will not understand that you are just another second-rate reject who rides the short bus and probably can’t hold a fork properly.

It means fuck all that you have a college degree, an engineering background, or have 2 years experience as a chatter.

If you talk like Fishmarket Freddie, you’re going to burn your chances of connecting with big spenders and whales.

Run your chats through Grammarly until you learn proper English.

Letting The Sub Bring Up The Topic Of Buying Content

Congrats on making it this far!

You’ve proven that you’re at least smart enough to read a few thousand words.

By now you understand the importance of not sounding like a late-night taco salesman on a walking street in Mexico trying to get rid of his last pound of pork.

You have FULLY BOUGHT IN to the fact that you MUST NOT do dumb shit like send basic bitch messages about pussy pics, dildos, or getting fucked WITHOUT talking to the sub first.

That probably leaves you wondering – WHEN are you supposed to bring it up?

To quote my favorite fictional supervillian, Omni Man, “That’s the cool thing. You don’t.”

You let the sub bring it up.

Someone told me a joke a long time ago about women that I never forgot.

“How is a woman like a frying pan? They both need to be hot before you put the meat in them.”

Selling content is very similar.

Even if your chatting skills are beyond fishmarket-tier, you still have a long way to go before any money exchanges hands.

Most of the time, your sub needs to be in the mood (or in love with you) before he will ever consider buying content.

They know why the “girl” is there talking to them.

They know “she” wants to sell content.

They know that at the end of the day, it’s all about the money.

But that doesn’t mean that pulling them out of the ILLUSION that it’s a genuine courtship – ultimately leading to “sex” – is a good idea.

In fact, it’s a fucking terrible idea.

In plain language, you can’t just whip out your dick and start pitching them on content right away.

You need to romance them a little bit first, much like you would court a girl you are dating.

We’ll go over this in more detail later, but just understand that this “courtship” of the sub will usually require you to actually take a genuine interest in them.

After all, the more information that you get out of them, the easier it will be to hook them in to a GFE and sell to them forever.

And when you take a genuine interest in your subs, you’ll be making your job much easier and enjoyable.

Do Not Be A Greedy Little Bitch

Time for some real talk, my (probably) Filipino friend.

We all know the minimum wage in your country is $250/month – it’s one of the reasons why we even bother hiring any of you for anything.

If we could get Americans for those prices, none of us would ever bother with you at all.

I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just telling you the truth.

No, you are not perfect (neither are we), but the value we get from working with Filipinos is worth the occassional headache.

Getting back to the point, we understand that there are not a lot of clear paths to wealth in your country.

You probably see working as a chatter as a way to make a lot of money – and that’s correct.

A chatter who is worth his salt – who follows the fundamentals outlined in this article – will make more money than he knows what to do with.

A well-trained chatter can:

  • Buy land and a house for their family
  • Take their friends and family on expensive vacations
  • Eat at fancy restaurants
  • Buy fancy clothes
  • Drive a fancy motorbike
  • Go to the fanciest karaoke bar in town and sing his little heart out

And that’s just the beginning.

The temptation to take the fast track to riches – by being a Greedy Little Bitch (GLB) – might be strong.

But greed is a sin for a reason. And in our world, it will ultimately lead to your loss of income, job, and potential for a wealthy future.

Signs that you are being a GLB include:

  • You try to organize meetups (immediate firing)
  • You ask for more money after the fan pays for content (disgusting)
  • You ask for prices that are too high and refuse to negotiate (stubborn)
  • You ask for the sale too soon (impatient)
  • You ask the fan to buy too much without making them feel special (selfish)
  • You ask the fan for too many purchases in a row, making them feel like you’re taking advantage of them (GREEDY)
  • You’re too pushy when you ask for the sale (insensitive)

Being money-motivated is good – being greedy is not.

Knowing Your Subs

Once you have gotten a good idea of who your model is and how you can best represent her, it’s time to turn your attention to your subs.

One SUPER important thing that you need to understand is this:

Making money as a chatter is NOT about what YOU want, it’s about what your SUBS want.

In case you don’t know, what they want is this:

To feel an emotional connection with a woman who:

  • Cares about them on a personal level
  • Has things in common with them
  • Loves them for who they are
  • Wants them for MORE THAN THEIR MONEY
  • They can teach things to
  • Makes them feel like a man

Yes, some of them just want to bust a nut and move on with their day.

But the whales and big spenders ARE whales and big spenders because they feel that there might be something SPECIAL about her.

And not just something special about HER, but something special about THEIR RELATIONSHIP.

A man can visit a prostitute and pay $50 to have sex with her and leave.

He may even visit a high class escort and spend $5000.

But he will give ALL of his money to a woman who he is obsessed with on an emotional level.

That said, what you need to understand is that the way to get a man to fall in love with you is NOT as easy as selling a video of a pretty girl dildoing herself and saying the subs name for $100.

That’s a transactional relationship – like the prostitute.

You do this for me, and I’ll give you money.

Yes, selling the content is a big part of it.

But there’s a process that we all go through before we fall in love with someone.

And you MUST understand that process if you are going to make the Big Boy Money.

Warming Up Your Subs

(Note: Watch this interview with me and Tristan, he talks a lot about the parallels between a brick and mortar store and chatting.)

The first step in the process is to start the conversation.

We’ll call this the “opener.”

The purpose of the opener is literally just that – to open the conversation.

More than that, ideally you want your opener to:

  1. Be based on an engaging topic
  2. Be different than what other chatters are sending
  3. Create some intrigue or curiousity

Ultimately, the purpose of the opener is to get the sub to RESPOND TO OUR MESSAGE.

If they don’t respond to the message, then they’re as good as useless to us.

So, how do you create a good opener?

There are infinite options, but the safest one is the “welcome to my page” opener.

To illustrate this, let me give you an analogy:

Imagine you go into a store to shop for something.

If the store has good service, a rep will greet you with a smile and say something like,

  • “Hello, welcome to our store! Is there anything specific you’re looking for today?”

They’ll smile and be pleasant, because they know that smiling and being pleasant will make the customer feel good, meaning they’re more likely to open up about what they came there for.

And if they give the rep information about why they’re there, then the rep can use that information to make a sale.

This opener looks something like this:

“Hey <username>, welcome to my page. I’m excited to have you here, because I love giving all my subs EXACTLY what they want. Can you tell me a little bit about what you’re interested in? I would love to please you ;)”

You can play with the verbiage a little bit, but the point is that you make it very clear that:

  • You want to hear from them
  • You want them to tell you what they want
  • You’re there to make them happy
  • You care about their experience

Yes, it may feel a little cold and direct, but if the sub gives you an answer, it’ll probably have some good information that you can use to take control of the conversation and start giving them a good experience.

