The Curse Of Success
Imagine a full grown 39 year old man lying on the floor of his 600 square foot apartment, unshaven, unshowered, and wearing the same clothes he was wearing a week before.
He’s staring up at the ceiling with half a joint burning between his fingers – no ashtray in sight.
Without hesitation, he ashes on the white carpet.
What does it matter, anyway – he thinks.
The stink of rotten food, dirty clothes strewn across the floor, the crusty mix of dried toothpaste and facial hair that’s been clogging his sink for months…
None of it even registers anymore.
It’s his new normal.
That’s what you would have experienced if you’d walked into my place unannounced just a short five months ago.
I probably wouldn’t have even gotten up.
Shutting my agency down was the hardest thing I had to do, but not for the reasons you’d think.
Losing my models wasn’t even the hard part.
The hard part was realizing that my strategy had failed.
The hard part was admitting that I was WRONG.
The hard part was that I had lost hope that I belonged in the world of OFM, which to me had become so much more than just a way to make a buck.
This article is all about how I managed to pull myself back from the brink of failure, rebuild and fully automate my agency, and deal with the unexpected stress that came with discovering “the sauce.”
RIP My Dreams

Back in February of this year, I was in a very bad place.
My last model had just blocked me on Telegram, my savings was running low, and I was about to quit OFM altogether.
Not only that, but I had done the unthinkable: I reached out to my old boss and asked if he had any work.
I hated myself.
But what could I do?
I had no money. All my models had quit. And I was too depressed to start from scratch all over again.
Worst of all, I couldn’t just hide or disappear.
OFM had become my entire life.
This blog was my baby – my creative outlet.
And my best friends weren’t people I knew in real life anymore, but the other OnlyFans agency owners I spoke to every day on Telegram.
To make matters even worse, it wasn’t like I could talk to anyone about this either.
“I’m feeling sad because my e-pimping business has collapsed and now I might have to go back to selling hair extensions at trade shows.”
Who could even empathize with that?
It was rock bottom for me.
I knew I still had one more round left in the chamber, but to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t ready to rebuild my agency just yet.
And as long as I’m being honest, there was a small part of me that was enjoying the break.
No more managing multiple Reddit accounts, no more dealing with Twitter bans, and no more chasing models to deliver some desperately-needed content.
It was a nice little vacation.
Once I pulled myself up off the floor – literally and figuratively – I dusted myself off and got back to work.
But instead of jumping right back into the agency, I used this break to create my coaching program.
Which, if you think about it, made NO sense at all.
Up until that point, I’d barely made more than a couple thousand bucks – most of which I had done thanks to my original Superstar.
Monetarily speaking, I was a complete failure.
However, from a notoriety standpoint, I had done quite well.
(Sadly, I can’t pay my rent with notoriety.)
Still, after spending 10 hours a day in Telegram groups, I felt I had SO MUCH knowledge swirling around in my head that was just begging to be disseminated into… SOMETHING.
I didn’t know what that something would look like just yet, but I was determined to find out.
After all, don’t all the gurus talk about “multiple revenue streams”?
That’s all this would be: just another revenue stream.
Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn’t.
But all I knew is that if I quit before I tried, I would always have wondered “what if.”
Besides, I’ve always had a way with words.
Maybe it’s because I was a philosophy major in university, but I’ve always enjoyed explaining complex concepts in simple terms.
Even if I had limited success with my own agency, I knew I could teach other people how to run theirs.
So I rolled up my metaphorical sleeves and got to work.
It’s The Audience, Stupid
The first thing I did was make a plan.
Even though I never had any formal training as a copywriter, I’ve been a rabid consumer of content in the make money online (MMO) niche for over a decade.
I knew everything there was to know about building an email list, copywriting, and creating info products.
I had just never done it.
Well, I had never done it successfully.
And believe me, I TRIED.
One thing that I rarely mention is that I’ve had blogs, info products, and YouTube channels before starting the Simp Hunter brand.
All of them failed.
Very few of them made me any money.
None of them ever made me more than $1000.
And I can tell you exactly why, too.
It’s not that they were bad, per se. Some of them were actually decent.
There were 2 problems, actually.
- I did not have a targeted audience
- I only taught techniques (aka, a “method”)
In the OFM community, it’s very trendy to talk sh*t about course-sellers and coaching programs.
The typical arguments are:
- The information is already out there for free
- Nobody would give away the sauce because it would create competition for them
- You can’t trust course sellers anyway
And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying course-sellers and coaches are angels who are here to make the world a better place.
Many – if not most – courses and coaching programs ARE overpriced trash.
But the REAL problem with info products is that they focus too much on the METHOD, and not enough on the AUDIENCE.
I’ll give you two examples, one from OFM and one from another industry.
Anyone who has managed OnlyFans models for any length of time knows that regardless of how attractive your girl is, you need to choose a niche for her.
Take two identical girls, two identical marketing strategies, two identical chatting teams – and the one who has a more strongly identified niche and branding will make more money.
With a normal hot girl vs a hot girl who does anime cosplay, the cosplayer will make more money, be easier to promote, and get better results over time.
Because with the cosplayer, you have clear avenues to promote her and a pre-defined audience that is already looking for girls EXACTLY like her.
In simple language, there is a subset of simps out there who:
- React favorably to thotty girls wearing anime cosplay
- Will be served thotty anime cosplay content automatically on social media (because of their browsing habits)
- Have already spent money on thotty anime cosplay content in the past
These niche-specific fans will be comparably looser with their hard-earned simpbucks when presented with a hot girl who dresses like their favorite waifu.
