The Ultimate Guide To Reduce Flaking, Ensure Reliability, And Getting Your Models To Respect You

In the OnlyFans management business, there are a few major hurdles that need to be overcome if you want to be successful.
In my opinion, the biggest hurdle is dealing with the models themselves.
First you need to recruit them, which is a monumental task in and of itself.
But then you need to get them to do what you want them to do when you want them to do it.
More specifically, you need to:
- Make sure they provide content in a timely manner
- Make sure the content they provide fits the specifications that you require
- Make sure they provide enough content
- Make sure they perform all of the verifications required to set up all of their accounts properly
- Make sure they don’t fuck you over with the money
Today I wanted to write an article that talks about my experience managing models and what I currently believe are best practices for making sure that you negotiate from a point of strength so you don’t get fucked over.
Table Of Contents
- Lessons From The Kitchen
- Why Your Model Showed Flaked On Your Zoom Call
- How To Approach Models In Your Initial Outreach So They Show Up On Time
- How To Conduct Yourself During A Zoom Call
- How To Correct A Model’s Behavior When She Tests Your Boundaries
Lessons From The Kitchen
Ever since I was a child, I had a dream of being in the military. I was pretty shy growing up and I believed that serving in the military would give me the confidence I needed to operate in the real world without anxiety.
I was wrong, but that’s another story.
Being in the infantry, part of our responsibility was kitchen duty.
Many of the bases we served on would have one or two full-time “chefs” (I use the term liberally) and our unit would volunteer a few soldiers every day to do things like cut vegetables, wash dishes, clean, etc.
Personally, I liked kitchen duty because it was a chance to escape the monotony of cleaning guns and marching in the cold.
I could zone out to music and wash plates without having to deal with any of the idiots in my unit for a day. It was nice.
One day, I remember talking to the head chef on our base.
Somehow we got on the subject of talking about some of the soldiers in my unit. This guy’s a good soldier, this guy sucks, etc.
At one point he said:
“Even though I never see you guys in the field, I know who the good soldiers are in your unit because I see how they work in the kitchen. Who you are in the kitchen is who you are in the army.”
I still haven’t forgotten those words.
Applied to OF management, the point is this: if you hire a model who is lazy at her retail job, lazy in her personal life, and was lazy in school, do you think she is going to knock it out of the park as a model because she is beautiful?
No. She’s going to be lazy with her modeling career as well.
On the other hand, if you have a model who goes above and beyond to do the best job she can in school, at work, and raising her children (if she has any), then how do you think she is going to treat her OnlyFans career?
This article is about how to communicate with your models so that they are reliable, trustworthy, and have respect for you.
However, the reason I’m putting this little anecdote at the beginning is because I want to make one thing very clear:
- If your model is a rotten apple, it doesn’t matter how much you try to polish her, she will still be rotten.
- If your model is a golden apple, you won’t need to polish her as much, because she’s made of fucking gold.
Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t correct the behavior of bad models.
And 19/20 of the ones who “sign” with you are going to be bad.
Instead, put all of your focus into the ones who respond in a timely manner, do what you ask them to do, and are 100% motivated to be successful.
Why your model showed flaked on your Zoom call

In the Telegram groups, I always see naive agency owners post conversations like this one:
“Hey guys, I had a Zoom call scheduled with a model today but she canceled on me last minute/flaked/was 30 minutes late. What should I do?”
Now first of all I’ll tell you this: the serious models — the superstars — will show up exactly when you tell them to show up.
If you tell them the call is at 12:00, they will show up at 12:00.
Not because they’re inherently better than the rotten models, but because it’s important enough for them to restructure their day’s activities in order to be able to show up to the call on time.
At the time of this writing, I currently have 1.5 superstars.
The first one (which I wrote all about in my last article) not only showed up on time to our meeting, but she even texted me a few hours before to confirm that we were still on.
In the past week I’ve hired another one with superstar vibes. She also showed up on time.
