How To Accelerate Your OnlyFans Agency Progress By Securing Mentors And Partnerships

The other day, I made a post in a few Telegram groups telling people that I was looking to hire recruiters, chatters, managers, and traffic experts.
Not only that, but I would provide training for all of the positions except managers (for reasons I’ll go into later).
As a result, my inbox got obliterated with replies.
But nine weeks ago when I started my OnlyFans journey, I had no idea what I was doing.
(I still have no idea what I’m doing, but for some reason people think that I do.)
Yes, I have gotten some decent results.
But a lot of those results haven’t come directly from anything that I’ve done.
They’ve come from relationships that I have formed with service providers, other agency owners, and models.
In fact, one could make the argument that owning an OnlyFans agency is all about relationships.
At its core, the agency model is simple: you are attempting to convince one of the laziest, most fickle, and most temperamental creatures on the planet (an attractive woman) to perform certain tasks for you by specific deadlines.
How is that anything other than a relationship?
In this article, I am going to share insights that I’ve never shared before about how to get results faster than any other way possible: by forming partnerships with entities that are already crushing it.
Infected by the Tate virus
Back in September, you couldn’t look in any direction without seeing something about Andrew Tate.
I’d heard of him, even watched his OF/Webcam course in the past, but never thought much of it.
But once he started blowing up, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Long story short, I was very impressed. And I hate everyone.
It’s rare that I find myself agreeing with everything that someone says, but I found that happening with good old Andrew.
Over the next week I watched everything I could find of his — old info products, interviews, podcasts — everything.
But what really caught my attention was what he had to say about the webcam business, especially considering the timing.
My current gig as a roofing sales consultant was about to end because of the fast-approaching winter.
I had no desire to go back to my previous job of traveling around the country working in trade shows, so I needed to come up with a solution.
Not only that, but the lease on my apartment was up in the beginning of November.
In other words, I knew that I had just over two months to start earning full time income from a new gig or I would be out on the street.
You Have To Go First
I did some digging and eventually found a course called Webcam Riches.
WCR has an incredible sales letter — probably the best one I’ve ever seen.
It promised financial freedom, easy money, and access to attractive women. Despite its $2k price tag, I was sold.
I did my research on Hack Forums and tried to glean everything I could from people who had bought the program.
This is where I snagged my first unofficial mentor in the infamous Denzel aka MrWashington — a name you may recognize if you frequent the same Telegram groups that I do.
I saw that he had commented on some WCR threads, so I sent him a message asking about his progress.
It was clear I had no idea what I was doing, but we started chatting and he was very helpful in answering my questions.
After some back and forth, I decided to buy the course and tell the owner that MrWashington had referred me.
This is the first point I want to make: forming partnerships and securing mentors is all about giving the other person what they want FIRST.
Everyone wants money — and I just helped him make an easy $200.
As a result, I bought myself a friend who was further ahead in his journey than I was, if only by a few weeks.
Even though MrWashington and I aren’t officially business partners, there is an open line of communication and enough trust established that we can go to each other with questions or requests.
Maybe “mentor” is not the most correct word here, but the point is that since I helped him, he felt somewhat obligated to help me.
And over the next few weeks, that’s exactly what happened.
My short-lived webcam studio
The $2000 investment combined with my 2 month deadline spurred me into massive action.
I started blasting out cold DMs to potential models and iterating my outgoing messages until they got me decent results.
I recruited girls, set them up on cam, and even made a little money.
The whole experience was frustrating as hell.
You think managing girls for OnlyFans is hard? Try having a webcam studio.
Running a cam studio is 100x harder than having an OnlyFans agency for three reasons:
- It takes way more time
- You make way less money
- The girls have to face rejection in real time if nobody is tipping them
Add to that the fact that you need to actually sit with them while they’re camming — the whole thing felt like a massive waste of time.
Sure, I made my $2k back in a month. And I learned a lot along the way. But I knew that it was not something I wanted to pursue long term.
I also ran into all kinds of problems.
And while the owner of the course responds around once every day or so, it wasn’t at the level of hands-on help that someone like me needed.
But any time I ran into trouble, I would just ping MrWashington with my issue and he’d give me an answer.
BlackHatWorld Journey Threads
The first thing I did after buying Webcam Riches was to start a journey thread on BHW.
With the stakes as high as they were, I knew I had to go all in.
And to me, that meant staying accountable as I worked toward my goal of hitting $750/day by early November.
I posted updates every single day for the first three weeks until my thread was eventually nuked by one of the mods.
