What I Learned From Running My OnlyFans Agency For 30 Days

What’s up fellow Gs… today marks the 30th day of my journey to building an OnlyFans management empire, so I figured that I would summarize everything I’ve learned in this handy dandy 3k word guide and give it to you for free.
There are also a lot of insights in here that I haven’t seen discussed in any threads on the topic before, so if you’re interested in starting a business like this, I think you’ll get a lot of value out of it.
TBH I could probably sell this for a couple bucks, but I’ve gained a lot of value from this forum over the years so I figured I might as well give a little back.
It will probably be pretty long, so grab yourself a coffee and buckle in.
Why I started this business
Not to sound like a complete cliche, but I started getting interested in running an agency after watching some Andrew Tate interviews.
I had watched his course on camming/OF years ago and thought, “Ok that sounds pretty cool, but there’s no way I could pull it off.” Then I forgot about Tate and that type of business.
However, when he started popping back up everywhere, I watched some of his interviews and really liked what I saw. I went on a hunt to consume any content that I could find of his. All his old courses, podcasts, interviews.. everything.
I developed a ton of respect for his mindset and the way he looks at life in general.
Listening to his stories, I decided that I wanted to start a webcam/OF business. It seemed like a fun way to make a lot of money.
So what did I do? I dumped a bunch of money into an elaborate course and coaching program.
I started out very optimistic and started following the instructions, positive that I would be at $750/day within a month and a half.
Recruiting models
I knew the first thing I had to do was to recruit models. I was in a new city and didn’t have much of a social life or connections, so I couldn’t really tap anyone I knew in the area.
I also didn’t really like the idea of telling everyone what I was doing on my personal social media accounts just yet.
And while I have decent game, I am no Andrew Tate and didn’t have much faith that I’d be able to recruit girls in real life. At least not reliably.
I tried DMing girls from IG from my personal account and didn’t get much of a response. Then I made an agency account and tried again. Still nothing.
Finally I had the idea that I would look on an adult jobs website to try to recruit girls. I figured that these girls were already looking to get into the industry and were actively looking for work. Seemed legit to me, so I signed up and started DMing on there.
I would send an average of 150/200 DMs per day, iterating my initial outreach message over time. I used to do email marketing so this is something I’m actually pretty good at.
Eventually I got to the point where I would wake up every morning with 5–10 new texts from girls asking for more information. My phone started blowing up non stop.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of these leads ended up going nowhere.
Quality vs quantity
At first, I would only DM girls I thought were attractive. It seemed like the right thing to do.
The response rate was not as good as I hoped, so I lowered my standards and started DMing pretty much anyone with a pulse.
Once I did that, I started getting a lot more responses.
My initial message would pitch them on camming only. I’d sell it as a way to make a bazillion dollars in a short amount of time. It’s fun, it’s easy. The money is amazing, omg ur gonna love it.
The idea was that they’d start with camming and once they were consistent, we’d open an OF for them and start promoting it.
I would get these girls on a video call, set up their account on the spot, and we’d agree on a time to schedule their first cam when they were free.
Inevitably what happened is that they would flake, ignore my messages, and completely ghost me. In those first two weeks I did around 20 zoom calls and got 4 girls to cam (one of them I knew in real life… will get into that later).
Some did better than others, but I quickly realized that camming is a massive pain in the ass for a few reasons:
- You have to be on cam with them so they think they need your help
- It takes multiple hours of your time per day
- The money isn’t that great
Camming vs OF
I really tried to make camming work, but it just wasn’t happening.
I had one girl who came on and made almost $400 her first cam. She crushed it. But then she flaked on me for the next session and was incredibly unreliable.
I had another girl cam for an hour and a half and make $7. She ghosted me after that, understandably.
I had another girl start camming and was so awkward on camera that I had to turn my sound off because listening to her made me uncomfortable.
I really wanted camming to work. In theory, it would be great to have girls do all the work and split the profits with you. But in reality, it doesn’t quite work like that.
Most of the people making money in this business weren’t doing it from camming, either. They were absolutely cleaning house from OF though.
Think about it: you can either cam and make at BEST a couple hundred bucks in a few hours.
Or you can spend less than an hour a day making a few video clips and making mid 5 figures per month from OF. It’s more complex than that obviously.
You need good traffic, etc. But the reward to work ratio is clearly in favor of OF.
