5 Reasons You Should Run Your OnlyFans Agency Like George Costanza


One of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld is the one where George comes to the realization that his life has become the complete opposite of what he wanted.

Jerry, George, and Elaine are sitting at the diner when it hits him:

“Why did it all turn out like this for me? I had so much promise. I was personable, I was bright. Oh, maybe not academically speaking, but … I was perceptive. I always know when someone’s uncomfortable at a party. It became very clear to me sitting out there today, that every decision I’ve ever made, in my entire life, has been wrong. My life is the opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every aspect of life, be it something to wear, something to eat … It’s all been wrong.”

When the waitress comes to take his order, George instinctively orders the same as always.

As she’s walking away, he catches himself – ordering something completely different.

Once he’s done ordering, an attractive woman at the counter looks over her shoulder at him.

Elaine brings it to his attention, to which he replies, “Elaine – bald men with no job who live with their parents do not approach strange women.”

Jerry starts to give him a hard time, reminding him that every instinct he’s ever had has been wrong anyway.

Unable to backtrack on what he’s just said, George admits that approaching the woman is the correct move.

Against all odds, he strikes up a conversation with the woman at the counter – and it actually goes well.

Go watch the clip now (first two and a half minutes). It’s worth it.

Now before we go any further, I know what you’re thinking: “Oh but that’s just a TV show, it’s not real life.”

That may be true, but how about an example from legendary copywriter, Dan Kennedy?

One of the OGs of direct response marketing, Dan is on record as giving the following advice:

“If all of your competitors are doing something, then that’s a sure sign that you should NOT be doing it.”

The reverse is also true: if your competitors are NOT doing something, then you should do it.

And like it or not, we are all competing with one another.

Sure, we may act all friend-like in the Telegram chats, but the reality is that there are only so many simpbucks out there.

Either they’re spending them on YOUR creators, or they’re spending them on your COMPETITOR’S.

If you think about it logically, nobody should be giving out ANY information in the chats at all.

Every piece of the puzzle you give to that guy asking questions puts him one step closer to eating bites out of your piece of the pie.

As the industry grows, it’s only a matter of time before mutliple agencies coalesce to become superagencies – boxing everyone else out of the market completely.

The fact that this doesn’t seem to bother any of us is really kind of remarkable – ESPECIALLY when you consider that nearly everyone executes one of the following marketing strategies:

  • Posting in relevant subreddits and buying upvotes
  • Posting Reels/TikToks
  • Spamming Twitter
  • Funneling dating app traffic to OF

Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and dating apps – those are the Big 5 of the traffic world of OnlyFans.

But here’s the problem:

  • There are only so many subreddits.
  • Dating app traffic is getting harder and harder.
  • Twitter is putting more and more measures in place to remove bot accounts.

IG and TikTok are still relatively “easy” – but they require that most challenging of prerequisites: that your model actually does some work.

And they’re only one update away from irreversibly screwing OnlyFans creators.

  • What will you do when people are buying so many upvotes that you can’t compete anymore?
  • What will you do when dating apps completely eliminate fake profiles?
  • What will you do when IG/TT become as saturated as the rest of the platforms?

Those of you who have read the book “Blue Ocean Strategy” can see where I’m going with this.

The idea is simple – you can either:

  1. Do what everyone else is doing and try to do it better
  2. Do something completely different

There is no “best” way to run your business, but there are definitely advantages to doing things differently.

If you try to compete with everyone else, then you have a tough road ahead of you.

Sure, if you’re a Reddit Genius like @accountstealth, maybe focusing on Reddit (or hiring him to manage your model) is a good idea.

But if you’re not him – if you’re just starting out – then you have a rough road ahead of you.

He can dominate the top spot in any subreddit he wants any time he wants.

And here’s a scary thought: as good as he is, there are people who are even better.

So not only are you competing with him, but you’re competing with dozens if not hundreds of people who are just as good – that you haven’t even heard of.

In this article, I’ve created a list of 5 unconventional ideas that you can implement immediately to grow your OnlyFans agency.

It’s by no means an exhaustive list – nor am I suggesting that they are even “good” ideas.