These threads were incredibly useful to me for the following 5 reasons:
- They helped me track what I was doing so I didn’t have to remember everything
- Readers could expose holes in my strategy
- I attracted the attention of successful players who I could ping for temporary mentorship
- I could use the journey thread as a reference when doing outreach to established agency owners
- The threads helped me stay focused by forcing me into a routine of daily updates
As someone who calls themselves a writer, I can tell you that the best way to improve the quality of your writing AND make sure you stay consistent is simple:
You need to write for an audience.
Yes, you can still stay somewhat motivated when you are writing into the void on your traffic-less blog. Or into a notepad file on your computer.
But if you really want to step up your game, then you need to know that what you write is going to be read and commented on by real live human beings.
This will not only improve your writing, but will also improve the area about which you are writing.
In other words, not only did updating the journey threads force me to continue working on my business, but they forced me to actually work on it in ways that would show tangible results.
I didn’t want to have to face the crowd of people and say that I had no results. Or that I hadn’t worked on whatever task I’d set for myself the day before.
(I also didn’t want to flush $2,000 down the toilet when the alternative was to go back to selling hair straighteners at trade shows.)
Arguably just as important were the connections that I made from these threads.
My daily posts got a lot of attention from people who had more experience and better results than me.
Any time someone wrote something thought-provoking on my thread, I would reach out to them and pick their brain.
And because I knew these people had read my journey threads, I wasn’t just some random person trying to squeeze them for value without offering anything in return.
The value that I had offered was the entertaining journey thread I was updating every day.
That’s not me being a narcissist, that’s the truth.
They were happy to answer my questions because by doing so, they imagined themselves as part of my journey.
When a well-known person in a community steps off the stage and talks to a member of the audience, the camera films the audience member as well.
This is not the only reason someone will help you, but it’s something that anyone with a keyboard and mouse can utilize.
As you’ll see later, this strategy still plays a major part in how I scale my agency.
I spend a few hours writing an article and post a link to it on a Telegram group.
People spend 10–20–30 minutes at a time reading them, investing time into familiarizing themselves with my story and progress.
When I DM them in a group, ask for help, or fish for value, all of those recalled experiences flash in their mind and trigger something in them, priming them to respond in a [hopefully] positive way
This is why I recommend that everyone has some kind of personal media — either a blog, YT channel or podcast — to establish themselves.
You don’t even need good results yet. You just need to track your progress.
My Telegram Group
My original plan was to start girls off on webcam, get them an audience, and then push that audience to OnlyFans.
The only problem was that most girls wouldn’t make it past their first cam session.
And the only two who did got an awful result.
So after about a month, I decided to give up on having a cam studio and switch completely to OnlyFans.
I updated my journey thread on BHW and all of a sudden the responses to my thread began to change.
Instead of being webcam-related, they were now OnlyFans related.
I used the same strategy as before, messaging anyone who commented on my thread that seemed like they knew what they were doing and mined them for info.
I remember talking to MrWashington one day when an idea popped into my head:
“I think I’m going to start a Telegram group for OF agency owners. Would you be interested?”
He said yes, so I made the group and invited everyone I’d met over the past month who was in the business and seemed like they had a good head on their shoulders.
The value exchanged between that first group of 20 OGs was extremely useful, and there’s a very simple reason why:
Most people who get into this business do so from a blackhat background.
Methods usually aren’t shared and there is no community other than a few non-mainstream forums.
But when I got these people together, lots of good information was exchanged.
This was before the biggest groups like OFG and OBH were discovered. But while it was active, my group was incredibly useful.
Maybe I’ll reactivate it in the future.
My Reddit Genius
As I continued to update my journey threads, my focus eventually changed from recruiting and managing girls to just focusing on traffic.
After reading about my frustration with managing girls, one commenter lambasted me for spending so much time chasing girls when I could just focus on honing my traffic skills instead.
Traffic is not going to have a mood swing and quit on you for no reason. Models will.
I thought that made sense, so I made a shift in my strategy and decided to focus on getting traffic through Reddit.
The problem was that I had no idea what I was doing.
But as before, I continued posting my strategy and theories to the thread.
Eventually, I was linked to another thread where someone had successfully grown NSFW subreddits to 800k members in just a few months.
Naturally, I reached out and tried to mine them for information.
They were receptive and we took the conversation to Telegram. I invited him to the Telegram group and he joined the party.
He was already doing well, having scaled a girl to $25k/month through Reddit alone.
Similar to how I would ping MrWashington for all my webcam-related questions, I now pinged my Reddit Genius for all my Reddit-related questions.
A week or two later, he told me that he was looking to recruit more girls and offered me a deal:
If I found him a girl, he would teach me how he got his results on Reddit and we could split the profits.
Sounded like a pretty sweet deal to me, so I gave him one of my extra models (that I was getting no results with anyway) and let him get to work.