Showing up on time may not seem like a big deal to you, but it’s a MASSIVE display of respect for the person you are going to meet.
If the girl does not show up on time, then she does not respect you.
It doesn’t matter if she has the best excuse in the world — she didn’t show up on time, so she doesn’t respect you.
And if she shows such blatant disrespect on the FIRST conversation, imagine how she will act 3–6 months down the line when she is comfortable.
It’s not going to be pretty.
However, before we go blaming the girl for being a bad person, you need to chiggity-check yourself.
- Did you make it clear to the girl that your relationship with her is one where you have the upper hand?
- Did you set the frame that she needs you more than you need her?
- Does she understand that your time is valuable and she wastes it at her own peril?
- Does she see you as the type of guy that won’t tolerate bullshit from dumb hoes?
If your answer is anything other than “yes,” then I’m sorry bucko, but you done fucked up.
Even a superstar — who would probably show up on time — needs to understand that they are dealing with a superior being in order to feel a sense of loyalty.
So the question is this: how do you convey that you are an important agency owner who is super busy and doesn’t have time for bullshit, instead of a newbie who is desperate for his first girl?
You need to tell the girl EXACTLY what you want her to do.
I’ll give you a phrase that I use every time I set up a call with a new girl:
“Please show up to the call on time.”
That’s it. Nothing too crazy. But simple phrase accomplishes 2 things:
- It’s polite but firm
- It implies a consequence if they don’t show up for the call on time
Now you may be wondering, “Well what if I use your magic sentence and she still shows up late to the call?”
Normally what I do is give them 5 minutes to get in touch with me to let me know they are going to be late.
I realize that shit happens and if she shows up at 12:03 instead of 12:00 it’s not the end of the world. And it’s close enough that I’ll still do the call with her, but I will tell her to be on time next time.
However, if more than 5 minutes go by and she’s radio silent, then I’ll send her this text:
“We don’t work with timewasters. Best of luck elsewhere.”
If she’s low quality and I wasn’t crazy about the call anyway, then that’s the end of it.
But if she’s a high quality girl who isn’t used to being rejected like that, guaranteed that within 30 seconds I’ll get a text back begging be to reschedule.
See the following conversation for an example:

I usually make them suffer a little bit first so they understand the error of their ways.
But if I see potential in her, I will reschedule a call with her for the next day, even if I have time that day.
You want them to think that you are busy and important. If you are staying busy and keeping up with your recruiting, then soon you will be.
But in the beginning you need to fake it till you make it a little bit.
How to approach models in your initial outreach
Let’s back it up a bit and talk about the initial outreach, because it’s entirely possible she flaked on your call because of something you said during the first few messages.
They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
With women, that is especially the case.
Most women will decide if they are going to sleep with a man in the first thirty seconds.
Women’s brains are not wired like men’s.
We have the ability to differentiate between who we want to do business with and who we want to put our dick inside of.
Women don’t have that luxury. Not trying to be sexist, but they just aren’t able to make that differentiation.
Maybe a few are, but the vast majority of them are going to decide whether or not they want to do business with you based on your attitude towards them.
You could be a traffic genius and an expert chatter, but if your game is weak with girls then they will assume you don’t know what you’re doing.
The reason I say this is because I see a lot of screenshotted conversations where the guys are clearly too eager to please and start slobbering at the prospect of seeing her titties.
The attitude that you want towards these girls in your initial outreach is one of cool interest.
You are casually interested in this girl, but you want more information to see what she’s all about. You are qualifying her, not the other way around.
The best way to achieve this state of mind is by having a lot of options.
There is no alternative for abundance mentality.
If you only have one conversation with a potential model per day, you are going to assign a lot of value to that conversation.
Your desperation is going to leak through because you know that’s your only shot of the day.
If you have 100 conversations with potential models per day, you are going to become a lot more efficient in your process.
