38 Reasons You Should Enroll In My $3800 OnlyFans Agency Incubator


I’ll tell you right now: This article is going to piss a lot of people off.

I haven’t even started writing it, and I’m already kinda scared.

But at the end of the day, who gives a fuck?

You can either live with the fear, or you can conquer it.

If nothing else, it’ll be an interesting experiment.

People who hate me will hate me no matter what.

They’ll probably stop reading right now, jump on Telegram, and say things like,

“He’s not even good at OFM! Who does he think he is, offering a high-ticket coaching program? What an idiot!”

To be perfectly honest, that doesn’t bother me one bit.

As a marketer, I fully believe the axiom, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

And besides, I have never been one to try and please the masses at the expense of my own authenticity.

Unlike other people, I don’t shy away from telling stories of how I’ve failed.

(I’m even beginning to think that maybe I have some sick obsession with failure.)

Here’s the point: if you have an open mind, you might actually benefit from what I have to offer.

So if you’re the type of person who:

  • Is feeling overwhelmed about starting their agency
  • Wants help from someone who has LOTS of skin in the game
  • Has more money than time and is looking for a shortcut
  • Likes me as a person and enjoy reading my articles
  • Would like access to my network, assets, and audience
  • Isn’t afraid of a little persuasive copy
  • Has the patience to spend 30 minutes reading words on a screen
  • Has an on open mind
  • Feels a sense of curiousity about my mysterious offer

Then get yourself a cup of coffee, strap on your seatbelt, and get ready to talk some shit about me in your Telegram group of choice.

This one is going to be a doozy.

Table of Contents

Reason #1 – I’m Going To Do Everything In My Power To Make Sure You’re Successful

Some of you may think this is a strange reason to start off with.

  • Shouldn’t I mention the foolproof recruiting method that will guarantee every girl you cold DM begs you to sign her?
  • Wouldn’t I be better off pitching you on the newbie-friendly traffic method that will drive 1000s of simps to your models’ pages?
  • Shouldn’t I have started with the hard and virtually-tangible assets that will make your life as an agency owner 100x simpler?


At the end of the day, those “assets” are all commodities.

Anyone can sell a method, PDF, or set of videos.

Shit, most of that stuff is available for free if you look hard enough.

But there’s ONE thing you can’t sell, coach, or impose upon another person: DESIRE.

Here are the 3 most important reasons that I want to do a good job for my first batch of coaching students:

  1. Successful students will give positive testimonials, making it easier to sell future students
  2. Successful students will allow me to market my ancillary services (more on this later)
  3. Successful students will act as affiliates to promote my coaching program via the SimpHunter blog

The cynical people out there are probably thinking to themselves, “Yeah, well you probably want to quit your day job too.”

Of course I do.

I mean, I kinda like talking to girls all day and playing with their hair.

But I’m kinda over it too. Traveling to a different city every weekend to work trade shows sounds way cooler than it really is.

Here’s the point: If you sign up for the coaching program, I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you succeed.

When I was designing my offer, I went through EVERY possible problem a newbie might encounter and added something to solve it.

I’ll go through all of the bells and whistles later, but for now just understand that the program ITSELF is enough to take you from zero to hero if you execute it properly.

Not only that, but you’ll have PERSONAL help from a certain wannabe guru who very badly wants to prove that his program is worth far more than the couple thousand dollars it costs to join.

Reason #2 – Free Access To The Private Simp Hunters Telegram Group ($200 Value)

Wayyyyyy back when I started out, I was lucky enough to have the presence of mind to make 2 correct moves:

  1. I updated my progress in a journey thread on BHW
  2. I created a Telegram group with other agency owners

The journey threads eventually morphed into the jewel in my crown: my blog, SimpHunter.com

My Telegram group – then called E-Pimps International – was nothing more than a ragtag bunch of fledgling agency owners, each with their own unique background in blackhat marketing.

These days, there are lots of Telegram groups for OFM. But back then, it was one of the only places where people could comfortably gather and talk shop.

That fast communication allowed us to solve each other’s problems quickly. We didn’t have to hope that people would see a forum post and bother to respond.

We had a tight-knit group of people – all roughly with the same level of experience – who were there to help each other out.

I deactivated the group when OBH opened his because I felt it would be impolite to compete with him directly.

He probably wouldn’t have cared, but I thought it would be better to be an active member of his group than try to poach people for mine.

In retrospect, I probably should have left it open.

Months later, as OBH’s public group was winding down, I decided to reopen mine.

I rebranded it as the private Simp Hunters group, tapped all my contacts for successful agency owners, and hand-picked them members that I felt would keep the group high-quality.

Sure, it may not have the endless scroll of some of the bigger groups.

But you know what else it doesn’t have? A bunch of newbies asking newbie questions.

I can tell you this: if you have a question that only high-level guys know the answer to, it will get answered in that group.

Once I decided to reopen the Incubator program, I considered making it open to everyone.

My reasoning was that if I could fill it with a thousand people – even if they were newbies – then I would make more money.

But at the last minute, I changed my mind.

My group is special for several reasons:

  1. It has a high barrier to entry
  2. There are no stupid newbie questions (no offense)
  3. The level of scroll is manageable
  4. Everyone conducts themselves professionally
  5. Nearly all of the 120+ members are successful agency owners
  6. Nearly all members are blackhat marketing experts
  7. Nearly all members have prior success in previous businesses

There are definitely some other good groups out there (my Reddit Genius’s group comes to mind), but mine is the most exclusive.

At the moment, there are only 3 ways to join:

  1. You are a member of the Agency Incubator Coaching Program
  2. You receive 3 vouches from current group members
  3. You pay a $200 membership fee

I realized that I don’t my group to be “just another Telegram group” full of people with a pulse and a smartphone.

Coaching sales be damned, I don’t NEED another virtual water cooler for people to ask the same questions over and over.

I like my group the way it is.

And when you join the coaching program, you get lifetime access to it.

Reason #3 – You’re Getting A Lot More Than Just Me

Let me be perfectly frank: if all you got in this program were things that I created, I wouldn’t blame you for not wanting to join.

As cool as I am, I’m just one guy.

And like I said in the beginning of this article, I haven’t even made 5 figures from my agency in 6 months.

However, there are some things that I do extremely well.

There are some aspects of running an agency that I do at a world-class level.

We’ll get into those a little bit later, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make.

What I’m getting at is this: I realized that I can’t offer you the full coaching package just from what I know.

But my friends can.

And I have a lot of friends.

I’m also really good at becoming friends with people who are good at stuff.

(I’m a sales guy, remember?)

And I’m not just any sales guy.

I’m one of those sales guys who stands at kiosks in the middle of the mall for 11 hours a day and sells you shit.

When you do that for 10+ years, you build a pretty useful set of skills.

But the MOST useful of them all isn’t getting people to give you their credit card.

The MOST useful skill is being able to create a strong emotional bond with someone in just a few minutes.

Only now, instead of using that skill on 47 year old soccer moms with NewBalance shoes, I’m using it on bigtime agency owners and service providers.

Here’s the point: when you sign up for the coaching, you’re getting more than just me.

  • Want to learn about dating traffic? Cool, I know 7 experts.
  • Want to learn about Reddit? Perfect, I know THE guy.
  • Want to learn how to move your money around? I plead the 5th.

If I can’t help you with it, I will find someone who can. I’ll pay them if I have to, I don’t care.

What do I care? If I bring them in to teach YOU, then I get to learn it ALSO.

And YOU pay for it!

Of course, because of the volume I’m able to generate and my close personal ties to many of these people, I’m able to negotiate discounts that you – a lowly member of the unwashed masses – are not.

You’ll see as you keep reading – but I’ve made ample use of my connections to build this coaching program into the BEST OFM training system on the planet.

Reason #4 – My Ironclad No-Questions-Asked 14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Marketers will usually put their guarantee at the end of their marketing material.

I never understood that.

Most of them are too busy talking about how what they’re selling “better, cheaper, faster” etc than the competitor’s.

I’m putting my money-back guarantee in the beginning for one simple reason:

If you’re reading this far, then I know you’re already sold.