What Is Qualifying

Based on the sub’s answer, you’ll have begun the process of categorizing them.

  • Are they horny with their dick in their hand and just want to buy something to cum to ASAP?
  • Are they just checking you out because they thought you were hot?
  • Are they curious about you because the model posted something about one of their interests on her social media?
  • Are they lonely and just want to talk?
  • Are they a time waster?

It’s impossible to go over every possible answer a sub could have, so let’s just try to work through the main categories.

Horny subs

These guys are easy to deal with.

They want content, will take the conversation sexual right away, and will start asking buying questions.

Ease into the dirty talk and begin selling them the content.

Attracted subs

These guys are interested because of the model’s looks, but may still need a little more convincing.

They have not hit buying temperature just yet and require a little more warm up.

But they’ll probably say something about how hot the model is, and dirty talk is not far away.

Curious subs

These are the ones who are interested in the model because of a specific character trait, which they’ll usually reveal right away.

  • “I saw you posted on TikTok that you play LOL. Who’s your favorite champion?”
  • “I saw you potsed on Instagram that you live in Texas. I’m from Houston, where are you from?”
  • “I saw you posted on Reddit that you watch anime. Have you seen Jujutsu Kaisen?”

These subs are easier to hook, since they already feel like they have something in common with the model.

Commonalities are one of the keys to getting a sub to feel a strong emotional connection (we’ll deep dive into commonalities soon).

The move here is to reinforce the commonality (“omg yes I LOVE LOL! My go to is Ahri but I’ve been playing a lot of Garen lately. What about you?”).

(NOTE: LOL is for chumps. Be a real man and play Dota.)

This will kickstart the conversation, immediately strengthening the bond between you and the sub.

Ultimately, you want all the big spenders and whales to feel like they have things in common with the model, so building commonalities is very important.

We’ll go over in more detail later.

Time wasters

These guys just want to waste time talking to the model, try and get free content, and are better off left alone.

Building Commonalities Pt 1

Here’s a fact of human nature: we buy more from people we feel like we have things in common with.

This is something I’ve taken advantage of with my own brand.

I started my OnlyFans agency over a year ago and kept a public account of everything that I was doing.

Every story I told via my blog and YouTube channel was a chance for my audience to pick out a detail and think, “Hey, this guy’s just like me!”

I’ve had people offer me all kinds of preferential treatment and free shit just because we had something in common.

This isn’t a concept I made up, either.

It’s a known thing in copywriting and sales, echoed by all top sales trainers and copywriters.

Building commonalities is a shortcut to creating an emotional connection with someone.

And once you hear how easy it is, you’ll start doing it every chance you get.

In order for you to build commonalities with someone, first you need information about them.

And HOW do you get tha information?

2 ways:

  1. Ask them a question
  2. State an assumption (also called a cold read)

Asking questions is the easiest way to control a conversation and get information.

When you ask a question, you are verbally presenting a hoop for the other person to jump through.

If they answer your question (with a serious answer), then they are jumping through the hoop.

Here’s a simple example:

You: (welcome opener)
Sub: Oh hey, I saw you on TikTok and just thought I’d come see what you’re about
You: Oh cool, well welcome!
You: By the way, where are you from?
Sub: I’m from Florida, but I live in Virginia now. What about you?

See? Nothing about fantasies, dildos, or anal sex.

Literally just a normal conversation between two adults.

No, it’s not sexy.

But our goal during the Qualifying stage is to learn about who these guys are for two reasons:

  1. To learn how to sell to them
  2. To see if they have the potential to be a big spender or whale

Here’s an example of a cold read:

You: (welcome opener)
Sub: Oh hey, I saw you on TikTok and just thought I’d come see what you’re about
You: Oh cool, well welcome!
You: This may sound weird but I have a feeling you’re from Texas
Sub: What? No, I’m from Florida – why did you think I was from Texas?
You: blah blah blah

Cold reads need a bit of context with what I call “couch phrases” to make them sound more conversational.

“This is totally random but…”
“This may sound weird but…”
“I know this is out of nowehre but…”

Building Commonalities Pt 2

Once the sub has answered your question/cold read with some information, you have your first opportunity to build a commonality between you.

Continuing the previous example:

You: This may sound weird but I have a feeling you’re from Texas
Sub: What? No, I’m from Florida – why did you think I was from Texas?
You: omg I LOVE Florida. My dad took me to Disneyland for my birthday when I was 7, I loved it so much. I really want to go back some day.

You’ll notice that I didn’t answer the subs question. In other words, I didn’t jump through the hoop that the sub presented (“why did you think I was from Texas?”.

This not only denied them control of the conversation, but it also left the question unanswered.

This “open loop” will subconsciously stay in the sub’s mind, making them uncomfortable until they get the information they wanted.

Either you or them can use unanswered question this later on to continue the conversation if it gets stale.

Additionally, the commonality that we built in this example was around Florida.

I could have said anything about Florida, for example:

“omg I love Florida, the weather there is amazing!”
“Florida is great, but aren’t you scared of the alligators?”
“Wow Florida is the best! I would love to move there some day.

You’ll notice that these are all POSITIVE THINGS about Florida.

You don’t want to be like, “Florida? Fuck that place… I prefer California.”

That is called a “break in rapport” – which has its place too, but we’ll go over that later.

For now, you want to start off with building the commonality.

The structure is like this:

You: <question / cold read>
Sub: <answers with fact>
You: <builds commonality based on fact>

From here, you can either follow it up with another question or wait until the sub responds.

This you’ll have to gauge based on their initial answer to your question.

  • If they gave a 1 word answer, you might want to follow up your commonality with another question to get them talking
  • If they gave you 3 sentences, they’ll probably respond to your commonality to keep the conversation going

It’s easier than it sounds.

In fact, you do this all the time unconsciously with people that you have things in common with.

Someone tells you they’re a doctor?

“Oh, my uncle’s a pediatritcian.”

Bam – commonality.

One or two is a coincidence, but once they begin to stack up, the bond people feel with you becomes impossible to resist.

Using A Break In Rapport (AKA “Flirting”)

Imagine you are having a conversation with someone and all they do is agree with everything you say.

Them: What sports do you like?
You: Football.
Them: OMG I love football! Who’s your favorite team?
You: Manchester United.
Them: Omg I LOVE Manchester United…

On and on and on…

Not only is it annoying, but it’s creepy and low value.

“But Papi, you handsome devil,” I hear you say. “Didn’t you just tell us to build commonalities by agreeing with whatever the sub said?”

Well, my imaginary Filipino or African friend, I certainly did.

However, you want to follow your commonalities with what’s called a break in rapport.

If building commonalities is being agreeable, then a break in rapport is being disagreeable.

