9 Business Lessons I Learned From Running An OnlyFans Agency



Before I started my OnlyFans agency in September, I wasn’t a very popular guy.

If I felt my phone vibrate, I would think, “Who tf is texting me?

It was a pretty lonely existence.

But since starting my journey threads, joining some Telegram communities, and writing these articles for Onlyfans agency owners, things have changed.

I now wake up to 10-20 notifications on my phone every morning. And I get hit up probably another 10-20 times throughout the day.

Most of the time, these aren’t just one-off messages, either. These are medium to long conversational threads that I manage with people who are engaged in various parts of my operation.

As you can imagine, this wheeling and dealing gets pretty hard to keep track of.

Yesterday for example, I was having a conversation with a guy who runs about a dozen girls out of Bangkok.

He originally contacted me to talk about selling one of his girls on my marketplace, but as we got to talking, opportunities started to appear.

His girls were hovering at around $15k/month using only Reddit. Which is good, but he wanted better.

He asked me if I could hook him up with someone who specialized in TikTok.

In exchange, he’d recruit a new girl, get her some momentum on Reddit, and just hand her to me.

That’s a pretty good reward – considering all I had to do was make an introduction.

Coincidentally, I had two recent conversations with agency owners who got traffic to their girls via TikTok in the past week.

But for the life of me I couldn’t find them in my Telegram or Discord chats.

Unfortunately, shit like this happens on a near-daily basis.

I am getting all kinds of stuff thrown my way – which is great, don’t get me wrong – but now it’s getting to the point that I am having trouble keeping track of who everyone is.

And now that I’ve gone back to doing trade shows on the weekends (more on this later), it’s gotten even harder.

If I was a bigshot lambo-driver who didn’t need to nourish these relationships because I was already clearing 6 figures a month, I wouldn’t really care.

I’d just get myself a boat, sail somewhere warm, and write articles in front of the ocean – preferably with 5-6 3rd world hookers on the deck.

But since we’re still under 3 months in, we have to get more organized first.

So if you haven’t figured it out by now, this post is going to be a good old journey thread update.

In other words, this is an attempt for me to list out all the puzzle pieces and hope that I’ll either talk myself into connecting the dots or you, my lovely reader, will do that for me.

Lesson #1 – If You Have Nothing To Sell, You Won’t Sell Anything

I’m not really sure what caused it, but in the past few days my model marketplace has blown up.

(I think it might be because I changed my payout percentages from 50/50 to 70/30 in favor of the seller.)

But whatever it is, I’ve been getting hit up a lot lately by guys who want to sell their girls. In the past two days, I’ve listed about 10 new girls. Some of them are even pretty attractive.

Aside from offloading a few low-performers early on, I never had much luck with the market.

I opened it, got clearance from OBH to promote it in his group, and then… nothing.

It’s currently sitting at about 200 members. And while none of the new girls have sold (yet), it’s put me in contact with a lot of big players.

EDIT: One of the girls has sold for $1200 since I began writing this article. Not bad.

EDIT2: Two have now sold.

Because think about it – there are only 2 types of people that want to sell girls.

  1. Agency owners that already have a lot of successful girls and want to trim the fat
  2. Recruiters that have an overflow of easy-to-recruit girls

Those are two types of people that I am super happy to be on good terms with.

In the OnlyFans Agency world (as in the real world), women are currency.

If you show up to a party with 4-5 baddies, you can meet anyone you want there. You can just walk up to them and say, “Hi sorry to interrupt, but my friend here wanted to meet you.”

Who is going to say no to a beautiful face and a big pair of… duck lips? Nobody.

The OF Agency world is the same.

If you have an attractive girl you that you are unable to manage for whatever reason, you can hand her off to someone, make some money, and endear yourself to a very grateful agency owner.

As the owner of a marketplace, I’m like the guy throwing the party. Everyone’s in my beach house mingling.

There is a certain minimum level of respect afforded to the “host” of the party – so I can talk to anyone I want and be guaranteed a favorable [first] reaction.

It doesn’t guarantee I’ll get what I want, but it at least opens the door.

Having a popular Telegram group does the same thing, but on a much bigger scale.

Lessons 2 – Done For You (DFY) Solutions Win Every Time


Not long ago, someone reached out to me with a very interesting proposal.