This model — a 45 old retired Italian stripper with big fake titties — did pretty well her first week, generating about $600 in revenue on a free account and netting around 3000 Reddit followers.
The results were so good that I sent him more girls as soon as I got them, including the superstar that I wrote about in my last article.
But without laying the groundwork in the journey threads, I never would have gotten the opportunity to work with him.
Finding my next mentor — or how he found me
After about a month, I was banned from BHW by the same mod who kept shutting down my journey threads.
Anyone who frequents that site knows that this mod is a power-tripping dickhead who throws his weight around for fun under the guise of “enforcing the rules” of the site.
Instead of trying to circumvent the rules, I decided to pick up where I left off on Hack Forums.
They don’t have the same level of traffic that BHW does, but there are some insanely skilled players on there.
I figured it couldn’t hurt to try.
The first few posts didn’t do much, but eventually one of them caught the eye of a very successful agency owner who pinged me for a Zoom call.
Regardless of whether or not you plan on doing business with someone, ALWAYS hear them out if they say they want to talk to you.
If nothing else, you’ll learn something.
I had no idea if this guy was legit or not, but he wanted to have a chat “to see how we could help each other” — so I figured why not?
After all, time was running out for my 2 month deadline. What did I have to lose?
On our Zoom call, the first thing he did was to show me screenshots of his models pulling in $60k/month by their 3rd month.
(Much better than the $600/wk we had done with our Reddit promotions.)
It was honestly a little awkward being pitched by someone who was so much more successful than me.
But like I said in the beginning of the article, the key to partnerships is giving someone what they want — ESPECIALLY if it’s of low value to you, comparatively.
We swapped stories and had a good chat, but by the end of the call we still hadn’t figured out how to work together.
As we ended the call, I told him I’d send him some of my materials that I’d used to recruit girls, just so he could get an idea of how I ran my shit.
Five minutes later, he reached out again: “I figured out how we can work together. Do you have time for another quick Zoom call?”
His idea? Start an agency together.
He would do all the recruiting, traffic generation, front the costs, teach me everything, AND split it with me 50/50.
I would write the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for the company.
How insane is that?
The Medium Blog
Despite the story I just told, I still wasn’t getting enough responses to my journey thread on HF for my liking.
So I decided to repost everything to a Medium blog.
My thinking here was that I could post links to these articles in the various Telegram groups that I had since become a part of.
Like I mentioned before, these articles are extremely useful for me to brand myself as a guy who knows his shit.
But if you think about it, I DON’T really know my shit.
I can maybe get you some traffic on Reddit. And my recruiting skills are alright.
But chatting with fans? No idea.
Tinder and Bumble? Haven’t the faintest idea.
TikTok? I don’t even have it on my phone.
However, what I DO know how to do is network with people, get my hooks into them, and hype them up about doing big shit together.
Here’s what I’m getting at: if you are skilled in forming partnerships, you don’t actually need to be good at any of the hard skills in this industry.
Will it help if you understand how it all works? Absolutely.
But you don’t need to be able to understand how to get traffic through Tinder in order to get traffic through Tinder.
I have no idea how a car works. But I can still drive to Trader Joe’s to buy some groceries.
Think about it like this — you can either:
- Learn the skills of recruiting
- Learn the skills of traffic generation
- Learn the skills of chatting/milking
- Learn the skills of model management
- Learn the skills of content generation
Once you develop these skills, you can do everything on your own and won’t have to rely on anyone for help (other than your automation software providers).
Or you can:
- Learn the skills of forming partnerships to find 1 person who can do each of the above tasks.
I’m not saying that one system is better than the other.
And forming partnerships doesn’t absolve you of having to do any work.
Nor does it mean that you don’t NEED to learn the skills or own the tools.
For example, I would LOVE to have a Reddit upvote farm that I could use to upvote all of my models’ posts.
Do I really want to pay some code monkey $6,000 to set it up for me? Not really.
Do I really want to spend a month of my life trying to figure it out on my own? Also not really.
Would I much rather contact 10 owners of upvote panels and pitch them on partnering with me for a percentage of the profits? Absolutely.
Could I do all this without the articles on this blog? For sure.
Would it be a little harder without the established credibility? Probably.
But for me to spend a few hours a week writing a post about what I’m doing is not only fun (for me), but it makes doing outreach so much easier when trying to angle for a partnership.
Does it work every single time for every single person? No, of course not.
A lot of people just tell me to fuck off.
But as you’ll see in an upcoming section, it makes my job MUCH easier when trying to scale my agency as quickly as possible with no upfront cost to myself.
Today’s problems are tomorrow’s $997 courses
So… here we are, the present day.
I stand before you not just as another green-behind-the-ears agency owner, but a recognizable brand and pillar of the OnlyFans Agency Owner community (sort of).
