35 Additional Revenue Streams For OnlyFans Agency Owners To Get You One Step Closer To That Bugatti


Let’s face it: running an OnlyFans agency is HARD.

Well, scratch that.

It’s not that it’s HARD, it’s that running an agency requires a significant amount of knowledge around a variety of unrelated topics.

At its core, OFM can be broken down into 3 main processes:

  1. Recruiting
  2. Traffic
  3. Sales (chatting)

Each of these processes can be further broken down almost indefinitely.

Here’s a simple example using Reddit traffic:

  • How to farm karma
  • How to buy accounts
  • What kind of accounts to buy
  • Where to buy the accounts from
  • What’s a good price for accounts
  • How old should they be?
  • Which subreddits to post on
  • How to find subreddits
  • How many times per day should you post?
  • How do you know if your account has been banned?
  • Which subreddits to stay away from
  • Should you buy upvotes?
  • Where to buy upvotes
  • How much should you spend on upvotes?
  • How many upvotes should you buy per post?

You get the idea.

To further complicate things, each of these subtopics can be further broken down and explained.

And that is only ONE example.

If you’re TRULY a masochist, you can go through the same process with other methods of generating traffic:

  1. TikTok
  2. Snapchat
  3. Instagram
  4. Tinder
  5. Bumble
  6. Telegram
  7. Discord
  8. YouTube
  9. FetLife
  10. Seeking

And these are only the most common ones.

OnlyFans agency owners are in a constant battle with these billion dollar tech companies to reverse-engineer their system in order to get a fast result.

This predator vs prey relationship forces these companies to produce constant updates, rendering once-profitable strategies completely useless once they’re patched.

On top of all of this, you have to make sure that:

  • Your models are producing enough content
  • The content meets your specifications
  • Your VAs are doing their job like they should
  • Your chatters are paying for themselves (and then some)
  • None of your accounts are getting banned
  • You have a steady flow of models (in case one decides to bail)

If you’re one of those agency owners who has “figured it out” and are laughing at the rest of us from atop your pile of Scrooge McDuck money, I envy you.

But for the rest of us, running an agency can feel like draining a boat full of holes with nothing more than a soup spoon.

Trying to handle the monumental task of learning all of these skills, managing flaky girls, and building a blackhat business can be overwhelming.

I can’t speak for everyone, but that is definitely the case with me.

When I took a break from running the agency and decided to start selling info products, it was like a breath of fresh air.

All I had to do was have one conversation with a rational MAN, close a deal, and send them a link to a Drive folder.

Done and done.

There was no billion dollar corporation I had to outsmart, no legions of blackhat marketers I had to compete with, and no flaky models I had to chase down.

Perhaps most importantly, whether or not I succeeded was entirely up to me.

When you run an agency, many times you can’t do anything without content from your model.

I can’t count the number of times I found myself with nothing to do because I was waiting for a girl to send me content.

When I talk to people about OFM I often say, “If I could get a girl to come to my house and do everything I said, I’d be killing it right now.”

Maybe it’s my fault for not focusing more on recruiting in person.

Regardless, here’s the point I’m trying to make:

OFM is great, but it’s a complicated business model, comes with a lot of challenges, and has a steep learning curve.

Worst of all, it is ALWAYS CHANGING.

  • Selling services, on the other hand, does not.
  • Selling Reddit accounts is not going to change any time soon.
  • Selling a VPS service is not going to change any time soon.
  • Selling a video editing service is not going to change any time soon.

Very few – if any – of the services that I list in this article are as complicated as running an agency.

BUT they are all tangentially related to the biz.

You can make money from ALL of them. And hopefully, that’s the reason you started your agency in the first place.

This article is going to go over 30+ additional revenue streams you can start in just a few days.

But there’s ONE twist…

None of these revenue streams have anything to do with relying on models.

(Don’t you have enough of a headache already?)

What Makes A Good Revenue Stream

Before I list the services themselves, I want to make 2 quick points:

The first one is that I encourage you to think of these as revenue streams, not businesses.

If you want to sell GMail accounts, that doesn’t mean you need to start a full-fledged business around it.

Think of it as a little side hustle – something to bring in extra money, cut costs, and leverage into your other projects.

Second, I want to go over what makes a good revenue stream.

In my opinion, a good revenue stream has 5 qualities.

  1. Doesn’t require a lot of time
  2. Is immediately profitable
  3. Does not heavily depend on the success of others
  4. Has a high (skill) barrier to entry (to prevent competition)
  5. Can be repurposed for sale OUTSIDE the OFM community

For example, I would not consider running a model marketplace to be a good revenue stream.

Now now, before you start pointing out all the successful examples of model marketplaces, yes I’m aware they exist.

But I would not recommend this as a good revenue stream because:

  1. There’s a high refund rate
  2. They are hard to set up and run
  3. They require a lot of time to run, or
  4. They require a highly-trained and trustworthy paid assistant to run
  5. They are not marketable outside the OFM community
  6. They are somewhat easy to scam (fake refund)
  7. You have to deal with stupid buyers

Yes, there are tremendous benefits to running a successful market.

And if you are starting with some built-in advantages (ex: you’re a club promoter and know a lot of beautiful women with loose morals), then disregard what I’m saying.

But compare that to selling Reddit accounts:

  1. No refunds (worst case you’ll provide another account)
  2. Easy to run and set up
  3. Highly profitable
  4. Doesn’t require an assistant
  5. Marketable to people other than OnlyFans agency owners
  6. High demand
  7. DOES NOT depend on the intelligence of others
  8. Easy to scale

There’s no competition between the two – selling Reddit accounts is a MUCH easier revenue stream to create and run that developing a model marketplace.

Obviously there are unique benefits to running a marketplace, but that’s not the point.

The point is that when choosing what kind of additional revenue streams you want to pursue, don’t just choose “the best” one.

Choose one that is not too far beyond your current skill level that you enjoy and can somewhat easily set up and run.

I’m also not saying you need to shut down your agency and sell services instead. You can easily do both.

Disclaimers and long winded introductions aside, let’s get into the list.

I will do my best to keep this list updated, so be sure to bookmark this page so you can revisit it in the future.