Apparently, there is a popular French OF clone that is crushing it in Frogland.

Enter Mr. Frenchie.

This guy has figured out the sauce for making money with his OF clone and was looking for more girls.

He came to me and told me that if I sent him girls, he would do all the work to run their pages, promote them, and chat with their fans.

I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but this is my FAVORITE type of person to meet.

I call them “operators.”

An operator is someone who operates everything in an account. They’re responsible for driving traffic, squeezing the simps, and coordinating with the girl.

The best part about working with Mr. Frenchie is that it doesn’t require much additional work from the model because a lot of the content created for OF can be recycled.

Sure, there is some unique stuff that they need to show that the girl is “really” in France.

But the amount of work required to make it happen is minimal compared to the reward.

When you can scale girls to $15k/mo relatively quickly with a system you’ve proven on other girls, who cares if the model has to make a few extra videos?

My French G is very professional as well. Always a good sign.

Lesson 3: Always Say Yes To More Business (Even If It’s Russian)

I mentioned this guy in a previous article, but my Russian G has sent me tons of girls recently.

Because of the nature of the business we’re in, models don’t always pan out.

But so far 2 of them (a chubby Ukranian girl and a 45 year old ex-porn star) have been assigned to an operator with more in the pipe.

I had a call with one of his girls yesterday, a big boobie black chick who said she was on board. She has signed the contract as well.

But to me, a girl isn’t solid unless she’s sent content at least twice.

(Read more about how to filter for solid OnlyFans models and get them to respect you here.)

Here’s a tip for any of you out there who are interested in making partnerships: be professional and get results as fast as possible.

When this guy told me he had 200 girls waiting for docs, I told him to send me everything he had and I’d get them going.

Think about it: someone like this has a massive resource that other people don’t have.

What’s he looking for?

He’s looking for someone he can offload all of these girls onto so he can focus on getting more girls.

You don’t get 200+ girls on accident. You get 200+ girls because you have a set of processes that draw them to you.

This guy could EASILY cut me out of the picture and look for other agencies or operators. They are not hard to find.

But he’s working with me because I respond to his messages, communicate, act like a pro, and put his girls to work.

“Oh but you have a blog!”

He’s never read my blog. He’s not even in the Telegram groups.

And having a blog doesn’t mean shit if you don’t help your potential partners get what they want in a timely manner.

Do I have the ability to take on 200+ girls, even with the amount of operators I have now? Definitely not.

But as lesson #59 in my 60 Lessons post says, “Never Say No To Money.”

Lesson #4 – Pull Your Friends Up With You As You Rise

One of the challenges of being so transparent with my OnlyFans agency journey is that I have to carefully tread the line between creating valuable content and giving away too much of the sauce.

Again, this is why I love partnerships.

If I only had one method of making shit happen, I’d have given away the sauce long ago.

When I started working with my first partner (@accountstealth on Telegram), he crushed it right out of the gate.

The first girl I gave him was a 45 year old Italian stripper. Within a week she had grossed $600 and had 3000 followers on Reddit.

I wasn’t able to do shit for her, so for me it was like free money.

Plus, he was actually responsive – always a bonus.

After that I gave him my superstar. She was at nearly $5k in two weeks – not bad for a brand new model on a free account.

Now here’s my problem: if I am writing these transparent story-driven articles, I can’t not mention him.

If I lie and make it seem like I am doing all the work, then that is dishonest.

The main problem with dishonesty is that it is bad for business. If it was good for business, then I would consider it.

But long term, it’s not good.

If you are dishonest, then people stop trusting you and all the work you’ve put into cultivating a reputation goes down the drain.

If I were to lie and say I was doing all the work, I am stealing my partner’s thunder which will eventually lead to bitterness and resentment.

The reason I was hesitant to mention him, however, is because once I make it known that he’s the one responsible for getting me such a good result, other people are going to want to work with him.

As soon as he gets busy with other stuff, he’s going to have less time to be an operator for my girls.

So I had a choice to make: either focus on the short term gain (and be dishonest) or focus on the long play (retain my reputation and good relationship with RG).

Since reputation comes first, I chose the latter. And it has forced me to think of new ways to expand.

After all, if my OnlyFans strategy relies on hiding information, then it is a fragile strategy.

People are going to find out who he is eventually.