And if you’re already sold, then there’s only ONE more reason why you haven’t purchased.

(Technically two because I haven’t shown you how to apply yet.)

(Actually three, because it’s not on sale until February 21st.)

That reason that people hesitate before making a purchase is because they are afraid of buyer’s remorse. 

You, me, everyone – we’re all susceptible to it. And for good reason.

We want a GUARNATEE that if we’re not happy, we can get our money back.

One of my friends, BTZ, has a model marketplace where he offers a 14 day warranty on models.

He’s not the one who invented the 14 day warranty for models, but it’s one of the things his market is known for.

Whether or not you think buying models is riskier than buying coaching programs is up to you.

But both come with a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied.

And look, here’s the truth:

If you’re not ready to go 100% all-in, balls to the wall, burn your ships into this thing, then I don’t want you in the program in the first place.

I know I said that this would be a “hard sell” in the introduction, but that’s not totally accurate.

I’ll expand on this point more in the next section, but for now just understand this:

Once you sign up for the coaching program, you have two weeks to change your mind.

If you freak out and decide you want to roll solo before those two weeks are over, let me know and I’ll refund you your money.

Obviously, I’m going to do what I can to make sure you get results worth bragging about.

But I understand that some people just can’t be consoled.

In other words, when you sign up for the coaching program, you have a risk-free 14 days to experience what it’s like to work with me and the program. 

If you like it, then let’s take it into the endzone.

If not, as we say in Hebrew, “Yalla bye”.

Reason #5 – I’ll Give You A Copy Of My Infamous Model-Recruiting Sales Letter ($200 Value)

This article is not designed to “convince” you that you should give me between $3800 – $19,770 to enroll in my Agency Incubator coaching program.

To the unsophisticated eye it may seem like that – but that’s wrong.

I’ve worked in sales my entire life.

My goal has NEVER been to pressure people into buying if they didn’t want to buy.

My method of selling is much LAZIER than that.

My sales strategy is simple: I look for the right people.

Here’s how I define the right people:

  • Take an immediate liking to me (personally)
  • Enjoy reading my articles and watching my videos
  • Already want what I’m selling
  • Think my offer is worth WAY more than the cost
  • Have enough disposable income to purchase it without excessive emotional stress
  • Make quick buying decisions with minimal hesitation
  • Accept that the responsibility for achieving success is THEIRS (with my help, of course)

Those are not my IDEAL customers.


Under no circumstances will I accept people who:

  • Don’t like me on a personal level
  • Don’t enjoy or read my content
  • Aren’t convinced that my offer is worth it
  • Don’t want or think they need coaching
  • Don’t have enough money to pay my fee
  • Hesitate with buying decisions or flip flop on their decisions
  • Expect me to do all the work for them

See the difference?

The challenge is how do you FIND the right people?

I discovered the answer when I started recruiting models.

Being a salesman, naturally I was drawn to the process of recruiting. It reminded me a lot of selling hair straighteners.

Like other forms of sales, recruiting was a numbers game.

I would send out thousands of messages every month to recruit girls, hoping to get them on a Zoom call.

What I realized is that once I had them on the Zoom call, all of our conversations sounded almost identical.

They asked the same questions and I gave the same answers.

I got sick of spending so much time having the same conversation over and over, so I decided to whip up a quick FAQ that I could send to these girls once they expressed interest in working with me.

Only once they confirmed that they understood the FAQ would I schedule the call.

As I was writing the FAQ, I realized something: it was boring as shit.

No girl was going to sit and read that.

“Why don’t I make it a little more interesting?” I thought.

Then I had a brilliant idea: instead of making it interesting, what if I “sold” the model on why she should work with my agency?

After all, I had experience as a copywriter.

It would just be a standard sales letter written via the 12 step copywriting formula.

The resulting sales letter was one of the most valuable assets I’d ever created in my entire life, let alone this industry

A highly-sophisticated filtering mechanism for finding serious models.

Instead of an FAQ that would “sell” these girls on working with me, I inadvertently created a powerful filter that ONLY connected me with girls that fit my criteria.

If a girl wanted to schedule a Zoom call AFTER reading my sales letter, then I knew at least 8 things about her:

  1. She was good at following instructions
  2. She knew how to read
  3. She was intelligent enough to spend 20 minutes reading something
  4. She was trusting enough to believe that the information in the sales letter MIGHT BE TRUE
  5. She wanted my agency to help her with the things I listed in the sales letter
  6. She understood what the profit split was and WHY it was that way
  7. She understood that I didn’t tolerate any bullshit from models
  8. She understood that she was dealing with a professional businessman (ok, copywriter) instead of an ex-con with face tats


That’s the key right there.

I could have told her to send me a video of her reading 20 pages of the dictionary instead. The purpose would be the same.

The added benefit of having her read the sales letter was that she was unconsciously agreeing with my messaging about why she should work with us.

(As far as I know, the dictionary won’t do that.)

Fun fact: this article serves the same purpose.

I KNOW in my heart of hearts that people who read this 18,000 word beast from beginning to end have the same characteristics as the “right people.”

(Not to say that everyone who reads this has ALL the characteristics of what I’m looking for in a student.)

But if you read this entire thing and apply the way I’ve asked you to, then ther’s a 99% chance that you’re “the right people.”

Let’s not get sidetracked, though.

The point is this: when you sign up for the Incubator, you get a copy of my sales letter.

Copy it, change it, tweak it, and make it your own.

It’ll be yours forever.

Reason #6 – You Get My Ultra-Effective Recruiting System ($200 Value)

I’ll be the first one to admit that I am not the best at everything that goes into being an OnlyFans agency owner.

I have my strengths and weaknesses like anyone else.

If I was smart, I would have ignored my strengths and focused on tightening up my weaknesses.

But since I’m an idiot, I doubled down on my strengths.

Like I said before, I was naturally drawn to recruiting because it reminded me of the other types of sales I’d done.

Not only that, but I’ve spent most of my professional career in face-to-face selling situations with women.

But instead of pitching them on beauty products, now I was pitching them on why they should sign with my agency.

I’ll be honest with you: one of the reasons I liked recruiting so much is because I enjoyed waking up to 10 notifications from different girls pretending to be nice to me.

It’s embarrassing to admit, but before starting the agency I never got that.

Sure it happened here and there, but in real life I “burn my leads” pretty quickly if you know what I mean.

But once I figured out recruiting, suddenly I’m getting blown up all day by different girls responding to my outgoing messages.

After sending 150+ messages a day, I was able to iterate my outgoing message until it had an incredible response rate.

From there, I would send my sales letter.

This would act as the perfect filtering system to connect me with girls who were 100% on board with my methods.

Unfortunately, at the time my attitude was, “Recruit them all and figure the rest out later.”

In retrospect, I absolutely should have held out for hotter girls as they would have been much easier to promote.

But as they say in Jersey, “You can’t put the shit back in the donkey.”

That said, one benefit that came from this excessive focus on recruiting models is that I was able to create an incredibly robust recruiting system.

This, combined with the effectiveness of my sales letter, should get you a model in just a few days.

And if you’re feeling adventurous, you don’t even NEED to send them the sales letter.

If you feel you’re better in person, you could opt to just angle for a Zoom call as soon as they show some interest.

This would probably lead to a higher conversion rate, but would require more work on your end. But it’s up to you.

At the end of the day, the result is the same.

Signing up for the coaching program means getting a proven recruiting system that you can execute at will. 

You still have to do the work. But the method is sound.

Reason #7 – My Battle-Tested IG Ads For Recruiting Models ($200 Value)

I try to be as transparent as possible in everything that I write.

With over 90,000 words currently published on SimpHunter, my goal has never been to “sell” you anything.

My goal has ALWAYS been to just tell you about what I’ve been doing, how it worked, and what I would have done differently.

And let me tell you: there are definitely easier ways to make money!

Now you may be wondering: “Why would I need IG ads to recruit if your Super Effective Recruiting System is so super effective?”

That’s a great question.

Look: at the end of the day, my recruiting methods ARE amazing.

They’re the result of thousands of outgoing DMs, follow ups, Zoom calls, and sales letter revisions.