And with the recent launch of the SimpHunter OFM Forums, I’d like to add a list of trusted vendors for each service.

If you’re interested in becoming a vetted seller, please join the forum and read this thread on how to begin the process.

One final note: many of these are just ideas intended to get your creative juices flowing.

I have my own personal preference for what I’d like to do on this list, and I’m sure you’ll have yours.

But since I’m the one with the blog, you get to read my opinion.

(When you start your own blog send me a link and maybe I’ll take a look.)

So without further ado, let’s get down to business.

Selling Mobile And Residential Proxies

As someone who has known how to make his own proxies for a while, I never understood how proxy sellers were able to get away with charging such ridiculous rates for data.

When you provide a proxy, all you’re doing is providing access to a separate (hopefully clean) IP through which to route your traffic.

So why is it then that proxy sellers are able to get away with charging insane rates like $30/gb?

Even more curious is WHY are people willing to PAY such prices for data?

Once I saw this, I realized there was a massive opportunity here.

There are people in the OFM community spending hundreds – some even thousands – of dollars per month on data to run their operations.

Why not just create a service that provides clean IPs with unlimited data?

Here’s what I love about this business model:

  1. There’s an incredibly high demand for proxies
  2. Network infrastructure is unlikely to change any time in the near future
  3. It’s pretty hands-off once you sell the proxy
  4. It’s somewhat easy to scale
  5. They can be marketed outside the OFM community

Proxies have wide applications beyond just what OnlyFans agency owners can use them for.

There’s no shortage of places to promote them, either (BHW, HF, TG groups, etc).

All you have to do is organize a quality service and get to promoting.

I finally bit the bullet and started selling my own dedicated mobile proxies.

At first, I started with a few tiers based on data usage. But I found that to be too complicated, so I’ve simplified things:

  • $125/mo for a dedicated 5G/4G LTE connection with unlimited high speed data

Anyone who refers a customer to me will get a lifetime 20% commision per proxy that customer purchases.

A few important points:

  • Proxies are not shared between users (the proxy is yours and only yours)
  • There is no throttling of speeds at any of the plans
  • These are US based

Easy money baby.

VPS Services

If any of you have ever run automation tools, then you’ve undoubtedly set up a VPS before.

A VPS – or virtual private server – is a high-powered machine run in the cloud that is “always on” for you to run your automation tools on 24/7.

Why use a VPS instead of running the tools on your main machine?

Because you probably want to use your main machine for doing other stuff.

With a VPS, you’re able to run your automation tools (which usually demand a huge chunk of resources) and forget about them while you use your main machine to work on other parts of your business.

And while you could set up your own servers to sell, it’s much more likely that you’ll just end up reselling or whitelabeling an existing seller.

Personally, I use Evoxt for my VPS. I’ve found their prices are the cheapest around by a wide margin.

And if reselling isn’t for you, they have a referral program where you earn 10% for life of all customers that you refer.

The one downside to selling VPS services is that it requires that the purchaser have some idea about how they work.

Like I said in the beginning of this article, I don’t like to depend on the intelligence of others.

One thing you may be able to do is provide resources for a specific tool and then sell the VPS on the backend.

And if your tool also requires mobile proxies, then you might be able to bundle them all together.

Video Editing (Tube Method) Service

Many OnlyFans agency owners out there have models that create adult content for their tube site accounts.

However, they usually go about posting it in the “wrong” way.

The wrong way is to do what most people do: post full length clips or movies of adult scenes for guys to beat their meat.

The problem with this form of marketing is that it doesn’t leave the viewer wanting more.

Guys will watch the clip, handle their business, and then cry themselves to sleep while they watch cartoons.

As OnlyFans agency owners, we’d like to insert a few steps in between those things: namely, spending money.

Get your Sauce Pens out gentlemen, because I’m about to lay the Tube Method on you.

The “correct” way to market your budding adult film star is to create one minute highlight reels that leave the viewer wanting more.

Be sure to add frequent jump cuts, sped up videography, and plenty of action to keep things interesting.

But let’s be real: who wants to sit there and splice all those clips together?

Agency owners with better things to do – that’s who.

And those agency owners would very likely pay you handsome sums of money to put those clips together on their behalf.

Not only can video editors charge an arm and a leg for their service, but you can also market it to businesses other than OnlyFans agency owners.

Yearly Content Calendars For Creators

As we all know, content is king.

But every king needs advisors.

After all, nobody likes to spend unnecessary time THINKING if they can avoid it.

It’s a common problem for new agency owners: what kind of content should they have their model create?

We all know that they should be taking advantage of short-form vertical content like Reels and TikToks.

But what about the content on her OnlyFans feed?

What about the PPV premium stuff?

Lazy marketers will think their job is done because they had their girl take a selfie with a Santa hat on during December.

But pros will have a content schedule FULL of December-themed content – not because they secretly love the holidays, but because it will RESONATE with their audience and help them sell even more.

And guess what: NOBODY wants to create this kind of thing.

Why not you?

Sexting Scripts

Along similar lines are sexting scripts: a combination of photos and videos that tell a story – one with a “happy ending” (pun intended).

But just like content calendars, nobody other than your most seasoned ewhorers will actually spend the time thinking of scripts.

Much like chatting, this is an art in and of itself.

If you’ve mastered it, why not sell them?

All you need to do is:

  • Create a script based on a certain theme
  • Have your model take some photos and videos from fully clothed > having an org*sm.
  • Give the content to your chatter to sell

The way these work are by getting the simp hot and heavy with the steamy chat messages (the script).

Then you throw him a few half naked pics, a few more steamy messages, and hit him with the PPV offer.

The benefit of using sexting scripts like this is that you are not just selling one off content or hustling for tips.

You are taking the simp through an actual sales funnel where he has to pay to unlock each new set of pictures and videos.

If simps make it through the entire sequence, they could have easily spent $200.

Not saying you ONLY need to do scripts, but for inexperienced chatters these scripts are a godsend.

They don’t need to have any sales skills at all to execute these.

All they need is a tiny bit of common sense (rare in the industry, I know) and the ability to follow instructions (also apparently rare).

I have a collection of 250+ scripts that I sell in my store for around $1 each.

