60 Lessons I Learned After Running An OnlyFans Agency For 60 Days

Hard to believe that only 60 days have passed since I started this OnlyFans journey. Feels like I’ve been doing it so much longer.
I’ve learned quite a bit in that time, and in this post I want to try and distill some of that knowledge into something coherent so you can benefit from my mistakes.
So to celebrate, I’ve created a list of 60 lessons that I’ve learned in the past 60 days.
If you want to see any of these topics expanded in depth, let me know in a comment here or hit me on Telegram @yallapapi.
1. Welcome To Onlyfans — You Suck
Despite my sales and marketing background, I realized that when I started this hustle, I was in way over my head.
The reality is simple: making money with OnlyFans requires a combination of hard skills (Tinder/Bumble marketing, growing TikTok accounts, etc) and soft skills (model management, recruiting, negotiation).
This alone makes it a complex — yet appealing — method of making money. It’s tempting to think that it’s just a matter of recruiting girls, getting naughty content from them, and squeezing the simps.
And while this is technically true, it’s a lot like herding cats.
There is a steep learning curve when starting an OnlyFans agency, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t have success right away.
2. Don’t Recruit Girls In Real Life
When I started two months ago, I hit the ground hard with online recruiting. I sent out 150–200 messages a day asking girls if they were interested in working.
That provided some results very quickly.
However, I also had a girl I was sleeping with in real life express interest in working with me. Those of you who followed my journey on BHW remember RLG — aka Real Life Girl.
I thought that since we were already sleeping together and I had access to her in real life, managing her would be easier.
But instead, what I learned was that sleeping with the girl only makes things more complicated, not easier.
Let’s face it — you are not Andrew Tate with 6 girlfriends. You are not a World Champion kickboxer or internet guru.
You are a normal dude.
What I realized after trying to manage RLG was that in this business, you will not retain most of your models. If they fuck up, you have to be prepared to let them go.
And when things go south in a business arrangement, the personal relationship usually suffers as well.
Which is exactly what happened with me and RLG.
I was too inexperienced to manage her properly. And she was not a reliable worker anyway. So it blew up in my face.
There’s a reason they say to keep your business and personal lives separated — in business, you have to be ruthless.
But who wants to be ruthless with a girl they’re sleeping with?
3. The Real Money Is In The Networking
One of the best things I ever did since starting my journey was to keep a daily journal of my progress.
This alone has been more valuable than any other thing that I’ve done.
When I had my journey threads on BHW, I was able to connect with other professionals in the industry.
These people sped up my development 20x, only because I was able to use them as temporary mentors in various areas.
Sure, I had some advantages coming into this — like sales experience and decent game — but I lacked the technical knowledge and domain expertise of running an OnlyFans agency.
By keeping the journey threads, I was able to network with advanced players early on.
I would go on to work with some of these people directly in the following ways:
- One of them helped me develop TikTok content creation software (a la Tate’s split screen method)
- One of them becamee my main traffic partner for all my girls
- One of them sends me girls to sell on my marketplace
- One of them taught me how to recruit girls on IG
- One of them owns a massive Telegram group of OF agency owners, endorsed my model marketplace, AND sends me girls
That’s just off the top of my head.
4. You Only Need To Learn One Thing
Starting in this industry can be overwhelming. Here’s a short list of all the things you need to learn:
- How to recruit models
- How to manage models
- How to organize payouts
- How to chat with their fans
- How to promote their pages
Each of those can be broken down further, making it seem like there’s hundreds of areas you need to master.
However, I would argue that you don’t need to learn everything. You only need to learn 1 thing.
- If you master recruiting, then you can partner with someone who is an expert in traffic.
- If you master Bumble traffic, then you can partner with someone who is an expert in recruiting.
- If you master chatting, then you can train chatters and create an agency that sells chatters for a %.
In fact, I would even argue that you can even master something tangentially related to this business.
In my situation, I would argue that I have mastered writing “infotainment” for OnlyFans agency owners.
These articles have not only connected me with new partners, but they’ve solidified my reputation in the industry as a super cool guy who knows his shit.
And this is without me promoting them at all, other than dropping a few links in some Telegram groups.
If I chose to promote them, I could offer all kinds of services to models and agency owners.
Strangely, this idea just occurred to me as I wrote the last line. I could approach potential partners and say, “I’m a super cool and smart guy. But don’t take my word for it, read these articles. You should hire me to do some work for you.”
Then instead of actually doing the work myself, I can just outsource it to one of my partners.
Bada boom bada bing, easy money.
5. Spend 90% Of Your Time Recruiting
One thing that I was smart enough to do early on was focus on recruiting.
Why was this smart? Because I burned a lot of leads due to my inexperience.
In sales, when we hire a new salesperson we give them a few days to “get the marbles out of his mouth.”
It takes a few dozen pitches to figure out exactly what to say and when to say it.