Let’s take the previous example:

You: What sports do you like?
Sub: Football.
You: OMG I love football! <building commonality>, who’s your favorite team?
Sub: Manchester United.
You: Whaaaaaaat no way? Not Barcelona? I was starting to like you until you said that

The key thing to note here is that you’re not being a dickhead about it.


You’re also not saying, “Oh, I don’t like them. I like Barcelona.”

Those two are also both breaks in rapport, albeit much stronger.

By adding the bit at the end (“I was starting to like you until you said that”), you are softening the break in rapport – making it more palatable.

The overall structure looks like this:

  1. Question / cold read
  2. Build commonality
  3. Question / cold read (about commonality)
  4. Break in rapport (disagree)
  5. Softener

This can potentially lead to a spirited discussion where the sub realizes that you are MORE than just another dumb bimbo attached to a vagina and pair of DDs.

Let’s go back to the softener for a moment: “I was starting to like you until you said that.”

The softener does 2 things: it compliments the sub, then immediately withdraws the compliment.

Here are some other examples:

“I thought you were cool until you said that, now I withdraw my crush”
“You’re not the person I fell in love with, I want a divorce”
“I was just about to send you some free nudes until you said that, now all you get is feet pics”

Again, play with the verbiage and make up your own, but understand the spirit of the softener.

The point is to give them a compliment or say something nice, then immediately take it back.

You can also do this in reverse order later on:

“You almost lost me when I found out you’re a lawyer, but you rescued it once you told me that you paint Warhammer figurines.”

The idea is to be just a little bit of a challenge so the sub doesn’t think you’re just agreeing with him about everything just so he’ll buy your content.

Qualifying Revisited

The Paretto Principle – otherwise known as the 80/20 rule – states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes.

For chatting, this means that 80% of your income is going to come from 20% of subs.

In reality, it’s probably more like 95/5.

But understand that not every sub is going to drop thousands of dollars a month on your model.

Very often though, you’ll find a spender who will single-handedly outspend all of your other subs combined.

The way we find them is by QUALIFYING.

Qualifying is just a one-word definition of the following process: asking our subs questions in order to find our ideal customers. 

Yes, we want to do everything we can to make them fall in love, create engaging conversations, and turn them on sexually – but all that is a waste of time if these guys are not qualified.

It can vary a bit, but these are the qualities we are looking for:

  1. He likes your model
  2. He likes her content
  3. He has money to spend
  4. He is an impulsive buyer
  5. He buys everything
  6. He is lonely

#5 is underlined and bolded for a reason – because it’s the most important one.

As is often quoted in copywriting, “A buyer is a buyer is a buyer is a buyer,” meaning a guy who buys shit is a guy who buys shit.

And as I said earlier, the way to qualify a sub is by getting information about them.

Here are some good qualifying questions to ask:

How old are you?

All things being equal, older men have more money.

They’ve had longer to establish their career, build their business, or hone their professional skills.

Younger guys can have money too, but it’s less common for them to outearn their older counterparts unless they work in tech-heavy fields like STEM or crypto.

Older men have been through their fair share of relationships. They may have been divorced by a woman who completely flipped on them after getting married, took half their shit, and now hates them.

Many of them would happily spend money on an angelic 20 year old who doesn’t have any of the baggage associated with their ex-wife.

Where do you live?

Having traveled all around the world, I can tell you that there is definitely a shortage of beautiful women in many cities.

Downtown Miami has more beautiful women on a Tuesday afternoon at the local Whole Foods than the busiest shopping mall in Cleveland, Ohio will see the entire weekend.

Guys who NEVER see beautiful women where they live are more likely to spend big money to talk to one and buy her content.

Also, consider if the guy lives in a high income neighborhood. After he tells you where he lives, Google it to see if it’s a fancy area where rich people live.

If he lives in the ghetto, you can assume he doesn’t have much money.

What do you do for work?

This is an obvious one, absolutely worth asking.

If the guy is a heart surgeon, then he presumably has more money to spend than someone who works at McDonalds.

A man’s career can also tell you a lot about who he is as a person.

Engineers tend to be quiet, thoughtful, and very analytical, whereas salesmen tend to be loud, brash, and extroverted.

These are stereotypes, but people use stereotypes for a reason – because more often than not, they’re accurate.

Knowing what the sub does for work is incredibly important.

When was your last relationship?

This is a great question for a few reasons:

  1. Girls in real life will ask you this if they’re interested in you
  2. It gives you an idea where the guy’s head is regarding relationships

If he says he just got dumped last week, then he’s probably hurting and vulnerable.

If he says he got divorced 3 years ago, then he’s probably ready to date again.

If he says he’s never had a relationship, then he’s probably curious and longing for emotional intimacy with a girl.

Please keep in mind that this NOT something you should ask in the first conversation.

The Dual Purpose Of Qualification

Not only will qualification tell you if the sub is worth investing time into, but it will also be a great way to mine them for personal information that you can use during conversation.

The guy is a mechanical engineer who works for Boeing?

Build a commonality about how your dad was a pilot and used to fly 747s for Delta.

He hasn’t dated anyone since his last ex cheated on him with the mailman?

Build a commonality about how YOUR ex also cheated on you (and if you’re feeling spicy, maybe make a joke about how he fucked the FedEx driver).

Dude lives in Omaha, Nebraska?

Talk about how Warren Buffett is your favorite investor and that you’ve always wanted to visit to go see his famous house.

These are just random ideas that I came up with off the top of my head.

The point is that by asking your sub questions about themselves, you’ll get information about them that will:

  1. Qualify them as to whether or not they can be potential big spenders and whales
  2. Allow you to create an engaging conversation that 99% of other chatters are NOT having with them

Identifying Investment

When you are chatting with subs, you want to look for investment.

The more a sub invests, the more committed they will be to the interaction and ensuing relationship.

Here’s a simple analogy using actual investments:

Back during one of the crypto boom of 2017, I stupidly dumped my entire savings into a bunch of shitcoins that I thought were going to be worth millions.

Once crypto started to crash in 2018, I was left holding bags of random ETH tokens that I bought on a whim because their use-case sounded interesting.

I watched every day as the coins dropped and dropped in value, but I didn’t want to sell them because I had invested so much.

If I sold them, I’d be admitting that I was wrong, that I had made a mistake, and I’d have to cut my losses.

In some cases, I even bought MORE of the coins when the price dropped because I believed so strongly that the use cases behind the coins were actually valuable.

Let’s use an analogy involving romance:

I once dated a girl who was DEFINITELY not right for me.

She was very flirty with other guys, made me insanely jealous, and I think she even stole money from me once.

But because I had been with her for over a year, it was hard for me to break up with her.

I had been with her for so long, had spent so much time, effort, and money on her, that giving it all up would have made me feel like I was losing something important.