How to (and not to) manage your models
Finally, I had a girl that I knew in real life cam. She knocked it out of the park and had almost 1000 followers after just a few hours. On her model IG (that I ran), I was getting DMs from guys requesting custom content to the tune of $3k-$5k/month.
Whether or not those deals would have closed is another story. But those are the kinds of numbers that were getting thrown around from Day 1.
She was attractive, fun, personable, and totally uninhibited on camera. It was very promising.
To make things even better, we had a good personal connection. Furthermore, she was technologically unsophisticated and barely knew how to use a computer, so she relied on me to get her accounts set up, do social media promotion, etc.
The one issue I had with her is that she was not totally reliable. She already was working full time and was “polyamorous” — which didn’t bother me as we were just casually dating.
But after dealing with all the failed rejects, she was like a cool glass of water in the desert. I decided I would make her my star and put all my effort into her.
We planned to do a photoshoot so I could get content in bulk and not have to deal with her schedule. She flaked and I lost it.
I gave her an ultimatum and she didn’t choose the option that I would have preferred. I paid her her earnings and haven’t spoken to her since. That was two weeks ago.
Still stings a bit, but my ego has mostly recovered.
After losing my star, I realized I needed to make a change.
Until then I was very professional, very nice, accommodating, etc to these girls. And in response they walked all over me.
Flaking, being late, all that nonsense. But after this experience I realized that they won’t listen to you unless they respect you. And if you don’t set boundaries when they do something wrong, then they won’t respect you.
Meanwhile, I had stayed in touch with two girls who were somewhat consistent.
Remember the one I told you about who was so awkward on cam that I had to turn the sound off? She stuck with it and ended up camming 3–4 times a week for me — to varying degrees of success.
The other one was a retired 45 year old stripper with a plastic body.
But even though they weren’t the most beautiful girls, they were consistent. So I decided to put all my effort into them instead.
What makes a good model
Once I lost my star and started putting more time into my two consistent girls, I realized that there are easily-identifiable differences between good models and bad ones.
In my opinion as a 30 day expert, a good model is:
- consistent
- reliable
- dependable
- follows instructions
- communicative
In other words, a good model is pretty much the same as a good employee in any business.
Notice I didn’t say anything about how attractive they were, their age, or what their body looks like.
Sure, all things being equal, attractive girls will have an advantage over unattractive ones.
But I will take an average or even unattractive girl who sends me regular content to the specifications that I ask for over a gorgeous girl who sends me content sporadically and is otherwise unreliable.
How to promote your model
It was at this point that I realized camming was more trouble than it was worth. Too much work, not enough money, and girls don’t want to do it.
You’re essentially hiring someone for a job: they need to be there on time, stay for their shift, etc.
Once I decided that I would focus on OF, things got much easier.
I was finally able to focus on promoting the girls. However, I didn’t know much about how to promote them.
After some experimentation I finally made a deal with someone with experience that I would let him manage one of the girls and he would let me peek over his shoulder as he took her from zero to hero.
Sounded pretty fair to me. Also helped because he used Reddit traffic which was the same method I wanted to focus on.
The first weekend we promoted her, she got 100+ subs and around $125 in tips, just from messing around. It’s not massive money, but it shows that there is money there.
I copied the same strategies with my other model and got poorer results, but I believe this is because the content that she sent me was comparably awful.
But it’s ok, it’ll get better. Which is why I say it’s important to have someone who is consistent.
Consistent people won’t give up if they fail the first time. They’ll keep going.
How to ask for content (without being a jerk)
I’ve found that providing examples of the content helps as well.
Let’s be real: as guys, we’ve probably consumed a lot of adult content over the years. We know what makes a good piece of content.
These girls have no idea.
Girls have a very narrow idea of what it means to be “sexy” — they are stuck in the romance novel idea of what “sexy” means. They want the emotional build up, the soft caress, the seductive looks… all things that they look for in real life.
Us guys, however, tend to respond to the “wham bam thank you ma’am” attention-grabbing 15 second clip of instant gratification.
When you first ask for content, they’ll probably send you something with low video quality, awful lighting, and over-acting.
Instead of crushing their ego and saying it’s bad, what I’ve found you have to do is send them examples and say, “here are the top trending clips in your category. Copy their ideas.”
This absolves you of any wrongdoing.
After all, you’re not telling them to change because you don’t like what they provided. You’re just telling them to copy the stuff that the algorithm says is the most popular.