However, the system has one weakness: it requires manual labor to execute.

If you have a VA or two on payroll, you can easily just pass the system off to them.

For the low price of $300-$400/month, you’ll be able to passively fill your inbox with leads while you work on other stuff.

Training, managing, and supervising the VA still requires effort though.

Running IG ads does not.

And these aren’t just any IG ads – these are a collection of my best performing IG ads.

I remember one day in OBH’s group, a bigtime member came in and posted a video of their recent ad.

My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw it – it was INCREDIBLE.

Cool trap music, sexy models, photoshoots, and 4k footage of lambos all combined in a short 15 second clip that made it CLEAR that this agency was the real deal.

The poster mentioned something about how they had generated 80+ leads for $100 in just over a day.

I quickly downloaded the video.

A few days later, I sent the video off to someone on Fiverr and told them to change some things around.

Once the video was complete, I started running it and my results were nothing short of amazing.

I got leads of Eastern European girls for $1 each, with South American girls coming in at about half that.

Personally, I prefer the cold outreach method because you have more control over recruiting the most attractive girls.

But like I said, IG ads are just so easy.

Over time, I built up a collection of other high-performing ads and added them to my collection.

You get them all when you sign up for the program.

Reason #8 – A $500 Credit At BTZ’s Model Marketplace ($500 Value)

When I was designing this program, I wanted to make it as thorough as possible.

I thought to myself, “What are ALL the problems a beginner might run into, and how can I provide solutions for all of them?”

With the recruiting aspect of the business, I am attacking it from all angles.

I’m giving you my tried-and-true personal recruiting methods for cold outreach.

I’m giving you my highest-performing Instagram ads that you can plug in and start running tomorrow.

But I realize that for some of you, even THAT is too much work.

Some of you have other businesses, families, and WAY more money than time.

And for you, I have provided you the following bonus: a $500 credit at BTZ’s model marketplace.

When it comes to model acquisition, there is nothing easier than BUYING models.

Actually I take that back – having scouts send you models is the easiest.

But then you have to pay them 10%, give them the affiliate bonus, AND they sit on your neck if you don’t get results for the girl in a specific timeframe.

When you buy a model’s contract, she’s all yours.

And if you’re going to buy a model, you should buy them from BTZ.

Shoot, even if you DON’T sign up for my program, you should be buying your models from BTZ anyway.

I’ve known him for a long time and I can tell you this: the dude runs a tight operation.

He already runs multiple successful businesses, this OF stuff is really just a hobby to him.

But since he’s such a baller, he’s built a system for recruiting and selling models that has birthed one of the most successful model marketplaces of all time.

Not only that, but his 14 day money-back guarantee ensures that when you choose a girl, you’re getting one who will go the distance.

How many other coaching programs come with FREE girls? None that I know of.

Reason #9 – Access To My Reddit Genius’s Powerful Traffic Method And Private Mentoring Group ($200 Value)

Back when I was posting journey threads on BHW, someone linked me to a thread that explained how to grow a subreddit to 500k+ members in just a few months.

It was well written, concise, and clear that the guy knew his stuff.

Me being me, I decided to reach out and pick his brain.

I asked him every question I could think of – so many in fact that I think I was starting to get on his nerves.

But I didn’t care. I needed the knowledge.

By pure coincidence, a few days later I started my Telegram group.

Even back then, I knew that surrounding myself with people who were more successful than me was the right move.

I invited everyone I knew who was in the industry into the group, including my new “friend.”

He was already crushing it with a model, pulling in 5 figures a month.

Being the frustrated newbie, I continued to pepper him with questions. He was pretty helpful, but still kept a little distance.

One day, he hit me up and told me that his girl had unexpectedly quit and that he was looking for a new one.

He then made a proposal: If I got him a new girl, he would teach me his secrets and we would split the profits.

By then, my recruiting machine was humming along and I had girls to spare.

I sent him a few big boob MILF types and it wasn’t long before he was knocking it out of the park with them.

Two weeks later, one of them had already grossed $5k – most of that from a free account.

That model eventually quit, but I realized that this guy was onto something.

And if you’ve read any of my articles, then you know exactly who I’m talking about: my Reddit Genius.

We’re still besties today, and I’ve enlisted his help to fill a much-needed gap in my skillset: generating traffic.

This guy is THE GUY when it comes to doing anything on Reddit. And when you sign up for the coaching program, here’s what you get:

A copy of his mini-course that explains:

  1. What kind of content to post
  2. How many posts to make per day/month
  3. How to engage with your audience on Reddit
  4. EXTRA traffic outside of Reddit while using Reddit (doesn’t require more time)
  5. Which 3rd party tools are worth using (and which ones will do more harm than good)
  6. EXTRA social proof strategy
  7. How to setup your model’s profile for best optimisation
  8. Best setup for using multiple Reddit accounts
  9. How to farm karma fast
  10. Best subreddits to post on, both Milfs and Teens included

Not only that, but you also get free access to his private Reddit mentoring group.

The group is very active. And he is very active in the group.

An incredible resource which would normally cost you $200 – FREE with my coaching program.

Reason #10 – How To Drive Traffic With The Tube Method

Nobody will deny the tube method is powerful.

But if you think you’ll get any traffic to your girl’s OF just by uploading full-length naughty videos to a verified model page on Pornhub, you are sorely mistaken.

If it were that easy, then all you’d have to do is have your girl spam sexy videos and upload them as fast as you could.

Unfortunately, it’s a little more complicated than that.

There is a lot of NUANCE that goes into properly utilizing the tube method.

Before you start trying to reinvent the wheel on your own, here’s some things to consider about the tube method:

  • It requires video editing skills
  • It requires video editing software
  • It requires lots of time (video editing is time consuming)
  • Your videos might not get any traction
  • You have to make a lot of videos for it to be effective
  • Your models have to verify their ID on PornHub
  • Your models need to be able to follow instructions
  • Your models need to submit content regularly

Nobody said the tube method was easy, but if you master it, then you’ll get traffic for life once your videos go viral.

I happen to know the “secret” to the tube method, as revealed to me by expert blackhat marketers.

When you sign up for the coaching program, I’ll teach you:

  1. Which video editing software is best for newbies
  2. What kind of videos to ask your models to provide
  3. How to create viral content
  4. How to title the videos to create intrigue
  5. How to edit the videos so the viewer feels a desire to see more
  6. A secret trick to entice traffic you get from tube sites to subscribe to your OF

It’s a handy guide, for sure.

But like everything else, it requires work if you actually want to make it come to fruition.

Reason #11 – Advanced TikTok Strategy And Daily TikTok Content Telegram Channel

I’ll tell you straight up: I hate TikTok.

Back when the Covid lockdowns started, I had a bunch of time on my hands, so I thought I’d check out TikTok and see what was up.

It was a strange experience.

  • On the one hand, the content made me cringe so bad it was almost physically painful.
  • On the other hand, some of it was so entertaining that I found it hard to put the phone down.

I remember thinking to myself, “If I start using this app, I’ll never get anything done.”

I uninstalled it from my phone immediately. I had shit to do.

Professionally speaking, I’ve never had a model who was a good fit for TikTok.

Well I take that back – my Russian Bombshell might have done well, but she was on Fansly. And Fansly sucks.

But other than that, I’ve never had a girl who was pretty enough, had a good enough camera, and was meticulous enough to spend the time to create quality TikToks in bulk.

However, as a result of my connections in the industry, I know quite a few people who are crushing hard with TikTok.

One of them in particular is a true TikTok ACE.

This guy pulls in mid 5-figures from TikTok ALONE.

Sure, there are a lot of prerequisites that need to be met before he decides to work with a girl.

It’s not a case of, “Oh she has a pulse and a vagina? Great let’s put her on TikTok.”

But according to him, once you get the right type of girl, there is no better method for hitting 5 figures in your first month than TikTok.

With his help, we’ll teach you:

  • What kind of girls do best on TikTok
  • What type of content to make
  • How often to post
  • What time of day is best to post
  • How to avoid getting banned
  • How to run multiple phones

Not only does this come with a custom PDF written by him, but we will also let you join his Telegram channel that he updates daily with the current trending content!

