The 3 Big Mistakes That Made Me Almost Quit The OnlyFans Business


Hi everyone. Let’s chat.

These past few weeks have been.. transitional, let’s say.

I don’t want to go into too much detail, but suffice to say that my master plan of outsourcing everything did not work out the way I planned.

It was a noble effort and I learned a lot along the way. But I did not get the result that I wanted.

What I got instead, was a mess of irritated models, operators, scouts and one very frustrated me.

And while we’re talking about how this tragic mistake nearly made me quit the business, let’s throw in a few more mistakes I’ve made in the past 30 days just to keep things interesting.

I Didn’t Fail, I Just Found Another Way That Didn’t Work

So as you know, my plan with my agency was to outsource everything: recruiting, traffic, and chatting.

Here’s how I thought it would go:

  1. Someone sends me girls
  2. I onboard the girls and tell them what we need for launch
  3. The girls are assigned to an account manager who takes over management
  4. The account manager gets traffic for the girls and chats with their fans
  5. Everyone makes money
  6. We’re all happy
  7. I move onto the next one

In reality, here’s what happened:

  1. Someone sends me girls
  2. I onboard the girls and tell them what we need for launch
  3. The girls don’t send the content or send shit content
  4. The account manager disappears for 3 days at a time
  5. The girl disappears for 2 days at a time
  6. The scout yells at me for not getting results
  7. I fire the account manager
  8. The girl gets mad
  9. I spend 3 hours at the gym to hide from my problems and exercise away my frustration

Just short of a complete disaster.

I don’t want to harp on the disaster-ness of this experiment too much.

But what I do want to focus on is what I learned from all of this. Because if nothing else, I learned a lot.

For one thing, I learned that my job as the person in charge is to know exactly what’s going on at every step of the process.

Not only that, but I need to be able to explain the system in detail from beginning to end to someone who isn’t familiar with it in case I need them to replicate it.

What that REALLY means is that if one piece of the machine breaks down, I must know how to replace it immediately with a fungible substitute.

Now, to be fair, not all of my account managers failed spectacularly.

My French account manager is getting good results for a few girls, as are one or two more.

But for one reason or another, pretty much every single other pairing of model and operator blew up in my face.

And at one point I had nearly 30 pairings.

Not all of those were the fault of the operator.

In fact, most of the fault was with the models – or more specifically, it was because I did not set expectations clearly and prep the models for the amount of work they were required to do and their timeline for results.

But how could I adequately prep them when I myself had no idea what to expect? I was outsourcing everything to different account managers with different strategies.

It was a recipe for disaster.

It’s Like An Unexpected Pizza Delivery

Working with scouts is incredible.

Instead of hunting for girls, running ads, and scraping your contacts for girls who might be interested – scouts bring models by the hand right to your doorstep. 

It requires no work at all.

And MY scouts were beasts.

But with such a heavy flow of models, I got lazy.

The BIGGEST mistake I made was that I stopped doing Zoom calls with new models.

I assumed that if they came through the scout and read my sales letter that they were solid.

This was incorrect.

Looking back, almost every single solid girl I’ve ever had was one that I had done a face to face Zoom call with.

I had originally written my sales letter to prevent having to cover the same points during Zoom calls, but during this chaotic period of disorganization – which I’ve just decided to call “The Dark Ages” – I took it too far.

I wrongly assumed that reading my sales letter would remove the need for a Zoom call entirely.

This was just straight up wrong.

A face to face video call with a model does wonders to establish trust and build a connection in a way that nothing else can.

They see your face, understand you’re a real person, and (if your game is tight) then you can get your hooks into them and infect them with the dream.

It wasn’t like I didn’t KNOW this. I just got lazy because my scouts were throwing me girls on a regular basis.

But because of poor management, disorganization, and a lack of meaningful results – we ended up losing most of them.

But losing the girls wasn’t even really the problem.

The REAL problem was disappointing my scout.

Over the past few months, we’d developed a good working relationship and were on very friendly terms.

We’d talk every day about this girl or that girl, he’d send me new prospects, and we’d scheme about the future.

Unfortunately, for one reason or another, almost all the girls he sent over the course of a month gained very little traction (except for one. But we’ll go over her in a bit).

The last straw was when one operator who I had high hopes for flipped out on me, accused me of trying to gaslight him, and made his own deal with the girl.

After that, my scout and his partner put their foot down: no more girls until I get some results with the ones they’d given me.