So instead of trying to hide it – which is virtually impossible with a blog anyway – I chose to tell everyone who he is and how great of a job he did.

He can sign clients for management, sell Reddit accounts, and will probably be contacted by bigger agencies looking to outsource their Reddit traffic to him for a fee.

No, this is not good for me in the short term.

But by blowing up my own ship, I now have to come up with a more bulletproof strategy for growing my own business (that doesn’t involve me doing any of the actual work).

Lesson #5 – Not Everyone Runs An Agency

About two weeks ago, I put out a message in the Telegram groups about how I was looking to expand my operation.

I was looking for chatters, recruiters, managers, and traffic experts.

I also mentioned that there would be full training for each role.

As a result, I’ve gotten tons of people hit me up with various offers/requests.

Here’s what I noticed:

  • There are lots of experienced chatters looking for work
  • A few people want to learn how to drive traffic
  • Very few people want to be recruiters

This is kind of surprising to me, since I initially thought it would be the opposite.

As I see it, recruiting is the most important part of the business.

I said this in my massive guide on recruiting OnlyFans models, but I’ll say it again:

If you don’t have any models, then you don’t have an agency.

Yes you can buy models.

But I personally would never buy a model unless she already had an established track record.

(And I would think that the odds that a new agency owner would do that are pretty low.)

Anyway, the bottom line is that now I have all these relative-newcomers to the OF agency game who are waiting for me to give them something to do.

My original idea was to offer them some kind of training in exchange for working for me.

For example, I give them instructions on how to recruit, then they go out there and recruit 5 girls for me until the debt is paid.

Or we can sell them on the marketplace.

And that would be fine for recruiters. But who would go for that?

If they know they can recruit, then why would they recruit the girls for ME instead of for themselves?

Unless it was a big organized thing, I don’t see it working.

And while the idea of creating a 30 day recruiting challenge seems cool, it’s not something I want to dedicate a bunch of time doing at the moment.

The chatters I can place pretty easily if I have to. Everyone that has models and traffic needs chatters.

I have chatter manuals, scripts, etc. too in case any of my future chatters need them.

The traffic is a little trickier, because do I really want to give away the sauce? For what purpose would I do that?

I would rather just hire an operator to do everything for me instead of have someone specialize in traffic.

That said, I still have a list of people that I KNOW are looking for something. I just don’t know what to give to them yet.

And since I should say it, YES I COULD sell a course. And I would probably make a damn good one, too.

But instead of selling courses, I would rather sell consulting or mentorship. Maybe down the line.

Lesson #6 – Never Say No To Partnerships (But Say “Not Yet” If Necessary)

Once my BHW journey threads got shut down, I started posting on HackForums.

There’s a lot of shady shit that goes down on HF, but there are a ton of skilled players there too.

Every person I’ve talked to from HF is switched on like a mf.

They are responsive, intelligent, experienced, and focused on making money.

My first friend in the game, MrWashington, is from HF.

Another one of my operators is from HF, too.

And the Mega Agency Bro who is my new Super Partner came from HF.

HackForums is definitely a good place to have a presence if you are careful to avoid the scams.

One of the people that hit me up from there was someone I’ll call my Tinder Bro.

Even though this person is a new agency owner, he is very smart, financially successful, and motivated.

This friend of mine came out with a new platform that does a few things:

  • It can create unlimited Tinder accounts for models/chatters to drive traffic
  • It integrates Stir with OF so payments are split between agencies/models securely

AFAIK that’s all it does reliably at this point.

Originally, I thought that I could connect all of these chatters to the platform to work with him in some way.

And I suppose I could do it out of the goodness of my heart – since he is looking to build teams – but I am holding out for some reason.

He wants 20% for using his platform, which sounds like a little too much to me just for some Tinder accounts.

And there’s no reward for me sending him 20 chatters.

Let me just think out loud for a moment:

Let’s say I sign a new girl and can’t find an operator for her. I could assign her to his platform and hire a chatter to drive traffic + chat on her account.

If I pay the girl 30-40%, he takes 20%, and I have to pay the chatter, that doesn’t leave much for me.

And I still need to talk to the model and tell them to make content and shit – because chatters =/= managers.

If it was a complete DFY deal where I send him a girl, he chats/drives traffic and manages them, then I might be down. I would be happy to even give more than 20%.