Managing models is no different. You are not going to do it right the first time. You are going to fuck up.
Doesn’t matter how smooth you are or how good your people skills are, you are going to make mistakes. Those mistakes are going to cause the models to abandon your agency.
But by having a powerful recruiting machine, you minimize the loss every time a model walks out the door. When you wake up to 7 texts a day from new models looking for representation, do you really think it matters that one of them left?
Yes, it’s annoying. But when they can sense that you don’t give a shit if they leave or not, they’re much more likely to stick around.
6. Buy The Flour, Don’t Grow The Wheat
If you wanted to eat some bread, you have a two options:
- Grow some wheat, harvest it, mill it into flour, add yeast and salt, and bake it
- Buy a loaf of bread at the supermarket
This industry is the same.
You can either stumble around and try to master generating traffic through Reddit. Or you can pay someone to do it for you.
You can either send out hundreds of DMs per day trying to recruit models, or you can just buy one off a marketplace.
Once you have a little experience, you might want to consider just paying for parts of the process that you don’t understand.
Yes, there is a risk involved. But eventually you will get to the point where the risk is worth the reward because you simply don’t have enough time to learn to do everything on your own.
7. Connect A Payout Method Before Launching
I learned this lesson recently when my superstar almost quit on me.
After two weeks being managed by us, she had nearly $5k in her accounts. And because she seemed so solid, my partner and I were in no rush to add a payout method.
But then she ghosted me for 5 days when we needed her to reverify her account. I texted her and explained that complete lack of communication was unacceptable, to which I received 5 walls of text calling me a terrible person.
Then she quit — with no payment method on her account.
Fortunately, she came crawling back a few days later. But lesson learned.
8. Join As Many Groups As You Can
As I’ll explain later, one of the best uses of your time as an agency owner is to create resources for other agency owners.
And one of the best ways to promote these resources is in groups full of other agency owners.
Not only that, but the connections you make in those groups are incredible.
A simple example: the other day I started a model marketplace.
And while I do have a decent system for recruiting, I also have my own agency to run which takes up a considerable portion of my time.
Ideally, I would be able to populate the marketplace with other peoples’ models and simply take a cut for listing and selling them.
So I asked the groups I was in if people have models for sale and instantly got half a dozen replies, one of them from a group owner with a massive following.
Now this group owner — who is 100x more establsihed in the industry than I am — can leverage his connections to find models to sell.
More accurately, I am leveraging HIS connections in the industry which is much more efficient than going out and trying to recruit these models one by one myself, regardless of how efficient my own recruiting machinery may be.
9. Hire Fast, Fire Faster
You don’t lose anything by hiring a model or partner.
Worst case scenario, you can always just let them go.
Best case scenario, you form a mutually beneficial partnership that will last for years.
I gave one of my girls to a guy in my Discord group to try to manage. He disappeared, so I removed him.
I gave another girl to another guy in my Discord group. He crushed it and now I’m giving him more.
But you’ll never know unless you try.
10. You Are The Prize, Not The Models
Female models have an inflated sense of value that extends beyond their careers as models. They are hot girls who have been given everything to them in life.
They expect the same treatment from their agency. And new agency owners are likely to give it to them, simply because they don’t know any better.
But this is a self-correcting problem that comes with experience.
Once you set up their profiles, get them verified, push traffic, and sell to their fans, you realize that you are doing 90% of the work while they are doing 10%.
All they have to do is create content.
This gets burned into your psyche after a few failed models until the point where it inadvertently comes out in your sales pitch.
Don’t try to censor it. Models can sense it.
They are almost literally a dime a dozen. And with the right marketing machinery in place, you can push any hard worker to the top.
But you can’t push a lazy girl to the top, no matter how hot she is.
11. Screenshots Are Worth A Thousand Words
Another lesson I learned early on was that models are more likely to take you seriously if you can provide screenshots of earnings of previous models.
Yes, any idiot knows that screenshots can be faked.
But it doesn’t matter.
They still want to see the screenshots.
My conversion rate for recruiting models shot WAY up once I added some earnings screenshots to my sales letter.
12. Your First 10 Models Don’t Count
The reality of this industry is that models come and go. Partners do too, but they are more reliable.
Models, on the other hand, are more fickle.
And if they’re not held in place with the fear that they will never do better than you, then you are more likely to lose them.
That said, most models are women. And most women who become OnlyFans models don’t do so because they have all the options in the world and just chose OnlyFans because it appealed to their artistic tastes.
They are doing it because they see it as the easiest option to make a lot of money very quickly.
One could make the argument that they are choosing OF because they are lazy.
And if they are lazy, then they are going to resist when you push them to do stuff if they are not properly motivated.
If they are not handled properly when they resist, you are going to lose them.
And if you have very little experience, then you are not going to handle them properly.