What I would have done differently
Looking back, the MOST IMPORTANT lesson that I’ve learned in the past month is that you MUST set clear boundaries with your models from day 1.
At the end of the day, they are girls.
They are not fighting in wars. They are not grinding on their projects. They are not digging holes or mining coal.
They are treated like a valuable commodity everywhere they go. People are nicer to them, more understanding, and give them preferential treatment.
I’m not complaining. I do this with women too. It’s just how the world works.
And not only that, the girls you are trying to recruit have expressed interest in working in an industry that rewards them solely on the basis of their feminine charms.
As a result, they will think that the same rules apply: that they will get preferential treatment simply because they have different organs.
If you allow them to think this by treating them like girls INSTEAD of treating them like employees or independent contractors, then they will be harder to manage.
They may even develop a diva mentality where they think they are the star, they’re “doing all the work,” and that you need them.
When I had no models, I believed this was true. I desperately wanted to be successful, and I think they sensed that desperation and took advantage of it. No judgment. I’m sure I would have done the same thing.
When I started, I thought it was all about finding the hottest girls. As long as I could convince them to work with me, everything would be great.
And while there is some truth to that, the reality of the situation is that these girls KNOW they are hot and will use every opportunity to use it to their advantage.
How to (and not to) manage your models: Pt 2
For example, the other day I had a call with an absolutely stunning girl who is already semi-established on OF. She’s already working with an agency and making about $5k/month (revenue).
Not only that, but she’s gorgeous. Beautiful face, great body, nice smile — she’s got it all.
We had a pretty detailed conversation over text where I asked her a bunch of questions about what she’s doing, some problems she’s had working with her agency, etc. She practically begged me to set up a call.
We set the call for 5 PM yesterday and I showed up on time. I was very excited as this girl seemed very easy to market and I felt like we already had a good connection.
5:10 comes, still not there. I texted her asking where she was. No answer.
5:20, still nothing. I sent: “?”
5:30 and still no response, so I sent, “Good luck elsewhere. We don’t work with people who can’t show up on time.”
In the past, I never would have done this.
I would have been the understanding and nice guy who said ok no problem, life gets in the way, blah blah blah. But this is such a common problem when working with models that I just lost it yesterday.
And what was her response? “Ohh no I’m so sorry, please can we do the call now?” — sends me a screenshot of her in the Zoom waiting room.
“Nope, sorry.” And then to twist the knife I wrote, “And here’s a tip: when you’re going be late for a meeting, you let the person you’re supposed to meet know exactly how many minutes you’ll be late.”
Ohh I’m so sorry plz can we reschedule etc etc..
The way I see it is like this: when you first meet someone, you’re supposed to be on your best behavior. Especially if it’s a job interview!
If she’s showing up 30 minutes late on the first meeting, imagine what kind of nonsense she’s going to pull once she’s comfortable.
Long story short we ended up rescheduling. I’m not unreasonable.
When you meet a new person, all you can do is set a boundary and make it clear that violating it is unacceptable. If they cross it again, then you have to let them go. Otherwise, they’ll think your word means nothing and that you are just full of empty threats.
If you decide to get into this business, you’ll waste a lot of time chasing models.
My advice: don’t.
Instead, cast a wide net and look for the superstars.
You’ll never turn a lazy bum into a superstar. If you somehow manage to pull it off, it’ll take you so much time and effort that you could have saved just by looking for people who are already fully-developed superstars and pitching them instead.
And how do I define a superstar?
Someone who shows up on time, is dependable, and does what I ask to the specifications I outline. Someone who goes the extra mile without needing to be asked.
In other words, the same as a superstar that you would hire for anything else. Don’t be blinded by the fact that they are girls.
I’m telling you right now, it doesn’t matter that she’s hot.
If she didn’t do what you asked because she “has a migraine” or “had a family emergency” then save yourself a migraine of your own and let her go.
The path forward
Now that I have the promotion part of the game “figured out,” I am turning my attention back to recruiting models.
I have a few ideas going forward.
- Try my luck at the adult jobs website again
- Mass DMs on IG
- Mass DMs on Twitter
- Sugar Daddy websites
I will probably experiment with these and see which one works the best. But as I see it from here it’s just a matter of scaling.
Once you get reliable girls, learn how to manage them, and find a proven system of promotion, all you have to do is make sure that you have regular content from them.
As soon as those pieces are all in place, then all you have to do is mine the superstars.
Hope you guys enjoyed this guide. Good luck out there!
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