When you join the coaching program, we’ll get you on the fast track to success with TikTok.

Reason #12 – Access To Model “Training” And Mindset Videos

Let’s back it up a little bit.

You’ve enrolled in the program, signed a model, and are now wondering what the hell you should be doing.

Even if you’ve used my sales letter, your models will need CONSTANT motivation to do the work required to launch their accounts.

This involves creating a pack of hundreds of photos and videos and delivering them within a certain timeframe.

I learned this after signing multiple girls only to lose them during the onboarding phase.

What I eventually realized is that you don’t actually “have” a girl until she’s done the following things:

  1. Sent you AT LEAST 100 pictures and 40+ short teaser videos
  2. Signed the contract
  3. Verified her OF
  4. Added a payout method
  5. Verified herself on other required platforms
  6. Provided additional content for promotion on social media

It still cracks me up when I see newbies post comments like, “I’ve been recruiting and just signed my first girl. She’s going to start next week.”

Brother, let me tell you something: if you sign a girl and she doesn’t send you that content within 24 hours, she’s a dud.

You are looking for girls who are chomping at the bit to get started.

You want the ones who are DESPERATE to turn OnlyFans into a career.

The ones who are like, “Oh yeah ok I’m busy this week but next week I’ll send you everything, pinky swear” are garbage.

Are you kidding? They won’t even REMEMBER that they’re supposed to send it.

I realized this the hard way after losing literally dozens of models during the onboarding phase, so I decided to create my own solution.

I made a series of training videos for models that explained everything that was required of them during the course of our relationship.

In my first onboarding email, part of their “homework” was to watch the videos.

Much like my sales letter, this task acted as a filter to get rid of the models who weren’t serious.

If they couldn’t be bothered to watch a few videos, then do you really think they would take the time to send 100s of pictures and videos?

Very unlikely.

Whether or not you choose to have your models watch them – or if you want to copy the content and make videos of your own – is up to you.

But when your models watch these videos, you can rest assured that you have at least exposed them to the idea that they will need to take this seriously.

Reason #13 – The Model Content Launch SuperPack

I won’t lie – sometimes I have a little pity party where I am very hard on myself.

“I’ve spent so much time in this industry and I still don’t have a lambo!” – Me.

As a matter of fact, my last model just quit yesterday.

I’m kind of relieved though. I can finally start fresh.

No scouts, no average girls, and no nonsense.

But on the other hand, sometimes I think about all the amazing systems I’ve managed to build (or steal) for this business.

Back during the height of my popularity, I was approached by a French account manager who specialized in promoting girls on MYM – the French OnlyFans competitor.

He wormed his way right into my heart with my favorite type of message:

“Hey! I am a successful agency owner. If you send me girls, I’ll promote them and we can split the profits.”

I later realized that these types of deals were doomed from the start.

But I did get something extremely useful out of this particular arrangement.

This French guy was SO confident that he would get good results for the girls that I decided to send him every girl that my scouts brought to me.

And that was A LOT of girls.

My idea was this: send him girls until he told me to stop.

As you can imagine, this was a terrible idea.

But at the time, I thought I was a genius!

My scouts would send me girls, I would send them to the French guy, and somehow that would put money in my pocket.

It might have been the language barrier, but one weakness of Mr France was that he did not communicate with models very effectively.

I noticed this quite a bit with account managers.

When asking for content, they would say things like, “Hey so um, can you make better content? Try to be more exciting. Do you think you can send me some more in a few days? Pretty please?”

Lord knows I love blaming my problems on women, but gentlemen, please understand: when you want a woman to do something, you have to make it extremely clear to her EXACTLY what it is you want her to do.

If you are leaving room for interpretation, then you are taking a risk that whatever you’re asking them to do will be done incorrectly.

THEN you have to either tell her to do it again (which will piss her off), or you have to try to work with a subpar piece of content.

This is the reason I developed my onboarding system.

I needed a way to tell women exactly what I wanted them to do WITHOUT having to re-explain to each new girl that was sent my way.

In the case of Mr France, I had one problem: I didn’t know what he actually needed from the girls in order to get them launched.

At that point in my development, I still had never actually managed a girl myself.

I asked him to create a list of content requirements for new models to complete before launching her account.

A week later, he delivered.

The result was one of the most useful assets that I have in my possession.

This Content Launch SuperPack – combined with the rest of my onboarding content – make every new model’s transition into my agency a smooth one.

She knows EXACTLY how much content she needs to make in order to launch her account.

Then it’s just up to her to do it.

And guess what, chickenbutt? When you sign up for the coaching program, you get a copy to use for yourself.

No more complicated explanations to your model where you try to explain how much content she needs to make.

Just send her the PDF and say, “Here, do this.”

Reason #13 – Sample High-Converting Content For Your Models To Copy

After Mr French was kind enough to send me such a valuable asset, I realized I had another problem.

Many of these girls had no idea what kind of content to create!

As men, we all assume that girls know how to take sexy pictures.

This is wrong.

Most girls are terrible at being sexy.

Not only that, but most girls have no idea how to:

  1. Properly stage a photo
  2. Use lighting to their advantage
  3. Do sexy poses
  4. Make sexy videos

It’s really kind of sad if you think about it.

God has gifted many of them a free win in the world, yet they don’t do even the slightest amount of research to take advantage of it.

I know they know Google exists. Why don’t they use it?

Forget about Google – they’re on Instagram ALL DAY EVERY DAY anyway. And girls LOVE looking at pictures of other girls almost as much as guys do.

You’d think that it would occur to them, “Hey, this Instathot has good content. Maybe I should copy the way she takes her pictures.”

Fortunately for them, I understand the power of copying what works.

If you take a look at my personal Instagram account, you can see I’m a killer photographer.

When I started organizing photoshoots in Vegas, I had no idea how to pose these girls.

There’s nothing more awkward than a half-naked model standing in front of you while you try to position her into sexy poses.

Nobody is born knowing this stuff!

When I first started doing my photoshoots, I knew I was in over my head – so I downloaded 100s of sample sexy female poses.

Then when I met with a model, all I had to do was have them mimic a given pose and take their picture.


My poses were SO sexy that sometimes I got a legit hard on as I was shooting.

I was SO GOOD at posing these girls that I was turning myself on in the process.

I’m pretty sure the girls could tell, too.

I was very embarrassed, but none of them seemed to mind. If anything, I think it actually helped them relax.

“Well, at least I know these pictures will turn out pretty good.” – the models, probably.

I think some of them got turned on, too. 

That said, obviously I stayed professional.

Also, here’s a tip: don’t wear basketball shorts to a photoshoot.


After Mr French sent me his document, I knew I still had more work to do.

So I started scraping Reddit for high-performing pictures and teases that models could copy.

Using my trained eye, I looked for content that was staged well, had good lighting, and was visually stimulating.

I compiled hundreds of images and videos into Drive folders, send them off to my models, and told them, “COPY THESE.”

And when you sign up for the coaching program, you get these too.

No more worrying that your model will send you garbage content with awful lighting and bad poses.

Just send them the folders and tell them to copy the poses as closely as they can.

Could I make your life any easier?

Reason #14 – The Superstar’s Guide To Creating High-Performing Hardcore Content

Back when my Reddit Genius was running my Superstar, our method was simple:

  1. Tell her to send 20 short dildo clips her day
  2. Post them on Reddit
  3. Sell custom content to her fans

The thing I want you to notice here is that ALL of our promotion was hardcore masturbation content.

Since I had no comparable experience, I didn’t realize that this is the opposite of what most agency owners do.

Their thinking is, “If we give away the hardcore content for free, then simps won’t pay for it.”

This makes perfect sense.

However, our Superstar defied logic.

I wouldn’t realize why until months later, but it had very little to do with how good her content was.

AT THE TIME, however, I chalked her success up to the quality of her content.

Let me put it to you like this: you would jerk it to her videos. They were very hot.

It didn’t hurt that she had big ol plastic titties the size of your head, bleached blonde hair, a beautiful face, and was rail thin.

