What Running An OnlyFans Agency Taught Me About Time Management


Why I Changed My Goal

Models Are Currency

How to pitch a model

  1. Find a source of leads
  2. Send a few hundred messages per day
  3. Pursue the quality ones and discard the rest

How to spot a time waster early on

  • Follows the instructions in the initial outreach
  • Reads the entire sales letter (I ask them to do this)
  • Follows the instructions in the sales letter (send a pic, name, and a few sentences about why they want to work with us)
  • Responds to my texts in a timely fashion
  • Seems genuinely excited about the opportunity
  • Comes to their Zoom call on time (if they’re more than 5 minutes late I cancel the call)
  • Verifies their OF within a reasonable timeframe after our Zoom call
  • Comes off as entitled (“Why should I sign with you?”)
  • Doesn’t read the sales letter
  • Doesn’t follow the application instructions
  • Takes forever to respond to my communication
  • Is late to the Zoom call
  • Doesn’t verify their OF or gives up after their ID is rejected a few times

Working In Vs On Your Business

1% of 100 people’s effort

Moving forward

  • Current assets:
  • 4 reliable/consistent models
  • 3 model managers (1 manager has 2 girls, 2 have 1 each)
  • Group chat with 20 agency owners
  • Agency website (work in progress): https://120kmodels.agency
  • Agency IG (also a work in progress): https://instagram.com/120kmodels
  • Lots of knowledge and experience

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