But my goal with this article is to just get you THINKING of different ways to do things.

Fighting for scraps with other agency owners is a losing game.

Why not play your own game – one where YOU make the rules?


“Oh By The Way, We Also Run An Agency”

About six months ago, I got a DM from someone on Telegram asking me to do a consulting call with them on a new startup for OnlyFans creators.

Their tool – WishHush – was positioned to be a custom wishlist-building tool for models that would allow them to add their own products, set their own prices, and take the cash instead of buying the actual product.

The best part is that creators keep 100% of the purchase price. We make our money by charging the fan 10% on the frontend for facilitating an anonymous purchase.

I got the idea right away so I agreed to the call.

An hour later, I was the new co-founder and face of the brand.

The original founder is not some 22 year old engineering student, either.

He’s already launched and exited successful startups before.

(And while prior success is no guarantee of future success, I’d rather work with someone who done broke the back on the pony already than a fresh-faced newbie.)

Ignoring the fact that my blog was the only thing that netted me this deal, I feel it’s important to mention that the applications for a tool like this go far beyond our 10% margin (charged to fans, not creators).

Think about it like this:

Your average OnlyFans model on Instagram probably gets a dozen messages a day from agencies trying to recruit her.

If you send cold DMs to a model from an agency account, even if you’re an AMAZING agency with a killer page, you’re fighting an uphill battle.

Not only are you competing with ALL the other agencies out there that are trying to recruit her, but your reputation has already been pre-stained by the fact that most agencies are run by brocolli-haired ESL Zoomerkin that have no idea how to talk to women.

Even if you come across as professional and well-spoken, you are still an agency – and 99% of models have had bad experiences with agencies.

WishHush is currently in an open beta, but once it fully launches, my idea is to recruit users the same way that we would recruit model: through Instagram DMs.

I can easily activate a VA to send 500 DMs a day from multiple Instagram accounts.

It would be incredibly easy for me to make a few slight changes to turn these from agency accounts into WishHush accounts.

Compare these two pitches:

  1. “Hi, we’re an agency and we want to work with you.”
  2. “Hi, we have a free tool for OnlyFans creators that will help you make more money.”

In the agency pitch, you are asking A LOT from a girl.

You are asking her to:

  1. Sign a contract
  2. Send you naked pictures and naughty videos
  3. Spend time working on TikToks and Reels
  4. Give you 50-70% of the earnings on her account
  5. Provide the logins for her OnlyFans

That is a HUGE investment from anyone, let alone a (probably) inexperienced female “creator” who thought she was on the fast track to making $10k/mo from posting a few feet pics.

In other words, it’s a tough sale.

I don’t care how good your sales skills are, it’s not an easy thing to do.

However, consider this pitch by contrast:

“Hi, we have a free tool you can use that will help you earn more money from your fans. We’ll even set it up for you.”

Obviously we’d flesh it out a bit more than that, but in terms of a value proposition, there’s no comparison.

  • In the agency example, we want her to do all kinds of stuff that girls don’t like to do.
  • In the tool example, all we want her to do is make a free account and we’ll do all the rest.

At this point you may be thinking, “Ok Papi, but I don’t want to run a tech startup. I want to have an agency!”

Here’s the thing: with the tool, you can STILL run an agency.

All you’ve done by inviting the girl to use the tool is opened a conversational thread with her by offering 100% value.

If she’s interested in earning more money from her fans, then chances are she’d be interested in using a free tool that would help her do that in an elaborate and creative way.

But think about it: just because she uses the tool, does that mean she’s going to automatically become successful overnight?

Of course not.

She’s still going to need traffic, chatters, and some guidance with overall business strategy.

EVEN THOUGH you are officially a software tool, what’s to say you can’t provide her with these things?

You’ve already opened the conversational thread in a way that puts you in a favorable position.

Do you think your leads would be MORE or LESS receptive to an agency pitch after that?

Agency: “How’s it going with your page so far?”

Creator: “It’s ok, it’s a lot of work though!”

Agency: “Haha yeah tell me about it. You should check out some of the articles/videos on our site, we provide a lot of free resources to creators to help you get more fans.”