But while we couldn’t copy her look onto other models, we could have them copy her content.

As I continued to recruit more and more girls, I noticed one thing: their content was shit.

One of the reasons why our Superstar was a Superstar was because she genuinely enjoyed making quality content.

These other girls just seemed to do it just to get it done.

The Superstar’s content was loud, raunchy, sexy, and you could tell she was enjoying herself.

These other girls barely made any noise, had expressionless faces, and hardly moved anything more than their wrist.

After watching girl after girl submit borderline-unusable content, I thought to myself, “How do I replicate my Superstar’s success?”

I decided the answer was similar to the answer to every other problem I have: write something.

And thus, the Superstar’s Guide To Creating Hardcore Content was born.

Now obviously it’s not the Superstar who is teaching this. It’s me. I’m the one who wrote the guide. It’s my interpretation of what she did.

But I wrote it in a way that is VERY CLEAR what she is doing right.

I would love to say that since writing this guide, all my models followed my instructions to the letter.

One of the main issues you’ll run into in this business is that you can tell girls exactly what they need to do to be successful, but if they don’t do it (or do a half-assed version of it), then there’s nothing you can do.

The reason my Superstar was a superstar is because she was the perfect combination of beautiful, sexy, responsive, motivated, compliant, and intelligent.

She followed instructions, went the extra mile (on her own), and took pride in her work.

I tried my best to reverse-engineer what made her content so engaging, but that will only get you so far if the girl’s soul isn’t in it.

As I said in my first section, you can’t coach desire.

But if your girl follows the instructions in this guide, then she can do a damn good job of faking it.

And that just might be all she needs to put her at the top.

Reason #15 – 10 PPV Scripts For Your Model To Create

Everybody knows that the big money in this business comes from tips and messages, not subscription income.

But “selling PPVs” is an art in and of itself.

Sure, you could sell single photos and videos. That might bring in a couple bucks here and there.

You could throw some photos together into a set and sell a bundle for bigger sales.

The final stage of selling PPVs is this: scripts.

A script is a series of photos and videos that gets progressively sexier until the simp has spent hundreds of dollars just to bust a nut.

I’ll go into more detail about this later, but I personally do not enjoy chatting with simps.

I’m not afraid to sell. I just hate this type of sales.

I’m sure if I was better at it, I’d hate it less.

But I suck at it and can’t say that I have much desire to get better.

However, Mr French was VERY good at chatting and selling PPVs.

His secret? Scripts.

When he created the document for our models, he was kind enough to include 10 scripts for models to make.

The plotline for these girls was that they were exchange students in France, so a lot of the scripts had parts where the girls were required to say some stuff in French.

I’ve since modified these scripts to work for people in any region.

Are these scripts the ONLY way to make money with PPVs? Of course not.

But these 10 will definitely get you off to a good start once you start generating traffic and the subs start pouring in.

Reason #16 – My Personal Help Setting Your Models Up On WishHush

OnlyFans is great except for one thing:

They take 20% of your hard-earned revenue.

Once you start making serious money, paying 20% of your income just to use the platform seems like a raw deal.

After all, YOU’RE the one doing all the work to drive traffic, sell content, and manage your model(s).

Why should they take so much?

The smart players in this game are the ones who think of ways to diversify their income, particularly in ways that remove greedy platforms that skim 20% of your gross income.

There are a ton of ways to skin a cat. But the latest and greatest way is by using WishHush.

WishHush is a custom wishlist tool that allows models to receive cash donations to purchase gifts on their wishlist.

Think of it like an Amazon wishlist that lets creators set their own prices, add their own products, and make the purchases on their own.

Now before I go any further, I know what you’re thinking:

But OnlyFans will ban my account if I link to an external website!

Sorry, but you’re wrong.

See Exhibit 1: the screenshot at the top of this section.

OnlyFans will absolutely allow you to link to wishlist websites such as WishHush.com.

Not only that, but models receive 100% of the donation from fans.

WishHush makes their money by charging a 10% fee to the BUYER on top of whatever they’re paying for.

Not only that, but WishHush makes it easy to instantly import products, create listings, and will even make DFY stores with common products that models love.

Here are some of the awesome features planned for WishHush:

  1. Recurring payments
  2. DFY “stores” with common themes
  3. One-click product imports
  4. Free guides on maximizing revenue
  5. Full agency customer support
  6. HUGE referral bonuses for affiliates (up to 50%!)

Another great benefit to using this platform is that I am officially on the team.

A few months ago, I was approached by the owner of WishHush. After a lot of back and forth, I was invited to join the team and graciously accepted.

I believe this tool has HUGE potential for both agencies and models alike.

And being an industry insider, I have a unique take on how the tool can fill the gaps left by competitors so that hard-working agency owners can maximize their revenue with as little friction as possible.

Not only that, but since I have such close ties to the community, important feedback can be implemented at a moment’s notice WITHOUT having to travel through multiple layers of corporate beareaucracy.

Also, think about it from my perspective:

I not only have incentive to make you succeed for the good of the coaching program, but if you start crushing it with WishHush, we’ll be able to create a case study that we can use to recruit even MORE users for the tool!

In other words, if you win, I win.

So obviously I am going to do everything I can to make that happen.

Reason #17 – The Simp Milking Bible ($300 Value)

When I was a little kid, I always wanted to be in the military.

I read a sci-fi novel based on the Doom video game, got hyped up about being a space marine, and immediately decided I wanted to join the Marine Corps.

For reasons I’ll go over another time, I never ended up becoming a Marine.

I did, however, fulfill my desire to experience the military lifestyle when I moved to Israel to join the IDF.

It was one of those amazing experiences that I would never want to do again.

Anyone who has been in the military knows that when you’re released, there’s a transition period until you get used to civilian life again.

Finding a job was the hardest part.

I was released at the end of 2008, just as the economy was beginning to crash. I couldn’t find a job to save my life.

People with graduate degrees were applying to be waiters and bartenders at local restuarants. Despite my shiny new resume, I just couldn’t compete.

The ONLY jobs that I could get were sales jobs.

I hated sales at first. I had NO IDEA how to sell.

The whole process just didn’t make sense to me.

After years of experience and hundreds of hours of self-education, I more or less figured it out.

But not all types of sales are created equal.

And whether you like it or not, running an OnlyFans agency is all about sales.

If you don’t make sales, then you won’t be in business for very long.

Now I’ll be honest with you: I DO NOT ENJOY selling PPVs to simps.

I am NOT the right guy to teach this part of the program.

Fortunately, I was able to tap my contacts to bring in a guy who made tens of thousands of dollars e-whoring – before OnlyFans even existed!

Using the skills he learned through experience (and the dark reaches of the internet), he crushes it on OnlyFans for his models.

When I was putting together this offer for the Incubator, I asked him to transfer the knowledge from his brain into a PDF that I could hand to students that would teach them how to sell.

Despite the other chatter resources I’ll tell you about later, this guide is the ONLY one you’ll need. The rest are just bonuses.

This handy PDF will teach you everything you need to know about how to get as much money from simps as possible.

And let’s be honest – you probably won’t even want to do the chatting yourself for very long.

But if you are, then this guide will be invaluable.

When you hire VAs, you can give this out to them freely. It’s yours forever!

Reason #18 – The E-Whoring Library ($200 Value)

There’s only 1 reason why guys have been pretending to be girls on the internet since it came into existence.


But OnlyFans has only been around for a few years.

What did they do before?

The answer? Ewhoring.

For those of you who aren’t part of the blackhat marketing community, ewhoring is basically where you pretend to be a girl online and get guys to send you money.

It’s very similar to what OnlyFans management agencies do, with one key difference:

Ewhores do not work directly with the girls. They buy a content “pack” from someone and then use it without ever meeting the girl.

Other than that, the process is more or less the same.

The reason OnlyFans is considered a superior method is because of its built-in trust factor.

Simps “KNOW” that girls need to go through an identity verification in order to sign up for OnlyFans.

That’s why they’re so quick to spend money on there. (Well, that plus the fact that OnlyFans has their credit card information stored.)