This is one of the reasons why I put such a strong emphasis on recruiting, especially for new agency owners.
When your recruiting machinery is working properly, you never get too attached to any one model.
The girls can smell this, and will instinctively that that because you aren’t chasing them, that working with you is something that they should want.
It doesn’t make any logical sense, but this is how they think.
I don’t have these attitudes towards models because I was born an ice-cold pimp.
I have these attitudes because I spam my outreach and talk to dozens of models per day.
I have also learned the hard way that being kind and understanding is an invitation to get walked all over by ruthless girls who see kindness as weakness.
Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to spend time chasing all of them.
My mass-outreach methods simply allow me to filter for the superstars and low-hanging fruit.
Here’s a good example of a conversation that I had with a model yesterday who was giving me attitude.

A few things I want you to notice here.
At first, I was nice and started answering her questions.
Did that make her be nice to me?
No. She was even more demanding.
Once I stood up for myself and insisted things be done the way I wanted, she went from “who are you and why should I trust you?” to “please give me this opportunity sir!”
It all happened in a matter of minutes.
Not only that, but at the end she’s practically begging me for the opportunity.
You can clearly see the way I communicate with her that I do not care about signing her. I am not trying to sell her hard.
By the way, normally I don’t answer any questions via text like that.
Usually I just tell them to read my sales letter and follow the instructions at the end if they want to apply.
I must have been in a generous mood.
It wasn’t until I essentially told her, “follow instructions or fuck off,” that she became a sweet little puppy dog who was eating out of my hand.
Unfortunately, it turned out that she was very unattractive. But unattractive girls still make bank.
The bottom line is this: you need to have the attitude with these girls that
- You don’t need them,
- They need you
- They must show respect otherwise their asses will be out the door ASAP
How to conduct yourself during a Zoom call
So, you’ve actually gotten a model to show up to a Zoom call.
Congratulations — it’s not as easy as it sounds.
Now before you fuck it up by acting like a thirsty little bitch, I’m going to tell you how to conduct yourself so she respects you and wants to sign with you.
However, before we get into that, I have to stress that the call will go MUCH better if you have laid the groundwork properly by:
- Showing that your time is valuable
- Implying that YOU are interviewing THEM
- Conveying that you are a busy and important agency owner and are offering them an opportunity, not the other way around
The way that I accomplish this is by sending a 20 page sales letter that shows these girls why they should sign with my agency.
Deconstructing that could be its own book, let alone an article, so I’ll save that for another time.
But suffice to say for now the document is crisp and does its job quite well.
The reason I bring this up now is because the REASON I created the document in the first place was to save myself time during Zoom calls.
When I first started recruiting and getting girls on calls, I noticed that the conversations were more or less the same every time.
- The benefits of working with us
- What we expect from them
- Compensation breakdown
- Who owns the rights to the content
- How long is the contract for
- etc..
I created the sales letter as a way to spare myself from the monotony of having the same conversations over and over again.
But I figured that as long as I was giving them something to read, I might as well use it as a selling tool to get them excited about working with me.
Like I said, I can’t go over that in this section, but I highly recommend you send these girls something to read before your call.
For one thing, it works as an excellent screening mechanism to weed out the time wasters.
A girl who is only mildly interested is not going to spend 20 minutes of her time reading a primer on what it’s like to work with your agency. She just doesn’t care.
But a girl who is DESPERATE to work with an agency will read every fucking word. She might even read it twice.
The most recent superstar that I signed not only read it to herself, but she read it to her parents to show them what an incredible opportunity it was.
(The parents agreed, FYI.)
Another benefit of writing a long sales letter is that it forces the girl to invest time into working with you. If you just jump straight from text convo to Zoom call, there is no investment.
You have to spend even more time with her on the call to get her to open up about herself so she feels like she has invested in the conversation.
Much better to just send out a long document that sells the opportunity for you and use the Zoom call to talk about the basics, which I’ll go over now.