At the time, my roster consisted of:

  1. A “big name” veteran pornstar milf
  2. A fat Russian chick in the BDSM niche
  3. A chubby Ukranian model
  4. A Ukranian cam girl with tons of content
  5. A smoking hot Russian chick with huge lips

I have two other girls from different sources:

  1. A 20 year old blonde American chick
  2. A 20 year old Romanian girl with big poofy hair and a fit body

After taking stock of what I had, I knew I had to change my strategy.

Problems In Managerville

One of the biggest issues with my strategy of trying to outsource everything was that regardless of how much experience these account managers claimed to have, I would STILL have to train them on how to properly communicate with models.

I even created a playlist of training videos for account managers.

Don’t get me wrong – I partnered with these guys because they claimed to be traffic experts. All of them claimed to have some previous success with girls.

But one factor that I completely overlooked was their communication skills with the models themselves.

For example, when you start managing a new girl, there is a period of limbo in the beginning from when she sends her first couple batches of content and when she starts getting results.

It stands to reason that if you want to ASK a model for something, you have to SHOW her some kind of positive result that came from work she’s already done.

This seems obvious to me, but to this day I have not had a single account manager do it on their own without me telling them.

And many times I would have to tell them more than once.

It was little holes like that built up over time and began to sink the ship.

Another problem with hiring account managers to do all the work was that I simply wasn’t paying them enough.

My standard rate for account managers is 30%.

If you’re just starting out and have no experience, you might jump at the chance to manage girls for 30%.

But if you’re already established, then there’s NO WAY you would ever take a new girl on for 30% of profits if it meant that you had to do all the work.

This was an inconvenient truth that I managed to ignore for months, mainly because I got so many bites any time I would fish for account managers. 

I got tons of messages from people who were very eager to work with me, so I figured that the strategy must be viable.

After all – if it wasn’t, then why was I getting so many messages?

Why was I getting so many people eager to be account managers?

Regardless of the answers to those questions, the reality of the situation is that for 30%, people just aren’t going to take it that seriously. Especially when they have no skin in the game.

I – on the other hand – had plenty.

My entire business model was based on the premise that I COULD find people not just WILLING to do the work, but willing to do an AMAZING JOB. 

I think you see where I’m going with this…

After the fiasco with the operator that flipped out on me, I realized that I was going to have to do all the work myself.

I had already begun thinking about it, but this was kind of the last straw.

I don’t want you to think I’m throwing my operators under the bus (especially in case one of them happens to read this), because with most of them it wasn’t their fault that things didn’t work out.

But still, I know that if I am personally responsible for getting a result, I am going to try harder.

It would also force me to learn about something that I have avoided since starting this business: getting traffic.

I don’t like the trial and error. I don’t like the monotony. I don’t like not knowing what I’m doing wrong and feeling like I’m shooting in the dark.

Naturally, people who have figured out the traffic game are tight-lipped about their sauce.

Scrapping My Business Model And The Rebirth Of My Agency

Since I was essentially starting over from scratch anyway, I decided to go back to basics and re-watch Nathan Aston’s course on running an OnlyFans agency.

I bought this course wayyyyy back in the day and never really finished it.

(To be perfectly honest, the main reason I bought that course was for the 500 member Telegram group that it came with.)

When I got into this biz, my only community was my 20 member Telegram group, but I valued that group so highly that I assumed a group of 500 would be EVEN MORE valuable.

So I forked over $500, bought the course, and joined the group.

Of course, a few days later I promptly forgot about both the course and the group when I joined yet another rapidly growing Telegram group.

At this moment, however, I figured it would be a perfect time to go back and actually watch the damn thing to see what this guy’s secret was.

And if I had to sum it up in a single word, it would be this: TikTok.

Before we go any further, let me make a bold statement: I hate TikTok.

Any time I think that the human race couldn’t possibly get any dumber, all I have to do is open up TikTok and my standards are lowered yet again.

I hate it so much that I don’t even use it as a casual user.

That said, I definitely see the appeal.

There are some very talented creators on there that make some super entertaining content. And there are definitely some cuties on there as well.

In my opinion, TikTok’s BIGGEST appeal is that it’s essentially an app that makes people famous. 

There were 2 things stopping me from using the app for my models:

  1. It gives me an “ick” feeling
  2. I prefer to use my computer

But after watching Nathan’s videos, I started to appreciate the simplicity of his strategy.