Your goal as a chatter is NOT to financially ruin your subs, but rather to get them to invest in one of 3 ways so that they feel the same high level of commitment to the model as well.

The 3 Types of Investment

There are 3 types of investment we want from a sub:

  1. Time
  2. Effort
  3. Money

Let’s take a closer look at each one to see how we can best utilize them.

Time As Investment

Time is both the easiest and the hardest type of investment to get.

It’s the easiest because no matter what you do, time will go on.

But it’s the hardest because no matter what you do, you can’t make time go faster.

There is “long-term time” and “short-term time.”

Long-term time is just what it sounds like – how long you have known the sub, how long they have been subscribed, etc.

A good example of long-term time at work is the closeness you feel with people from high school who you weren’t that close with.

Even though you never really talked to them that much, you still feel a certain level of closeness to them because you’ve known them for so long.

Short-term time is built by having long conversations with the sub.

If you talk to the sub for an hour, he has just invested an hour of his time talking to you.

But beware: you’ve also invested an hour in talking to him. So make sure you only do this if he is pre-qualified (has money, good job, is older, a spender, etc).

Effort As Investment

When a sub does anything to put extra effort into his communication with you, that’s a good sign.

The simplest indicator of this is when a sub types out long responses to your messages.

If you are sending messages that are one sentence and the sub is responding with massive paragraphs, then the sub is investing MUCH MORE effort into the conversation.

This is obviously a good thing – it shows that the sub cares enough to put the effort into the convo.

If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t expend any effort.

Subs can do other things to invest effort as well, for example:

  • Writing a poem for your model
  • Telling her about their biggest fantasy
  • Sending a dick pic (or any other type of visual content)
  • Starting the conversation with your model after subscribing

If you feel like you have leverage, you can also ask the sub to do little things for you as a way to get them to invest more effort.

For example, if the sub says he collects Funko Pops, you can say, “omg I LOVE Funko Pops! Can you send me a picture of your collection pleeease?”

Not only have you built a commonality around his hobby (making him feel like you have something in common), but if he sends you a picture, he has just gone out of his way to invest more effort into the interaction.

Little things like this will build up over time, with the rationale being is that you can increase the size of your ask as time goes on.

Money As Investment

The most obvious form of investment is money.

The more money a sub spends on your model, the more invested he will be – literally!

And similar to getting them to invest effort, we want this type of investment to build over time.

There’s a very good reason why the best chatters in the world have developed the system that they did – because it works.

If you ask a sub to drop $300 on content in one go, he will very likely say no.

But getting him to spend $300 over the course of a sexting session is much more likely.

“Milking” your subs one piece of content at a time is how you generate the biggest amount of money when selling them content (other than customs).

When you’re starting out, you want to get them to spend ANY amount of money.

Even getting them to spend $5 – which isn’t a lot of money – will at least get them in the habit of spending on your girl.

Spending $10 after having just spent $5 is much more palatable than spending $15 right away.

Expand this over the lifetime of your subs and you can get tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars from a single sub.

This is a long term game, remember?

Using Sex-Adjacent Words To Steer The Conversation Towards Sex

Once you’ve done some qualifying, you want to start to steer the conversation towards sex.

However, this is not an excuse to go full-on Fishmarket Mode and straight up ask the sub if they want to buy content.

That’s like being on a date with a girl and being like, “Hey, so do you wanna go fuck now?”

It’s gross.

What you need to do instead is sneakily INSERT sex-adjacent words into the conversation that will get the sub thinking about sex.

This will PENETRATE their subconscious minds, triggering their imagination and taking the conversation where it needs to go.

When coming up with sex-adjacent words, you want to think of things that people also say before, during, after, or about sexual activities.

You don’t want to be OBVIOUS about it, you just want to sneak some of the same concepts into your communication.

This list is not exhaustive, so over the course of your career as a chatter think of similar words and phrases that you can add to your arsenal.

  • My heart was beating so fast
  • I was so sweaty
  • Sweat was dripping down my face
  • Just lying in bed
  • I’m in my pajamas
  • It was so hard/nice and firm/rock solid
  • I’m fantasizing about <non sexual topic>
  • The dog licked/slobbered all over me
  • I’m so comfortable right now

The trick is that you want to work these into the conversation in a smooth way, not just insert them when you’re talking about something completely different.

For example:

You: So where are you from?
Sub: I’m from Florida.
You: OMG I LOVE Florida! I went to Disneyland last July and it was so much fun, but the humidity was insane. Sweat was dripping down my face the entire time. I had to shower like 3 times a day haha.

Here, the sub can choose to comment on the sweaty bit (“you sweaty? haha I’d like to see that”) or the shower part (“thinking of you in the shower gets my pp hard”).

Using sex-adjacent words is a much more elegant way of GIVING THE SUB THE OPPORTUNITY to take the conversation sexual, if they want to.

If they don’t want to, that’s fine. Just have a normal conversation for a little bit longer and then try again.

All About Selling

There’s a reason why I’ve written almost 10,000 words and I’ve barely told you anything about how to actually sell content.

The reason for that is simple:

If you do EVERYTHING that I’ve already outlined, then selling will be very easy.

In fact, selling the content is probably the easiest part of this whole process.

All you have to do is send the content, attach a price, and if the sub is properly warmed up, they’ll buy it.

When I first started in sales, my manager told me this:

“If the open is good, the demo is easy. And if the demo is good, the sale is easy.”

Years later, I would add to that, “And if the sale is good, the upsell is easy.”

In other words, if you set the proper foundation for the communication with your subs – building an emotional connection based on commonalities, occassional breaks in rapport, and using sex-adjacent words – then selling the content will be a walk in the park.

That said, let’s take a closer look at how the sales process itself works.

Actually, before we do, let me give you a disclaimer: there’s more than one way to sell.

The methods for executing the sale itself are not the ONLY ways, but they are established formats that you can use in your own chats.

Once you master the fundamentals, you are welcome to experiment on your own with different strategies.

When The Sub Starts Taking Things Sexual

As soon as the sub starts taking the conversation to sexual topics, it’s time to let him think he’s taking the lead.

Notice I said LET HIM THINK he’s taking the lead, and not actually take the lead.

We are still going to lead them down the path to what they want, but we want them to invest in the conversation by letting them talk about sexual topics.

The more they think with their small brain, the less they will think with their big brain.

And the less they think with their big brain, the more likely they are to spend money on explicit content they can get for free on adult tube sites.