But I am trying to spread my tendrils as far as possible to mitigate my risk. Plus, I’m also trying to avoid doing any work myself.

Not because I’m lazy, but because I’d rather spend my time growing wider instead of taller, if that makes sense.

I believe there is something there, though. I just haven’t figured out what yet.

Lesson #7 – Always Cash In Your Lottery Tickets

Image Zoomed In:

Speaking of HF, the guy I am starting my new agency with is from there as well.

I mentioned him in a previous article, but this dude is the real deal.

Like I said before, some of the people on HF are insanely smart.

When you talk to people from HF, you are going to be the dumbest guy in the room.

It may be a blow to your ego, but it’s a good thing.

Before I left for my show last week, I had a Zoom call with MASB to go over some things.

He has a successful operation going on, but his problem is that he can’t relay the information in a succinct manner, which is why he needs me.

So I hop on the Zoom call and one of the biggest names on HF is casually on the call just chillin.

I felt like I was hanging out with a celebrity.

Anyway, he took me through a profile of a girl clearing $60k/mo and showed me how it all worked.

It was kind of just like an overview, but I found it strange how it seemed so hard for him to explain what he was doing since it was obviously such a detailed system.

He could do it, but he couldn’t explain it.

Now let me make one thing clear: this is a massive opportunity for me to make a shit load of money.

The guy is basically saying, “I’m going to teach you how I do this so you can explain it for retards, and in exchange I’ll give you 50%.”

That’s the fucking deal of a lifetime.

However, the one drawback is that it puts me in a position where I have to do something that I have been trying to avoid for the past several weeks:

I have to learn something.

In fact, I have to learn a lot of somethings.

The reason why I have been focusing so much on partnerships is so that I could AVOID learning anything.

However, it was such a good opportunity that I couldn’t say no.

And doing a little thinking is a small price to pay for the potential payoff.

Not only that, but once I’ve learned what I need to learn, I can do something I enjoy – writing.

The plan is this: once I learn the system, I’ll write internal SOPs for the company.

These SOPs can then be bundled as an agency-in-a-box system and sold for a bazillion dollars.

One of MASB’s ideas is to sell pre-built agencies with SOPs and best practices ready to hand off to workers.

Once the internal SOPs are done and the bugs are worked out, I’ll write a second article similar to the ones I normally write.

Let’s say the topic is PPVs.

The SOP would look like:

  1. First do this
  2. Then do this
  3. Then this

The article would be 6000 words of me being like, “And then I discovered something interesting: when we send a second message within 60 minutes of the first one to a buyer who had already spent more than $100…”

The article would serve to “sell” our brand, much like these articles “sell” my brand.

Lesson #8 – Yep, Recruiting Girls In Real Life Is Still Hard

Since I’m not reliably earning enough from OF to focus on it full-time, I have gone back to my previous job of working at trade shows.

I mentioned before that the bulk of my work experience comes from doing commission-only sales in the beauty industry.

Well, this is that.

Specifically, I am one of those annoying guys who sells hair straighteners, curlers, and hair extensions.

Retail jobs can be soul-sucking, but this one does have some redeeming qualities.

For one thing, I get to travel to a different city every weekend.

Granted, many times the places aren’t particularly exciting, but getting out of your city is a great way to clear your head – even if it’s for work.

Another cool thing about this job is that I am surrounded by women pretty much all the time.

Obviously, all of my customers are women.

But most of the people who do this job are also women.

One fact about working with girls who do commission-only sales jobs is that they are money-motivated.

Relative to other girls, they are also very hard working.

It’s not easy to stand at a booth while you face rejection over and over.

So considering the high tolerance for rejection and brutal work ethic, I naturally thought that maybe I could recruit these commission-only sales girls to work as models on OF.

The issue here is that in the real world, I am not exactly known as the type of guy who would operate an OnlyFans agency.

I don’t do drugs (anymore). I don’t drink (at shows). And compared to most of the other people in the biz, I’m actually pretty mature.

So I’m feeling a little bit of internal resistance that’s stopping me from doing any active recruiting.

Plus there’s the issue of, “Well if your agency is so good, then why are you still doing this job?”

Haven’t really figured out how to answer that question. And it’s not like I want to show them my blog.