He relies so heavily on TikTok that it seems like his agency is more of a TikTok marketing company than an OnlyFans agency.

Maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but when you have one extremely powerful method that can push your model to make $50,000/month, why do you need to distract yourself with other things?

After watching his videos, I made a decision: I was going to have all my new models do TikToks.

Not only that, but I was going to add “be willing to do TikToks” into my screening process.

After talking up my sales letter for the past few months, I fell into the trap of believing that it was perfect the way it was.

And while it definitely helped to filter models, that didn’t mean that the filter was beyond improvement.

My sales letter does a few things extremely well:

  1. Filters for models who are incredibly motivated
  2. Filters for models who are susceptible to being influenced by copywriting
  3. Filters for models who are in love with the dream of being successful on OnlyFans
  4. Filters for models who are intelligent enough to read (not joking)
  5. Explains compensation and workload for the first few months
  6. Sets expectations (for workload)

However, why did I need to stop there? Why should that be the ONLY things it filters for?

My only success with promoting OF girls was through Reddit, and it wasn’t even me who was doing it – it was my partner.

And while we did have some decent results, the problem is that we only got them through a single and very specific method.

If I got a different type of girl who wasn’t as good of a fit for that method, then I would be screwed.

Let me be more specific: If I got a girl who wasn’t interested in making 100s of short dildo-masturbation clips, get set up on tube sites, and essentially turn herself into a porn star, I would be totally lost as to how to promote her.

Promote a porn star? No problem.

Promote a 20 year old fresh-faced college student who “wants to do OnlyFans”? No idea.

TikTok seems to be the answer.

And from what I’ve gathered, the path to success is pretty clear. You have two options:

  1. Make super creative and engaging content (quality)
  2. Publish a lot of content and wait for something to go viral (quantity)

I am not trying to spend the time to develop these girls into creative geniuses.

I would MUCH rather give my models a weekly list of 70 thirst traps to copy, send them an iPhone with a US SIM, and tell them to publish 10 pieces of content a day.

Once I opened my mind to this idea, I began to fall in love.

I’m not saying it’s the only way, but look at all the advantages it has:

  1. The girl uploads the content on her own (I don’t have to do it for her)
  2. TikTok arguably brings in the highest volume of traffic
  3. The content can be repurposed into IG Reels, YT shorts, and reposted on TikTok clones (Clapper)

All I had to do was send her a $70 iPhone and a SIM card.

With all new girls I bring on, I make them it very clear that this is what they’ll be doing. I still have them create a content bank for another method I’m using, but I’ll go over this later.

These are decisions I literally made a few days ago, so I haven’t actually implemented any of them yet.

But I have an iPhone all ready to ship off to Romania for my favorite model.

Two to three weeks from now, she’ll be uploading her little heart out.

A Look At My Current Roster

Let’s back it up a little bit and talk about my current roster.

A “big name” veteran pornstar milf

I don’t want to give away this chick’s name, but if you’re a boomer like me then it’s likely you’ll recognize it.

Her problem is that she is ALSO a boomer and technologically unsophisticated.

It also doesn’t help that she’s “inconsistent.”

It’s been months since she’s signed with us and she’s only submitted one round of content. I gave her feedback the next day and it’s only recently that she’s reached out again.

Instead of cutting her loose, I’ve kept her around just to see if she’ll ever get her act together. I’m nice like that now.

A fat Russian chick in the BDSM niche

This chick has 2 things going for her: 1) she owns around 100 dildos (I’ve seen them), and 2) she creates tons of content.

The problem is that she’s fat and her content is awful.

And when I say awful, I mean awful.

Dirty camera lens, no sound – it’s just bad. I gave her some feedback and am waiting for her next round.

There might be a way we can monetize what she’s already sent, but it’s just so bad I don’t feel like spending any time on it at all.

And I don’t want to set up accounts for her unless I see that she’ll actually improve what I asked her to improve.

A chubby Ukranian model

Unfortunate story here, but this chick was rejected by my French manager after about two weeks.

I assigned her an English-speaking manager but he dropped the ball on her, disappearing for a week at a time so we had to chase him down. I’m not sure what her deal is now, but she also hasn’t been so responsive.

A Ukranian cam girl with tons of content

This one has a lot of promise because she’s sent us a ton of content. I have someone managing her and working on getting her traffic. I am not sure what’s going on with them now. It’s been about two weeks and I would have expected some kind of result by now.