Two things to remember when the sub starts taking things sexual:

  1. DO NOT go backwards and try to take the convo to non-sexual topics
  2. DO NOT jump straight to the sale of content

Here’s two bad examples that illustrate each mistake:

Going backwards (wrong):

You: So where are you from?
Sub: I’m from Florida.
You: OMG I LOVE Florida! I went to Disneyland last July and it was so much fun, but the humidity was insane. Sweat was dripping down my face the entire time. I had to shower like 3 times a day haha.
Sub: mmm, I would love to see you in the shower. I’m getting all hot just thinking about it
You: OMG it was awful. How do you handle living there? Doesn’t the humidity get to you?

Jumping straight to the sale (also wrong):

You: So where are you from?
Sub: I’m from Florida.
You: OMG I LOVE Florida! I went to Disneyland last July and it was so much fun, but the humidity was insane. Sweat was dripping down my face the entire time. I had to shower like 3 times a day haha.
Sub: mmm, I would love to see you in the shower. I’m getting all hot just thinking about it
You: Well you should buy this video then of me soaping my big titties in the shower <content> Unlock $20

While this example may lead to SOME sales, you are leaving money on the table by not properly warming up the sub.

We want to get a little more buy in from him before we offer the content for sale.

The way we do this is by getting the sub to invest more effort and time into the conversation.

By investing more effort and time, he is committing harder to his spoken desire of wanting the content.

And how do we do this?

You guessed it: questions.

Sub: mmm, I would love to see you in the shower. I’m getting all hot just thinking about it
You: oh really? what if I asked you to join me?
Sub: That would be amazing, I would love to put my hands all over you
You: that’s so fucking hot.. where would you start?
Sub: I’d start with those big juicy titties, and then…

By taking an extra 2 minutes to pull the sub deeper into the fantasy, we’re increasing his level of buy-in because he is investing time and effort.

Not to meniton the fact that he is getting himself horny by talking about his fantasy – and as any guy reading this knows, when you are horny, you make bad decisions.

Once you can tell that he’s properly warmed up, then it’s time to start delivering content.

Your First Sale (Or Freebie)

When you sense an adequate amount of investment from the sub, you can send your first piece of content for sale.

We haven’t talked about scripts yet, but for now just understand that content is sold in pic/video sequences referred to as “scripts.”

Scripts tend to vary from agency to agency, but usually the first sale is a short video clip of the model fully covered and turning herself on.

Maybe she’s rubbing her boobs, rubbing the rest of her body, and/or teasing the idea of taking off her clothes.

These are generally priced relatively low, $10-$15 (or less), just to get the sub to open his wallet.

If you’re skilled at getting subs to invest (or if your model is extraordinary in some way), then you can experiment with higher prices for the opening piece.

Alternatively, here you can choose to send a picture for free.

Some agency owners HATE giving anything out for free, but offering a free pic as a teaser can help to get the sub even more in the mood and increase investment even further.

And after all, it’s just a pic where the model is mostly clothed. PG 13.

If you do send a pic, build the tension even more by getting more info out of the sub about how horny they are, what they would do to you, etc.

Here’s a simple gambit you can use for a free pic to get some investment out of the sub:

You: I have a proposition for you
Sub: What’s that?
You: I’ll send you a free pic of me right now, but I want you to tell me in detail what you would do to me

If you end up going the paid route and they DON’T want to buy it, then one of two things happened:

  1. You went for the sale too soon
  2. They’re a broke timewaster

Take an honest look at your previous communication and determine whether or not you went for the sale too soon.

If you did, chalk it up to a learning experience and commit to doing better the next time.

If the guy doesn’t want to buy, then don’t be a bitch about it – be polite and professional.

“Aww, that’s too bad. I thought we were having fun :(“

If they ask for a cheaper price or say it’s too much, DO NOT give in right away.

Sub: $15? That’s too much, can I get it for $10?
You: I mean ok, but tbh it’s a real turn off when a guy is cheap/tries to negotiate/doesn’t value my time”

Another one that works is, “Aww, what you don’t think I’m worth it?”

We’ll talk more about negotiation in a future section.

It’s A Numbers Game

I chose to put this section here instead of in the mindset module because you need to understand something about sales and chatting: not everyone will buy.

In chatting, imagine all of your customers on a contiuum.

10% of your customers WILL BUY EVERYTHING you try to sell them, no matter how much of a shit chatter you are.

10% of your customers WILL NEVER BUY ANYTHING from you, even if you’re the best chatter in the world.

It’s the 80% in the middle that require some finesse.

Yes, I know I’ve said many times that we want to go after whales and big spenders, but you will not find them if you don’t understand the fundamentals required to sell to everyone.

Whales and big spenders ultimately want a good experience – and proper fundamentals is what will make them feel like they’ve gotten it.

The point is that if customers don’t buy your first piece of content, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you did anything wrong.

Just because you:

  • Opened well
  • Qualified proerly
  • Got the sub to invest
  • Used properly-timed breaks in rapport
  • Used sex-adjacent words
  • Refrained from going full-on Fishmarket Mode

…DOES NOT MEAN that the sub will buy.

There are millions of reasons why a sub didn’t buy from you.

  • Maybe they’re just curious
  • Maybe they are broke
  • Maybe they aren’t broke, but they don’t have expendable income
  • Maybe they have expendable income, but they just paid a big bill
  • Maybe they are trying to cut back on their OF spending
  • Maybe they are going to Google your model afterwards and see if they can find her leaks
  • Maybe they’re just having a bad day

But if you followed the fundamentals and did everything you should have, just suck it up and move on.

Don’t beat yourself up if a sub doesn’t buy. It happens.

It’s just part of the game.

Scripts And The Value Ladder

If you’re lucky enough to work with an agency that requires their models to create content according to scripts, then you’ll have an easier time making more money.

Scripts are sets of content based around certain themes.

Some common ones are:

  1. Just got home from the gym
  2. Just got back from a night out
  3. Relaxing at home taking a bath
  4. Lonely and alone drinking wine
  5. Movie night
  6. Naughty secretary
  7. Just bought some new lingerie

The “plot” of the script matters just about as much as the “plot” of a scene in a porn video – not much.

But they do help to sell because they offer a pretense for the conversation to turn sexual.

By telling the sub that you are all sweaty because you just got home from a spinning class, he can start to take the conversation sexual much easier.

That, plus you already have a set of content ready to sell him according to the Value Ladder.

A Value Ladder is a term commonly used in copywriting to describe an ascending set of products available for purchase.

For example:

  • 1-2 pics: free
  • 30 second video: $13
  • 1 min video: $26
  • 1:24 video: $34
  • 2:15 video: $45
  • 3:33 video: $55
  • Pic or 30 sec video: free

These are just examples, feel free to adjust up or down depending on your confidence and the quality of the model.

Another strategy that I’ve seen used before is the high price / freebie method which looks like this:

First video: $40
Second video: free
Third video: $50
Fourth video: free
Fifth video: $65
Sixth video: free

This method takes advantage of providing free content as a way of making the sub thinking they’re getting a much better deal.