It’s an instant revenue booster for existing agencies that have active girls, active chatters, but are lacking ideas for how to sell more content to the same simps. 

Organize Photoshoots For Models

A good friend of mine (@justinlubert on IG) has – no exaggeration – gone from a skinny nobody with a broken neck to one of the most well-known influencer event organizers in Los Angeles.

He’s organized events with Drake, Justin Beiber, and literally thousands of IG influencers with 100k, 500k, and even millions of followers.

But he started out just doing shoots with a couple girls.

Over time, his momentum grew until he’s unironically one of the coolest people in LA.

He’s not a famous actor, he doesn’t play professional sports, and he’s not a stacked female with 1200cc of Colombia’s finest silicone.

Yet he’s managed to slide his way into the most elite circles in the world just by organizing events.

If you’re already imagining how this skill could be leveraged for your OnlyFans agency, then you and I have similar minds.

(Justin also teaches his methods, btw. Reach out to him on Telegram for more information.)

That said, don’t expect immediate big profits from this idea. This is a long term play.

However, organizing local photoshoots for models can be an excellent way to network with beautiful women in your city.

You can use them to recruit, to build social proof for your personal or agency Instagram, and leverage them into building your network.

The best part is that this idea costs very little to get going – all you need is an Instagram account and a little determination.

I’ll be honest: it definitely helps if your personal IG is full of cool pictures, like mine.

So you may want to set that up before DMing girls and asking them to come to your event.

But once you’ve got that set up, it’s just a matter of spamming DMs to models in your area – similar to how you would recruit creators for your OnlyFans agency.

From there, all you have to do is find a venue, book a couple photographers, and pay someone on Fiverr to make a nice little flyer and you’re good to go.

Like many other things, it’s not “hard” to do. It just requires a little work.

And despite what some people say, you can never have too many attractive female friends.

Sell Testimonials From “Creators”

I had this idea as I was looking to hire someone to create a new agency IG page for me.

My current one was doing ok, but I couldn’t help thinking it looked a bit amateurish.

I stumbled across what was obviously a professional actor doing a “testimonial” for an agency.

She was pretty, blonde, enthusiastic, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was an actual OnlyFans creator.

After watching that, I had an idea: I would revamp my agency IG and fill it with actual video testimonials.

I found a few actors, paid them for a quick video, and set them up on my page.

Still currently waiting on the last two, but I currently have 3 testimonials from models that are ready to go.

I did have to write the scripts for them, which was annoying.

But the girls I hired really nailed the videos.

I was honestly a little worried that they would look too fake, but some of these actors are really convincing.

So why not sell testimonials as a service to new agency owners?

  • Everyone knows you can fake a screenshot.
  • It requires much more effort to fake a testimonial.
  • It requires WAY more effort to fake multiple testimonials.

I could be wrong, but I believe you could sell these for $150-$200 each.

Not a bad little side hustle.

Note: I thought this was such a good idea, that I started offering it as a service. You can check it out here. 

QR Code Flyer/Sticker Distribution Service

Popularized by the Ginger Menace himself, this is an idea I’ve been meaning to try for a while but never got around to it.

Back in the pre-internet days, you’d occasionally see “Call for a good time” scrawled on the door of a public bathroom stall.

There would be a phone number that would presumably belong to a horny woman (or possibly a gay man) that you could call for some good old fashioned paid companionship.

This idea the internet-age version of that, except instead of using a phone number, we’re using a QR code.

After one minute of research, I found that you’re able to order customized stickers with QR codes on them for as little as five cents each.

Slap a couple of these bad boys in some public restrooms around the city and you’ll get a small trickle of traffic until some enterprising young employee is forced to cut them off with a razor blade.

Why not create a service that would distribute these stickers for an agency?

Order a bunch of stickers for a client, pay some college kids to stick them everywhere, and pocket the difference.

Over time, you’d have 100s of stickers set up all across the city – each of which would be responsible for a couple clicks here and there. 

Curiousity would eventually get the better of many guys to see what the QR code was about.

They might even be so impressed with the method that they’d sign up for the OF just to see what other surprises you had in store for them.

Perhaps the BEST thing about this method is that you can choose where you direct the traffic to.

So if you stop working with the girl for some reason, you can just direct the traffic to a different one.

US SIM Card Delivery Service

At least once a day someone in a Telegram group asks, “Does anyone know how to get a US SIM card to my model in <insert country here>?”

Sounds like an awesome opportunity to step in and deliver them.

To be fair, I don’t know the first thing about international shipping.

But I’m pretty sure it’s easy enough to resell US SIM cards and ship them internationally via Amazon.

I mean people are probably going to buy them from Amazon anyway, so why not buy them from you?

  1. Create an Amazon reseller account
  2. Buy Sim cards in bulk
  3. Set your shipping options to international
  4. Give yourself a healthy margin
  5. Promote in groups

This might seem like a clever idea, but the one thing I don’t like about it is that it’s not really applicable outside of the OnlyFans community.

Who else would want an American SIM card mailed to them?

Still, it may be a good way to get your foot in the door for other mobile-related businesses.

Ever since I started selling mobile proxies, I realized that there is HUGE money to be made in selling mobile services of any kind.

I’m talking things like phones, phone plans, business lines – these are things that 100% of people over 13 use in some way.

That means that everyone is your potential customer.

And not just are they your potential customer, but they can be your potential custome FOR LIFE.

How often do you change mobile providers?

Maybe selling SIM cards isn’t it, but it’ll at least get your foot in the door for the industry. Never know.

Selling Virtual Credit Cards

Similar to mobile proxies, virtual credit cards are a commodity that many OnlyFans agency owners use.

When you’re setting up hundreds or even thousands of Bumble accounts per month, you may want to buy their premium service for each of them.

If you use the same card for them all, eventually the accounts will get flagged and disappear – taking all your matches with them.

Until recently, people had been using Revolut to create unlimited virtual credit cards under their premium plan.

But just a few weeks ago, they reduced the amount of disposable cards that you can create to just a handful per day.

That may sound like a lot until you realize that many people are running massive dating app farms and need way more than 150-200 accounts per month.

Not only that, but many beginners will burn through dozens if not hundreds of accounts as they try to figure out the settings that give them the best results.