However, there are a few younger girls in their early 20s who I’ve talked to about it that I think would be down.

It just might take a little bit more time.

Lesson #9 – Even If You’re The Owner, Be Prepared To Wash Dishes

Most people starting in the OF agency biz begin by doing all the work themselves.

I was no exception.

I would start off recruiting as many girls as I could.

Then once I got too busy onboarding them, I would stop recruiting and focus on getting them traffic and running their accounts.

When they dropped off or stabilized, I’d start recruiting again.

Around and around we went, until I realized that the LESS work I did, the more progress I made.

I’ve noticed that focusing on networking follows a similar pattern.

For example, let’s say I write an article on a certain topic.

Once I publish it and post it in the groups, I’ll get a ton of messages in the first few days.

Sometimes I get an opportunity thrown my way, sometimes people are looking to contribute, and sometimes people just say thanks.

My task then is to figure out how where to place all these new people that come to me, if applicable.

But if I see an especially juicy opportunity (MASB, free girls, etc) and I don’t have anyone to hand it off to, then I have to decide if it’s worth it for me to actually do the work myself.

Sometimes, I get so many juicy ones that I don’t want to say no to any of them. FOMO at it’s finest.

But remember, my goal here is to not do any of the work myself.

Not because I’m lazy, but because doing the work myself will ultimately slow me down – even if it leads to more money in the short term.

Of course, I can’t hand EVERYTHING off.

There are some things that I enjoy doing – like writing articles.

But as things start to snowball and I get better and better opportunities, it’s very likely that I will have to do more and more work myself – UNLESS I can scale my operators at the same rate.

The only other option is to scale some kind of education program that teaches people how to fill the roles that I need filled to do the work that I don’t want to do, a la training the chatters/traffic experts/recruiters.

Let me know if you have any ideas on this one.

Special Request: The Right And Wrong Way To Reach Out

As someone who publicly provides valuable information, a lot of people hit me up.

In this section, I’m going to give you some advice on how to reach out to me and other people who are in the spotlight.

First of all, let me just say that you should NEVER feel like you are bothering me or wasting my time by messaging me.

Anyone can hit me up any time. I love hearing from people.

(Telegram is the best way to get in touch with me: t.me/yallapapi)

I’m a fucking sales guy. I like to talk.

That said, there’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.

The picture at the top of this section is a pretty good example. But let’s dig a little deeper.

In my last article, I talked about how effective my sales letter has been in the recruiting process for me.

Now look, I’m not an idiot.

I know people are going to hit me up about that. I talk that shit up non stop.

I could have easily posted a link to my sales letter and saved myself the trouble of having to respond to that type of message.

The reason I DIDN’T give away the sauce for free is because I don’t want inexperienced agency owners spamming my sales letter to potential models and diluting its effectiveness.

It’s a very powerful tool that I don’t let just anyone see.

Sure, I’ve given it out here and there to people who ask. But it’s rare that I do that these days unless I know the person.

Anyway, after my last article I got a lot of messages like:

Hey bro, can you send me a link to your sales letter?

When I get messages that ask me for a favor – with no introduction, no “hi how are you,” no pitch on how we can make money together, no ego-stroking compliment about how I’m an amazing writer – I don’t exactly have a good reason to help you, now do I?

WHY exactly should I send it – or anything, for that matter – to you?

Not to be a dick – but:

  • WHO are you exactly?
  • Do we know even each other?
  • Are we friends?
  • Are you going to compensate me in some way for handing over a valuable resource that I’ve worked so hard to gather or create?
  • Have you ever reached out to me in the past for anything, other than when you needed something from me?


Well then why would I go out of my way to give you access to one of the most powerful tools I’ve created from scratch since starting this journey?

The point is this: I get a lot of messages from people asking me for stuff – which is totally fine.

It’s your right as an American.

But there’s a right way to ask and a wrong way to ask for something.

Gentlemen, please… don’t put me the awkward position of rejecting your request because you are uncivilized, lacking in tact, or unaware of the simple concept of value-exchange.

You’re all smarter than that.

You already know that this business is built on relationships.

And relationships are a two-way street.

I’m not your mommy who does your laundry and makes you lunch and fluffs your pillow because she loves you.

I’m a man who enjoys making deals that are beneficial to both parties.