Here’s how I run my Zoom calls:
- Ask them about their experience/background
- Ask them to justify any red flags that they mention
- Tell them about how we operate
- Allow them to ask questions
- Explain the next steps and deadlines
- Allow them to ask questions
1. Ask them about their experience/background
The reason I do this is pretty self-explanatory. I want to know who I’m dealing with.
- Does she have experience in the adult industry?
- What has she done before?
- If she has no experience, why does she want to go into the industry?
- Has she ever done OnlyFans before? What was that like?
2. Ask them to justify red flags
This is where I actively try to disqualify the models based on things that I consider to be potential red flags. I don’t always do this, only when necessary.
For example, if someone mentions that they have a young child, I ask them if they will eventually want to stop doing this kind of work because they don’t want their child to know.
These things need to be brought up in the initial conversation, if for no reason other than that the model needs to verbally declare that they aren’t in fact red flags.
Are they lying? Maybe. But at least you force them to voice their lie (and can watch them to see if they squirm) instead of allowing them the opportunity to pop it on you out of nowhere 6 months from now.
3. Tell them how we operate
At this point, I tell them how we work as an agency. What we need from them, how we promote them, and how we run their accounts.
All of this information is covered in the sales letter, so I just quickly go over it to refresh their memory.
4. Allow them to ask questions
Before I talk about the next steps, I give them the opportunity to ask me questions. It’s very likely that after reading a 20 page sales letter, they have some questions about how the whole thing works.
It’s also likely that at this time they’ll bring up anything that’s been bothering them about the entire process.
I like to allow them to ask questions before I talk about next steps. There’s no point in talking about next steps if they still have some kind of reservation about the whole thing, so we need to clear that up before moving forward.
It also allows me to see where their head is at during this whole process. Are they interested? Motivated? Hesitant? Suspicious? Excited?
All of this will show me how I should treat them moving forward.
5. Explain the next steps and deadlines
I’ll go over this more in the next section, but essentially what I do now is explain what happens after the call.
None of the models you speak with have worked with me before. They may have worked with other agencies, but chances are that they are not as professional and structured as I am.
By telling them exactly what to expect at every step of the process, they are not surprised with anything. In fact, they are reassured that they are in such capable hands.
6. Allow them to ask questions
Before ending the call, I give them another opportunity to ask questions.
I put a lot of importance on the previous step where I assign instructions and give them deadlines. If they don’t perform the tasks by the due date, then their contracts are canceled.
I think it’s only fair that I allow them to ask questions before ending the call so they have the best chance for success.
Explaining the next steps and deadlines, pt 2
During the 7 or so weeks that I’ve been running this agency, I’ve probably had about 40–50 Zoom calls.
95% of those calls lead to the model agreeing to being represented by my agency.
- How many of them do you think are currently working for me?
- How many of them do you think have submitted a single piece of content?
- How many of them do you think have generated even a single dollar?
Very few.
The reality of the situation is that most of the girls who you do a Zoom call with that tell you they want to get started are full of shit.
Like I said at the beginning of this article, if an apple is rotten, it’s rotten. Just throw it away.
However, our goal as businesspeople is to try to maximize our efficiency at every step of the sales process.
If a model decided to stop working with us because she is rotten, then that’s on her.
If a model decided to stop working with us because we did not clearly communicate what we expect from her, then that’s on us.
Once a model is signed, there are 3 tasks that I give them which must be completed in no more than 48 hours.
- Sign and return the contract
- Submit their identity verification on OnlyFans
- Provide the first batch of content, roughly 20 videos and 20 pictures
If these tasks are not completed in 48 hours, then I cancel the contract. No exceptions.
There are 2 reasons why I implemented this change:
- If a model can’t be fucked to do these things in 2 days, then she isn’t serious
- My first superstar did these things immediately without me having to ask them
Let’s be real gentlemen — these tasks do not take two fucking days.