Imagine if there was a service – similar to Revolut – that allowed users to create unlimited amounts of disposable virtual credit cards.

It would take a little work to set up, but I believe there’s a massive market for this kind of thing – especially in countries where it’s hard to get a VCC.

You could sell the cards individually, or create a monthly unlimited service that allowed users to create cards in bulk.

VCCs also have other benefits beyond just spam creating Bumble accounts.

They’re very useful for cross-border purchases where crypto isn’t an option.

I’m currently in talks with different card issuing providers to set a VCC service up.

Definitely not an easy process!

But once it gets going you better believe I’ll let you all know about it.

Set Up A Model Marketplace

Okay, let’s get this one out of the way.

Yes, model marketplaces have become a thing. And there are tremendous benefits to having a steady flow of girls.

  1. You can keep the best models for yourself
  2. It allows you to build connections with the biggest agency owners
  3. You can market other things on your market

Business superstar BTZ used his model marketplace as a springboard to create his own network of Telegram groups, which he then leveraged into other revenue streams.

If you have a popular market with a steady flow of girls, you can do the same thing.

However, running a market is not for the faint of heart.

Like I said in the beginning of this article, markets have a high barrier to entry for a few reasons:

  1. There’s a high refund rate
  2. They are hard to set up and run
  3. They require a lot of time to run, or
  4. They require a highly-trained and trustworthy paid assistant to run
  5. They are not marketable outside the OFM community
  6. Somewhat easy to scam (fake refund)

Personally, I would only go this route if you have an easy source of girls, a team of VAs to handle the onboarding, and SOPs to keep the whole thing running smoothly.

They also require a budget to set up, because you are not likely to be recruiting and selling all these girls on your own.

You’re going to need at least one VA sending DMs which has a cost. Not to mention a budget for IG ads.

Sure, you’ll make your money back once you sell a model or two. But the startup costs still need to be taken care of. 

Running a market is not a one man show type of revenue stream.

Chatter Service

Personally, I’m not a fan of running a chatter service because I don’t think it’s a good business model for one simple reason:

You are too dependent on factors outside of your control to be profitable.

Placing chatters – the final step in onboarding a model – implies that:

  • The model is stable and provides regular content
  • The agency owner isn’t an idiot
  • The agency owner knows how to drive traffic
  • The agency owner is reliabe
  • You don’t have to chase the agency owner down to PAY you

Sure, you and your team may have the best chatting skills in the game.

You may even be able to pass those skills on to your hand picked VAs.

But there are just too many moving parts involved in running a successful chatting agency for it to be a worthwhile pursuit – in my opinion.

Running a successful OnlyFans agency is hard enough when you’re doing all the work yourself.

But at least when you do it yourself, you can scale your effort or up or down depending on how hard you want to work.

When you’re reliant on not just the model, but the quality of your client’s agency, to do all the work up to placing the chatter, you’re taking a big risk.

Still, I know some people manage to make it work. Not my jam.

Selling A Chatter Guide/Manual/Course

Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of pretending to be a girl online. I can barely pretend to be myself.

But I intentionally put this item after the last one because I want to show you why selling information is a superior business model to providing a service.

In order for you to run a successful chatter service, you are dependent on another agency owner (and their models) being good at what they do.

If they suck, then you won’t get any business.

And let’s face it: statistically speaking, most OnlyFans agency owners have no idea what they’re doing.

Selling an information product on chatting, on the other hand, is much easier.

You write or record the guide once and can sell it for the rest of your life.

Best of all, once you sell the guide, your obligation to the customer is done.

Even better, you can couple the guide with all kinds of bonus goodies to make the offer seem more attractive.

Think about it: selling a chatting service requires the buyer to have a reasonable amount of proficiency of the rest of their agency.

An info product about chatting, on the other hand, can be sold to people of any experience level.

And like I said, the BEST part is that once you sell the guide, you have no more obligation to the customer.

Plus, packaging offers and selling them is a valuable skill, especially if you combine it with copywriting.

If you think about it, any of the items on this list can be packaged into an information product.

All you have to do is add the words, “How to” and charge a couple bucks.

Providing Dating App Traffic

Selling dating app traffic as a service is one of those things that everyone wants to buy, but nobody wants to sell.

Dating app traffic is VERY attractive to OnlyFans agency owners for one simple reason: it requires virtually no effort from the model herself.

And if you know anything about OFM, the biggest challenge is getting the girl to do what you want.

So it’s not hard to understand why the idea of being able to generate traffic independent of the model is such an attractive idea.

This is why people that have an ewhoring background transition so smoothly into OFM.

They’ve mastered the “pretend to be a girl online” part as well as the traffic generation.

All they have to add into it is managing an actual girl.

But when you can plug one into your system and start getting her subs from day 1 with NO effort on her part (aside from sending you the verification pics and a few dozen selfies), the chances of her sticking with you are much higher.

That said, the people who have mastered dating app traffic are usually ewhores.

And why would any ewhore worth their salt sell the traffic when they could just run it themselves for a much bigger payday?

I was talking to someone in the groups about this the other day, but if you can have VAs run a mini dating app farm for a client for $20k/mo, you’d get to take most of that home as profit WITHOUT having to deal with all the nonsense that’s involved in managing an actual mode.

Nobody seemed to like my idea though. Maybe you do?

Selling Snapchat Adds

This is kind of similar to selling dating app traffic: if you can create the adds, why not just pop a chatter on the account and keep all the money for yourself?

Well, one reason is convenience.

Dating apps > OnlyFans is slightly less complicated than dating apps > Snapchat > OnlyFans.

So that extra step may take some wind out of some people’s sails.

Yes, there are other ways of getting Snapchat adds, but getting them from dating app traffic has one major advantage:

Simps who become an add via dating apps are under the impression that the girl is local and that there’s a chance she might sleep with them.

Simps who become adds via some other method are not necessarily under that impression.

And while it’s not impossible to sell content via Snap or otherwise remotely, you’ll get a much better engagement rate if the guys think you are local.

You also have much more flexibility for HOW you take the money from them if they think you’re local.

I won’t elaborate on that.

Mother/Slave Management

Do you guys know WHY Andrew Tate blew up on social media?