Creator: “Wow really? Ok I’ll check it out.”

Agency: “No problem! We also run our own talent agency. Click the link on our page that says, ‘Representation’ and if you’re interested just schedule a call. If not all good, but you can always reach out if you have questions about using the tool.”

Creator: “Hmm yeah I’ll take a look. Thanks!”

See how much more elegant that is than the basic agency pitch?

The reality of the situation, gentlemen, is that OFM is getting FLOODED right now with inexperienced agency owners who are sh*tting up the space with their low effort ways.

On the one hand, this is lowering the bar for legit agencies.

On the other, it’s making the word “agency” cause OnlyFans models to recoil in disgust.

But a tech startup?

A software tool?

A chrome extension?

Those all still have a positive (or neutral) connotation to your average creator.

Throw in a nice IG page, a slick website, and a few articles or videos with some basic OFM tips and you have a recipe for a very positive outreach campaign.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I’ll let you in on a little secret: I am an unashamed PUA fanboy.

The Game, RSD, the Manosphere… I love all that sh*t.

Despite all the hate PUAs get, I have huge respect for them.

Approaching girls in the real world and expressing your masculine interest – even with the help of lots of alcohol – is not easy.

Anyone who says otherwise is just plain lying.

One of the best things about my previous job was that it gave me the perfect excuse to talk to girls for 8-12 hours a day.

For most of my professional career, I’ve been a rep for hairstyling tools and hair products.

I can take a frumpy 47 year old housewife with mom jeans and NewBalance shoes and boost her by 2 points on the attractiveness scale with nothing more than a flat iron and a hair brush in under 15 minutes.

This job also gave me a TON of experience talking to women.

My job was to get their attention, invite them for a demonstration, and then try to make a sale.

Not all of them were frumpy 47 year olds, either – some were actually cute.

While approaching these cute girls in the wild would have had me spilling my spaghetti, when it came to selling hair products I was a fearless, charming, funny, and focused.

After having the same conversation tens of thousands of times, you can’t help but become confident in what you’re saying.

You hone your responses, find the perfect jokes, steal lines from your coworkers, and build your pitch into an experience that becomes the most entertaining highlight of a Midwestern family’s weekend.

I was fortunate enough to be selling a product, so if the girl didn’t buy or refused to stop, then I could always mentally retreat to the notion that she just wasn’t interested in styling her hair.

It wasn’t a personal rejection.

PUAs on the other hand, have a much bigger challenge: they have to sell themselves.

And I know what you’re thinking: “Any time you sell anything, you’re selling yourself.”

But I think we both understand how this is different.

Rejections from women naturally imply that the man simply doesn’t meet her standards.

(Of course, once you get deeper into the game you learn that it’s not “you” that’s getting rejected, it’s your approach.)

From a confidence standpoint, it’s MUCH easier to sell a product than it is to sell yourself.

In the past few years, a new form of pickup has risen in popularity – social circle game.

Social circle game has two important characteristics:

  1. It puts you around attractive women by default
  2. It designates you as a high status member of your environment

Currently, the most popular method to run this type of game is to organize photoshoots or promote events.

Organizing photoshoots is great, but how many photoshoots can you realistically run on a regular basis?

Unless you have easy access to a luxury apartment and professional photographers (who are willing to work for free), then your shoots will be sporadic at best.

Not saying it’s impossible – I know guys who have done it – but being a club promoter is just so much easier.

Think about it:

  1. The club is the venue
  2. Hot girls already go there every weekend
  3. You are selling the party, not yourself

In simple terms, all a club promoter has to do is funnel girls to a place they were probably going to go to at some point anyway.

Similar to the strategy with WishHush, we can use Instagram to find attractive girls in our city and invite them to events.

This is remakably similar to sending cold DMs to potential models in other cities: find nightclubs and fancy restaurants, filter for attractive girls, and send your pitch.

Of course, all of this presupposes that your personal IG is impressive – no different than having an impressive agency IG.

Even if the girl can’t make it, many times she’ll respond with something along the lines of, “Oh gosh I really wish I could come, but I’ll be out of town that weekend!”