Subs are not used to getting free videos, so the idea is that they will feel like they are getting more value out of the experience – even though the price for the individual videos is higher.

You’re welcome to experiment with these and see what you prefer.

Many chatters are worried that if they give free content that the sub won’t buy the next piece of content, but if they are in the mood and you have set the proper groundwork, they will.

In fact, they may be MORE likely to buy it because they feel like they owe the creator something in exchange for the “free gift” you’ve given them.

If They Buy The First Piece Of Content

If the sub buys the first piece of content, you’re on the right track.

You’ve already gotten some money in and in theory, it should be easier to get more.

The sub is probably sitting there with his dick in his hand, getting turned on by the sexual messages you two are sending back and forth, and he wants to see what the next $20 will get him.

Very important here to remember this key point: DO NOT JUMP TO THE NEXT SALE IMMEDIATELY.

Exchange a few sexual messages back and forth and continue to give the sub a good experience.

Here’s a good analogy:

Imagine you go to a store to buy a TV.

You walk in tell the salesman what you want, he walks you over to the TVs, and tells you to let him know if you need any more help.

After some browsing, you find the TV you want and buy it.

You got what you went there for, right?

In the future, if you need another TV, you might go back there.

Even though you got what you wanted, it wasn’t extraordinary or memorable in any way. Like buying a bottle of water at the 7-11.

Now let’s imagine that you went to a different store.

This time, you tell the salesman what you want, and he takes you to the TV section.

But THIS time, they bring you a complimentary glass of wine, a cute girl to massage your shoulders, and they polish your shoes for you while you wait.

As you’re choosing your TV, the salesman compliments you on your excellent fashion sense, telling your wife that she’s a lucky woman for snagging such a handsome and charming fellow.

Sure, you know they’re just doing all this shit so that you buy the TV from them.

You know it’s all FAKE.

They don’t REALLY like you or want to give you free wine, free massages, and free compliments, but hey – free shit is still free shit.

And most importantly, it’s A BETTER EXPERIENCE.

Given the choice, WHERE do you think you’re going to go next time you need another TV?

To the place where they just sell you the TV and that’s it?

Or the place that gives you free shit, boosts your ego, and makes the TV buying experience MEMORABLE?

Obviously the second one.

Even if the TV is cheaper at the first place, there is STILL a MASSIVE market for people who would choose the second store for the better experience and customer service.

Your goal as a chatter is to embody this concept of AMAZING EXPERIENCE.

Yes, we want the money.

But you have to understand that the way to get the Big Boy Money CONSISTENTLY is to give these subs an EXPERIENCE.

That means putting more effort into the conversations – in this case sending a few sexting messages in between purchases.

In fact, you want to get them so hot that they’re on the verge of being like BITCH WHERE IS THE NEXT $20 VIDEO I NEED IT NOW.

Obviously be smart and don’t push it too much. We do want their money after all.

But the point is to not send it too soon after they’ve bought the last one.

Don’t just give them a good experience – give them the best experience they’ve ever had.

Troubleshooting Delivery

During your session with a sub, it’s possible that you may run into problems.

After all, these are live human beings that you are speaking with who do not have any idea that you are doing this according to a system.

They think they are talking to a real life girl.

When The Sub Asks For Something Not In The Script

For example, it’s possible that a sub might a piece of content different than what you have for sale as part of the script.

He may want the model to assume a certain position, make certian facial expressions, or have a specific kink that may not be included in the set of photos and videos.

In this case, it’s important to elegantly assert control.

Sub: Can you shoot it from the bottom up in the next video? That’s super hot.
You: Wow, we just met and you’re already trying to boss me around? Maybe after I know you a little better ;)”

The point here is not to be a cunt about it.

You want to basically tell them “No, not this time. But maybe if you’re a good boy I’ll do that for you in a special video just for you.”

And then resume sexting and continuing on with the script.

Some subs are picky and will get pissed if you don’t deliver that, but don’t buckle like a folding chair.

If they don’t want to buy what you have in the script, then they don’t have to.

But what’s NOT going to happen – at least with me – is for the model to add a variation to the script on short notice so you can sell a video for $30.

When The Sub Tries To Negotiate

Oftentimes, you’ll find a sub who asks for deals on everything.

You can thank your fellow Fishmarket Chatters for conditioning him to think that OnlyFans girls are selling their wares at the shuk in Cairo.

There are a few ways you can deal with a sub like this.

  • One way is to take a stand and say, “Sorry, I don’t give discounts.”
  • Another way is to play it off like it’s a buzzkill: “I find it a huge turnoff when guys are cheap.”
  • Yet another option is to joke them down: “What, you don’t think I’m worth it?”

Whatever you do, you DO NOT want want to just say, “Ok” and give them the discount immediately.

When I was working in retail, a big part of our strategy was making deals with customers.

In fact, it was RARE for us to sell stuff for the price that we started at.

We would quote them a ridiculously high price – only to drop it and throw in some free stuff after a few minutes of showing why our product was so amazing.

However, sometimes we would get a customer who wanted to haggle.

We would say $150, and they would counter with $120.

The WRONG move here would be to say, “Okay, we can do $120” without any resistance.

This would just cause the customer to think that they could have gotten it for cheaper if they had said a lower number.

After all, if you agreed to $120 so easily, then the REAL floor might have been $100, $80, or even $50.

The CORRECT move here – and you can use this same line on your subs if you feel like getting the sale – is to say the following:

“So you’re saying that if I let you have this for <insert price here>, that you’ll take it right now?”

If they say ANYTHING OTHER THAN, “Yes,” than they are wasting your time and you can feel free to ignore them.

If they say, “Yes,” THEN you can change the price and let them buy it.

Dealing With Subs Who Want To Negotiate Pt 2

This begs the question: are you the type of model who gives deals or not?

Personally, I believe that some money is better than no money.

And if you’ve already tried all the tricks I’ve taught you to get the sub to buy for full price and they STILL don’t buy, then what do you have to lose by offering the same piece of content for a lower price?

Do you think he’s going to run off and tell the entire internet how he got a 1 minute video for $20 instead of $30?

Of course not.

And even if he did, who gives a shit?

Here’s an 80/20 reality check for you:

  • 80% of subs WON’T buy
  • 80% of the subs who DO buy WON’T become regulars
  • 80% of the subs who DO become regulars WON’T become WHALES

Put another way:

  • 20% of subs WILL buy
  • 5% of subs WILL become regulars
  • 1% of subs WILL become whales


These numbers are obviously not exact.

You may get a model who is like fire to a moth and everyone just buys all her shit because she’s incredible.