Not because my results are better than 99% of other agency owners. They’re actually quite mediocre.
But because I am more VISIBLE than 99% of other agency owners.
That’s obviously the lesson of the day.
But now I need to think out loud and explain the mess I’ve gotten myself into.
Here’s the deal: while I have made some money from my agency, it’s not reliable enough for me to quit my job and focus on full time.
And my job, as I mentioned before, has reverted back to traveling the country working at trade shows every weekend.
I fly out on Thursday, work Fri/Sat/Sun, and fly home on Sunday — or sometimes Monday.
I have far less time to devote to this agency shit than I did before. At least until it starts bringing in big boy money and I can move back to Miami.
So now I am FORCED to hustle for partnerships instead of trying to do everything on my own.
I just don’t have the time — even with automation tools.
While I was at the airport on Sunday waiting for my flight home, I posted in the Telegram groups that I’m a part of that I was expanding my operation.
I know that I need a minimum of 4 things to make this business work:
- Models
- Model Managers
- Traffic
- Chatters
Once I have SOPs for all of these roles, expansion is just a matter of handing a set of documents to someone and saying “here, do this.”
And theoretically, I have all of this information already.
Do I have the best recruiting/management/traffic strategy? Probably not.
But it’s good enough to start hiring people and putting them to work for a cut of the profits.
After sending the messages on Sunday, I’ve gotten about 100 replies.
It’s been a pain in the ass (in a good way) to sort through them all, but I believe I finally have a plan as to how I am going to utilize everyone.
My junior [and senior] partners
The people who have been replying can be sorted into 3 categories:
- No experience
Some experience
- Expert
The experts are my favorite.
These are the traffic providers, recruiters, and successful agency owners who are looking for strategic partnerships.
I really like getting messages from the experts, even if they don’t go anywhere.
These are the most interesting conversations to have.
In the past month, I’ve gotten connected with:
- A successful model market owner looking for a collaboration
- A Colombian agency owner who is opening a model house
- A Venezuelan agency owner with an overflow of girls
- A French agency owner who wants to put my girls on their platform (they’ll do all the work)
- A Telegram group owner who is very connected in the biz
- Recruiters in Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, and Romania
- A whiz kid hacker who runs a Tinder marketing platform and can create unlimited accounts for chatters
- A chatter manager with unlimited trained VAs
- A Russian recruiter with a 200+ girls going through the process of getting valid documents
- The owner of an OF clone that uses a token system, similar to Chaturbate
(Speaking of the last one, I just got off a call with them. And thanks to my cursory knowledge of the industry, my “reputation” (from these Medium posts), and my connections, there is a very good chance I will be brought in as a partner for a % of the profits.)
The ones with SOME experience are also good because there’s a chance I can put them to work right away doing something.
It’s the ones with NO experience that are the hardest to place. But I believe I’ve come up with a solution to that as well.
As I’ve said before, this business is made up of three core parts: recruiting, traffic, and chatting.
In my opinion, recruiting is the most important part. Unless you are planning on working strictly as a service provider, if you don’t have models then you can’t do anything.
The plan is going to look like this:
- Teach them how to recruit
1a. Initial outreach
1b. The pitch
1c. The Zoom call
1d. Onboarding - Teach them traffic
2a. Reddit
2b. Tube sites
2c. Tinder - Teach them chatting
3a. Provide training manuals
All of this training will be provided in exchange for a percentage of the profits.
And all my new talent agents will be standardized under a single banner: mine.
Essentially what I am doing is taking the most advanced iterations of my processes, handing them off to the newbs, and letting them continue to iterate for me while I wheel and deal for additional partnerships.
The cool thing about this strategy is that partnerships can be combined with each other to form mega partnerships.
For example, I can bring together the guy in Colombia with the model house with my Tinder traffic platform bro and the chatter manager to form an agency almost instantly.
I can then farm the girls out to the French OF manager so he can duplicate everything on his clone.
Network connections are like dendrites in your brain — there are infinite amounts of connections to be made. Your only limit is your own creativity.
That said, the challenge I’m facing now is putting it all together.
I didn’t want to write this article to teach you something, despite what I said earlier.
My motivation for writing this article was for me to put my thoughts on paper so it would be more clear to me what I’m supposed to do next.
This is new to me too. I don’t know how to connect all these pieces.
I’m sure that there are people reading this who will think of things I haven’t thought of. They’ll DM me on Telegram and be like, “oh hey you should do this…”
This is what it’s all about.
Forget what you thought “mentorship” and “partnership” is all about. We are all just people at different stages of development.
Some are further along than others.
And the only way to progress is to try shit, fuck up, and get experience.
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