Think of it like this: you won’t make any money from the first 10 models you sign.
The first 10 don’t count.
13. Don’t Give Them Access To The Account
Another lesson I learned recently the hard way.
When a model has access to her account, she is naturally going to be curious and want to see how it’s doing.
I had this happen the other day to my superstar. She logged in, didn’t like how she was being portrayed, and had something to say about it.
Not only that, she wanted to be in control of the account so she could respond to the texts during the day. Completely unacceptable.
Instead of trying to explain via text (never a good idea), I just told her that we could have a call to discuss things.
But at the end of the day, I am the expert, not her.
She is the talent. The actor. The model.
I am the producer, the director, and the promoter. She works for me, not the other way around.
13. Set Up A Marketplace, Even If You Don’t Sell Anything
I recently opened a model marketplace. And while I’ve only made a few hundred bucks from it so far, it’s already paid for itself.
First of all, it was free to set up and took me about 30 minutes.
Well, maybe an hour since I had to write the proposal as well.
But it’s already connected me with high-powered traffic providers who have offered partnerships with me.
I had one guy text me and basically say, “I made $29k with my model last month and am looking for another one. Are you interested in a partnership?”
I have 3 new girls who are onboarding this week. I could easily slide one over to him and let him work his magic.
Or I could push another girl over to him that I find in the next few days.
Or I could negotiate with one of the scouts who bring me girls a deal where they send him the girl and I just take a % of the profits.
There are multiple puzzle pieces to this business:
- Verified Bumble and Tinder accounts
- Models (gay, straight, trans)
- Aged Reddit accounts with karma
- TikTok accounts with 1000 followers
- TikTok content creation software
- Coaching and consulting services
- Tube site setup
- Tube method service
Just to name a few…
You can set up a marketplace for any of these with minimal effort. But the reward is immense.
14. Sell Your Skills
I’m not a huge fan of this because you are trading your time for money. But if you can outsource your time to a VA or a piece of software, then why not?
Personally, I prefer to form a partnership with someone instead of selling my skills.
But if the price is right, then why not?
15. One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure
Over the past two months, I’ve learned that models are worthless unless they have a good work ethic.
An ugly girl who is communicative and reliable is 100x more valuable than a hottie who is flaky.
I can help the ugly chick make money. I can’t do anything for the hot one.
However, I’ve realized that most other agency owners don’t feel this way — despite what they say.
They just want the hotties.
I see this on my and other marketplaces. Hot girls are sold at a premium, whereas ugly ones with good work ethic barely sell for anything.
This is good news for me: I can sell the hotties (most of which I would never work with anyway) for a high price and keep the uggos for myself.
16. Hot Models Are Overrated, But Nobody Cares
When I first started recruiting, I would filter for the girls who were attractive.
Later on I would learn that they are spoiled for choice and largely unreliable.
I eventually found my niche with MILFs. Older women who were probably once very hot, but now past their prime.
They were still reasonably attractive, but could not compete with the fresh 21 year olds you’d find on TikTok.
This is not something they were unaware of. They knew it and were grateful that someone was giving them a chance.
Yes, hot models are hot. And it’s a nice little ego boost to say you manage a girl that gets you diamonds.
But at the end of the day, hopefully you are doing this for money. Not for bragging rights.
17. Learn To Spot The Warning Signs Early On
After nearly 50 Zoom calls with potential models, I recognized a pattern.
The good ones always showed up on time.
More specifically, the good ones followed instructtions.
I’ve said it in previous articles, but one of the things I’d ask models to do is read a 20 page sales letter and follow the instructions at the end if they wanted to apply.
The ones that followed instructions were always better.
The ones who didn’t always ended up flaking or ghosting.
Early warning signs are: being late, making excuses, flaking… all the basic stuff you would never tolerate from any employee.
18. How [Models] Do One Thing Is How [Models] Do All Things
I learned a lot when I recruited my first superstar.
She seemed to do everything right.
When she applied to work with us, she sent massive walls of text — a very good sign.
She verified her OF and provided the first batch of content within 24 hours.
The content she provided was very stimulating as well.
Why? Because she takes herself seriously and holds herself to a higher standard.
What I would learn later on is that this comes with its own set of problems. But it’s far preferable to them being flaky and unmanageable.
19. You’re Not A Pimp, You’re A Staffing And Marketing Service
I never thought of myself as a pimp until potential models started calling me a pimp.
I got accused of all sorts of things on a recent Reddit post that detailed the experiences of my first 30 days in the industry.
I was always a staffing and marketing service for the adult industry.
However, this is a common accusation from white knights and unsuccessful models who have trouble reconciling with the fact that their role in the industry is commoditized.
If you encounter someone who accuses you of being a pimp, thank them for their opinion and move on. They’re idiots.