Not a good sign.

A smoking hot Russian chick with huge lips

This chick is actually already making money. The problem is that I don’t own any part of her any more. I “gave” her to an account manager in exchange for learning his method.

Currently, he’s teaching me what he’s doing, but it seems very ewhore-ish. Lots of one on one talking, independent content selling, etc.

Seems very time intensive.

It’s the holidays now so communication has been spotty, but before Xmas he was giving me tons of quality info on his method and what he was doing. Learned some good stuff from him that I can apply to future girls.

A 20 year old blonde American chick

I’ve mentioned her in a previous article, but this is the one I got superstar vibes from.

Spoiler alert: I was wrong.

This chick sounded great during our interview, but her problem is that she disappears for a week at a time and is hard to track down.

Strange story with her: she lives with her family and they know what she’s doing. They support her, so I guess that’s weird too.

She’s currently up and running with my French manager and making money. I have another guy running her OF at the moment, but he does TikTok and we’re waiting for her to get back from her Xmas fun to start uploading TikToks.

That said, she does make very good hardcore content, mainly because she is one of the few who actually implemented the feedback that I provided.

Will probably keep her around for a while.

A 20 year old Romanian girl with big poofy hair and a fit body

This girl is my favorite out of all of them by a wide margin.

Petite, fit, has a giant booty, and big poofy hair, I also think she’s the most physically attractive of the bunch.

Even better is that she responds right away to any communications that we send her.

She makes any content we ask for pretty much immediately too.

She’s like a dream.

Once I made the decision to start doing the work myself, I decided to take her on as my little pet project.

I set up a dozen accounts for her and started promoting her, but my results were meh. I have other plans though, which I’ll get to in a later section.

So I guess that’s a start.

My New Traffic Guy

I’ve mentioned it before, but I am running a journey thread on HackForums. Every day or two, someone hits me up from there for something related to the biz.

One day, I got a message from this guy who told me he was an expert at getting traffic for OF girls.

Now look – I get these kinds of messages all the time.

I used to get excited when I got them, but ever since the fiasco where that one operator freaked out and stole our girl, I am much more careful with who I engage with.

Anyway, I’m chatting with this guy and he’s pitching me hard. He really wants to get into the industry and tells me that as long as I have a steady flow of girls, he can get me traffic.

I’ll tell you this about me: any time I am in a conversation with someone about business, I am extremely direct.

Not only do I not have the time or energy to beat around the bush, but I want it to be as clear as possible to the person I’m speaking with how they can help me.

When I did that with this guy, I liked his reaction. So I decided to give him a shot.

This guy’s method takes about 5 days to set up and then another week until the traffic is going full force.

But then, he said that depending on the quality of the chatters, we’d be making between $200-$500/day.

Am I just totally too naïve to trust yet another random stranger I met on the internet? Maybe.

But really, what did I lose by taking a chance? Nothing.

Ok fine, so I sent him the pics and videos of my Romanian model. So what?

He’s going to “saturate the market” with one girl’s pictures? I doubt that.

Anyway, like I said I got a good feeling. We’ll see how it goes.

I Don’t Sell A Course [Yet]

For a very long time, the idea of selling information has appealed to me.

The problem is that I don’t feel like I have good enough results with anything to be able to sell information with a clear conscience.

The one exception to this would be fitness.

I can teach you everything you need to know about how to get six pack abs, be healthy, lose weight, what supplements to take, etc.

However, I don’t feel right charging for it because I don’t really feel like it’s really that difficult.

I believe that the commonly-repeated phrase, “Oh but you can find all that info for free” unironically applies in the case of fitness.

Sure, I realize that there are some people who might be willing to pay thousands of dollars for a coaching program to get in shape, but I just think the whole thing is super cringe.

It’s so simple: eat chicken and lift weights every day and you’ll be fine.

Running an OnlyFans agency, however, is a completely different story.

This game is not only very nuanced, but there is a significant learning curve for many aspects of it.

Yes, the market is “flooded” with new agencies, but I don’t think that’s a problem at all.

You think that your average person out there has experience pretending to be a girl on the internet?

Of course not.

Maybe some people will take to it naturally, but I’d be willing to bet that’s the exception instead of the rule.

Think about the learning curve involved in the most basic step: recruiting.