On other platforms, it’s much easier to fake your identity.

But if you were to combine the power of ewhoring with the trust factor of OnlyFans, you would become unstoppable.

Over the course of my research, I’ve come across quite a few well-written guides about how to start ehworing from scratch.

Obviously, these will be a huge help in your journey as an agency owner.

And when you sign up for the Incubator, you get them for free.

Instead of trying to navigate the darkest reaches of the clearnet for accurate information on how to master these techniques, you get them all for free.

Reason #19 – Access To My Private Pool Of Professional Chatters And Chatter Manuals

After the successful partnership between me and my Reddit Genius, I had a crazy idea.

What if I replicated the process with other service providers?

What if I outsourced EVERYTHING?

Instead of actually doing any of the work myself, I could just connect everyone and take a percentage of whatever was left.

I was so proud of myself for coming up with this idea that I let it consume me for the better part of 4 months.

It failed spectacularly, but not for lack of trying.

Well I should be more specific: it failed in it’s primary purpose, which was to build a profitable agency.

It succeeded in many other areas.

  • It gave me the courage to continue publishing articles
  • It inspired me to create a YouTube channel
  • It attracted other agency owners and services providers to me
  • It boosted my ego because of all the nice things people were saying about me
  • It encouraged me to start a model marketplace
  • It allowed me to work with talented scouts
  • It enabled me to fill my private Simp Hunters Telegram group with the best talent I could find

But most importantly, it gave me access to connections that I never would have gotten otherwise.

Every few weeks, I decided to “shake the bushes” and post HELP WANTED ads in some OFM Telegram groups.

I would write that I needed recruiters, traffic pros, and chatters.

In reality, I didn’t need any of these things.

I mean sure, of course I would have loved to add someone to my team with a valuable skill that could help put money in my pocket.

But I didn’t have any money pay them out of pocket. All my deals were created on the basis of a profit split.

The problem was that with 1000s of people in these groups, I didn’t know who was who.

And I didn’t want to message them individually.

So instead, I created the ads asking for people to hit me up.

Out of all the messages I got, at least 75% of them were from chatters looking for work.

I had no idea there were so many chatters out there who were looking for a job, but it’s true.

Not only that, but I have personal connections with half a dozen agency owners who run chatting services on the side.

The point is this: you have 3 options when it comes to chatting.

  1. You can do the chatting yourself
  2. You can hire and train VAs to do the chatting for you
  3. You can outsource the chatting to a professional agency

The best choice is probably between 2 and 3. But whatever method you choose, I will help you facilitate it.

When you join the Incubator, you get access to all my connections for creating your own chatter operation.

Not only that, but I’ll also throw in a few chatter manuals that I’ve gathered that will be very helpful in your journey.

Reason #20 – Weekly Group Calls With Special Guest Experts

What coaching program would be complete without weekly calls with special guest experts?

Now look: unless it’s an emergency, I’m probably NOT going to be the expert.

Sure, compared to a lot of people, I am pretty knowledgeable.

Because of the access I have to legit agency owner geniuses, I know that if I were to run these weekly calls all by myself, I’d be doing a disservice to my coaching students.

Put another way, you’d be much better off learning from varied sources of information – especially when those other sources have such impressive successes behind them.

You guys have no idea the caliber of people that I’ve got lined up for these calls.

Let me tell you like this: if any of these people had their own coaching programs, I would tell you to go sign up for theirs instead of mine.

If we’re judging from just pure KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE, these guys absolutely have me beat.

Understandably, they don’t particularly care about helping new people.

I mean, if you were printing 5-6 figures a month from your agency, would you care about some retarded newbie (no offense)?

You’d probably just keep your head down and continue grinding with what was working for you.

Why would you want to bog yourself down with a bunch of stupid beginner questions that you solved years ago (WITHOUT the help of a fancy coaching program)?

You probably wouldn’t.

Fortunately for you, my future student, I am here to connect the dots.

Like I said before, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s getting my hooks into influential people and becoming friends with them.

It’s no big deal for me to get them on a Zoom call.

And when you’re in my coaching program, you get to attend every call. If you can’t make it for some reason, we’ll record the call for you to watch later.

Reason #21 – I’ll Make You Famous (Priceless)

I remember watching an old stand up routine by Dave Chappelle where he was talking about the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski scandal.

“Imagine if you were SO famous, that when someone sucks your dick, THEY become famous.”

Now before you get too excited, this isn’t a solicitation for sexual favors.

What I liked about Chappele’s bit was that he brought something very interesting to my attention.

If you are famous, you can raise people to your level just by bringing them into your circle.

Nobody knew who Monica Lewinski was before the scandal.

Now she has book deals, has appeared on TV, and is financially set for life because of the exposure.

Obviously I’m not saying we create a scandal.

But I do have a pretty popular blog that is read by thousands of OnlyFans agency owners all over the world.

Soon, we’ll be expanding to create content for models as well.

In other words: I have an audience.

I can talk to that audience about whatever I want. Even you.

Here’s the point: I can write an article about you, your agency, or some service you provide that:

  • Will live for eternity on my blog
  • Can be used as marketing material for your future customers
  • Could bring you potential customers from my audience
  • Will make you look really cool and smart

Not to take anything away from my Reddit Genius (@accountstealth on TG), but the exposure I’ve given him over the past several months has helped skyrocket his own business into a rapidly growing empire.

  1. He has a private Telegram group for Reddit marketers (free with my coaching program)
  2. He has at least a half dozen clients that pay him thousands of dollars per month to run Reddit traffic for their models
  3. He now has a brand new Telegram group with 500+ members

I can tell you with NO exaggeration, I have helped put at least $30,000 into this man’s pockets just by casually mentioning him in my articles.

And that’s a very conservative estimate.

Again, not to take anything away from him. He’s a G in his own right and VERY good at what he does.

But imagine how much easier it is for him to sell his services when he can simply tell potential customers,

“Go to SimpHunter.com, ctrl + f, type in ‘Reddit Genius’ on a few of the posts. That’s me.”

Here’s the best part: those posts will live on forever on my blog.

It’s not like a paid ad where once it’s done, it’s done.

Imagine how much money he’s going to make as a result of my posts in the next several YEARS.

That figure could easily be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And keep in mind that this is with absolutely zero coordination between the two of us.

I never approached him and said, “Hey bro, I’m going to write about you.”

I just mentioned him ANYWAY because he is a friend and an integral part of what I do in the industry.

If you, my future coaching student, were to positively impact my life in the same way, then I would naturally write about you in some of my articles as well.

Here are some ideas to get the juices flowing:

  1. You create a profitable agency as a result of the coaching program and I write a case study about you
  2. You create a recruiting business and model marketplace that I promote indirectly (kind of like what I do with BTZ)
  3. You specialize in generating traffic for people with a specific method (aka the Reddit Genius strategy)
  4. You create an agency of ice-cold chatters-for-hire
  5. You create a chrome extension that makes managing OF accounts easier
  6. You create a 3rd party revenue-boosting service like WishHush.com
  7. You start a blog or YouTube channel to share your journey with the world

Whatever you decide to do – even if it’s just work on your agency – I will help you promote it by mentioning you on my blog.

In a perfect world, you’d CRUSH it through my coaching program and I’d be able to write about what a great job you did.

But if you have something else you’d like to promote, I’m down for that too.

Reason #22 – The BEST Contract Template For New Models

When I went on my first initial recruiting rampages, one question struck fear into my heart more than any other:

“Do you have a contract?”

I didn’t.

I am not ashamed to admit that the legal languaging of contracts scares me. I think most people feel the same way.

However, I was losing girls to the fact that I didn’t have a written agreement in place.

One day, I thought, “Enough. I’m just going to write my own contract.”

If you think about it, a contract is just a written agreement that states what both parties are responsible for.

I do this, you do that. And here’s how we split the money.

All I had to do was put my writing skills to use and create something that explained how the division of labor and profit split would work.

I found that the easier I made the contract to understand, the more likely the model was to sign it.

Not only are my contracts clear, but they are HEAVILY in my favor when being used with new models.