20. Be Solution-Oriented
Do you know how to spot a new agency owner? They’ll come into a Telegram group and put forth some version of the following question:
“How do I find reliable models?”
No judgment — this is a question that I asked MANY times in groups, posts, and to anyone who would listen.
Until recently.
As luck would have it, a MAJOR agency owner found one of my posts and reached out to me. I found myself in the unlikely situation where I was being pitched on opening an agency with someone who was MUCH more successful than me.
This person was making $200k/month already and wanted me to open an agency with them. I sat and listened.
As a solution-oriented individual, this person had come up with a brilliant strategy: he paid his models a salary.
How do you think the rest of the world tricks people into getting jobs? They pay a salary.
21. Everyone Has The Same Problems, Can You Solve Them?
All agency owners have the same set of problems:
- They can’t find models
- Their models don’t stick around
- They can’t get traffic
- They don’t have time to work as a chatter
If you can solve these problems, you can make a lot of money.
All models have the same set of problems
- They can’t get traffic
- They don’t know what content to create
- They don’t have anyone holding them accountable
- They don’t have time to chat with fans
- They don’t have time to promote themselves
If you can solve these problems, you can make a lot of money.
22. Media-Creation And Branding Should Be Your #1 Focus
90% of the value I’ve created for myself in this industry has been only tangentially related to building my own agency.
If you want to know the truth, my agency kinda sucks — at least compared to a lot of the established players.
Sure, I’ve made decent progress and a couple grand in the past two months. But a lot of people make WAY more and made it WAY faster.
However, the REAL value I’ve created for myself has been from:
- My journey posts on BHW and HF
- My posts on this blog
- My contributions to Telegram groups
- My model marketplace
- My own Discord group
- My partnerships and friendships with other agency owners
The core of this strategy is the written articles. But that just happens to be how I started. There’s no reason I couldn’t have a YouTube channel or a podcast as well.
In fact, those methods might even be better than articles.
Not a lot of people have the patience to read any more. Especially an article as long as this one.
But anyone can turn on a video and watch it casually while they do something else.
If I was smart, I would start a YouTube channel.
23. Stop Wasting So Much Time Trying To Figure Things Out
I once spent two days trying to figure out how to batch create unique viral TikTok videos.
Working with an agency owner friend of mine, we taught ourselves to use ffmpeg to edit, stack, and trim TikToks in bulk to be uploaded to multiple accounts.
Ask me how many I’ve uploaded.
I also spent two weeks trying to build a Reddit automation network that would create, age, and grow karma for new accounts.
Ask me how that’s going.
If you’re a technical genius and patient, maybe you can whip up systems like that on the fly.
Personally, I’d rather spend a day writing an article and partner with someone who has already done that work.
Although it would be nice to have a Reddit upvote farm.
24. Don’t Launch Models Until You Have 100 Pieces Of Content
When I would launch models in the beginning, I spent a lot of time waiting for them to do shit.
At first, we’d ask for 20 videos.
The videos would almost always be low quality. So we’d have to give feedback and ask for 20 more.
Or, we’d try to promote them with those 20.
But they’d be gone pretty quick. And because we didn’t properly set expectations with our models, they expected to already see some money coming in after our first round of promotion.
If we had given them more specific guidelines on the first batch of content, then maybe they would have.
These days, we tell our models UP FRONT that we will not be launching their brand until we have 100 pieces of content.
This is usually at least 60 short video clips and 40 sexy pictures.
Its a good test for us to see if they’ll actually create the content and deliver it by the deadline. If they do, we continue working with them. If they don’t, they can get fucked.
25. Partner With People Who Are Better Than You
Out of all my partners, I am the least valuable.
There — I said it.
I suck at pretty much everything.
But the cool thing about this business is the fact that that doesn’t matter.
I don’t need to be better than them, I just need to have a comparative advantage in an area that they don’t want to spend time managing on their own.
Because of my articles and reputation, they trust me enough to work with me.
Think about it: If I fuck them over, I throw my reputation down the drain. And I have a lot to lose. Writing these articles involves a lot of work.
Furthermore, as a public-facing person, I am able to attract a lot of potential partners to me as a result of my content.
These people come to me with all kinds of deals. Well, mainly traffic and models. But I’ll take those deals all day.
Would I be willing to partner with someone who was worse than me in some way?
If they provided value to me, then sure.
For example, let’s say a new agency owner approached me and said they wanted to work with me and asked me what I need help with.
My current project is the model marketplace. I would offer them a deal like this:
If you recruit models for me, I’ll teach you my tricks and give you all my sales tools. Then we list the models you recruit on my marketplace and split the profits.
This is just one example I thought of off the top of my head. The sky’s the limit with partnerships and you’re only limited by your own creativity.
26. Set Deadlines For Your Models
I discovered this little trick on accident, but it’s proved invaluable to me.
During an especially intense period of recruiting, I remember getting an application from a model that I found to be particularly unattractive.