As soon as they respond, the conversational thread has been opened.

So not only will future messages skip straight to her inbox, but she’ll remember you fondly when you message her again the next time.

Now, I’m not saying you should jump straight from there to recruiting them.

If you do plan to go the club promoter route, you should obviously go to an event so you can meet them in person and build a connection before bringing anything like this up.

Anything else would seem disingenuous and weird.

But the cool thing about this strategy is that you don’t actually NEED to go all of the events that you promote in order to open the conversational threads.

You can run campaigns in LA, New York, Miami, Dallas, and any other city you want to network with attractive women.

If you’re ever in that city, you can invite them all to a bar, club, sushi, trivia night, or whatever else you might be into.

Yes, it’s a more delayed strategy to recruit models like this than to simply spam direct proposals from an agency account.

But not only will you see a higher response rate to your messages, but you’ll be relieved at how much easier the converastions are.

And then you still have the obvious benefit of actually being able to meet attractive women in your city.

So even if you DON’T end up recruiting any of them to be OnlyFans models, at least you won’t be alone on Friday nights anymore.

I’ve actually just started this strategy with one of my VAs and I can tell you that the response rate is phenomenal.

Will update you in a few weeks when I have a better idea of how it all plays out.

Make Your Chatters Rich

A few months ago, I was lucky enough to hire my favorite creator I’ve ever worked with.

Early 30s, BDSM niche, and originally from Brazil, this girl is the most responsive and hardest working model I’ve ever worked with.

One of the biggest paradigm shifts that she helped me through was the notion that agreeing to create Reels and TikToks is a non-negotiable pre-requisite for working with us.

Before, I used to pussyfoot around the idea of telling the models how much work they’d have to do.

I’d make it seem like it would only take them a short amount of time per week to submit the content we’d need and that we would do everything else.

Not anymore.

Like most agency owners, one of my biggest struggles has always been traffic.

I’ve tried Reddit, Twitter, and dating apps with little to no success.

TikTok and Instagram are comparatively MUCH easier.

For one thing, the girl is the one who has to do all the work.

  • She makes the content.
  • She posts it from her own device.
  • And she is ultimately responsible for the amount of traffic she generates.

The value we add as an agency – in regards to traffic – is by providing her with guidance on how to create the type of content that converts the best.

Once the model becomes consistent with their postings, we can then slightly modify and repurpose that content across multiple accounts – a la mother/slave method.

By the way, quick shoutout to Uncle Razvan for helping with TikTok.

If it wasn’t for his TikTok Mastermind, I wouldn’t have had the breakout success with this girl that we experienced over the past month.

Thanks to his strategies, this girl has had multiple pieces of content go viral with over 800k views each.

One of her TikTok accounts reached 10,000 followers in less than 5 days.

This girl has hit more than 2.5 million views in less than a month.

Definitely go check out his program if you have reliable girls who will produce on a daily basis.

And if you sign up through my link, then I’ll throw in my ULTRA recruiting package ($2250 value) for free.

Once her content started going viral, we saw a huge influx of new subs.

I knew the next step was to hire a chatter.

I’ll be perfectly honest with you: I do not have the patience for chatting.

I don’t like it and I don’t want to do it.

When I started looking for a chatter, I did what most people do: I tried to find one with experience.

But when I began doing some research into how these chatters usually run their conversations, I was very unimpressed.

Even though I don’t enjoy chatting, even I knew that you need to build a connection with the fans before offering to sell them content.

From my days selling hair straighteners, I knew that if I spent 2 minutes getting the customer talking about themselves, making the sale would be much easier.

Even I – a veteran salesman and master manipulator – am not immune to opening my wallet with a seller who first gets me to open up about my life.

MANY times I’ve been in a situation where a salesman was just so nice, charming, and attentive that I spent money with them – even if I didn’t really want or have a need for what they were selling.

The exact same applies with OnlyFans.

Chatters who spam the same old “hey baby want to see my p*ssy?” without building a connection with fans are less than worthless – they’re actually HARMFUL to a creator’s account.