Reading and signing the contract takes less than five minutes. Let’s say 15 if you’re a slow reader or not a native English speaker.
The ID verification on OnlyFans is a pain in the ass, yes, but it will take you 30 minutes tops.
Sending me 20 short clips of 30–60 seconds each should not take you more than an hour.
Most girls have 20 pictures on their phone that they can send without having to shoot anything new. And if they need to shoot new ones, they can do that in 15–20 minutes easily.
Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and say that these things take TWO HOURS to do.
If a model can’t spend 2 hours working on this and get it back to me in less than two days, then she is not serious.
Her excuses are irrelevant. Believe me I’ve heard them all.
- OF wouldn’t accept my ID
- I tried and tried but it kept getting rejected!
- I’ve been really busy lately
- I got stuck in traffic
- I had to take my son to the emergency room
Blah blah blah…
Listen, it’s really simple: I am running a business.
Not only do I not have time to chase you, but I have no desire to work with people who aren’t desperate for success.
I don’t need any one specific model. Even my superstar — if she were to wake up one day and stop being a superstar, I would get rid of her too.
Yes, it would suck.
But I am not going to waste my time with people who do not have a burning desire to get incredible results as fast as possible.
How to correct a model’s behavior when she tests your boundaries
Unless you’re brave enough to hire gay or trans models, then most of the people you deal with are going to be biological women.
Women think differently than men.
- Men are logical — if it makes logical sense, we’ll do it.
- Women are more concerned with their reputation. If it seems like it will increase their status, they’ll do it.
If they respect you, then they’ll give you a chance.
Even if you start making money for them, they’ll throw it all away if they lose respect for you. Or they’ll start looking for someone they do respect.
The issue when you work with women is that they can’t stop themselves from shit testing you. This happens even in a professional setting.
A shit test is where a girl will test your frame to see that you are worthy of her respect.
The way she does this is by committing a social violation that would be unacceptable were it to be executed by anyone without a vagina.
Being 30 minutes late to a call, canceling last minute, flaking, being rude, not sending content — these are all manifestations of shit tests in the OF agency world.
And regardless of how good your girls are, eventually they will fuck up and try to shit test you.
To combat this, there are 2 things you need to do:
- Implement practices that prevent shit tests
- Correct their behavior immediately after the shit test occurs
I’ve given you enough examples for shit test prevention in this article. I’m sure in the future I’ll give you more.
Let’s talk about correcting their behavior.
I’m going to give you a simple example that happened with one of the first girls that I signed that started having success.
After only a week or so of promotion on Reddit, she had about 3000 followers. Her free account grew to over 600 followers in that time and things were looking very good.
After about a week or so, she had grossed about $500. Not incredible, but pretty good for her first week — and from a free account no less.
Also keep in mind that this was early on and I still didn’t have any real idea what I was doing.
I was very excited with these results, especially since this was the only girl who was making any money for me.
Everything seemed great, until I got this voice message from her:
(NOTE: I can’t upload voice messages here and for some reason YT isn’t letting me upload the VLC file. So it’s transcribed.)
I’m sorry, um, I just had a major fight with my husband for personal reasons nothing to do with the videos… and uh I apologize but I am not really up to making content today.
I’m really sorry but this is bad timing because now that I need to put out more, I’m stopping. I’m very sorry but I’m not up to it today. If anything changes I’ll let you know.
Here was my response:

And her was her voice message response:
I’m not saying I’m quitting right now, today, but he left today, okay? And I have two kids and I’m not sure what’s gonna happen out of this, if he’s gonna come back or not.
So.. with that said, I am completely devastated and I am sorry. I don’t know what to say. If he comes back in the next few days, everything should be going back to the way we were.
And just catch up then? I’m not sure. Right now I just don’t have an answer. I don’t wanna quit, but I don’t know what’s gonna happen.
And my response (voice note):
So listen I know it’s not just about the money, and it’s a relationship and all that… but you gotta understand that your account has real potential and it’s only now starting to pick up steam.