He did 2 things:

  1. Created a bunch of content
  2. He mother/slaved himself

Mother/slave is an incredibly powerful strategy for promotion if you can make viral content.

If your girl is busted, doesn’t follow instructions, and can’t make good content, then don’t waste your time.

But if her content regularly goes viral, then why WOULDN’T you want to replicate it across 100s of accounts?

With the death of Jarvee, a new player has emerged in the Instagram automation space: SharingTools.

The tool is not cheap by any means, but it does have a few good things going for it:

  1. They have an unlimited plan for $1000/month
  2. They have their own mobile proxy farm that you’re able to tap into for free
  3. They have an option to run automations from actual phones (expensive)
  4. They have a full-fledged DFY management service for enterprise level customers

Here’s what this means:

You can run unlimited accounts from SharingTools and have someone from their team do all the work.

Now to be fair, I’m sure “unlimited” will become better defined in the near future.

It’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to have hundreds of clients in there with hundreds (or even thousands) of accounts each and have them all fully managed for $1000/month.

But even if you have one SOLID model, it would be worth paying $1000/month to repurpose her reels across hundreds of slave accounts.

Sadly, this revenue stream falls under the same category as a chatter service: it relies on your clients being hard workers who know what they’re doing.

This doesn’t mean they won’t pay, it just means they might f*ck it up and cancel after a month.

If you manage to snag a client who has a girl who is making 10 TikToks/Reels per day, you can easily charge him a couple grand a month to run hundreds of slaves for him.

Then you just pass the work off to the management team at SharingTools and pocket the difference.

Why I REALLY like this idea is because it holds applications for brands outside of OFM, specifically gurus and info marketers.

If someone is already creating short form vertical content, then it should be an easy sell if you tell them you’re going to repurpose it to hundreds of slave accounts for extra traffic.

I’ve actually started offering a mother/slave service to agency owners which you can learn more about here.

A Short-Form Vertical Content Service

Building on the last idea, what if a client doesn’t have any short form vertical content?

What if all they’re doing is creating regular YouTube videos that are getting a few hundred views at best?

Here’s the deal: for nearly all business owners, Reels and TikToks fall under the category of, “I’m not doing it but I know I should be.”

This idea is less applicable for OnlyFans agency owners because we need the girl herself to actually create and upload the content from her own device.

But if you are looking for an additional revenue stream to market to gurus and other types of content creators, then this is an easy one.

Coupled with mother/slave, you could create a full-fledged IG/TikTok marketing service for brands who are looking to go viral.

You’re not only creating vertical content from their existing body of work, but now you’re uniquifying and syndicating it through a netowrk of slave accounts.

Could be an easy sale for the right brands.

Facebook Group Traffic

I know, I know – nobody uses Facebook anymore.

Except a lot of people do. Billions, in fact.

The fact that YOU don’t use it because you’re 23 and better options came up before you were old enough to make an account is irrelevant.

For many older folks, Facebook was the first and only social network they ever created an account on.

And that right there is the biggest benefit to marketing on Facebook.

The FB crowd is full of older, lonely, technologically unsophisticated boomers who are much more gullible than your average millenial or zoom zoom.

I personally don’t know how to tap into FB traffic for OF girls, but I’m sure there must be a way.

I’m sure there are already people out there doing it.

If you figure it out, you could be sitting on a gold mine – both for your own models and/or reselling it as a service to other agency owners.

Reddit Traffic/Management

Since we’re on the topic of traffic, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite front page of the internet: Reddit.

While anyone can make an account on Reddit, it does have a bit of a learning curve on its own that can cause some frustration.

Here’s a short list of the things that can go wrong when trying to do Reddit:

  1. You pissed off a powertripping mod
  2. Mods identified your account as a purchased or agency account
  3. You accidentally tried to circumvent a subreddit ban and your account got suspended
  4. Your account got shadowbanned
  5. Your account got banned from a federation of subreddits
  6. Your model lags on the verification pictures
  7. You don’t know what subs to post on
  8. Your account got flagged for buying upvotes

Obviously, it would be MUCH easier to just pay someone to handle it for you.

As far as I know, there’s only one person offering a Reddit management service; the legendary @accountstealth.

But if you know your stuff, there’s no reason why you couldn’t sell it too.

You’d have your work cut out for you trying to offer a better service than him, but there is PLENTY of demand to go around.

Sell Gmail Accounts

So this is admittedly one of the less sexy ideas on this list, but still an option.

Gmail has a high trust factor when it comes to email addresses.

And in order to create an account on most sites, you’re going to need to provide an email.

Do you think people really want to sit there and create all those email accounts themselves?

Very unlikely.

Of course, don’t expect to make a bazillion dollars selling Gmail accounts.

But if you have a way to create them in bulk from clean IPs, then why wouldn’t you devote some system resources to making and selling them in bulk?

Hook the accounts up to a store that disperses them when people make a purchase and you don’t have to do ANY upkeep at all.

Just run the email account creator bot, import them into the store, and do a little marketing.

Best of all, this has applications outside of OnlyFans management. So if your sales inside the OFM community dry up for some reason, you can always promote them elsewhere.

This account creation activity can then be rolled into other things:

  • Use the Gmails to create OTHER types of accounts (and sell those)
  • Create and sell Google Voice numbers
  • Sell credits for Google products at a heavy discount

I can’t think of any more. But with a little effort, I’m sure you could.

Sell Slave IG Accounts

There are three applications for slave accounts that I see:

  • Slave accounts for your models
  • Slave accounts for your agency
  • Slave accounts for your personal brand

All three of these can work, just depends on what your use case is.

For example, selling slave accounts for specific models would be used to drive simp traffic to a model’s OnlyFans page.

Slaves for your agency would be used for recruiting. And if you’re into content creation, then they could be used to syndicate it across multiple accounts.

Or perhaps even both.

Slave accounts for your personal brand would be for content syndication as well.

Mother/slave is a great strategy, but despite its simplicity, it has a somewhat high barrier to entry.

You need to set up the accoutns, load them into a tool, put them on proxies, warm them up, and THEN you need to schedule the actions in a way that don’t cause the accounts to get banned.