Frequently I’ve spoken with creators who tell me that they lost most of their fans after an agency took over their account because of inauthentic communication from the chatter.

But when you’re hiring Filipinos for $3/hr, what do you expect?

I’m no expert, but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to develop a training manual or series of scripts that account for every possible thing your fan might say.

And at the end of the day, what I said above is the most important thing: get the fan talking about themselves first BEFORE asking for the sale.

But even then, how hard do you think someone is going to work for $3/hr?

During my search for a chatter, I decided to make a post on my favorite job board for hiring VAs – onlinejobs.ph.

Now, one thing I know about VAs – especially Filipino ones – is that they don’t like commission-only gigs.

They want their reliable income every month and that’s it.

In my initial job post, I wrote that I would pay $75/wk + 10% of sales.

So if they sold $1000 in that week, they’d get $75 + $80 (after OF’s cut).

I also added that once they got the hang of it, I would bump them up to 25% commission.

It’s not a huge difference if you’re only selling for $1000 a week, but obviously we expect them to do more than that.

Selling for $2000/wk would net them $400, which is a month’s salary in the Philippines.

After choosing someone for the role, I made it very clear:

“I’m not going to be able to walk you through this. It’s up to you to figure it out on your own.”

I sent him an old chatter manual that I had lying around and told him that he needed to build a connection with the fans before trying to sell them anything.

In his first week, he sold almost $1200.

Sure, it’s not $12,000. But he’s brand new and the account only has around 200 fans.

And I didn’t have to spend any time training him at all.

I can promise you one thing though: this chatter will never leave me in a million years.

I will never have to worry about finding another chatter for this account because the dude sees that he can make 5-10x the normal salary in the Philippines just by pretending to be a girl online for a few hours a day.

After his first week he’s on track to make $1000 this month.

No training, no skills, nothing more than the desire to sell and make money.

This, plus the frequent reminder that he needs to BUILD A CONNECTION WITH FANS before selling anything, combine to allow me to cross another aspect of my agency that I don’t have to worry about.

Can you get people to follow instructions without paying them a commission?


But as someone who has worked in commission-only sales for most of his adult life, I can tell you this: nothing motivates you to improve faster than performance-based rewards.

Not only that, but paying a commission solves one of the biggest problems that you’ll run into with employees: not going the extra mile.

In the army, we used to call this rosh katan – which literally means “small head.”

You’ve heard of people talking about “big brain thinking”? Well, rosh katan is the opposite.

This is like when someone tells you, “Can you hold this for 2 seconds,” and then drops it after literally two seconds.

But you said just hold it for two seconds!

They knew what you meant, they understood the spirit of the communication, but they had no incentive to actually follow it.

When you pay people a large commission, they are FULLY engaged in what they are doing.

Try it out.

Guaranteed Income = Guaranteed Output

If we’re going to pay our chatters a commission, then why not pay our models a salary?

The main reason agency owners don’t like paying their models a salary is because they have no idea what they’re doing.

I can tell you at least from personal experience, that I would NOT have been comfortable paying any models a salary at all, ever.

Now that I actually know what I’m doing, paying them a salary is actually very tempting.

Several months ago, someone reached out to me via HackForums to schedule a call about a possible collaboration.

I get all kinds of weirdos reaching out to me, but this was one of the weirdest yet.

Without any Telegram groups to siphon knowledge from, this guy had quietly built an agency grossing $100k/month in less than 3 months.

Obviously, I agreed to the call.

What the heck does this guy want to do with me, I wondered.

At the time, I had virtually zero success to speak of – and my articles / posts on HF didn’t say otherwise.

We had a great call that lasted for about an hour, but one of the things that stuck with me about how he did business is that he paid his models a HUGE salary every month.

To give you an idea, he started them off at $4000 SALARY per month.

What girl do you think would say no to that? That’s a full time income, one that you can live off of – even in a major US city.

His traffic generation and back end sales were SO good that he could afford it.

To be fair, this guy had an incredible track record and the skills to support a large guaranteed salary.

I’m not saying you need to promise $50k/year to these girls right off the bad.

And we all know that even if they agree to your terms, some just won’t do the work.