However, she followed instructions perfectly, seemed intelligent, and I got a good vibe from her.
I decided to give her a chance and told her she had 24 hours to verify her OF, sign the contract, and provide 20 short videos.
If she was able to do those things, I would sign her.
Spoiler alert: she did.
I’ve since extended the deadline to 48 hours, but this is now something that I implement with ALL of my new models.
If they can’t abide by a simple deadline this early in our relationship, then they are going to be useless later on. And I would rather know now than down the line.
27. Hold Your Models Accountable With Consequences
This is a tip I learned from my future big time agency partner.
During our first Zoom call, I expressed my frustration with not being able to find reliable models (newbie problem).
He told me that he had the perfect 2-step solution, which is as follows:
- Pay them a high monthly salary
- Insert a clause in their contract that says the models are responsible of a specific volume of content (per week), and if it’s not provided, that there will be a financial penalty to their paycheck
The magic here is that since they are employees and not contractors, you are not front-loading their paycheck.
And if they don’t perform their job, then you fire them without pay.
If they DO perform their job and provide the content, then it’s up to you to do your job and earn enough to make it worth your time.
But it’s a good hedge against risk.
28. Chatters Are Worth Their Weight In Gold
Having skilled chatters is invaluable in this business.
Most of the money you earn from OF pages is going to come from tips and messages.
Yes, subscriptions are nice. But that’s not how people maek the big money.
Chatters are the key to unlock your model’s full potential.
Fortunately, skilled chatters don’t seem to be particularly hard to find. You can find them in Telegram groups or on forums.
Worst case, you can just train your own.
In one of my groups, someone posted a 70 page chatter training manual with milking scripts. Very professionally written and definitely something I’ll have implemented for new chatters I hire with no experience.
29. Develop SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) For Your Future Employees
Speaking of my future agency partner, why do you think he wants to work with me in the first place?
It has nothing to do with my recruiting techniques, Reddit traffic strategy, or big biceps.
It’s because — get ready for it — I’m a good writer.
Yes, seriously.
The main value he sees in working with me is that I am able to write clearly.
I can distill complex topics to the degree that even stupid people can understand them.
And this guy — a veritable business super genius — has gone beyond the threshold of smartness to the point where can no longer do that.
I mean I’m sure he could, but he’s got better things to do than to teach $3/hr Filipino workers how to do menial tasks.
So instead, he’s going to teach me his business and I’m going to teach the Filipinos.
The benefit to him is that he can hand over a set of documents to new workers and say, “Do this.”
This makes it easier to scale — or even duplicate/franchise — an existing business.
The benefit to me is that:
- I get to learn what he does from start to finish
- I get to make a bunch of money
30. Start Making Money And Delegating Asap
New agency owners often feel like they need to learn everything so they can DO everything.
Since we can leverage technology, this doesn’t seem like a big deal.
But it is.
And nothing will steal your time faster than spending a week on Google trying to figure out how to do some complex social media automation shit when you could have spent it doing something more valuable.
You don’t need to do that shit.
Why spend an hour of your day DMing potential models when you could literally pay a Filipino $3 to do the same thing?
Hire a VA for $400/mo, tell them what to do, and then spend your time on something more valuable.
31. Don’t Get Attached To Anyone
Remember how I told you earlier that the first 10 models you sign don’t count?
That’s if you’re a beginner.
The more advanced you get the easier it will be for you to keep models.
And by “keep” them, I mean keep them doing what you want them to do.
Which specifically means: “keep them sending you content on a weekly basis.”
But even if you do everything right, you’re going to have situations where they leave you.
My superstar basically bailed on me because she had to take her son to urgent care for chest pains and he was diagnosed with left ventricle hypertrophy — a disease normally reserved for bodybuilders who abuse steroids for 20 years.
The point is this: women are emotional and if you catch them in the wrong moment, they might flip their shit and quit on you for no reason.
All the more reason to work with gays and trannies.
32. Never Compliment Female Models On Their Beauty
Earlier in my career (aka 1.5 months ago), I had a Zoom call with an attractive female model with a killer body.
She was tall and thin with big bushy eyebrows, but had perfectly shaped muscles.
She looked like a bikini competitor in the bodybuilding world. She still had fat in the right places, but you could see her leg and ass muscles rippling beneath her skin.
She signed the contract after our Zoom call and started sending content.
Now look — I’m the type of guy who likes a girl with a little muscle.
After I got a few videos, I texted her and said she had a great body.
She ghosted me after that.
Always always always remain professional. If the girls get even the slightest whiff of you being sexually attracted to them, they are going to bail.
33. When You Pay A Salary, You Own Them
Up until recently, I never offered models a salary.
Why would I pay them a fixed amount when I could help them earn so much more if they just did what I told them to do?
The reality of the situation is simple: most people — women or men — are not cut out to be business owners.