And really, who wants to create hundreds of slave accounts from their phone?

When I was ramping up my recruiting, I created 15 agency Instargam accounts by hand.

It was not fun.

Would DEFINITELY have been happy to pay someone a couple bucks to create them for me.

Best of all, in tools like SharingTools, this can be done en masse with just a few clicks.

Easy money.

Sell Dating App Accounts

Since we’re on the topic of selling accounts, let’s talk about dating apps.

The places I’ve seen these listed have them going for insane prices, relative to how much they cost to make.

I’ve seen verified Bumble and Tinder accounts go for as high as $65 EACH.

What the hell?

Yes, I know that creating accounts is the biggest pain when it comes to running dating app traffic. But $65?


Apparently though, people are willing to pay those prices.

If you are already running dating app traffic – or have a bot that can simplify account generation – then this could be an easy revenue stream for you.

While multitasking, I can create about 5-6 Bumble accounts per hour. That’s $250-$300 per hour.

I don’t know about you, but I’d happily spend a few hours a day making and reselling those to agency owners.

I’d be even happier to train a few VAs how to do it and put them to work.

Selling IG Story Views

Full disclosure: I am working with the guys at OGViewer with one of my models.

They have an AI based tool that allows for up to 100k story views per day per account.

Not only that, but the tool also engages with stories and allows for advanced targeting options.

For those of you who don’t know, viewing stories on IG is one of the safest actions that can be done.

In fact, IG would probably like nothing more than for you to sit on your couch and scroll mindlessly through stories non stop.

It just means you’ll see more of their ads.

What I REALLY like about this idea is that it can be sold directly to models.

Anything that can be sold to agency owners AND models is automatically a great revenue stream because it immediately expands the market 1000x.

I mean think about it: how many OnlyFans agency owners are there?

5000? 10000? 20000, tops?

But how many OnlyFans models are there?


There’s a very good chance that many of them have $100/month to spend on a tool that automatically engages with simps’ stories on their behalf.

Plus, selling a tool like this allows you to tap into that sweet, sweet recurring revenue.

Not to plug SharingTools too hard in this article, but they have an extra paid feature that allows for high volume story viewing as well.

And if you run an agency yourself, imagine how much of a boost you would get if models saw that you had your own “proprietary” (white label) story viewing tool that you used (and sold to other models/agencies) to promote your creators?

It could also be used as a downsell when doing your recruiting.

“Oh, you don’t want to sign with us? No problem. Check out our story viewer then, you might like it.”


NOTE: I thought this idea was SO good, that I opened my own little service for agency owners that does the same thing. My story viewer only interacts with 10k stories per month, but it’s priced accordingly. Check out my story engagement service here.

Data Scraping Services

Imagine if you could snap your fingers and populate a list of all emails and phone numbers of girls who had used the #onlyfans hashtag in the past year.

How incredibly powerful would that be?

I can tell you from personal experience, I got the BEST results when I was doing SMS marketing.

I scraped an adult jobs website for phone numbers of women between 18-25, white, not fat, and who were ok with explicit content.

What I was left with was a list of 7000 phone numbers that I still haven’t completely gone through.

Now, the problem with this data was that the source of models was extremely low quality.

Or as my friend BTZ likes to call them, “$100 models.”

Aspiring adult film stars are NOT aspiring OnlyFans models.

If you think OF models are lazy, wait until you try working with girls who want to be p*rn stars.

They are some of the laziest, most low quality people on the planet.

Sure, there are a few gems in there.

But most of them just want to get paid $2000 to spread their legs one time and go back to smoking meth in their trailer park.

I’m only half joking.

If I had been able to scrape 7000 phone numbers from Instagram, I would have gotten in touch with much higher quality girls.

And once again, SharingTools has an option to scrape data from profiles.

Affiliate Marketing For SimpTrap

My friend Poblado Papi has developed a custom CRM for OnlyFans agency owners that has a couple neat features.

A white-labeled offshoot of ClickFunnels competitor called Go High Level, Simp Trap is a marketing suite for OnlyFans agency owners that helps to consolidate marketing costs for agencies.

One of the cool things that SimpTrap does is create custom landing pages for models that capture simp contact info.

Similar to an “actual” business, you can capture simps’ email addresses and phone numbers in order to market to them continuously for the rest of their lives.

Here’s a neat little feature: these custom pages have a geolocation tool that makes it seem like your model is in the same city as the user.

This means it’s much more likely to turn them into paying customers because the simps THINK that the girl is located in their city.

Check out this neat little list of tools that comes with Simp Trap:

🟢 Track GG and promo campaigns analytics
🟢 Schedule paid video calls
🟢 Manage custom PPV orders
🟢 Manage and view chatter operations
🟢 Automate lead generation
🟢 Host unlimited websites
🟢 Upsell in SMS and Emails
🟢 Schedule social media content
🟢 Digitally sign agency contracts
🟢 SimpTrap private Telegram group
🟢 SimpTrap Private Video Library
🟢 Creator House Model Training Library
🟢 Maintain 2257 records keeping compliance

The only downside is that the tool is $300/month.

But if you’re just promoting them as an affiliate, then that shouldn’t be a problem for you!

Plus, there’s also the option to whitelabel their service for $1000/month.

So you can create your own rebranded version of Simp Trap and sell it as your own.

Sell A Unique Vertical Content Creation Generator

Back in the early days, I worked with a friend of mine to create a custom content generator that would combine two videos into a TikTok using the stitch method.

I touched on this in an earlier section, but the stitch method is where you combine a piece of viral content with a piece of unique – but also engaging – content.

This is how Tate mother/slaved’d himself to fame – he chose the most viral snippets from his interviews, spliced gaming content into them, and syndicated them across hundreds of accounts.

Add to this the fact that he financially rewarded students in his Hustler’s University with affiliate commissions for doing the same and the rest is history.

There are a few challenges with this strategy:

  1. Creating and running the TikTok accounts
  2. Finding the right proxies
  3. Splicing the content together
  4. Running the mother/slave strategy (post scheduling)

This tool virtually automates step 3.

All you’d have to do is have 2 folders:

  1. One with the viral content.
  2. Another one with the gaming content or whatever that you want to combine it with.

Press a button and BOOM – now you have 100 unique videos with viral potential.