Just in order to get your first girl, you need to:

  • Know how to approach them in a non-creepy way
  • Know how to portray yourself as knowledgeable, professional, and trustworthy
  • Know how to frame the workload so that they actually show up to do the job
  • Know how to onboard them properly so they don’t abandon ship at the first sign of difficulty
  • Know how to form a bond with them so they trust you and want to work with you
  • Know how to critique their content elegantly so they don’t take offense

And that’s just 5% of the things you need to understand how to do with models.

I realize that there are some modest super-geniuses out there that were actually born with this knowledge, but most regular folk will be learning it for the first time.

And that’s not even saying anything about the complexity of getting traffic, page management, social media marketing, branding, and a handful of other things that go into running an agency.

Let’s be honest: you would have to be INCREDIBLY sharp to piece together a working business model from google searches, books, blogs, and YouTube videos alone.

As a result, I  think it’s perfectly legitimate to sell courses, coaching, and consulting on the topic of running an OnlyFans agency.

And of course, anyone who works in the information-selling business knows the popular phrase, “They’re not paying you for information, they’re paying you for transformation.”

People told me this all the time when I would bring up my internal struggle of selling a fitness course.

Even though I believed the concept to be true, I had trouble implementing it with a clear conscience.

I have no such qualms selling a course on running an OnlyFans agency. In fact, I am excited about it.

I find this industry so INTERESTING because it requires a unique combination of dating skills, blackhat skills, and sales skills that once mastered, will turn you into a very dangerous marketer.

Here’s what I’m getting at: when I was talking with my new traffic partner, I told him that my ultimate goal was to become a “guru” on the topic and sell info products, coaching, etc. – but that in order to do that, I wanted to be able to produce a result on my own.

This was another problem with my strategy of working with exclusively with operators.

Theoretically, they worked their magic – but even if they got a result, I had no idea what they were doing – so I couldn’t replicate it.

The deal I worked out with him was this: I would let him run the traffic to the girls, give him a cut, and in exchange he would teach me his method.

We’d continue working together in good faith until it no longer made sense to do so.

Now look: I don’t want to actually DO the method. I just want to know that it works so I can get an irrefutable result in order to teach it for a price.

I mean, I COULD teach the TikTok method because I know it works, but I’ve never actually done it myself. So I wouldn’t feel right about teaching it.

My previous plan was to teach people how to create a fully-outsourced OnlyFans agency. But as time went on, I could tell that was not something that your average person would be able to do with no prior knowledge.

Sure, if you’re that special person who already has all the pieces and just needs Filipino VAs to do the dummy work for you, fine.

But if you’re just an Andrew Tate fan who watched some interviews and now fancy yourself an e-pimp, you’re in for a lot of disappointment once you realize that this shit is actually way harder than Top G made it seem.

Running IG Ads To Recruit Models (And The Reddit Bot Fiasco)

Another thing that I started doing about two weeks ago is running IG ads.

One problem that I have – both in life and business – is that I get SUPER excited about an idea for about 48 hours, work on it super hard, and then switch to something else because I get distracted.

Here’s a short list of all the things I’ve done in the past three and a half months:

  1. Started a model marketplace
  2. Started a blog
  3. Started a YouTube channel
  4. Tried to automate model outreach
  5. Signed up for an adult jobs website to do outreach
  6. SMS outreach to recruit models
  7. Written (and re-written) my sales letter
  8. Rewrote my sales letter for dating
  9. Began farming mobile proxies
  10. Worked on building a Reddit upvote farm

Wow, I forgot to tell you about my Reddit bot fiasco. Next section Let me do that quickly and then I’ll make my point.

So we all know that Reddit can be a powerful source of traffic if:

  • You are posting on the correct subreddits
  • You are following the rules of the subreddit you’re posting on
  • You have enough upvotes to keep the post at the top

The first two are knowledge-based. But you’re going to need to pay for upvotes.

I’ve wanted to build an upvote farm for months, but never got around to it. It’s not a simple task.

I ended up purchasing a complex Reddit bot that did 3 things:

  1. Created accounts
  2. Built karma on the accounts
  3. Upvoted

The bot looked great in the demo. Everything was so simple and DFY.

In reality, that shit barely worked.

I was told that the bot would create 1000 accounts a day, but in reality it was more like 500.

The proxies that came with the VPS package were not only overpriced (I don’t even want to tell you how much I paid), but they were apparently “a mix of residential, mobile, and datacenter.” Not sure what that means or why they wouldn’t just use ONLY mobile proxies since their traffic is easiest to hide. But oh well.