Here’s a free tip for you newbies out there: don’t pay your girls 50% unless they already have experience on OnlyFans.

And when I say “experience” I mean “respectable earnings.”

If your girl has made $143.82 in the past 4 months, no that’s not experience.

Experience means she’s making at least $1000/month for the past few months. That shows that she’s putting in the effort.

And the reason we pay a higher percentage to experienced models IS NOT because they have experience.

It’s because they have been show to put in the effort over a sustained length of time.

Anyway, the contract template goes over all of this. All you have to do is plug in the details, send it over via a tool like Docusign, and wait for it to be sent back.

Reason #23 – The NSFW Subreddit Mega Super Bundle

Over the past few months, I have done significant experimentation on promoting on Reddit.

I also did a ton of research.

As a result, I’ve gathered quite a few resources that will prove to be extremely helpful in the development of your Reddit strategy.

When I was first dipping my toes in the Reddit promotion pool, I decided that I wanted to start my own NSFW subreddit.

You may not know this, but the best way to grow a NSFW subreddit is through crossposting.

It’s like this:

  1. Create a subreddit
  2. Make some posts
  3. Repost those posts to similar subreddits
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until you have a big subreddit

Like so many other things I do, this consumed my full attention for a few 12 hour days until I moved onto something else.

During that time, I managed to convince a blackhat marketer I was working with to scrape a list of the top 5000 crosspostable NSFW subreddits.

Even if you’re not planning on building your own subreddit, this is has TREMENDOUS value in the right hands.

Crosspostable subreddits have 1 major advantage to OnlyFans agency marketers like us: the owners WANT you to post YOUR  content in there.

Think about it: if they have crossposting enabled, that means that they want to fill up their sub with content.

Why else would they make it so easy for other subs to share their content with their own sub?

This list is sorted alphabetically, so you’ll have to go through and choose the subs that are relevant for your model.

Then once you’ve got a few (hundred), you can plug them into a posting tool like Postpone, schedule them, and let her rip.

As an added bonus, I’ll also throw in my CUSTOM list of subreddits that I’ve pieced together from various places.

I’ve taken the liberty of separating these by category as well, so it should make things a little bit easier for you to get started.

NOTE: Some people have reported reduced reach when using tools like Postpone. But I haven’t found this to be the case. Good content will perform well regardless of where it’s posted from.

Reason #24 – 1800 Unique NSFW Post Titles (For Reddit Or OF)

Most people who start promoting on Reddit have a very important decision to make.

How much time and effort do you REALLY want to put in to spamming all these posts?

Here are some variables to consider:

  1. Will you post only unique content?
  2. If not, how many times will you post the same pic/video per day/week/month?
  3. If you post the same pic/video, will you at least use unique titles?
  4. If not, how many times will you use the same title and pic/video across multiple subreddits?

Obviously, the more unique your posts look, the better they will perform.

Redditors are a crafty bunch. They’ll check your model’s profile before heading to her OnlyFans.

  • If they see that you’ve spammed the same post in 30 different subreddits with the same title, that’s going to hurt your conversions.
  • If you’re smart enough to post 5-6 different pieces of content per day – each with a unique title – then your posts will perform much better.

The problem here is obvious: who the hell wants to sit there and come up with thousands of unique post titles?

When I fired all my account managers, I knew that it would be up to me to get my girls as much traffic as possible.

I had 6 girls still signed with me and tried to post at least 20-30 times a day to their Reddit accounts.

Over time, I built up a bank of 1800+ unique post titles.

Now, when I want to promote a girl, I can just copy and paste the titles into a spreadsheet that I load into my posting tool.

It saves me MASSIVE amounts of time when I am trying to schedule posts for the week.

And when you sign up for the coaching program, you get this list free of charge.

Reason #25 – OnlyFans Agency Website WordPress Theme And Instagram Account Template

Having a website is a lot like having a business card.

Do you really NEED a business card to make money?

Of course not.

I know quite a few people who don’t have a website who are raking in 5 figures a month with OFM.

However, having an agency website cannot hurt you. It can only help you.

When I started recruiting, I found that a lot of girls would ask me if I had a website.

You have to understand that most girls are not computer savvy at all. They don’t understand the internet like we do.

To them, the internet is Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

They don’t use the internet to learn, research, and make money.

As a result, the web is a much scarier place to them than it is to us. We can learn to navigate it for our benefit.

Many girls seem to lack that striving for upward mobility through hard internet work that men have.

For them, the internet is just a way to pass the time and get validation from dorks.

Because of their lack of familiarity, they are less likely to trust random guys who hit them up and pitch them on OnlyFans management services.

One way to calm them down is to have a website.

As silly as it sounds, they’ll think to themselves, “Well he has a website, so he must be legit.”

Obviously anyone can make a website in 30 minutes and still have no idea what they’re doing.

But they assume that if someone’s gone through the trouble of setting up a site for their agency, that they must be at least half way decent.

Personally, I’ve made WordPress websites before so it wasn’t a big deal for me to whip one up.

It’s not the sexiest site in the world, but it gets the job done. Same story goes for my agency Instagram account.

When you sign up for the coaching program, you get both a child theme for your website PLUS I’ll show you my Instagram account that I use to recruit models from.

As an added bonus, I’ll also let you take a peek at one of the non-agency Instagram accounts I use to recruit girls that’s even MORE effective.

If you can scale this, you’ll be drowning in models in no time.

Reason #26 – A 10% Discount On My Mobile Proxies

When I started getting into social media automation back in 2018, you didn’t need mobile proxies.

You could bot Instagram accounts on cheap IPv4 datacenter proxies like there was no tomorrow.

I’m talking 1000 actions a day per account.

Jarvee + proxies + aged accounts = a big IG farm that could be turned into big money.

Over the past couple of years, the game has changed.

Tools like Jarvee require a lot more finesse than they used to.

And when it comes to proxies, mobile is pretty much the only way to go.

The reason for this is simple: mobile IPs are shared between many users at once.

ISPs and sites can’t blacklist mobile IPs, because doing so could affect hundreds if not thousands of users who didn’t do anything wrong.

In other words, mobile proxy users can hide their actions by blending in with legitimate users.

I learned this the hard way very recently when I was trying to set up my Twitter mother/slave operation.

I used cheap datacenter proxies, thinking that Twitter wouldn’t care, only to see them get shadowbanned within a few weeks.

You’d think I would have learned my lesson, but when I picked up Reddit again, I ran everything from my own home IP.

I thought to myself, “I’m just experimenting with some stuff. If it works, THEN I’ll get the mobile proxies.”

Once my models’ accounts started getting suspended, I realized I had made (another) huge mistake.

Mobile proxies + anti-detect browser is the only way to go.

The problem with mobile proxies is that they are EXPENSIVE.

Quality mobile proxies with rotation enabled in a Tier 1 country are going to cost you at least $80/month.

And if you want access to mobile proxies in the USA – which is the undisputed BEST market for OnlyFans traffic – then you’re looking at $100/month MINIMUM.

Then on top of that you have to pay per GB of data used.

Mobile proxies are not only powerful, but if you’re doing any kind of automation, then they’re a necessary part of the game.

Once I realized this, it didn’t take much arm-twisting for me to start selling my own mobile proxies.

These proxies are all run by me personally on my own proxy farm. Each proxy has its own phone, SIM card, and data plan that is unique to that user.

In other words, if you buy a proxy, it’s YOURS entirely.

And it comes with 30GB of free data to use with it. Go nuts!

Reason #27 – A 10% Discount On My High Speed VPS Services

Back when I got into automation, people were telling me that I needed this thing called a “VPS.”

I had no idea what that was, but it turned out to be an incredibly useful tool.

Some commercial automoation tools are run in the cloud. When you’re using the service, they are running the tools for you on their own servers.

But sometimes, the tools are run locally on your own machine.

And a lot of automation tools need to be running 24/7 in order to have their full effect.

The problem comes when you also want to use your computer for other stuff.

For example, if I want to play a few games of Dota, I don’t want to have my automation software running in the background.

Usually these programs take up a lot of system resources, making everything else run much slower.

The solution is to use a VPS – otherwise known as a virtual private server.