Of course, you’d probably have to package this as part of your overall mother/slave service.

But it would definitely make things easier for you.

Plus, imagine how much easier to sell this would be when you promise a client you’ll repurpose and syndicate their content to 100 slave accounts with NO ADDITIONAL EFFORT on their part.

Kinda making me want to do it for myself!

OF Like And Comment Bot

Everyone knows the struggle of build an OnlyFans page from scratch for a new model.

You have to write the bio, throw up some pictures, and get some likes so that simps feel like the page is worth their money.

All things being equal, it’s much easier to sell a subscription for a page that has 2k likes that it is for one that has 2 likes.

The challenge is getting those first subs and likes.

When you first sign a creator, you need to keep a certain velocity of success to prevent her from losing interest.

This has nothing to do with them being lazy inasmuch as it has to do with them not viewing the juice as worth the squeeze.

If you can get them results in their first few days, they’ll see that it’s real and work a lot harder when the time comes.

And if you have a like bot that can boost your first 50-100 posts up to a respectable amount of likes, then it’ll be that much easier to get your model a result right away.

There is a method of boosting likes – one that is very tedious – that involves posting a pic, liking it, and then deleting it.

Because of the way OF works, the like will “stick” – even if the content is deleted.

I assume that this is to done to not punish creators who routinely delete their content to avoid it from getting leaked.

Anyway, the point is that if you have a like bot that can pump your page up to 2k likes in a few hours, then your model’s velocity of success will be that much faster once you get her started.

As for a comment bot, a very common strategy of agencies is to visit other OnlyFans creators’ pages and comment on their posts.

Simps will see your model’s comment on the other model’s post, giving them extra exposure.

Some will subscribe and become loyal fans.

Currently, this strategy is done by training VAs to do the task. But with a bot, it would be much easier.

And I’m pretty sure successful agencies would happily pay for a chrome extension that did this.

Sell Literally ANY Traffic Service

If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my time in the OFM community, it’s that traffic services sell like hotcakes.

There is literally nothing better than selling a traffic service.

Once you make a name for yourself for selling a specific service, people will recommend you in the groups any time that subject pops up.

You will be overloaded with clients recommending you from word of mouth – many of whom have never actually worked with you.

They just know the answer to the question and want to feel good about answering it.

The METHOD of the traffic is less relevant than you think, too.

If you can promise people genuine clicks to their models’ OF pages, then you can make a lot of money.

Selling traffic services is SO overpowered that it dwarfs nearly every other thing you can sell.

And believe me, I’ve tried.

Sure, you might make a little money here and there other stuff, but the earning potential for anything related to traffic is head and shoulders above the rest.

If you want to sell traffic, there are 2 ways you can go about it:

  1. Pick something that a lot of people are selling and take your cut of the action
  2. Pick something that NOBODY is selling and dominate the market

There is no BEST way, there is only the way that is best for you.

Personally, I’m a fan of the 2nd method.

When you dominate the market, you have no competition. And if you start early enough and do a good job, then even if competitors pop up, people will still recommend your service above others.

Sell Access To A Mastermind Group

If you’re going to sell access to a mastermind group, I recommend that you base it around a certain topic.

We saw @accountstealth do this with his Reddit group, one of the first topic-specific masterminds that I saw in the space.

In the span of just a few short months he grew it to 200+ members. At $200 a pop, that’s an easy 40k just by selling access to a group.

An even more extreme example of this is Razvan’s TikTok Mastermind.

If you’re active in the groups, then you know he’s branded himself as the TikTok guy.

With a big group and the results to back it up, he’s got over 70 clients paying $1000/month for access to his program.

Razvan was nice enough to give me access to the group for a month, and I can tell you that it is EASILY the most comprehensive program out there on the topic.

Nothing that I’ve seen yet even comes close.

Best of all, his students seem to be getting results.

Even the model that I plugged into his system – who seems to have a hard time following instructions – got 40k views on a video she uploaded in her first few days.

I can tell you this: there is PLENTY of room for more paid masterminds like this.

And while you can pick any topic that you want for your mastermind, I’d recommend that you DON’T pick something general.

This is a trap that many people fall into (self included) because we think it will have the widest appeal.

And that’s true, but I would argue that a SPECIFIC appeal is better than a wider one because it will help attract people that want EXACTLY what you are offering.

This will allow you to not only charge higher prices for specialized information, but will make it easier for you to promote your group.

Instead of just saying, “Join our group and get great info!”

You would be able to say, “Join our Tinder Mastermind and learn the secrets of making $100k/month in less than 60 days!”

Maybe an unrealistic claim, but you get the idea.

Sell A Dating App Method

Speaking of dating apps, I’ve noticed that there is a RABID demand for dating app methods.

When it comes to dating apps, there are three types of people:

  1. People who are scared to learn dating apps
  2. People who are in the process of learning dating apps (usually very frustrated)
  3. People who have mastered dating apps and are making huge money

Dating app traffic has the unique appeal of being hands-off for the model.

Instead of requiring her to spend time every day making TikToks, Reels, or sending content for Reddit, you can recycle the same 100 or so images for an unlimited amount of profiles.

This means that she literally just needs to provide content one time before you are able to start getting her paid subs.

Once she sees the subs coming in and is hit with the, “Oh shit, this is real” epiphany, she’ll hopefully become even more engaged and give you what you want.

Selling a dating app method is something I’ve planned on launching for a while, with the only limitation being that until a few days ago, I still hadn’t perfected my system for driving traffic with dating apps.

But thanks to some helpful members in some Telegram groups – and a big shoutout to @datingappking who gave me 90% of the method – I have been able to piece together a working method for creating reliable Bumble accounts.

The cool thing about dating apps is that there are so many of them and they all operate somewhat differently.

So you can create multiple guides, masterminds, and traffic services based on each of them.

Sell A FetLife Guide (Or Service)

FetLife is to agency owners what social media is to regular business owners:

Something we know we should be doing, but don’t have the time or interest to actually learn how to do it.

However, unlike running a generic social media page, using FetLife can lead to massive income for your models if done properly.

I’ll be perfectly honest with you, I am not great with the platform.