Speaking of which, I LOVE getting offers for deals.

Let’s go back to Mr. Frenchie for a second:

He hit me up and was like “Hey bro, I’ll put your girls on my French OF clone and do all the work. Are you down?”

Gee lemme think. Um, yes?

Or my Russian homie who wants a home for his Russian girls.

Do you think I will go out of my way to:

  • Make sure to give them whatever they ask for in a timely manner
  • Make sure that they are happy dealing with me
  • Make sure that I make a good impression on them

Of course I do.

Listen, I’m not saying you CAN’T hit me up if you DON’T have a deal of the lifetime for me. Of course you can.

Here’s a list of reasons that you CAN and SHOULD hit me up:

  • You liked my article and wanted to show your appreciation by saying thank you
  • You have a question about something in one of my articles
  • You have a business offer that you think would be beneficial to both of us
  • You want to pitch me on an idea that you want to start but don’t have the connections/resources
  • You want to sell girls on my marketplace
  • You have a service of your own that you want to sell and will give me a % if I help you sell it
  • You want to ask me my opinion on something related to OnlyFans management
  • You want to ask me my opinion on something UNRELATED to OnlyFans management

You get the idea.

Is it really so hard to introduce yourself before asking for something?

Maybe some people disagree, but to me it just reveals that you inexperienced in business.

And no offense, but what good are you to me then?

If we’re friends, that’s another story.

If you’re one of the OGs (you know who you are), ask me for whatever you want.

If you’re already crushing it in the game and need a favor, I probably don’t even need to tell you this because you understand how it works.

And since we’re on the topic, how’s this for some real talk: who you are matters.

If OBH sends me a message today and says,

“Bro I need you to send me your sales letter, outgoing message, onboarding email, and 10 videos from each of your models…”

I will send him that shit ASAP without even asking why he needs it.

Why? Because he’s fucking OBH.

He has a popular YouTube channel, the biggest OF Agency Telegram group in existence, a rock solid reputation, connections up the wazoo, AND a proven track record of success.

And not that we’re keeping score, but he’s already done a ton of stuff to help me PERSONALLY.

He’s repped me in the group more times than I can count, referred people to me to buy models, and pins my articles to the top of his group.

And here’s the kicker:

I never ASKED him to do any of these things.

He just did it on his own because he understands the fucking game.

And in the off chance some of my readers (not you, of course) are sporting a double-digit IQ, let me spell it out for you clearly:

If you spot someone who is smart, talented, hard-working, financially successful, established in the industry, helpful, has a high business IQ, and/or is well-respected by the community, helping them is an investment that will pay dividends FOR YOU at some point down the line.

So not only does he have his reputation going for him, but now I feel obligated to return the favor in some way.

I now feel like I owe him something, even though we’ve never had any overt discussion of mutual back-scratching.

If he asks me for something, I’m going to give it to him. And if I can’t help him, I’ll find someone who can.

Now compare that to some random – no offense – non-entity who starts asking me for shit without even properly identifying himself.

I’m not saying you NEED to put together a well-thought out message that explains:

  • Who you are
  • What you specialize in
  • What you can do for me
  • What your offer is
  • What to do if I’m interested

But that would be kind of cool.

And if someone approached me with such a polished introduction- even if they were brand new and had NOTHING – I would be pretty impressed.

And even if I had NOTHING for them at that moment, I would remember them when I did.

Anyway look – I don’t want you to think I’m turning into a diva or anything, just giving you guys some advice.

Feel free to hit me up any time for any reason.

But if you want something from me or anyone else, remember: this is business.

And business is about money.

If interacting with YOU seems like it will lead to more money, prestige, or a better reputation for ME because of your:

  • Audience
  • Overflow of models
  • Buyer traffic
  • Rev-share deal
  • Software
  • Platform
  • Something else I haven’t thought of

…then I’m all ears.

And for the 6th time, hit me up any time for any reason.

I love answering questions, helping people, and making deals.

Just understand that even though I am clearly a super genius, I am also in fact a real human being with a memory and my own set of emotions that I employ when making decisions.

Asking me how to write a sales letter is fine.

Asking me to give you my sales letter is annoying.

(Especially when you could just read my Ultimate Guide To Recruiting OnlyFans models here.)

See the difference?

Love you all.

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