You could take the exact same girl and dress her in normal clothes – even sexy, non-anime clothes – and she would not perform as well.
Here’s the key distinction:
- It’s not the NICHE that is important.
- It’s the AUDIENCE of that niche.
The audience is where the money is.
The more accurately you can target your audience – and provide something to them that solves a specific problem for them – the more money you will make and the FASTER you will make it.
During the decade + that I spent studying internet marketing, I feel like this fact was either glossed over or only casually mentioned by any gurus that I came across.
Though for reasons I only recently began to understand, I can’t really blame them.
Don’t Hate The Guru, Hate the Game
A non-OFM example that illustrates this point is ClickFunnels.
One of the fastest growing companies in the past ten years, ClickFunnels has popularized the use of the word “funnel” to refer to a series of web pages designed to get the user to take a specific action, i.e. buying a product or leaving their contact information.
If you look at any of ClickFunnels marketing material, they make it seem like you ABSOLUTELY MUST have a funnel if you want your business to be successful.
But I can tell you – as someone who has made 20+ funnels from SCRATCH and made ZERO dollars from them – funnels are functionally useless unless you drive targeted traffic to them.
You can have the best funnel in the world – written with copy that makes the readers cum in their pants from excitement – but if you can’t get THE RIGHT AUDIENCE to visit the page, then it completely worthless.
The reason they try to give this impression is because EFFECTIVE COPYWRITING MUST BE DONE THIS WAY.
In order to write compelling copy, you MUST:
- Promise that YOUR solution is the BEST solution
- Give reasons why OTHER solutions are garbage
“Yeah, the other stuff might work, but they’re flawed and more trouble than they’re worth. OUR solution is the is the best.”
For example, if I am trying to sell a course on generating traffic with Fetlife – and I am trying to write the most effective copy possible – part of my sales letter/video will go over why using Fetlife for traffic is a better choice than the other platforms.
I’ll talk about how TikTok is too strict, Reddit is too confusing, and how Tinder bans accounts in less than 12 hours.
Regardless of whether or not any of it is true, that information MUST be in the sales copy in order for it to have maximum effectiveness.
Maybe there’s some truth to it. But these arguments don’t need to be irrefutable, proven, and full of rock-solid scientifically-tested facts.
Yes, TikTok IS strict, Reddit IS kind of confusing, and Tinder CAN ban accounts in a short period of time.
But are there people out there with systems in place that generate tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per month with those platforms?
My point is this: in order to write effective copy, you must sell the THING.
But in reality, the THING is almost irrelevant if you have the right AUDIENCE.
Hunting For Your Perfect Audience
As Dan Kennedy likes to say, “A buyer is a buyer is a buyer is a buyer.”
This was proven to me time and again in the trenches of where I spent the bulk of my professional career: selling luxury cosmetics in shopping malls.
Otherwise known as, “those kiosk people.”
Our job was to engage mall visitors, persuade them to sit for a demo, and try to squeeze them for every dollar they had before they walked away and we never saw them again.
Every once in a while we would stop someone who was SUCH an easy customer that they would buy whatever we were selling for whatever price we told them with NO haggling.
Trained to kill as we were, we wouldn’t just let them buy that one thing and leave.
Once we saw how easy they were, we smelled blood – laying the pressure on until we’d come as close as our conscience would allow to maxing out their credit cards.
It didn’t even matter WHAT we were selling – we would offer them deals and discounts until they put up their hands and told us, “No more!”
And then we would try some more – because that’s just how we were trained.
I remember one day when I was working in Houston, I was having an especially rough week.
I had just opened two skin care kiosks with my old boss despite having no experience selling skin care, but he presented me with the opportunity and I took it.
It was halfway through the day and I still hadn’t sold anything.
Randomly, I decided to stop a 6’6″ middle aged white guy who happened to be walking through the mall.
Now I don’t know if you know anything about the beauty industry, but middle aged white guys are NOT the target demographic.
Dudes don’t buy $400 night cream.
Still, I wasn’t having any luck and decided to go through the motions of the demo just for the sake of it.
I applied a few products to his face, fanned him down, and showed him the results in the mirror.
He goes, “Hmm, nice. How much is it?”
The question caught me off guard for three reasons:
- None of our products had a sticker price (we just made them up as we went along)
- It was a “buying question” – one that’s asked by an interested customer with an intent to purchase
- Middle-aged white dudes don’t buy expensive skincare
Somehow, I blurted out “Uhhh, this one is $125, this is $150, $80, $100, $100 and $120.”
The dude looks at me and goes, “Okay, I’ll take it.”
I was in shock.
Not only was it the largest sale I had ever made (at that point), but it was done on someone who was nowhere close to my target demographic via an uninspired and half-assed demo.
As I bagged up his products, he said to me, “I work for an oil company and just got a $65,000 bonus from work. I came here to buy some gifts for my family. I think my wife would like this.”
If I had more experience, I would have tried to squeeze him for more.
But I was in such a state of shock that my low-effort demonstration had resulted not only in a sale, but in an incredibly LARGE sale in less than five minutes, that I let the opportunity slip past me.
It would be years before I realized the significance of that lesson.
- He didn’t buy because he needed the product.
- He didn’t buy it because he liked me.
- He didn’t buy because I did a good demonstration.
- He didn’t buy because I overcame his objections and hard-closed him.
The only reason he bought was because he was there to get something for his wife, knew his wife liked expensive face creams, and probably hated spending time in the mall.