But still, I believe the principle is solid.

Let’s face it: women are not natural risk takers like men are.

I think it’s even safe to say that guys who are drawn to OFM are even bigger risk takers than average.

Not only is it the adult industry, but many people perceive what we do as being “virtual pimps.”

And last I checked, being a pimp is illegal.

(Unless you’re a cool black guy with a fur coat and jeweled walking stick.)

The way most agency owners recruit models is by offering a profit split. However, there are a few problems with this:

  1. The girl doesn’t know if she can trust you
  2. She doesn’t know if you’re actually any good
  3. She doesn’t know if you’ll PAY her (if you’re in control)
  4. She doesn’t know if she’ll enjoy working with you
  5. She doesn’t know if she’ll want to do the work you assign to her
  6. She doesn’t like the idea of non-guaranteed income

There’s a reason why commission-only sales jobs have such a high turnover rate: people can’t handle the fact that it’s a numbers game.

They don’t want to deal with the rejection of 39 out of 40 people just to find that 1 person who will say yes, even if that 1 yes puts $1000 in their pocket.

Once you start selling, you understand that you need to look at the total amount of income you earn over a month, not a day.

Pull back to the bird’s eye view and you’ll have a more realistic perspective of what’s in your best interest.

Most girls are incapable of doing this – especially the attractive ones.

As men, we literally can’t relate to what it’s like to be a woman.

Once they’re sexually developed, people are kind to girls, treat them with care, indulge them in their emotionality, and let them get away with anything.

Yes, they have their own set of problems to deal with.

But the daily struggle of fighting to improve yourself to the point where you can successfully compete with intelligent, proficient, and ruthless men is not one of them.

As men, we MUST take risks because if we don’t, we are doomed to live a sh*t life of pumping gas or flipping burgers.

Can you be happy doing those things? Sure.

But all things being equal, would you be happier in a nicer living space, eating better quality food, and surrounded by the top 1% of society?

Obviously you would be.

And I’ve got news for you: as a man, you’re NEVER going to get those things unless you take some risks.

In this case, the risk is that you may invest time, money, and resources into a model who has possibly never experienced a day of hard work in her life.

How hard can you realistically work with a BBL, eyelash extensions, and 3 inch fake fingernails?

You can’t cook, you can’t clean, you can’t type on a keyboard – what can you do?

You can get a man (or men) to support you and be a “sex object for hire” in some capacity – either a wife, prostitute, or gold digger.

Those three examples (and all of their variations) are all forms of guaranteed income, in a sense.

When a girl goes all in on her looks – which the majority of the most attractive ones do – she is saying, “I prefer to find a high value man who will support me financially instead of supporting myself.”

Maybe it sounds harsh – but am I wrong?

I don’t think so.

And again, I’m not saying this with any sort of judgement.

Since the beginning of time, women have relied on men to provide for them. And modern society has warped this reliance into a hypersexualized cartoon version of evolutionary biology.

If you were a big booty cutie with a natural set of DDs and your choice was to grind at some office job for $50k/year or do some TikTok dances in a low cut top for $500k/year, what would you choose?

It’s not a hard decision to make.

When you pay creators a salary, you are essentially becoming their husband.

Now I’m not saying that you get into a romantic relationship with them, but think about it from an evolutionary standpoint.

No matter how independent a woman seems to be, at some point in her life she will eventually revert to her natural biological imperative of relying on a man to provide for her.

That man can be her husband, the state (in the form of welfare), or her employer.

Here’s the thing though: she doesn’t need more than 1.

All she needs is that monthly paycheck coming in so she can have her fun without worrying about food, shelter, or getting her nails done.

Or, you know, provide for her offspring.

Granted, women are always looking for an upgrade.

So just because you pay her $1000/mo to make TikToks and film naughty videos doesn’t mean she’ll stay with you forever.

But by paying them a salary, you are fulfilling a deep biological need that they don’t even consciously understand.

Perhaps more importantly, paying a salary is something that virtually NO other agencies are doing.

And if you remember Dan Kennedy’s marketing axiom from the beginning of this article (“If your competitors aren’t doing it, then you should”), then maybe it’s something you should consider.