Most people seek the comfort of a steady paycheck.
Most people don’t want to risk working for free for any length of time, no matter how good the offer sounds.
Add to that the fact that women are not risk takers like men are. They want comfort and security. It’s rare that you’ll get any of them to agree to a profit split in the first place, let alone continue to work when no money is coming in.
The advantage of offering a salary is that you can “buy” established content creators already.
And if they don’t hold up their end of the bargain? You don’t pay them.
34. Women Are Not Risk Takers
Evolutionarily, women are not risk takers.
They were not out battling other tribes and hunting buffalo.
They were at home with kids weaving baskets and picking berries.
Sure, the world is a different place and much safer now. But it’s much less likely that women are going to take any sort of risk — especially a financial one — when they could simply take the sure thing and get a job.
Why do you think so many of them get married?
35. Any Signs Of Resistance Are Red Flags
After interviewing dozens of models and texting with literally hundreds, I’ve realized that any signs of resistance are massive red flags.
I don’t want you to keep all the rights to my content
Do I have to show my face?
Can we block <insert region here>?
I don’t know about this profit split…
What if I want to quit…?
Let me put it to you a different way:
Anything OTHER than models who are excited, enthusiastic, and desperate to work with you are not worth your time.
36. Develop A Process, Then Create Shortcuts
Ok, so I said not to spend time trying to figure out everything. And I stand by that.
However, that doesn’t mean you need to spend all your time WORKING on the 1 method you’ve mastered.
For example, let’s say you develop a process for recruiting that looks something like this:
- Set up agency IG
- Buy 10k followers
- Send 100 DMs per day to girls in Uzbekistan
- Send follow up messages with an application form to the ones who reply
- Schedule Zoom call with ones who fill out the form
- Do Zoom call
Eventually, you’ll want to automate all of these steps.
But in order to create the correct SOPs to give to your staff, you need to develop the process in the first place. Which means you need to go through it a few times and iterate it until the success rate is high enough.
Or, you could just hire someone to do the recruiting for you…
37. Cultivate Your Reputation Among Agency Owners
If you’re a one-man-show and want to do everything on your own, best of luck to you.
I can tell you that if I had to do it all on my own, I probably would have quit by now.
Yes, I’m smart and charming and intelligent and capable and tall and handsome. You’re 100% right about that.
And theoretically, I believe that I COULD figure out all of the steps required to build and automate a successful agency on my own.
But WHY would I go through all that when there’s a much easier option?
Instead of learning to recruit models, send traffic, chat with fans, and develop all the sub-skills that those tasks require, I could just get 2–3 powerful people to like me and hook them together through me.
This is literally something that anyone can do. You just have to be good at 1 thing and be known for being good at that one thing.
In my case, I’m known for being an ice-cold pimp who writes entertaining articles.
In my partnerships, I don’t even need to utiliize those specific skills.
All I had to do was establish myself as SOMETHING, get my hooks in a few people, and the deals just materialize.
38. Start A YouTube Channel
Imagine a constant flow of models who are dying to work with you, agency owners who are dying to partner with you, and traffic providers who are dying for you to send them models.
Sound too good to be true?
Nope. Just start a YouTube channel.
All of the benefits that I’ve gained from journey posts, Medium articles, and being active in Telegram groups would be magnified 100x if I started making YouTube videos on these same topics.
Honestly, the only thing stopping me from doing this right now is that I don’t believe my results are good enough to establish myself as an authority.
However, (I’m arguing with myself right now), what I could do instead is just copy my journey/blog format but put it into video form.
So that way I don’t have to be an expert. I can just talk about stuff I tried and whether or not it worked.
I’ll probably start it soon. It’s on my list.
39. Start A Blog/journey Thread
If you enjoy writing, you 100% need to start a blog or journey thread.
My first taste of success came from my journey threads on BHW — which I was subsequently banned from for unrelated reasons.
I’ve said it before, but the amount of connections and momentum I gained from keeping journey threads going on there is invaluable.
And while these posts don’t have the same reach just yet, I still get a few messages a day on Telegram from agency owners telling me how they found them useful.
40. Keep The Honest People Honest
Hypothetical situation:
Let’s say you go grocery shopping and the teller gives you back an extra $20.
Do you tell them?
Most people would say yes.
But then let’s say that the teller was very rude to you before giving you change.
Would you say yes then?
What if the teller was rude to you not only then, but every single time you’d ever shopped there.
What then?
What if the teller was rude to you then and every other time, plus you didn’t realize that you had been given extra change until you were already 10 minutes down the road?
And it was 10 degrees outside?
And you were late for an appointment?
And it was hailing?
Here’s where I’m going with this: you can continue to modify this hypothetical situation until 99.9% of people will just pocket the $20, which is technically immoral and unethical.