I never considered targeting an audience of rich husbands looking for gifts for their wives who hate shopping.
Since we had a phsyical retain location in a mall, it wasn’t exactly practical.
But if there was some way I could tap into an endless stream of corporate executives in the oil and gas industry who just received generous bonuses, you’d better believe I would do it.
And here’s the takeaway: success in business is less about having the best product, sales team, or customer service – but rather your ability to reliably target the EASIEST customers.
And the way you find the easiest customers is by heavy, heavy, HEAVY targeting.
As far as I’m aware, there’s no way to target guys who work in oil and gas that just received $65k bonuses who are looking for products for their wives – which is unfortunate.
But even if we dial back the targeting a few notches, we are bound to come across easy customers if we touch enough people – known in sales as a “numbers game.”
Bringing it back to my previous point , what I want you to understand here is that WHAT we are selling is completely irrelevant.
Instead of studying how to build an email list, how to write copy, and how to build a funnel, I should have put 100% of my effort into how to find easy customers.
But as they say in Jersey, “You can’t put the shit back in the donkey.”
And don’t get me wrong, creating functional systems in your business will only help you.
But if you don’t have the targeting down, then it’s useless.
As big of a lightbulb moment as this was for me, it’s something that I need to constantly remind myself of, which I’ll touch on later.
When I decided to create my coaching program, I finally saw an opportunity to apply all the techniques, methods, and skills, that I had accumulated over the years.
For the first time in my life, I had cultivated something brand new: a targeted audience.
It was the missing piece that I never knew I was missing.
Before I had even gotten started, I knew that it would cause me to level up sharply.
I wouldn’t just sell the coaching program, I would sell ebooks, video courses, PDFs, and anything else that the market would buy.
As a result, I knew I’d have to build an email list.
And to get people to sign up for the email list, I’d need a lead magnet.
Allllll the lessons I’d learned over the years about the various gears and cogs in the internet marketing machine began to resurface in my mind, and I started putting everything together.
Instead of a grind, a race, a struggle to get everything done as fast as possible because I hated it – I actually enjoyed my work.
So the first thing I did was to create a 22,000 word lead magnet – 101 Things I Learned By Running My OnlyFans Agency (Into The Ground).
Once that was done, I created the coaching program.
Then in order to sell the program, I wrote my 18,000 word article explaining everything that was included.
Finally, I launched it.
And then a miracle happened – someone actually signed up.
Then another one.
And then another.
Now that I had proof of concept, I started going buck wild with the info products.
I created not one, but THREE recruiting trainings for people to choose from.
- I started selling my onboarding process.
- Then a mother-slave training program.
- Then model testimonials.
With all this new money coming in, I could finally turn my attention back to my agency.
I hired VAs and set them to work implementing my recruiting methods, landing me my next Superstar model.
Eventually, I joined Razvan’s TikTok Mastermind, which unlocked three powerful realizations for me:
- TikTok/IG is a mostly hands-off traffic source
- Relying on TikTok/IG for traffic filters for quality models
- Models become addicted to the high of getting attention on social media, creating an self-perpetuating positive feedback loop that encourages them to create content without constant nagging, hassling, or motivational pep talks
These three lightbulb moments would eventually lead to the single-greatest leveling-up my agency would experience since getting into the game.
The Virgin Grind Vs The Chad Outsource
Before starting with Reels and Tiktoks, I was constantly experimenting with new platforms.
The reason for this was simple: I didn’t have a system.
And as much as I like to think that I’m a free spirit, the more I learn about myself, the more that I realize that I am a systems guy.
The lack of a reliable system for generating traffic – a problem that plagued me for nearly half a year – was solved in less than a week after joining Razvan’s program.
I had FINALLY solved an incredibly irritating problem, one that all agency owners face:
How the f*ck am I supposed to generate traffic?
Not only had I figured it out, but I had done it in a way that put nearly the entire burden of responsibility of generating traffic onto the model herself.
Yes, I was there to advise and give technical recommendations.
But in terms of generating the traffic, it was UNDENIABLY on her shoulders.
Razvan’s program isn’t exactly cheap, so I told myself that I’d give it a month.
If his strategies didn’t work for me, then I’d just quit and try something else.
Plus, he has a very interesting guarantee – if you follow his methods and don’t get 1 million views in your first month, then you get a refund.
The idea of getting a million views was very appealing, but to be perfectly honest I had my doubts.
Up until that point I had enjoyed virtually no success with traffic generation.
Nothing I did seemed to work.
Still, I am nothing if not resilient, so I figured I’d give it the old college try.
Imagine my surprise when not more then a week later, my model produced a video that earned her nearly 800k views in just a few days.
I remember thinking to myself, “Holy sh*t, this is actually happening.”
Six months of banging my head against the wall trying to unsuccessfully get traffic for my poor creators – when all I had to do was advise them on how to make TikToks and Reels.
The problem that had me crying into my pillow every night for six months – the Traffic Boogeyman – instantly vanished.
This paradigm-shift not only made my life considerably easier, but it allowed me to focus on the third pillar of running an OnlyFans agency: chatting.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I dislike chatting.
I hate talking to these simps, pretending to be interested in what they’re talking about, and carrying on awkward conversations with them.
And don’t even get me started on the dick pics…
I don’t care how much they’re paying – it’s just not something I want to spend my time doing.
I would MUCH rather just pay someone to handle it for me.
At first, I tried my luck with a few chatting agencies, but my experience wasn’t so great.
Female Filipino chatters are some of the most unsexy people on the planet. They do not have dirty minds. Their flirting feels forced.