The karma builder not only didn’t work, but my accounts were getting banned as soon as they tried to use it.

This was also during a massive Reddit ban wave that shook the community.

I never got a chance to upvote even a single post.

Maybe trying so many things is admirable in some sense. But I’d much rather just get the result I’m after.

If I had just bitten the bullet and tried TikTok when getting started, by today I would have already had it figured out and wouldn’t have to mess with all this nonsense.

Fortunately, one thing I DID try was IG ads to recruit models. And let me tell you, that shit works like a charm.

I’m still working out the bugs, but so far I’ve gotten 2 new models from IG ads, possibly 3.

I’ve known for a while that I wanted to recruit via IG ads, but never got around to it.

However, one of the things I’ve been working on is looking for people who are willing to let me write case studies on their methods.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You teach me your method
  2. I do it and write about the results, making you look like a super cool genius

Some people see the value, some don’t.

One such person who did see the value was BTZ – a name you’ll recognize if you are part of the community. He’s got a rapidly growing model marketplace that seemed to pop up out of nowhere.

We’ve been friends for a while, but once I saw how well his marketplace was doing I reached out and asked if I could pick his brain.

He was fair with the information exchange, so I pitched him on my case study idea.

He accepted and we had a Zoom call.

During the call, he showed me how he managed to recruit so many girls so quickly.

And I’ll be honest with you, it wasn’t anything revolutionary. Lots of outreach and lots of IG ads.

My initial plan was to focus on the outreach, but whereas BTZ was using VAs to send DMs manually, I wanted to automate the process with a Jarvee-like automation tool I’ve used in the past.

My plans ground to a halt when it came to finding the right proxies.

I have experience automating on Instagram, and that shit is an absolute nightmare unless you use mobile proxies.

The only problem is that good mobile proxies from the US are gonna run you $100/month.

And sure, while you can run probably about 15 accounts off of one proxy, I’d rather have my own mobile proxies and not pay that much.

So once again, my Shiny Object Syndrome kicked into gear and this time my rabbit hole of choice was the “setting up your own mobile proxies” one.

I’ll spare you the details of that story now, suffice to say I have a Google Pixel 2 coming in the mail and will be setting up my “farm” when it gets here.

I didn’t like the idea of training VAs just yet, so figured I would start with running some ads.

I’ve been sitting on 2-3 high-converting IG ads for a while that I stole from various places and now seemed like the perfect time to try them out.

When I set up my new campaign, I started with what most people do: South America.

No offense to any South American people reading this, but I do not like “selling” to people from that part of the world.

I never have. They’re too indecisive.

So even though I was getting leads at $.50 a pop, it wasn’t worth it to me.

A lot of the girls down there also have a little bit of a weight problem and that kind of killed it for me.

I quickly changed gears and set my targeting to Eastern Europe with much better results.

Leads were about twice as expensive, but I believe that improvement in quality was worth it.

One of the first leads I got was from a 20 year old Romanian student (not to be confused with the other 20 year old Romanian model I have).

Those of you doing cold outreach, pay attention. I believe I’m about to give you a life-changing little nugget.

Since I figured that these girls had already seen my ad, my outreach was super direct.

Here’s what I wrote them:

“Hey <name>, quick question. Are you interested in becoming an OnlyFans model?”

None of this “We can make you a bazillion dollars and it takes no work and all you have to do is work for 5 minutes a day and blah blah blah” wall of text that most people like to send.

Just those ten or so words – and the response rate was incredible.

The Romanian girl wrote me back and told me how she worked with another agency, how they were shit, and how she was looking to try someone else.

I sent her my sales letter and told her to follow the instructions if she wanted to apply.

Spoiler alert: she did.

You know how when you meet a new person and you’re like, “There’s something special about this one.” I could tell that this girl was like that right away.

I’m not sure what it is, but she’s just different.

She’s pretty, but she’s not like drop dead gorgeous or anything. She’s just unironically got something about her, that je ne sais qua.

I decided to set up a Zoom call with this one and lo and behold, she showed up time. (Always a good sign.)

This was when I had my revelation for how powerful a properly-run Zoom call could be for solidifying a model.

Let’s face it: if a girl reads my entire sales letter and accepts the information inside as true, then she is pretty much “sold” on the idea of working with us.