But I know some people who are. And here’s what I’ve gathered so far:

  • It’s amazing for recruiting because you can find local girls
  • It’s amazing for making money because meetups are encouraged (unlike OF)
  • It’s amazing for building a following because it’s full of pervy creeper dudes

There’s some unique limitations to FetLife that make it hard to use, however.

  1. The site is super janky and hard to use
  2. There is a limit of 15 DMs per day to people you don’t know
  3. They have their own site culture (think Reddit but worse)

In my opinion, there’s HUGE potential to sell a FL program, mastermind, or traffic service.

I was planning on launching a live coaching program with two super geniuses, but that project seems to have stalled out.

But like I said earlier, the demand for anything to do with traffic is insane. You’d be silly to not tap into it.

Sell A VA Recruiting And Training Service

I saw a recent ad in a TG marketplace for someone who was selling VAs for various tasks.

On the one hand, I think this is a good idea because hiring and training VAs is a pain in the ass.

I recently put up a job ad for hiring VAs to make Bumble accounts for me.

But I knew it was going to be a lot of work.

I knew I’d have to:

  1. Post the job ad
  2. Filter the applicants for ones I thought weren’t idiots
  3. Do a second round of interviews
  4. Hire them
  5. Create a PDF and video training series for them
  6. Monitor them and make sure they’re doing a good job

I mean, obviously it was worth the work.

But still, when you know that choosing to dive into a task is complex and requires multiple steps, it makes it very easy to focus on cleaning your apartment or going for a walk instead.

There are a few downsides to providing a service like this:

  1. It requires a certain level of success in your potential customers’ agency already
  2. If the VA is shit, you’ll have to refund them
  3. You probably aren’t going to make a lot of money per deal
  4. You won’t make a ton of sales per client (how many VAs do people really need?)

I suppose there are ways around these issues (except the first one), but still.

If you figure out a way to make it work, it could be a great idea.

Sell Access To A Separate Platform For Your Models

This industry is centered around OnlyFans for one simple reason: it has the best conversion rate.

Their platform is janky, their support is trash, and worst of all they take 20% of the gross revenue.

In my opinion, there is a HUGE opportunity here for new platforms to work in conjunction with OF.

Basically, anything you can do to generate revenue off the platform is a good idea.

I went over this earlier when I mentioned SimpTrap, as they can integrate with Stripe and take payments on the sites you set up.

One thing that the owner showed me during our call was that their funnels offer simps the chance to cash in on the welcome offer in exchange for a free first month of OF.

The effect is the same: the simp gets the content and a free subscription to OF.

But by inserting this extra step, not only are agency owners able to capture a legit email (for remarketing purposes), but they can make the initial sale without giving OF 20%.

Another friend of mine has a tool that helps agency owners (and models) set up their own paid Telegram channels.

As I recall, the application even allows fans to buy content through the app.

I’m not sure how it works with chatting, but the potential is there for sure.

You can check them out here.

Sell A Coaching Package

Beginning of the sales letter for my mentoring program… damn I’m a good copywriter

Finally, if you know your stuff, then I’d recommend you sell a coaching package.

I know that in this industry, anyone selling anything information-based is automatically viewed with suspicion.

I get it.

There are a lot of low quality info products with high quality sales pages.

I’ve probably spent more money on them than anyone else I know.

However, that doesn’t mean that ALL coaching programs are bad.

And let’s be real: selling coaching services is an incredible business model – ESPECIALLY high ticket coaching.

You’d think that selling something for $5000 is harder than selling something for $50.

And that’s true, it is harder.

But it’s not 100x harder. It’s maybe 2x harder.

But the payoff is 100x more.

The hardest thing about selling high ticket coaching isn’t the actual coaching sales themselves, it’s BELIEVING in yourself and your offer strongly enough to be able to sell it effectively.

This was a huge problem for me when I started offering my own coaching program.

However, it forced me to come up with what I consider to be a bulletproof offer – especially for new agency owners.

Impostor syndrome is very real.

This – combined with the anti-guru sentiment in the community – make it a challenge for anyone less than an egotistical maniac to sell a program.

However, if you believe in yourself and have a great offer, then it’s an incredible business model.

You make one sale (that is pure profit, btw) and all you have to do is deliver some media and answer that person’s questions.

Boom. $5000 in your account.

Of course, you don’t have to sell one for that price. You can do $500. Or you can do $10,000. It’s up to you.

But the bottom line is this: people are DYING for quality information that will help them take a shortcut to their goals.

If you can provide that to them, then they’ll pay anything you ask.

Wrapping it all up

Like I’ve said before, there’s a dominant attitude in the OFM world where anyone who sells anything is a bad person.

(Strange, considering that we are all pretending to be girls in order to hustle incels by selling them overpriced pictures and videos.)

Is that somehow more honorable than providing a legitimate B2B product or service?

Many people say yes. I say no.

Not only do I think there’s nothing wrong with selling products or services, I think it’s an excellent way to indirectly improve your agency.

When you are executing a strategy on behalf of a paying client, you are MUCH more likely to go the extra mile than if you are executing it on your own behalf.

That’s just how human beings are built.

You’ll ALWAYS work harder for someone you care about than you will for yourself.

Before I started selling my coaching program, my methods were haphazard and hastily put together.

But as soon as I knew I would be responsible for the success of others, I was FORCED to fill the gaps in my knowledge.

Not only did I not want to ruin my reputation, but I wanted to provide a good enough service that I’d get referrals and recommendations for future clients.

In any industry, cream rises to the top.

Certain big names have proven themselves time and again by offering quality services to OnlyFans agency owners who leave them glowing reviews.

And before you start thinking that all the good ideas are taken, let me tell you: there’s PLENTY of money to go around.

And there’s PLENTY of room at the top.

Of course, running a service based business isn’t for everyone.

But if any of the ideas in this article resonated with you, I highly encourage you to give them a shot.

What’s the worst that could happen?

You try, fail, and end up exactly where you are now – no worse for wear.

But what’s the BEST that could happen?

You develop another revenue stream that puts another 6-7 figures in your pocket on an ongoing basis.

Don’t you think that’s worth a try?

Good luck my dudes!

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