I’ve slept with two Filipino girls, and both times it was some of the worst sex I’d ever had.
Coincidence? Maybe.
Yes, they’re very nice and make great virtual assistants.
But in terms of chatting, I quickly realized that low-cost hourly workers are not cut from the same cloth as sales superstars.
Still, I needed to solve my chatting problem ASAP.
Thanks to some key insights from Razvan’s program, my top model was crushing it with TikTok and Instagram and getting hundreds of paid subs a month.
Her OnlyFans inbox was filling up with messages from thirsty dudes who were just DYING to spend money on her, but because of my aversion to chatting, their simpbucks were likely being spent on other girls.
As I was randomly browsing YouTube, I came across a video by none other than The Ginger Menace himself, Only Black Hat.
The title of his video, “I Pay My Chatters 30% And You Should Too!” was literally the key that unlocked the backend success of this and every model I’ve had since.
The video is definitely worth a watch if you struggle to find good chatters, but I’ll summarize it with 3 key points:
- You want your chatters to be money-motivated
- Making $3/hr or 10% of sales is not going to properly motivate them
- Paying them 30% of all sales generated through messages will cause them to take their job more seriously and sell more
As someone who has been working in commission-only sales for most of his adult life, it clicked for me right away.
If I had to deal with all the garbage that came with a sales job for a flat hourly rate, then I wouldn’t have stuck with the job for as long as I did.
It’s no accident that all high-performing salespeople (and small business owners) have an “eat what you kill” mentality.
Since I didn’t have anything to lose, I decided to give it a shot.
I made an ad on describing the role of the chatter with the following compensation:
- $75/wk + 10% of sales to start
- 25% of sales after 30 days
Obviously, I’m not crazy about giving away 25% of my profits to someone else.
If I had taken the time to reverse engineer chatting on my own (or perhaps bought BTZ’s chatting mastermind), I’d be able to nail chatting in a way that gave me a 20:1 ratio of revenue of messages to subs.
But this compensation structure – coupled with the unique training strategy I’ll tell you about in a moment – turned out to be a surprisingly convenient bandaid that absolved me of any responsibilities towards chatting whatsoever.
After sifting through a hundred or so chatter applications, I ended up choosing someone that seemed to want the job the most.
I’m no expert, but when I hire people, I look for two things:
- How badly they want the job
- How much effort they put into their application
For sales people, #1 is more important.
For hourly employees, #2 is.
Salespeople need to have a high level of desire for MONEY.
They need to be STARVING to make money, which is what I sensed from the first chatter I hired to work this method.
He literally has a double digit IQ (it’s visible on, but that doesn’t matter.
If anything, I think being a little stupid is actually HELPING him because remember, he IS pretending to be a girl.
When I hired him, I gave him a much different training than I give to my recruiters.
With my recruiters, I tell them literally EVERYTHING to do at every step of the process.
I have a 12 video training series (SOPs) as part of my ULTRA program that I send to new recruiters that explains how they are supposed to find models, send DMs, and avoid getting rate-limited.
With this guy, I took a much different approach.
I essentially told him, “Look, I’m too busy to train you. So you’re going to have to figure this out on your own.”
I sent him a few ewhoring books and chatter manuals that I had lying around and told him to read up.
On top of that, I stressed the importance of building a connection with fans before asking them to buy anything.
Chat with them first, befriend them, ask them questions about themselves, get them talking, and THEN try to sell them stuff.
The way I saw it, this guy has 8 hours a day to chat with these fans. Only a small portion of that needs to be focused on making sales.
Of course, I have never chatted successfully in my life. So I have no idea.
I am by no means an expert. I’m not even an amateur.
I’m a complete beginner.
However, thanks to a combination of his high level of desire, the chatter manuals, and no small amount of luck, this guy knocked it out of the park.
Already by his second shift he was asking to be put on straight commission.
Since I’m not greedy (and I have a high incentive to reward behavior that I’d like to see repeated), I gave it to him.
Now he’s making in a week what other Filipinos make in a month – all with virtually no training or instruction from me at all.
With these two small pivots – requiring that models do TikToks/Reels and paying my chatters 25% – I had accidentally produced the “hands off” agency I dreamed of when I started this journey back in September 2022.
Now it was just a matter of scaling.
More models, more TikToks, more chatters.
However, there was just one little problem.
Adventure – An Expensive Addiction
When I was in junior high, I used to stay up late at night and listen to Tony Robbins cassette tapes before going to bed.
Since then, I have been an avid consumer of self-improvement content.
In one of his programs, Tony talks about how his original goal when he was broke was to make a bunch of money so he could retire early.
Ironically, this was also my goal in my late 20s – to make enough money to be able to retire by 35.
I think all young people who experience the shocking grind of a 9-5 office job experience the same thing.
You finish university – which is essentially high school with alcohol, no parents, and better parties – and are unceremoniously thrust back into the real world.
Wake up, go to work, come home and watch TV, and go to sleep.
You quickly realize that the fun is over.
When I graduated high school, I began working towards a bachelor’s degree for no other reason than it was the “right” thing to do.
Back then, you didn’t have all these influencers and gurus talking about how college was a waste of time.
It wasn’t a question of IF you would go to college, but WHERE.
Personally, I knew it was not for me as soon as I started.
I remember learning about plate tectonics and thinking, “Why the f*ck am I learning about this when there’s literally 0% chance I’ll ever use any of this information in real life?”
After a few years of uninspired studying, I decided to quit school and join the military.
Growing up, my dream was to join the Marine Corps.