However, the vast majority of you are going to be representing models that are in the “hot, but not extraordinary” category.

It is truly a buyer’s market and subs have their pick from who they buy content from.

I would argue that it’s a good idea to get SOME money in than none.

Again, don’t buckle like a folding chair if the sub cries about the price.

You have to at least TRY A LITTLE BIT to get them for full price, if for no other reason that when you DO drop the price, the sub truly believes that he’s getting a good deal.

Why You Need To Give A REASON To Drop The Price

In an attempt to stomp the Fishmarket tendencies out of all of you, I give you the following tip:

When you drop the price, give a good reason for dropping it.

And in case any of you are especially retarded, “because I want you to buy it” is not a good reason.

“Because I really want you to have it,” is not a good reason either.

This is where some of the commonalities you built during the qualification phase would come in handy.

Sub: That’s too expensive! Can’t you give me a discount?
You: Aww really? What, you don’t think I’m worth it?
Sub: No, of course you are! But money is tight right now…
You: Look, I normally don’t do this, but I’ll let you take it for $20. But ONLY because you told me you’re a fan of Attack On Titan and that’s my favorite anime.

If you’ve done your job properly, then you should have established at least 1-2 commonalities before moving on to the naughty talk.

If The Subs Are Toxic Assholes

Occasionally, you’ll run across subs that are rude, toxic, abusive, or just downright mean.

Very important to note here that I’m NOT referring to subs who try to tease, flirt, or razz the model.

I’m talking about guys who think that because they can afford to pay for content, that they are entitled to talk negatively to a model.

100 times out of 100, the correct move here is to just block them and move on.

If you are working for me, I do not expect you to undergo that kind of abuse from weirdo perverts – regardless of how much money they spend.

I can’t speak for other agency owners, but I assume most of them would agree with me.

However, what I DON’T want you to do is give in to the temptation to try to “teach them a lesson” or some such nonsense.

Believe me, I know what it’s like to have an irate customer try to get in your face about something.

And while it may be tempting to get on your moral high horse and tell them that they shouldn’t talk to people like that, doing so would serve no purpose.

No matter what you say, they are not going to take moral criticism seriously from some OnlyFans model.

You’re not going to change them.

What you might do is piss them off.

These guys are obviously dealing with some internal struggle that causes them to lash out at beautiful women.

They WANT you to react, draw you into a conflict, cause you to lose your temper, and get you to say something that might get the account banned.

And that’s not good for anyone.

You lose your income, the model loses her account, and the agency owner loses trust in you as an employee.

Worst case, you’ll get blacklisted from the industry and nobody will ever want to work with you again.

Best case, they get you flustered and throw you off your game, ruining your chances of giving a good experiences to subs (and making money) for the rest of your shift.

Just block them and move on.


It’ll happen frequently that subs will send messages to your model and want to schedule some kind of meetup.

While some of them might be genuinely nice guys who would treat the girl well, many are horny perverted weirdos who think that just because a girl is showing her body and selling explicit content that she is a hooker who will take money to have sex with a strange man.

I mean honestly, it’s not that far of a jump in logic. I totally get it.

However, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to organize a meetup on the OnlyFans platform.

You’ll get propositions like:

“Let me fly you to California for the weekend. I have a bunch of Viagra and Adderall and we can fuck like monkeys for 48 hours straight. I’ll pay you $6000.”

There are 2 BIG reasons why organizing meetups is prohibited:

  1. You do not want to risk the model’s safety by having them meet up with some weirdo pervert
  2. It’s against OnlyFans TOS and they will ban your account

I once had to fire my top chatter who was responsible for putting LOTS of money in my pocket because he let his discipline slip and allowed a sub to tip him $1200 for a plane ticket to come see him.

I only found out about this because OnlyFans sent a warning that said if there was one more infraction, they would lock the account.

No meetups EVER.

Handling Custom Content Requests

Once you’ve got some subs on the account, you’re going to start getting custom content requests.

Every model has different boundaries.

Whether they do anal, b/g, or are willing to deepthroat dildos is dependent on each individual model.

Fortunately, you should have this information on their info sheet.

Taking custom content orders is going to be a major source of your income, but it needs to be handled properly.

First I’ll tell you the WRONG way to take a custom content order:

Sub: Do you do anal?
You: Yes
Sub: Can you make me a video putting a dildo in your ass and rubbing your clit? I want to wear something sexy, it’s so hot
You: Sure. Tip me $300 and I’ll do it for you
Sub: Deal!

Ok, not bad. $300 is $300.

But there are a few problems with this:

  1. What the sub wants is not clear enough
  2. He hasn’t invested enough effort in making the order
  3. You left money on the table

When you take a custom content order, you want to get the following information from the sub:

  1. How long do you want the video?
  2. What specifically would you like me to wear?
  3. What do you want my facial expressions to look like?
  4. What position do you want me in?
  5. What camera angle do you want?
  6. Do you want me to say anything? (optional and only for US models)

Look – there’s nothing special about these questions SPECIFICALLY.

The point is that you want to get the sub to open up about what it is EXACTLY that they want.

When the sub gives you more detail about the content they want to order, they are going to INVEST MORE EFFORT into the interaction.

You are in effect “tricking” him into investing more and more into the conversation as he describes the content he wants to order.

This will allow you to justify a higher price when you finally spring it on him.

After 10 minutes of taking specific details about what they want, you can easily charge the sub a much higher price.

Plus, by getting the sub to tell you how long he wants the video, you can adjust the price accordingly.

Instead of just throwing out $300 as a random number, if it turned out the sub was open to a 15 minute video with all sorts of custom details, you could have quoted him $1000-$1500 (at a rate of $100/minute).

If he is a BUYER and a WHALE, he may pay that much.

Sure, he may balk at the price. But when you start high like that, you can always work your way down.

Maybe $1200 is too much for him, but if you use the trick I taught you about giving the reason to drop the price, you may be able to get $700.

You: Tip me $1200 and I’ll do that custom for you 🙂
Sub: $1200! That’s too much!
You: Aww, what you don’t think I’m worth it?
Sub: Of course you are, but $1200 is way too high. I can’t afford that right now 🙁
You: Ok I’ll tell you what. I normally don’t do this, but since you and I both <insert commonality here>, I’ll let you take it for $700.

Yes, $1200 to $700 is a big jump. But that’s why we start high. If we had started at $700, he may have balked at $700.

And you only have so far you can drop the price.

If the sub is a frequent buyer, you can use that as rationale for giving him a deal as well.

“…but since you make me laugh with your jokes…”
“…but since you’re one of my favorite subs…”
“…but since you’re one of the only decent guys on here…”
“…but since you’re one of the only guys on here who I feel like I can relate to…”

If he still can’t buy it, you can try to work something out.