If nothing else, you could just try it for a month and see how it goes.

And if she doesn’t do the work? Then you just fire her – like any other employee that doesn’t do their job. Simple as.

Never Forget Your Worth (Even If It’s $0)

When most people start their agencies, they promise some variation of the following:

  • You’ll make $10k/month
  • You won’t have to do any work
  • We’re the best in the business
  • You can trust us!
  • We’ve done this many times before
  • We have a lot of models already working with us

It’s not hard to understand why, either.

Most people – women or otherwise – are not keen to work closely with someone who is a novice in their field.

Especially when working with them means handing over sensitive financial information and account passwords.

As a result, agency owners resort to lying.

For newbies, recruiting models then becomes a game of “how to tell a more convincing lie than the other agencies.”

This method works, but is it the most efficient?

Coaches who teach freelancers ALL recommend having a portfolio of previous work to show potential customers.

If you’re a copywriter, then you just might have to do some copywriting for free before you can get any paid clients.

While you CAN use copy that isn’t yours and pass it off as your own, if you don’t have the skills to get results for your client, then they are going to be very upset.

With OFM, this becomes a challenge because we are not paid up front.

If we were getting a lump sum from our models up front, lying might be a more effective strategy.

But when you are managing OnlyFans pages, there are tons of ways your ship can get sunk if you’re not careful.

At first glance, you’d think that most models would recoil in horror at the thought of a still green-behind-the-ears agency owner taking control of their account.

But what if you laid out a plan detailing EXACTLY what you were going to do?

From my own experience, I’ve found that models are much more likely to be compliant if they understand the overall strategy and timeline.

Many agency owners keep their creators in the dark because they’re worried that if they understand the master plan, the models are likely to “steal” the strategy and try to execute it on their own.

Personally, I don’t think this is a risk at all.

Once creators see the massive amount of work and technical expertise required to successfully run an account, they’re even MORE likely to stick with you.

You think some hot girl wants to sit on her computer for 10 hours a day and do all the crap WE have to do?

You think she even OWNS a computer?

If you are under the impression that some big booty cutie is going to spend more than 30 seconds on her computer to do anything other than check her email once a month, you’re crazy.

These girls have 3 priorities in life:

  1. Be cute
  2. Get attention on social media
  3. Find a man

That’s it.

And all of those things they can achieve just by putting on some short shorts and leaving their house for a few hours.

Think about how hard it is for YOU – an intelligent, hard-working, ambitious man – to implement these things working 10-12 hour days.

Now imagine a chronically-hungover 22 year old strumpet from Essex trying to do it from her iPhone 12 Pro Max.

It’s just not gonna happen.

Getting back to the point, admitting your inexperience up front has 2 key benefits:

  1. Models have lower expectations
  2. Models will be more patient with you

Sure, you may sacrifice a little authority in the beginning by admitting that you’re new.

But that can easily be recouped just by explaining the reasoning behind your strategy (and providing proof of other models who have executed it).

For example, if you tell them they need to choose a niche for TikTok, you can explain that the reason for that is because the algorithm will be more likely to show their content to the right people if it is all of the same type.

Then you can show them other models who have chosen a niche who are crushing it.

If all you do is explain it, she may be skeptical of the strategy.

But it’s hard to disagree with the irrefutable visual evidence of 10 different creators who embody its success.

When it comes to recruiting, it’s all about getting your foot in the door.

Once you’ve opened the conversational thread with the model, you have a chance to create a personal bond with them.

And like I mentioned in a previous section, people are much more likely to do what you ask them to do once they feel like you understand them and are working hard with their best interests at heart.

How else are you going to get them to feel that way unless you get them talking?

Even if you are an inferior manager, models will stay with you if they feel a personal connection to you.

An extreme example of this is people refusing to fire toxic family members from their business because of the intense personal bond they share.

Obviously I’m not telling you to act toxic.

But understand that once someone has a bond with you (which only comes from prolonged exposure and comfort), they are “stuck” to you in a way that money just can’t buy.

Wrapping It Up

I’ll be honest with you, this was one of the hardest articles I’ve ever written.