But because of some stupid mistakes I made in my late teens, I was barred from joining all branches of the military.
Back then, the US military wasn’t the complete joke it’s seen as today. There were no drag queen shows, forced vaccinations, or politically-motivated woke movements in the military world.
That sh*t was manly as f*ck back then.
Sure, we all kind of knew the US government was evil.
But at least it was the cool kind of evil.
Like yeah, we’ll bomb your country flat and steal your resources.
But we’ll do it with flashy sunglasses, big biceps, and catchy one-liners.
Joining the military was pitched as a way to improve your life, kill bad guys, and ram some good old-fashioned American FREEDOM down the throats of whoever got in our way.
I was unironically crushed when I learned I couldn’t join.
But in my junior year of university, I discovered a program where foreign citizens could move to Israel to serve in the IDF.
Without going into detail, I got my citizenship, left my life in America behind, and began the long process of hardening myself into the man I’d always wanted to be.
After doing the whole army thing for a few years, I moved back to America.
The itch to experience the military lifestyle had been scratched, and now I was going to move back to the states to get rich.
Unfortunately, this was at the end of 2008 – right as the economic crisis was in full swing.
After six months of struggling to find a job, I decided to move back to Israel.
This decision set off a nearly 15-year journey of moving from city to city, country to country, working temporary jobs just long enough to save some cash to move to the next place – with a little vacation in-between.
I spent 6 years in Israel, 2 in Australia, 1 in New Zealand, 1 in Berlin, 2 in Asia, took dozens of vacations to exotic places, with a few visits to America in between.
It was a very dynamic lifestyle which allowed me to meet literally tens of thousands of people from all over the world, make more friends than I remember, and experience multiple lifetimes in just over a decade.
However, one thing I never got to experience was financial abundance.
There was a brief period in 2017 where I operated a kiosk in Bankstown, Australia where I was clearing $20k/month – but it was far from stress free.
Most of the money that I generated in this time period came from me selling overpriced beauty products in shopping malls.
I made enough money to live comfortably, but the stress of a commission-only sales job caused me to abandon my dedication to fitness multiple times per year.
I’d work my ass off for a few months, burn out, quit, take a few months off to get back in shape (exhausting my savings in the process), and then travel to a new city to do it all again.
This was my life for around 12-ish years.
I never went hungry, but I was always stressed about money.
I knew that I could make more money if I had to, but it would come at the cost of my health, fitness, and emotional stability.
This all changed for me when I inherited $200k – more money than I’d ever had in my life – but because I’m an idiot, I burned through it in less than a year and ended up back where I started.
Last year when I started my agency, I was down to my last couple grand – I knew that it was do or die time.
Which brings us back to the beginning of this story.
Me – lying on the floor, ashing joints onto my carpet.
After struggling for my first six months in OFM, I finally started to see some results after starting my coaching program.
Despite having virtually no results to speak of at the time, I still felt that I had enough valuable experience with running an OnlyFans agency that I could create a well-packaged set of assets that would be helpful to new agency owners.
I leveraged everything I had learned about recruiting, traffic, model management, and chatting to create what I still consider to be the most comprehensive OFM coaching program that money can buy.
I poured my heart and soul into that program, filling it with everything I’d learned from areas of the business that I felt I had mastered.
In the areas where I was weak, I partnered with experts to fortify the program.
I didn’t want there to be any gaps whatsoever – I wanted it to be a one stop shop for someone who was brand new who needed to be spoonfed everything about how to run an agency.
So I went to work.
- I created my lead magnet: 101 Things I Learned From Running My OnlyFans Agency (Into The Ground).
- I created the article: 38 Reasons You Should Buy My $3800 OnlyFans Agency Coaching Program.
- I created the program, wrote a 28 day follow up email sequence, and started promoting the f*ck out of it.
At the time, I wanted to create the most comprehensive program on the planet.
And nearly six months later, I still believe that to be the case.
No other coaching program goes into such detail regarding everything to do with recruiting, generating traffic, and making sales through chatting.
Still, I was surprised when people actually started buying it.
It seemed too good to be true.
And while some people have called me delusional, it’s hard to argue with reality.
My bank account and crypto wallets were going up, not down.
Best of all, most of the work required to earn these rewards had been frontloaded during the creation of the assets.
I saw the potential and went to work making more trainings, more offerings, MORE services.
I created my recruiting packages, started offering model testimonials, a mother-slave service, and anything else I could think of that OFM agency owners would want to pay me for.
I used that money to hire VAs, refine my recruiting system, pay for additional coaching for myself, and further develop my agency.
It became this cycle of:
- Sell info products and services
- Invest the profits into the agency
- Experiment with new strategies for OFM
- Create MORE info products and services with what I’d learned
- Go back to step 1
I remember thinking, “Wow, so this is what it’s like to be a business owner!”
But in a pre-emptive strike against my pride, the universe decided to send me another seemingly insurmountable challenge.
The Curse Of Success
You’re probably aware that around two months ago I started selling mobile proxies.
(If you haven’t read my article, “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Proxies But Were To Afraid To Ask,” I highly recommend you open it now and read it when you’re done with this one.)
After a month of experimentation, I found a system that worked for me and the orders started flying in.
I get at least 5 people a day sending me DMs on Telegram asking to buy a proxy. Some of them ask for more than one.
At the moment, I have a waiting list of 30+ people who are waiting to buy a proxy as soon as I restock.
It’s one of those “good problems.”
In fact, my little side hustle of selling proxies has given me a whole NEW set of good problems.