You can do whatever you want. If you want to quit that’s fine, but I need some sort of commitment from you.
This can’t be the type of thing where something happens and you stop and then you start again.
So I need to know by today if you’re going to continue with us.
And if you are, I would absolutely love that, that would be amazing — for you and for me.
If the answer is no for whatever reason, then don’t even bother. And I’m not saying that to be a dick or anything like that but this is not the type of thing where we are in the business of chasing people, where “do you feel like making content today, oh no I can’t” it just doesn’t work for us.
So I would encourage you to think very hard about whether or not you want to do this. And if you do, let’s continue. But if not, that’s fine. Please just let me know.
Now look, I’m not an unreasonable person. I’m not heartless, either.
But like I said earlier, this is a business. And I need to know that the people I hire to work in my business are reliable.
If I had said, “Oh it’s ok sweetie, take your time and figure out what’s going on with your husband. Just let me know when you feel like making content again,” what kind of precedent do you think that would have set?
She would know that any time she doesn’t feel like making content, she can make up some bullshit excuse about fighting with her husband and I’ll leave her alone.
From a business standpoint, I can’t do that.
I have to be strong. I have to be a dick. Because the alternative is having an unreliable person take a key role in my business, which is a recipe for disaster.
True, the $500 or whatever that she earned in this time was not going to make or break me. But it was the first breakout success that I had with a model and didn’t want to lose it so quickly after it appeared.
However, I knew that this girl had to understand that working for me meant NO EXCUSES.
That NO MATTER WHAT, she had a responsibility to hold up her end of the bargain in this relationship or it was going to be over between us.
This is the attitude that you need to have with your models at every single step of the interaction.
- She cancels last minute on your Zoom call? Tell her you don’t work with timewasters and to find work elsewhere.
- She fails to deliver the content by the 48 hour deadline? Tell her you’re only looking for serious people and she’s clearly not serious enough to work with you.
- She makes up some excuse about why she didn’t do what you asked her to do? Tell her it’s unacceptable and if it happens again she’s gone.
- She doesn’t send you your cut of the earnings when she’s supposed to? Tell her she has 24 hours to make it happen or you’re canceling her contract.
By adopting this attitude, you’re not being unreasonable. You’re not being mean or a jerk.
You’re just treating her the same way you would treat any of your other business partners.
I have a partner right now who does an amazing job promoting my superstar. He’s great at promoting her on Reddit, great at milking her fans, and we communicate multiple times per day.
If he were to stop being great in all these ways, I would treat him exactly the same way. I would tell him that it’s unacceptable and give him a chance to correct his behavior. If he did, then great. Shit happens.
If he didn’t, then I would find a new partner. And I’m sure he would do the same for me too.
I would do the same for any of my friends and family as well.
If they start acting in an unacceptable way, I would tell them that it’s unacceptable and give them a chance to change.
If they did, then everything is fine and we can move on. If they didn’t, well then fuck them. I don’t need them in my life.
Why should you treat your models any other way?
At the end of the day, these are people who you theoretically want in your life for years to come. You owe it to them to communicate with them clearly and tell them exactly what you expect from them.
If you don’t do that, then how are they supposed to know?
They probably don’t have any experience being in a business partnership. You have to teach them from scratch. It’s like having a child.
You can’t be afraid to discipline a child when they act out. Otherwise, how will they know what is socially acceptable?
But let’s keep it simple: you have to tell these girls exactly how you expect to be treated.
If they do what they have been clearly told to do — show up on time, provide specific amounts of content in a certain time frame, and respond to your communications within a reasonable timeframe — then you can reward them by granting them the opportunity to continue working with you.
If they don’t, then you CLEARLY tell them the nature of their violation and what they should do instead.
If they change, you can keep them. If they keep acting out, get rid of them.
Good luck out there!
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Thank you. My more recent articles have lots of images. I just need to go back and add them to the previous ones