Thinking outside the box is HARD.

We are all so accustomed to doing things a certain way, that even IMAGINING a different way to run your business is a challenge.

That said, I think there’s huge value in differentiating yourself by doing something different from what everyone else is doing.

Let’s take an easy example:

If you were to start an OnlyFans agency today, I don’t think there’s a single person on the planet who would tell you to start a blog.

Not even me.

Sure, there may be SOME benefit to having a monstrous ChatGPT-written behemoth that churns out articles optimized for long-tail keywords.

But to actually sit and type out 175,000+ words over an 8 month period?


For what?

HOW exactly is that going to help you in any way whatsoever?

A YouTube channel, sure.

Even making Reels or Tiktoks I would understand.

But an honest-to-goodness handwritten BLOG?

Who even does that?

Yet I can tell you right now, as sure as I’m sitting here, that this blog has been the KEY to 80%+ of my success in the OFM game.

These lovely articles have:

  1. Been directly responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in sales
  2. Given me co-founder status in OFM tech startups
  3. Helped to establish me as an expert on various OFM-related topics
  4. Allowed me to hone my copywriting skills to a world-class level
  5. Entertained thousands of OnlyFans agency owners, contractors, and models alike
  6. Added leverage to my negotiations with industry players MUCH bigger than me
  7. Provided me with an audience of THOUSANDS of agency owners that I can market to at any time

What I love most about this blog is that every additional article I add increases the power it wields over the reader.

Each additional article is another opportunity to hook new readers into my journey.

And with my existing fans, the hook just sinks deeper and deeper.

Much like their favorite shows, they excitedly wait for the next “episode” so they can see how the story continues to play out.

Will I win EVERYONE over?

Obviously not.

But every article I add to the library stacks upon the last one.

Think about it: when you watch your favorite show, you don’t just watch ONE episode.

You watch them for HOURS on end until you need a break.

The more content I create, the more content will be consumed.

And with each article you read, you become more invested in the development of my story.

While they may start out as newbies, my readers will eventually blossom into fully-developed agency owners – complete with their own set of skills and abilities.

Hundreds (if not thousands) of mother/slave experts, Reddit Geniuses, and chatting superstars – many of whom are making tens of thousands of dollars per month – now exist in the OFM space.

Many of them feel like we “grew up together,” even if we’ve never directly communicated with another.

In order for me to bond on this level with thousands of people, I’d have to spent dozens of hours communicating with each of them.

But now, all I need is for ONE article to hook, and they’ll voluntarily form the bond with me on their own.

The more they read, the more they listen to my voice, the more hours they rack up spending time “with” me, the better “friends” we become.

Each article they read deepens the bond until they feel like they really get me, where I’m coming from, and the struggles I’m dealing with.

Which also, coincidentally, happen to be the same things THEY’RE struggling with.

The best part is that this one-sided bonding is 100% hands-off for me.

I spend a few hours writing, hit publish, and reap the benefits from now until eternity.

Maybe you think that’s a good use of my time, maybe you don’t.

Personally, I think it’s priceless.

But nobody – and I mean NOBODY – would have agreed that maintaining a blog was something a new OnlyFans agency owner should do.

Yet here we are.

And this, my patient reader, is the point:

Because NOBODY else was doing it, I was able to differentiate myself from the rest of the crowd.

“So what, are you trying to tell me I need to start a blog?”


My goal with this article was to INSPIRE you to add some unconventional strategies into your business.

You don’t have to use any of the examples I gave in this article.

Maybe you have your own ideas.

But if you’re struggling with OFM, then why wouldn’t you try something different?

Personally, I struggled for months before I found something that worked for me. And now that I do, I have a template that I can use to replicate that success on demand.

Even better, I can apply that template to other businesses and find success there as well.

What’s the worst that could happen?

If that new and different thing you try doesn’t work, you can always go back to grinding away at what everyone else is doing.

But at best, you’ll figure out some new way of doing things, differentiate yourself from the masses, and dominate an area of the market with an innovative idea that launches your business into orbit.

Doesn’t seem like such a hard choice, does it?

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