Something else I remember Uncle Tony talking about in one of his programs was about how when people finally become successful and decide to “retire,” they get bored very quickly.
While I wasn’t making anywhere near enough to retire, the orders for the proxies were coming in so hot and heavy that I made a huge mistake: I took my foot off the gas.
My 8 month spree of:
- Waking up every day at 5 AM
- 10-12 hours of monitoring my Telegram group
- Writing 10,000 word articles
- Recording YouTube videos
- Brainstorming info products
- Running my agency
- Other assorted forms of hustling…
All of it suddenly began to feel like a chore.
Once the orders for proxies started flooding in, I finally felt the pressure release.
I was still getting hit up for other info products as well. My models were profitable.
Like I said earlier, this income was virtually hands-free, since nearly all of the work had been front-loaded during the creation of the systems that the revenue streams were built on.
I thought: Can I finally relax? Have I actually made it?
In my mind, I had.
Through months of hard work, trial and error, and no small amount of stress,, I had two-steps-forward-one-step-backed my way into a flourishing business.
All the work I had put in over the past year was finally paying off.
Every day I was making money – whether it was through my models, proxies, info products, or affiliate sales.
And I was doing it in a way that didn’t require me to actually DO anything.
The riches I had STRUGGLED for MONTHS to acquire were now arriving straight to my Telegram DMs as conveniently as a package from Amazon.
You’d think that this would have made me happy.
But humans are funny creatures.
It had the opposite effect.
I started getting nervous.
I’ve never suffered from anxiety, but now I was in an awkward state of perpetual, unclarified fear.
I struggled to define exactly WHAT it was that I was afraid of, but couldn’t come up with anything.
Meanwhile, I stopped almost all my activity in other areas.
I stopped working so hard to bring on new models, stopped publishing articles, and stopped innovating new products and ideas.
Not because I fell out of love with the game, but because I lost my reason to fight.
I was working SO hard to avoid the pain of grinding at trade shows – or worse, the mall – that once it seemed like I was in the clear, my motivation to hustle all but disappeared.
Not only that, but my motivation was replaced with a background anxiety so strong that it actually made me feel NAUSEOUS for most of the day.
I suddenly had more money and time than I knew what to do with.
And ironically, I felt more lost than ever.
Even more ironic is that this lack of clarity would last until I hit a wall with my proxy business.
Without getting into too much detail, I ordered too many lines too quickly and began to have issues with my carrier.
With the proxy business on hold, I contracted a devastating case of the “what ifs.”
- What if I’m not able to continue expanding?
- What if they cancel all my lines and I have to refund everyone?
- What if I go broke again and have to go back to working shows?
- What if I can’t pay my rent?
- What if I can’t financially support my parents anymore?
If I hadn’t spent these last two months lazily celebrating my achievements, I wouldn’t be in this situation.
I’d be even further along, making even more money, and be even further ahead of the game.
But now not only did I lose my professional momentum, but my confidence was shaken.
Instinctively, I knew the correct action hadn’t changed:
- Back to setting my alarm to 5 AM.
- Back to writing articles.
- Back to developing new offerings.
- Back to recruiting more models.
- Back to finding more revenue streams.
- Back to expanding the brand.
And really, that’s what scared me.
While leveling up had brought with it new problems and stress, it was still leveling up.
I was proud of the progress I’d made, so much so that I even allowed myself to begin to integrate it into my core identity.
Deserved or not, I felt like I had more swagger.
Instead of helpless, I felt powerful.
Looking back, it might have all been an illusion, because the solution never changed:
Get back to work.
And to be perfectly honest, I never should have taken my foot off the gas.
I’m not one to quote the Bible, but I heard a quote recently that stood out to me.
“Don’t work for a reward, work for the love of people and God.”
Now before you think I’m going all Hassib on you, the way I interpret this is a little different.
To me, it means that you will produce your best work when you do it with the intention of providing something objectively beautiful that your audience wants.
And when you produce your best work, your reward will be the greatest.
Your best work is what grants you your legacy.
Creating something great is a reward in and of itself.
And if it solves a problem for people, then you can sell it for bigly freedom units and buy yourself a lambo.
But as they say, hindsight is 20/20.
And this wouldn’t become clear to me until joining another coaching program in an unrelated industry.
In The Pantheon Of Pickup, There Is Only One TextGod
Another quote from King Tony is this: “Money doesn’t change you, it just makes you more of who you are.”
Once the money started coming in more easily, I started thinking:
“Now that I’ve made it – what do I want to do?”
For the first time in my life, I had built a recognizable brand that was printing money with virtually no effort on my part.
This, combined with the nearly-fully automated processes I’d developed over the last year, gave me the feeling that I was finally able to devote time to areas of my life that had nothing to do with making money.
But there was just one problem with that:
After grinding for so long, I’d let nearly every aspect of my life drift away except for working out and grinding on my business.
I have no friends in Minneapolis, no social life, no girlfriend, and no hobbies.
It’s kind of pathetic, honestly.
For nearly a year, my life has been sitting in the same spot on my couch and working on my laptop for 10-12 hours a day.
My only breaks would be to hit the gym, go run around the lake, or go to the grocery store.
Every so often I’d have a date. But not nearly often enough.
In the internet marketing world, they say there are 3 main niches:
- Get laid
- Get paid
- Get in shape
Virtually all books, courses, info products, and coaching programs are built off of one of these categories.
I was getting paid.
I was in shape.
But I wasn’t getting laid quite enough for my liking.