The “right” thing to do is to give it back, regardless of how inconvenient.
The same logic can be applied to the models who work for you, but in reverse.
If you make it easy for them to steal from you and part ways, then they will — regardless of how ethical they see themselves. If you make it hard for them, they are less likely to.
41. Create A Website For Your Agency
Ok let’s be honest — in <current year>, do we really need a website?
No. Maybe an Instagram account and an email address, but a website?
Who even uses websites anymore?
Practically speaking, we don’t need one for our agency.
But when you try to recruit models, they will want to see that you have a website. It adds legitimacy.
42. Create An IG Page For Your Agency
Similar to having a website, you’re going to need an IG page.
The reason for this is slightly different — you’re going to want to do outreach from your IG page.
The models are going to check your page when you contact them. They’re going to want to see you have several thousand followers and a decent presence.
It doesn’t have to look like you’re super famous or anything, just has to look reasonably professional.
The better your page looks, however, the easier it will be to do outreach from IG.
The best is if it looks real and you have links to real models’ IG pages.
43. Create A Sales Letter For Prospective Models
When I first started, I had good luck with recruiting. It’s a numbers game.
However, I found myself wasting a lot of time on Zoom calls having the same conversations with models over and over.
This was annoying to me because most of them would end up ghosting anyway, so I decided to start sending them something to read that would cover all the basics about working with us.
But then I figured that as long as I was sending them something, I might as well use proper copywriting techniques to write in a way that sold the model on working with us.
Any then my sales letter was born.
This tool does quite a few things:
- It filters for models too lazy to read
- It sells the model on working with us
- It explains what we expect from the model
- It covers compensation
- It includes next steps for how to apply
- It forces the model to invest time and effort into the interaction, increasing buy-in
Sure, it took me a few hours to put together. But it’s one of my secret weapons in recruiting models and appropriately setting the frame that they work for us, not the other way around.
44. Start New Projects Even If You Have No Idea What You’re Doing
I used to be the type of person who would only start one project at a time and not move on until I had finished whatever I was working on.
As a result, I got a lot less done.
Then one day, I decided to take a different approach — I would start as many projects as I could and work on them whenever I felt like it.
When one of them started to catch on, I would focus more on that.
I can’t say that this is the way to go, but I have noticed some benefits.
For example, one of the projects that I started was writing these articles. I don’t do it every single day, but when the mood strikes me I’ll sit down and crank one out.
It’s lead to quite a few benefits as I’ve already mentioned.
Another project is my model marketplace. This requires a little more constant work, but the benefits up front have been much more noticeable so I don’t mind.
45. Don’t Buy Courses, Buy Coaching
Courses are almost never worth the money.
Not only is all of the information available for free online, but you always feel kind of cheated after you spend the money and see what’s actually included.
You can make the argument for buying coaching, as that usually come with ongoing support and (hopefully) an adjacent community.
46. Buy Communities And Tools
Speaking of communities, in my opinion THOSE are worth purchasing.
Yes, there are some great free ones available (Only Black Hat Telegram group comes to mind).
But if you have to pay to join a group, then I say it’s worth it.
The ability to float a question to the group and get an answer immediately is worth more than any coaching program or course.
And if you plan on doing any of the work yourself, then software tools are also worth investing in.
47. Extend Your Timeline To 6 Months
When I started this journey, my goal was to be making $750/day by 2 months.
I am way, way, WAY behind that goal. My two month expiration date was today.
Have I made some money? Yes.
Have I learned a ton? Also yes.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I definitely have a habit of overestimating how much I can do in a short period of time.
Despite all the progress I’ve made in the past 60 days, sometimes I still feel like I’ve made none at all.
If I had been a little more realistic and started with a longer timeline, maybe I wouldn’t have been so desperate to make progress so quickly.
But once things started moving, I realized that unless you’re already starting with successful partners or have created a similar successful business in the past, you are not going to make a bunch of money just because “OnlyFans is easy” — because it isn’t.
48. Earn 50%+ Of Your Income From Methods Other Than Onlyfans
The reality of the situation is that Onlyfans may not be around forever. They can kick off adult creators or shut down completely.
What will you do if that happens?
Sure, you can try finding a new platform. But then all the work you put into generating income has gone down the drain.
If your income is diversified across multiple platforms, then you lose much less if OnlyFans decides to pull the plug.
And the more diversified you are the better.
49. Start Accepting Cryptocurrency Payments/tips
If you’re not accepting cryptocurrency payments, then you’re leaving money on the table.
Lots of guys don’t want their credit card statement to show up with some strange charges on it. Especially if they’re married.
However, the odds that your average housewife is going to look up a blockchain transaction ID are virtually 0.
Plus, crypto payments have the added benefit of not being subject to credit card fees. Among other things.
50. Own All Of The Funnel
Credit to Only Black Hat for this one. In one of his videos, he talks about a concept called vertical integration.