But until we have a face to face conversation, in her mind she’s still doing it alone. She still hasn’t put a face to the words on the screen.

Like I said earlier in the article, my original goal with the sales letter was to answer all the models’ questions before actually having the call.

As a result, the Zoom call became more of a formality than anything else.

But that’s where I fucked up.

By thinking of it as “just a formality,” I was losing an amazing opportunity to solidify a girl.

Here’s what the Zoom call is REALLY for:

  • To reassure the girl that you’re not some creepy pervert who just wants to jerk it to her nudes
  • To show the girl that you are a real human being and not a bot
  • To show the girl that you are an actual businessman and not some random sex trafficker
  • To get your hooks as deep into her as possible so you can pull her through the difficult onboarding phase

If you have ANY game whatsoever, then you need to use it on this Zoom call.

All things being equal, these girls are going to feel WAY more comfortable working with you if you are a smiling, happy, confident Chad than if you act like an awkward stuttering virgin.

Honestly, you don’t even really need any GAME per se, you just need to be able to be a normal cool guy who knows how to make a girl feel comfortable.

You think your life is hard?

Women live in a perpetual state of anxiety that they’ll be overpowered, raped, beaten, killed, or otherwise taken advantage of by an average man.

Showing her that you are NOT that type of guy will do wonders for keeping her loyal to the cause.

That said, I may have overdone it with this one.

We talked for a little longer than I usually talk with models, but she was just so delightful. I couldn’t help myself.

The effect of this, however, was that she recruited another one of her friends to work with me two days later.

“Did you show her my sales letter?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “We were actually up all night talking about it.”

Not the worst thing in the world.

You want them so excited about the opportunity that they tell their friends to sign up with you before they’ve even STARTED.

The power of getting her so amped on the opportunity combined with an authentic personal connection to me – her new silver-tongued step-dad – was so strong that SHE convinced her friend to sign with me.

I didn’t make her any money yet. I didn’t even set up her account.

To be fair, a lot of that also has to do with the type of person she is. Right place / right time, etc. I can’t take all the credit.

The one issue with IG ads is that you don’t really have much control over the quality of the girls that show up in your inbox.

Not all of them are like my new Little Sweetheart. Some of them are fucking retarded.

Once I start getting some decent money coming in, I do plan on hiring VAs to recruit via direct message. But for now, IG ads is enough.

Shoutout To The Private Simp Hunters Telegram Chat

Yes, I did have to revamp things quite a bit once I gave up on my dream of outsourcing everything and working as a connector.

Ultimately, it was for the best.

I’ll be honest with you: I was very down on myself for about two weeks once I realized that I wouldn’t be able to accomplish my mission the way I intended.

I didn’t want to read any Telegram chats, reply to personal messages, or show my face in any videos.

I was embarrassed, angry, frustrated, and felt very stupid.

And no bullshit: I even considered giving up.

I thought to myself, “Maybe the haters were right. Maybe this shit just ISN’T for me.”

Not to get all sentimental on you or anything, but a big part of why I kept at it was the friends I’ve made in the community over the past few months.

Just when I felt like quitting, a friend would send me a funny meme on Telegram, a newbie would send me a message telling me how my articles helped him, or my scout would send me 5 pictures of a half-naked Russian cutie and ask me what I thought.

These weren’t major emotional events – they were just enough to ping me back into paying attention again.

Work a little harder, send that extra DM, and slowly kick my own ass back into gear.

Perhaps most helpful was my own private Telegram group, Simp Hunters, which is full of people that have either been hand-picked by me or who have come vouched by other members.

Not only is it nice having access to so many bright minds, but all of my friends are in there as well.

I no longer need to manage conversations through 6 different threads – now everyone is in the same group.

It’s a new group, so the dynamic is still being formed. But I’m very happy with it so far.

Eliminating “Someday” And Re-Shuffling My Goals

I was watching a video yesterday with RSDTyler, aka Owen Cook.

The video was about how people get stuck in “someday” mentality and how that’s not good.

He gives the example of how he hates when people tell him that “someday” they’re going to be a billionaire.

He reasons that this is just a symptom of “someday” thinking which will prevent the person from actually taking any steps towards working on their goals.

You see this a lot with guys who are getting into pickup.

They’ll say things like, “Oh I’ll start doing approaches when I lose 10 lbs/move to a different city/my business becomes more stable.”

I can say that this definitely happened with me as well.