And now that the other two were sufficiently handled for me to more or less ignore them, I decided to make #1 my new obsession.
I’ll spare you the details, but at 39 years old, I’ve been with a girl or two.
I’m tall, muscular, have decent game, and have spoken to literally tens of thousands of women in my life thanks to my career in the beauty industry.
Surprisingly, one area where I’ve always struggled with was online dating.
I’m honestly not trying to brag, but even with my shaggy hair, dirty t-shirt, and desperately-need-to-be-replaced shoes, I still get looks from girls of all ages everywhere I go.
Whether it’s the supermarket, the gym, the airport, trade shows – whatever – I can tell women are attracted to me.
But when it comes to online dating, I’m hot garbage.
Yes, I’ve been on my fair share of dates with girls that I met off apps, but very few of them were with girls that I consider to be stunners.
Plenty of 7s, an 8 here and there, but with virtually no 9s or 10s.
(I don’t f*ck with the 6s anymore.)
But I seem to be stuck in 7-8 Land.
And that in and of itself wouldn’t be too bad if I were able to get them with more consistency.
But it’s sporadic at best.
Winter in Minneapolis is especially tough. It’s so damn cold that people don’t like to leave their house unless absolutely necessary.
Summer, on the other hand, is another story.
It’s actually a great place to be in the summertime.
Like a sexually repressed ex-Mormon, everyone comes out of their shell in the summer ready to party and have fun.
People are friendly, there are parties everywhere, and the girls want to get their vitamin “D” before they’re snowed in for another six months.
And with 7 snowstorms, this most recent winter was especially gross.
With my newfound success arriving just in time for summer, I wanted to make sure I was in the perfect position to take advantage of my free time.
So I started shopping around for coaching programs.
Now, I know the OFM community likes to shit on courses and coaching programs, but I think we can all agree that high level dating advice is best taken from someone who has gotten their reps in.
I’m on record on multiple occasions talking about how I love watching content from pickup coaches, so it was only natural that once I had the perfect storm of extra money + extra time, that I would take advantage of it.
Originally, I wanted to go for a program that focused on cold approach pickup – i.e. approaching girls on the street, in clubs/bars, basically in person.
In the end, I decided to go with an online dating program. And here’s why:
- It’s easier to scale
- My online dating game is trash
- My text game is pathetic
- I feel like I could be doing WAY better
- I can apply some of these concepts to recruiting (and improve my own trainings)
- My experience during the discovery call with the online dating program was very good (more on this later)
Also, allow me to share a dirty secret:
I’ve always wanted to be a dating coach.
After reading The Game back in 2006, I became obsessed with pickup content.
Say what you want about RSD, but they made pickup GLAMOROUS.
Watching their videos (before they shut their channels down and rebranded) was like listening to war stories from combat veterans.
It was just f*cking GLORIOUS.
And you know me, I love me some glory.
I’ve wanted to do it for so long, but because I don’t feel like I’ve gotten in enough reps, I’m not exactly qualified to do it on the same level as a lot of the top names out there.
(Though with that logic, I suppose I could say the same thing about OFM. Yet here we are. Imposter syndrome much?)
Anyway, after much deliberation I decided to go with the TextGod himself, Louis Fairfields.
He is hands down the absolute BEST texter I’ve ever seen, thanks to his over-the-top style.
I’ve been aware of Louis for a few years, even incorporating his clickbait opener into my online game/recruiting – which has been very helpful for getting the convo started.
To be perfectly honest with you, when I first found him, I thought he was full of sh*t.
Not because of him specifically, but because I honestly didn’t believe that getting the results he was claiming via online game was actually possible.
My online dating game was SO bad that I just assumed it was bad for everyone.
My line of thinking was like this: “I’m handsome, muscular, and tall.. if I’m not getting good results, then there’s no way this guy is.”
But after watching some more of his content, I began to notice signs that he was in fact the real deal.
This is one of the reasons why I advocate explaining to your models EXACTLY what you are trying to do with their marketing strategy.
The more you talk to them about what your plan for them is, the more opportunities you have to showcase your expertise in the OFM industry.
Once they hear you talk about it in detail, they’ll think, “This guy sure does sound like he knows a lot. I should probably do as he says.”
It was kind of the same with Louis,.
And as the rappers say, “he came with the receipts” – endless screenshotted successful conversations with real matches.
(Kind of like the reverse of what I did when I analyzed openers and profiles from OFM agencies.)
What sealed the deal for me was when I hopped on the discovery call with one of his coaches.
They asked me what I did for work and I told them that I run an OnlyFans agency.
The guy goes, “That’s so interesting, because I also run an OnlyFans agency with my brother.”
We had a nice chat and by the end of the call I was enrolled in the program.
I’ve been in it for just under two weeks and I’ve already seen a massive improvement.
Not only am I getting more matches, but girls are actually responding to my texts – something that I’m embarassed to admit RARELY happened for me before.
If you’ve never watched any of his content, I highly recommend you check out his YouTube channel.
However, that’s not why I’m bringing this up.
When I signed up for his program, I got a chance to see what a REAL coaching program looks like from the inside.
Weekly group calls, an active Facebook group, and full guides on various topics – not to mention a full video course.
It made my coaching program look like amateur hour.
The pickup industry has about a 20 year head start on OFM, so I can’t be too hard on myself.
But if I were to compare the STRUCTURE of the two programs, I would say that his is much more well–rounded in terms of the mediums in which the information is delivered.