A common tactic during negotiations (as the seller) is to start off with a ridiculous price as a way of ferreting out the buyer’s max budget.

Oftentimes by quoting a high price, the buyer will say something like, “The most I could do is $650.”

Then you can use the ploy I mentioned earlier: “So you’re saying that if I let you take it for $650, then you’ll take it right now?”

Another benefit to starting with a high price is that you are anchoring a higher number in the buyer’s mind. 

If you start at $1200, they won’t try to negotiate down to $200.

They’ll hover around $700 – $1100.

These are extremely high figures for an extreme example, most of you won’t be making sales for this much. But the same rationale applies to smaller sales too.

If you start at $300, the sub might try to negotiate down to $200.

But if you start at $150, then he’ll try to go to $100 or below – FOR THE SAME PIECE OF CONTENT!

If they say yes, then you’ve got a deal.

If not, then there’s still some negotiating that needs to be done.

What To Do If Your Model Doesn’t Have Scripts

It’s possible during your career as a chatter that you may start working with a model or agency that does not use scripts.

Personally, I have some models who just refuse to do them.

One model in particular – one of my favorites – prefers to spend most of her time making content on social media to get new subs.

The chatter on her account then sells her existing bank of content to her subs, occassionally doing customs at high prices for big spenders.

I’ve tried to get her to do scripts but she just doesn’t want to do them.

If you find yourself in that situation, you’re much more limited in what you can do.

If your model doesn’t have scripts, you’re going to have to rely much more on building an emotional connection with your subs and selling them existing content.

Eventually, your big spenders will burn through all the existing content and start asking for customs.

Refer to the last section on taking custom orders for best practices on that.

Navigating Post Nut Clarity To Keep Your Customers Happy

After you successfully run through a script and sexting session, your customers are likely to have an attack of post nut clarity.

“OMG, did I really just spend $200 on videos that I could have gotten for free on PornHub? What am I doing with my life?”

It’s very important to handle this carefully, as it could mean the difference between you developing a buyer into a whale or losing them entirely.

Those of you who have ever slept with a real life human female, consider this analogy:

Women know that after a man cums, he loses complete interest in her for at least an hour.

All the attention she was getting, all the compliments, all the effort he was putting into the conversation – completely gone for an hour or more while his body floods his bloodstream with oxytocin and prolactin.

The practical effect these hormones have on the male body cause him to relax, destroy his sex drive (temporarily), and give him a deep feeling of satisfaction.

Sounds great, right?

Well the problem is that the man immediately realizes that he could have achieved 97% of the same result just by jerking off into a tissue.

He didn’t have to spend all that money on dinner, block out 5 hours of his evening, and exhaust himself for work the next day just to experience a 7 second orgasm inside a woman.

He could have achieved the same mental state of enlightenment in 5-10 minutes for no more than the electricity cost to power his router and computer.

Men reading this, I know you understand me.

What happens in the WOMAN’S mind is that she becomes instantly insecure that the man won’t want anything to do with her now that he’s gotten what he wanted: an orgasm + another notch on his belt.

Women are very insecure after sleeping with a man, because they know the power dynamic has shifted.

They had been pursued, wined and dined, complimented, and listened to all just by dangling the promise of potential sex in front of the man.

Now that’s gone. Or at the very least, it’s reduced.

To make matters worse, women become emotionally attached after sleeping with a man – so now they have to deal with their emotions clouding their mind.

Subs go through something similar after they buy content and get their rocks off.

When you are sexting with a sub and selling them content, you are paying attention to them.

You’re engaged with them in conversation, stoked their imagination, caused them to enjoy ultimate physical pleasure, and then it’s all over in the blink of an eye.

And they’re $200 poorer than they would have been if they has just typed in their favorite kink into Google.

The WRONG move here is obviously to just ignore them and move on.

Instead, what you want to do is slow the interaction down and give them some free shit so they don’t feel like shit.

Here are some ideas:

“Wow, that was so intense. I can’t believe I came that hard! That literally never happens lol. Did you have fun?”
“I hope you enjoyed that, I feel so good now. I’m so sleepy too, too bad we can’t cuddle now haha.”
“That was so fun <name>, thank you 🙂 btw did you cum a lot? Can you send me a picture? I love seeing it.”

These are just examples, but the point is that you want to continue talking to them afterwards so that they don’t feel like you just took their money and ran.

Any of you who have ever been to a strip club know what I’m talking about.

The girls pretend to be so into you, flirting with you and giving you dance after dance, but then when the money dries up they say, “Thanks, bye!”

And then you’re like, “How the fuck did I just spend $300 for that shit?”

You want to avoid that.

To further preempt post-nut clarity, consider sending the sub a free pic or video afterwards as well.

In a perfect world, your model would have an “afterglow” video, similar to the last minute or so of a porn clip.

After the girl cums, she relaxes, the energy calms down, and she tries to look all sexy and sensual while the camera pans off to the background.

It doesn’t need to be quite like that, but it can be something like the model rubbing her body and looking at the camera and echoing what you said in the chat,

“I hope you had fun, I know I certainly did ;)”

If you don’t have all that, a simple nude is enough.

But again, make sure you keep talking to them for at least five minutes afterwards.

Slow the energy down, make sure they had fun, and then shift the conversation back to non-sexual topics – just like you would do with a girl that you slept with in real life.

“Do you have big plans this weekend?”
“Are you working tomorrow?”
“Are you doing anything for <insert upcoming holiday here>?”

Shifting the conversation back to non-sexual topics also has the added benefit of changing the subject.

The sub is no longer thinking about blowing his physical and financial load, but instead about the drudgery of life and his daily routine.

Wrapping It Up

Chatting is a complex skillset that takes time to learn and master, but the fundamentals are simple:

  1. Act like a girl
  2. Befriend the sub and get them to open up first
  3. Don’t act like a vendor at a fish market
  4. Most of your money will come from whales and big spenders

Over time, you’ll learn little words and phrases that work well for you and continue to reuse them.

Eventually, you’ll get to the point where you know exactly what to say in every situation.

Your brain will run on autopilot and you’ll make a ton of money.

But like I mentioned earlier, you have to be willing to be bad at something before you can be good at it.

Just stay focused, remember the fundamentals, and commit to becoming an excellent chatter.

If you do, you’ll have a job forever and make more money than 99.9% of the people in your country.

If you don’t, then you’ll bounce from job to job and be frustrated that you’re not making shit.

So get out there and make it happen.

Good luck!

1 thought on “How To Become A Top 1% Onlyfans Chatter: The Definitive Guide

  1. As a filipino, I feel seen, validated, and attacked HAHAHAHA great read defo learned a lot. Went on here to see what else I could learn and apply to the chatting method/style we’re employing

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