I’ve been wanting to go balls out learning pickup for years, but can only force myself to do a few approaches here and there.

(I’m also not an evening person, which makes going out hard. Excuses, I know.)

One of my favorite excuses over the years has been, “When I have a stable location-independent income, I’ll focus on pickup.”

In fact, I say that pretty much every time I’m about to move to a new city.

I’ll be like, “Okay, as soon as I get there, I’m going to go out and start doing approaches!”

When I first moved to Minneapolis, I definitely hit the ground running.

The first weekend I was here I actually pulled a girl from day game and slept with her that night. She was very pretty, too.

But even though my dating life here in Minneapolis is better than it’s been in years, it’s not as good as I know it could be.

And I believe that a lot of that is because I spent a lot of Friday and Saturday nights alone on my couch instead of out hunting for booty.

But when I heard Tyler talking about the billionaire thing, something clicked for me.

Not long ago in one of the Telegram chats, someone was giving me shit about my 36 points video.

For those of you who haven’t seen it, this video was me letting my imagination run wild and fantasizing about how my agency would operate if I could have anything I wanted.

It was a good exercise in creativity.

But strangely, this video generated a lot of hate within the community. People called me unrealistic, naïve, and yes – delusional.

I always just wrote them off as haters, but after watching Tyler’s videos, I believe that I understand now what they were trying to tell me.

For example, consider the difference between the following options:

  • Having a scout who brings me girls
  • Having a team of killer chatters who are trained to execute a system
  • Having a monthly content schedule for girls to follow so they know exactly what they are responsible for ahead of time
  • Having a yacht and a mansion

Can you spot the the one that doesn’t belong?

Having a yacht and a mansion have nothing to do with the operation of my agency.

I’m not saying it’s wrong to want those things, but there is arguably very little operational advantage to having a yacht and a mansion.

Sure, you could say that I could have parties on the yacht to attract potential models. But that wasn’t why I wanted a yacht and a mansion.

According to Tyler’s video, I wanted the yacht for the same reason that the guy he spoke of wanted to be a billionaire: because we believed that those things would make us happy.

It’s this “someday” mentality that we all fall prey to.

I can’t speak for everyone, but “I’ll be happy when” is an unwelcome mindset that I need to erase from my inner monologue ASAP.

Do I need a yacht and mansion to be happy? No.

Likewise, do I need a scout who brings me girls to be happy? No.

I can run IG ads, I can hire VAs to spam girls on IG, or I can go recruit in real life (more on this later).

Maybe I’ve never talked about this on this blog, but I have a LIST of things that I’m going to do “when I’m successful.”

Someday (haha) I’ll tell you what they are, but at this point it’s irrelevant.

For one thing, I can be happy without them.

For another, I don’t need money to do them.

So then why am I waiting? It doesn’t make logical sense.

To answer my own question, the reason I’m waiting is because I don’t feel like I deserve to do those things “until I’m successful.”

For example, one of the things I’ve been putting off for months is to organize photoshoots like I did when I lived in Vegas.

  • Do I need to be financially successful to organize a photoshoot? No.
  • Does it matter that I drive a beater? No.
  • Does it matter that I can’t flex a $20,000 watch? No.

There’s no reason for me to wait.

The challenge is being able to separate the things that you DON’T need to wait to do from the things that you CAN’T do because you don’t have the money.

Organizing a photoshoot in my city with local models, photographers, and a venue is something that costs exactly $0 to do.

Flying to Jamaica to do the same thing costs money.

I’m not sure how I got on this topic, but I guess what I’m trying to say is that I need to get out of my own way to do as much as I can to make progress as quickly as possible.

One of the things Nathan Aston talks about in his course is how you should try to work with girls that you know in real life. There’s an increased level of implied trust there and you can actually work with them face to face to make sure shit gets done.

I know Minneapolis doesn’t strike most people as a place that’s overflowing with beautiful women, but there are tons of cuties here.

Why wouldn’t I do what I can to recruit from within the city?

I guess what I’m trying to say is that with the coming year, I’d like to do is to build a little bit more of a local scene here by organizing photoshoots and recruiting from those photoshoots.

Let’s make a quick list of all the other things I’d like to do:

  • Start organizing photoshoots
  • Learn how to get traffic independent of models
  • Filter for girls who want to do TikTok
  • Start going out more and recruit girls from clubs/raves

Let’s leave it at that. Thanks for reading.

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