His program has:
- Full video course
- A dedicated Facebook group
- Dozens of written guides on Facebook
- Multiple weekly group calls with him and his coaches
Mine has:
- Lots of pdfs
- Videos (SOPs)
- Other assorted assets (IG ads, scripts, etc)
- Some discounts on peripheral services
I would argue that mine has more raw information, but to quote Aristotle: “Raw information doth not a coaching program make.”
Point being, I believe that if you deliver the information in a diverse variety of mediums, the higher the likelihood that the information will be internalized and executed correctly.
Watching a video is one thing.
But watching a video, reading a PDF, discussing it in a Telegram chat, and hopping on a weekly call is another.
My coaching program in its current form – as comprehensive as it is (in terms of the topics that it covers) – is essentially just a set of consumable assets that I’ve created.
Once I hand these assets over to the student, it’s up to them to implement the methods on their own.
Yes, if they have questions they can ask me through Telegram. And I’m usually pretty good about responding.
But it is still essentially just a transfer of static assets.
In my program there is admittedly very little actual “coaching” involved, at least in terms of 1 on 1 or group participation.
Funnily enough, this little fact wouldn’t have even registered with me if I didn’t hit a wall with my proxy business.
As soon as I started getting pushback from my carriers, I realized that I might have made a huge mistake.
Not only did I lose my momentum, but I just dropped $3k on a coaching program that was only tangentially related to my industry.
With a snap of their fingers, my carriers could cancel all my lines – forcing me to refund all my customers and put me on the fast track to returning to the trade show circuit.
I hadn’t experienced any problems yet, but that background anxiety refused to go away.
It got so bad that I actually felt nauseaus for no reason for several hours a day, something I’d never experienced when I’d been grinding full time.
Could it have been radiation poisoning from the 100+ cell phones littered throughout my apartment running 24/7 on mobile data and wifi?
But I think it was also because I was worried that I could get rug-pulled at any minute by forces far beyond my control.
After getting delay after delay from my reps at the telecoms, I realized I’d have to go back to the grind.
The only question was: what would I be grinding on?
Proxies were out – at least for the time being.
So what would it be?
Articles? Recruiting more models? YouTube?
Then it hit me: I would revamp my coaching program, using the TextGod structure as a model.
Incubator 2.0
Having launched the first iteration of my coaching program nearly 6 months ago, I had made incredible progress since then in terms of knowledge, expertise, and connections.
Not to mention the fact that the agency is running almost on autopilot.
That – coupled with restructuring the Incubator to look like an ACTUAL coaching program – would catapult it FAR beyond every other OFM offering on the market.
The funny thing is that I never would have had this idea if I hadn’t enrolled in Louis’ program.
I went from only matching with fugly 35 year old “want somedays” to matching with hot 19-22 year olds in just under a week.
And this time, they actually RESPONDED to my messages.
Any of you who run dating app traffic KNOW how incredible it is that a real live girl would actually respond to your message.
Not only are they sitting on hundreds if not thousands of matches, but girls are incredibly lazy, flaky, easily distracted, and have plenty of things competing for their attention at any given moment.
For not just one, but MANY fresh little pieces of @$$ to respond to my messages as a 39 year old boomer with subpar pictures is nothing short of miraculous.
Now is it ONLY because the structure of his program is the way it is? Of course not.
The info is unironically world-class. And I actually took action to implement it.
But the point is that it never even would have OCCURED to me to revamp my program if I hadn’t enrolled in TextGod’s.
I would still be sitting on my couch with my d*ck in my hand waiting for my carriers to figure out if I was worth risking another 50 SIM cards on.
Even MORE exciting are the applications I believe Louis’ methods have for the OFM industry as a whole.
Without giving away too much detail, the TextGod program is all about creating engaging profiles and messages so girls will:
- See you as “better” than the competition
- Have a favorable first impression of you
- Enjoy talking to you
- Respond to your messages
- Agree to do what you ask them to do
Do you see how MAYBE these skills might be useful to us?
I decided to put this to the test and saw my already-solid recruiting practices take a major jump in effectiveness after implementing just a few of Louis’ strategies.
Instead of sticking to the script that I had honed after months and thousands of messages, I began including aspects of what I had learned in the program in some of my follow ups.
I’m still new, so there is obviously more improvement to be made.
But the increases in response rate ALONE has made my investment worth the money.
This realization gave me an idea…
Not only would I revamp my entire coaching program, but I would make it EVEN BETTER by bringing in other experts.
Thanks to this blog, intelligent networking, and what I consider to be tactful management of The Federation, my influence has grown to the point where I am now friends with just about every single major OFM personality on Telegram (with a clean reputation).
My vision for the Incubator 2.0 includes all the assets of the first version, but this time with weekly Q&A Zoom calls, interviews with experts, a dedicated group, and special discounts and bonuses for members.
Of particular interest to me are the group calls with experts.
This is something that I thought sounded great for my first program, but at the time didn’t have the reach and connections that I do now.
Imagine if I could tap all my connections to bring in world-class experts to speak on subjects like:
- How to go viral on TikTok
- How to run a successful model marketplace
- How to run a network of dating apps
- How to execute the “loverboy” method
- How to get a 20:1 chatting:subs revenue ratio
- How to make $20k/month from Reddit
- How to transfer fiat to crypto (and vice versa)
- How to set up the perfect cross-border funds transfer system
And these are not just clickbait article titles with 500 word articles populated by ChatGPT.
These would be full on 2 hour interviews with the legit-est of the legit – people I know personally, speak to frequently on Telegram, and am lucky enough to call my friends.
It’s just a matter of putting it together.
Will keep you posted, my dudes!
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