The Ultimate Guide To Recruiting OnlyFans Models For New Agency Owners


If you’re an OnlyFans agency owner, then you know that nothing happens until you have a model.

And even if you DO have a model, there are 1000 things that can cause her to drop you faster than a dirty sock.

It’s for this reason that I wrote my previous article on recruiting: Why New OnlyFans Agency Owners Should Spend 80% Of Their Time On Recruiting

How I Developed My Recruiting Strategy

“You ain’t got shit, Jack.”

  1. Cold outreach
  2. Follow up message
  3. Hard sell/qualify
  4. Book Zoom call
  5. Have Zoom call
  6. Onboarding

Outreach Lessons From My Background As An Amateur Photographer

  1. Recruit models
  2. Recruit photographers
  3. Ask local businesses if they’d be interested in having a photoshoot and their business in exchange for their services
  1. Cold DM (feeler message)
  2. Confirmation (7–10 days out)
  3. Second confirmation (3 days before)
  4. Headcount (who shows up?)
  • Cold DM: 10% response rate (“Yes I’m interested! Send me details!”)
  • Confirmation: 30–50% (“Yes, I’ll be there! Looking forward to it!”)
  • Second confirmation: 50%(“Definitely coming for reals!”)
  • Headcount: 25%
  • 100 (10%) respond positively to your message.
  • 40 (40%) of them confirm that they will come.
  • 20 (50%) of them confirm twice.
  • 5 (25%) will show up to the photoshoot — IF YOU’RE LUCKY.

Understanding The Flow Of Recruiting Via Cold DMs

  • Who I am
  • What I do
  • What I can do for you
  • Proof that I’m legit
  • What to do if you’re interested
  • Thanks and have a nice day
  1. I answer the 5–6 most common questions up front
  2. I qualify the prospect by asking them to invest time and effort into jumping through my hoops
  3. I establish myself as a domain expert
  4. I inspire confidence by being self-aggrandizing
  5. I get my hooks into them by being funny, relatable, and self-deprecating
  • Who I am
  • What I do
  • What’s in it for you
  • What to do if you’re interested
  • Thanks and have a nice day

A Better Way To Recruit Models Via Cold DMs

  1. Social platforms limit the amount of outreach you can do per day
  2. You need a good-looking IG account to establsh credibility
  3. Models are slow to respond or will ignore your message
  4. You need to do everything from your phone (my personal pet peeve)
  5. You are competing for her attention with the 100 simps who DM her per day
  6. Models hate reading and thinking
  7. Models will assume you are a violent human-trafficker until convinced otherwise
  8. Models think you are out to scam them
  9. Models will tell you they want to work with you and then ghost to avoid a confrontation
  1. It is short and can be read quickly by smooth-brained models
  2. It comes off as non-needy and non-salesy
  3. It sets the frame that you are qualifying the model, not selling her
  4. It fishes for a “no” instead of a yes
  1. Are you interested in being represented by an agency?
  2. Are you currently represented by an agency?

How To Know If You’re Dealing With A Superstar Or A Time Waster

  1. Not represented, not interested
  2. Not represented, interested
  3. Represented, not interested in switching
  4. Represented, interested in switching
  1. Short response, guarded
  2. Long response, guarded
  3. Short response, interested
  4. Long response, interested
  1. Establish trust and credibility
  2. Get interest
  3. Ask permission to send more information
  4. Give instructions for applying
  • You are not trying to convince the shy model who is afraid to show her boobies that she’ll make more money with nudes.
  • You are not trying to convince the paranoid model that you’re trustworthy and that she should give you her logins.
  • You are not trying to convince the hostile model that agreeing to be represented by you is a wise choice.
  1. See the value in working with an agency and are eager to hear more
  2. Have no roadblocks in the way of doing everything a model needs to do to be successful
  3. Is reliable, shows up on time, and does what she say she will
  4. Is excited about the opportunity and motivated to make it work

Don’t Try To Sell Your Agency Over DMs

  • Speak to the model over Zoom
  • Send a well-written sales letter to the model with earnings screenshots
  • Link to a video of you explaining the benefits of working with your agency
  • Link several of your blog articles that talk about solving common problems models face
  1. It introduces you to the reader
  2. It explains the common problems that models face
  3. It provides a solution to those problems
  4. It packages that solution in the form of an offer to the models
  5. It lists multiple additional “bonus” benefits to working with you
  6. It shows proof that you have already achieved this result for other models
  7. It explains how much your offer “costs” — aka your compensation package
  8. It warns the reader what will happen if they don’t take action immediately

What The Application Process Is REALLY For

  1. Send 1 face pic
  2. Send 1 full body pic
  3. Tell me their name and why they want to work with my agency
  1. She tries to apply without reading the sales letter
  2. She doesn’t follow instructions properly when applying
  3. She flakes or is late to the Zoom call
  4. She gives some resistance about ANYTHING in the sales letter
  5. She doesn’t complete the onboarding tasks within 48 hours
  1. She is money-motivated
  2. She has some sense of personal responsibility
  3. She follows instructions
  4. She is communicative and responsive
  5. She has a pleasant disposition
  6. She refrains from complaining or speaking negatively about things which are beyond her control

Why Setting Up The Zoom Call Is The Least Of Your Worries

  1. Exchange pleasantries and introduce myself
  2. Tell them how the Zoom call will go
  3. Ask them to tell me about their background, experience, and how they got into this line of work
  4. Ask them what the most appealing part of the sales letter was
  5. Tell them the specific deliverables we need from them
  6. Give them the opportunity to ask questions
  7. Explain the onboarding process and deadlines

“If you stop them well, doing a demo is easy. And if you do the demo well, closing is easy.”

  • Getting their attention is going to be hard if your IG page sucks.
  • Getting their interest is going to be hard if your sales letter sucks.
  • Getting them to sign is going to be hard if your Zoom call sucks.
  • And getting them to stick around is going to be hard if your onboarding process sucks.

My Super Top Secret Onboarding Process That Reinforces Commitment

  1. Sign and return the contract
  2. Verify her OnlyFans account
  3. Send me 20 short videos and 20 pictures

IG Ads, Automation, And Tying It All Together

  1. Buy 50 aged Instagram accounts
  2. Write 9 useful “OF Tips” captions and post them on the wall of each of the accounts
  3. Buy 20k fake followers for each account
  4. Set up initial outreach message + screenshot + spintax variations
  5. Set follow up message + link to sales letter
  6. Hire a VA to check the accounts from an Incognition browser and manually close all leads that stray from the structured path with templated responses
  7. Schedule Zoom calls with verified leads or sell them on my marketplace

6 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide To Recruiting OnlyFans Models For New Agency Owners

  1. Coming from the safe for work side of social media and mastering it on monsters, I thought moving over to the NSFW side of the Internet would be a piece of cake do you know because dudes are like addicted to porn. I’ll tell you what this thing is a whole Nother animal and your articles alone have helped me tremendously. I really appreciate what you’re doing. Anyone reading this make sure you read every other article here and check out his YouTube videos but don’t be a clown take his guidance remix it with your personality and what you’re bringing to the table to separate yourself. That way you’re not building competition you’re making yourself available to work together

    1. Same here. I thought NSFW would be easier because there’s huge traffic and a lot of people hestitate to get involved because of the connotations. But it’s definitely got its own set of challenges. Appreciate the compliment

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