Essentially what this means is that you should strive to own every step of the process.
One simple example is to have your models’ fans buy gifts for the model from an ecommerce store that you control instead of from Amazon.
If Amazon sells something for $20, you can sell it on your own store for $60 and pocket the difference.
There are dozens of ways to increase revenue like this, you just have to get creative.
51. Learn Copywriting
One of the best uses of the time I’ve spent learning online marketing has been using copywriting.
I enjoy writing, but before learning copywriting it was always an exercise in creativity for me.
But when I learned the 12 step copywriting method, writing turned into something that I could use to sell an idea or service.
And the great thing about writing something, or creating any kind of media in the digital age, is that you just have to create it once and you can reap the benefits of it for the rest of your life.
52. Learn Pickup
Pickup, seduction, whatever you want to call it — this has been a huge help for me in the OnlyFans agency game.
Yes, it’s true that hardcore business skills are more valuable than pickup skills. And those I had to develop on the fly.
But learning pickup gives you an inside look into the female mind. And let’s face it, most of the models you recruit are probably going to be female.
I can recommend ToddV as a good place for beginners to start.
53. Learn Sales
I’ve spent most of my professional career selling something to somebody.
More specifically, I’ve been selling beauty products to women. So not only did I get the sales background, but I also got “talking to women” experience to go with it.
And let me tell you, selling to women is MUCH harder than selling to men.
When you sell to men, it’s very straightforward.
Men will think: “I like it. I have the money. Ok I’ll buy it.”
Women will think: “Gee I like it, but I’m not sure. Do I really need it? I dunno. I’ve never heard of this brand before. And this salesman is really hot but can I trust him. Hmm maybe I should look on Instagram…”
Regardless of what you sell, learning to sell is invaluable. You experience firsthand the concept of “it’s a numbers game” and develop the resilience to go with it.
54. These Hoes Ain’t Loyal… Unless They Have No Choice
If you start working with a girl and she’s able to get herself a new apartment, a car, and a lavish lifestyle, she is not going to let you go.
Doubly so if she’s technologically retarded and relies on you to do everything for her other than create the content.
Even more so if you control the external assets outside OnlyFans that generate income for her.
And if you own her socials, tube accounts, and crypto wallets? Forget about it.
55. You Are Not Andrew Tate
Yes, we all love Andrew Tate.
He’s probably what got you into this line of work in the first place.
I personally think he’s unironically one of the greatest men of our time.
However, you are not him. And neither am I.
You are not a world champion kickboxer who approaches every beautiful girl he sees and tells them they are beautiful.
If you can do those things, then I take it back. You’re just like him.
But if you’re a tech nerd and shy around girls then come up with a management method that is more suitable for your personality type.
56. Set Your Models Up On Tube Sites
Uploading videos to tube sites is easy money.
A pain in the ass, but easy money.
Make it less of a pain in the ass by hiring a VA to do it for you.
Or use a tool like Tube Site Submitter.
57. Contracts Aren’t Worth Shit
Having a contract serves the same purpose as having a website.
They’re both pretty useless, but serve to assuage the models’ doubts that you’re an Indian scammer operating out of his arranged wife’s basement.
No disrespect to my Indian friends. Love me some butter chicken.
But having a contract is essentially worthless if you’re looking to hold a model legally accountable. Unless you’re bringing in big money, it’s not gonna happen.
And what judge do you think is going to rule in your favor anyway?
That said, contracts serve to clearly state what each party is responsible for and how much they’ll be paid for their work.
They’re still something you need in your arsenal, just don’t expect that you will be able to use it in a lawsuit.
58. Make It Clear To Your Models Exactly What You Expect Of Them
Speaking of contracts, you absolutely need to make it clear to your models what they are required to do.
It wasn’t until later on in my career (after 30 days), that I realized I wasn’t adequately preparing my models for the volume of work they would need to do.
Be specific with what they need to provide.
For example, don’t say, “You need to create videos and pictures for us.”
Instead, say, “Every week we need 25 TikToks, 10 sexy videos, 20 selfies, and 5 PPV longer videos.”
And then go into greater detail about each of the items. What kind of TikToks? Etc.
59. Never Say No To Money
As I recall, Andrew Tate’s 2nd rule of Hustler’s University: NEVER SAY NO TO MONEY.
You are not in the OnlyFans agency business.
You are in the business of making money.
If your main motivation for doing this is anything OTHER than making money, then you are in it for the wrong reasons.
…unless you are already making enough money. Then I take it back.
60. Start Your Own Tube Site
The last tip I’m going to leave you with is this: start your own adult content website.
There are services and apps that you can use to make your own adult content website. I don’t remember what it’s called at the moment. My brain is kind of fried from writing this massive article in one sitting.
You can use kernel video sharing (google it) or MechBunny.
Good luck out there!
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