Think of a VPS like a second computer. Except instead of being an actual computer, it’s a virtual one that you can log into from anywhere.

All you have to do is download your tool onto the VPS, plug in your proxies, and let it run indefinitely.

The cool thing about renting a VPS is that they are both flexible and affordable – you can find quality systems with lots of RAM and processor speed that will help you run even the most demanding programs.

And when you sign up for my coaching program, you also get a 10% discount on my VPS services.

I created this service for the same reason I started selling weed when I was a teenager.

I figured that as long as I would have to buy it, I might as well buy in bulk and resell it to support my habit.

So now I’m passing the savings on to you, my future coaching student.

Reason #28 – I Have A Lot Of Skin In The Game

About a year ago, I decided that I needed to pick up some new skills.

I have a favorite site that I go to any time I want to download pirated courses, so I headed over there and started poking around.

After a bit of investigation, I decided to buy a super bundle of a veteran marketer by the name of Dan Kennedy.

For those of you who aren’t aware of who he is, Dan is THE guy when it comes to copywriting and selling via public speaking.

He is THE top guy.

He invented, fine-tuned, and perfected most of the copywriting methods that top marketers use today.

From then on, I listened to his programs every chance I got.

Any time I was doing some mindless activity, I would put on one of his programs and let the knowledge seep into my brain.

During workouts, in the car, and while playing Dota – Dan was in my ear.

I had always enjoyed writing, but never did it professionally.

For me, it was always just a means of self-expression.

The turning point that made me realize the power of copywriting was when I saw how effective my sales letter could be at recruiting models.

All of a sudden, my artistic hobby turned into the ability to influence the decision-making process of my audience.

Having the blog and being in the position that I’m in has allowed me to indulge in this hobby non-stop.

Not only that, but I am rewarded every time I make a post.

Those rewards come in 4 main forms:

  1. A small hit of dopamine from people messaging me telling me I was entertaining
  2. Messages from readers who say my articles helped them
  3. Partnership offers from companies like WishHush.com
  4. Financial rewards when people offer to buy my sales letter, SOPs, or access to my private group

I like all those things and don’t want to lose them.

By creating a coaching program, I am putting all of that on the line.

It’s a MAJOR risk for me.

If I do anything less than an incredible job, you better believe people will not hesitate for a second to shit on me every chance they get.

I can feel it bubbling beneath the surface… people want to hate me so badly.

They’re just waiting for the right opportunity.

Since starting the blog, I’ve written over 110,000 words on the subject of OnlyFans management.

Do you really think I want to throw all that down the drain?

Look – it’s not about me providing an average product that maybe works or maybe doesn’t.

This is bigger than that.

This is me putting 100% of my heart and soul into making sure that any student I take on does everything in their power to execute these methods to the best of their ability.

I love helping people and all, but I really don’t want to lose everything I’ve worked for.

Maybe some psycho out there will try to hold that against me some day, but I’ll just refund his money and tell him to get f*cked.

For the people who play fair and are willing to put in the work, I’ve got all the tools necessary for success.

But more than that, I have a vested interest in making sure that you succeed.

Because if you don’t (and it’s MY fault), then I’m gonna have a big problem.

Reason #29 – I Love This Community

I realize that there are probably a lot of people in this community who don’t like me.

I’m OK with that.

I still like them.

People who decide to get into the OnlyFans management scene fit a certain mold that I haven’t found anywhere else.

Here are some of the attributes that I’ve noticed:

  • Big fans of Andrew Tate
  • Experienced with blackhat marketing
  • No-nonsense attitude towards business
  • Focused on making money
  • Hustler mentality

Even just being a fan of Tate automatically says a lot about you.

But when you combine that with the can-do attitude of people who see the potential in managing models, it’s a recipe for success.

It’s hard to put my finger on exactly what it is I love about this business.

There just seems to be a certain lack of pretentiousness about it.

We are all here grinding, going through the same struggles, and trying to make it work.

And if you think about it, we are all essentially each other’s competition.

There are only so places you can promote your models. And there are only so many simps who are willing to spend money.

That said, it’s crazy to me how free the flow of information exchange is in the Telegram groups I’m a part of.

These are public groups where nobody knows each other, will never meet each other, and very often don’t even use their real names or pictures – but people take time out of their day to answer questions of the very people who are competing with them!

There’s just something special about it.

In other words, I genuinely enjoy working in this business.

I like the people I meet – even the newbies who give me AIDS with their stupid questions.

It’s just FUN.

Wouldn’t you rather work with someone who not only provides all the tools for success, but also has FUN in the process?

I know I would.

Reason #30 – I’m Really Good At Explaining Complex Concepts In Simple Terms

When I got into my first serious sales gig selling hair straighteners, I was 27 years old.

I enjoyed the job for 4 main reasons:

  1. I’d always wanted to learn how to sell
  2. I liked talking to girls and playing with their hair
  3. I got paid in cash
  4. The skill enabled me to work anywhere in the world

This combination of benefits was part of the reason why I never fully transitioned to another field.

Selling hairstyling tools was just so satisfying.

I got to live in foreign countries, travel all over the world, meet a bunch of cute girls, and had a relatively carefree life.

Since I was usually much older than my coworkers, I ended up teaching them a lot about the world because of our relative difference in age.

And since I usually date younger women, I’ve done this in my dating life as well.

There’s nothing more gratifying than teaching a cute little 23 year old something about the world and having her see you as more attractive as a result.

Look no further than my massive articles to see how much I enjoy explaining things to people.

110,000 words and counting (including my lead magnet) – and after this article will probably be around 130,000.

Nobody is going to read all the stuff I write unless they are getting some benefit from it.

I wouldn’t get the sheer volume of messages from people thanking me for my help if they weren’t actually doing any good.

But here’s the point: not only am I good at explaining complex topics in simple terms, but I legitimately enjoy it.

Putting those things into practice myself is another story.

Sometimes I wish that I had a twin brother or a clone that I could use to make sure I stay focused myself.

I’ve worked before with people who were clearly amazing at their craft, but couldn’t explain it to anyone else for the life of them.

I remember thinking, “Man, I wish this guy would just put a little more time into learning how to communicate.”

Well I’ve clearly done that.

Anyway, it’s obvious that the coaching program involves my personal help. And when I explain something to you, you’re going to understand.

And as they say on GI Joe, “Knowledge is half the battle.”

Reason #31 – You Get Priority Access To Me On Telegram

I won’t lie – I get a lot of messages on Telegram every day.

I’m just like everyone else in the modern world. I have my phone on me all the time.

I see all the messages that I get. I just don’t always answer them immediately.

And sometimes when I think, “Oh, I’ll answer that later,” I end up forgetting.

I know you think I’m amazing, but I actually make mistakes too.

But with as much importance as I’m heaping onto this coaching program, you better believe that my students are going to take top priority when it comes to answering their messages.

Now look – I don’t think I have to say this, but obviously this benefit should not be abused.

There’s a REASON why I didn’t make the title of this section, “24/7 personal support!”

Don’t think that you can ask me every little thing and I’m going to spoonfeed you personally via 1 on 1 Telegram chats, because that’s not happening.

I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t allow anyone like that to sign up anyway, but you never know.

However, I realize that despite how thorough I am, I can’t possibly cover EVERYTHING that goes into making your agency work.

There are going to be times where you will have a perfectly legitimate question that wasn’t covered in the material.

A question that you’ve TRIED to find the solution on your own but were unable to.

I mean, there’s a reason I’ve included two premium Telegram groups in this coaching package – so you can ask your questions there.

Don’t you think it’s better to have access to hundreds of people’s combined experience instead of just mine?

That said, if you feel more comfortable asking me, I have no problem with it.

So when you sign up for the program, you’ll get priority when I respond to my messages.

Reason #32 – I Will Teach You How To Set Up Your OWN Mobile Proxies

I already made the case about why mobile proxies are better than datacenter and residential.

But why do they have to be so damn expensive?

As someone who is always on the lookout for a better deal, I have figured out an EASY way to make my own mobile proxies for pennies on the dollar.

Now, if you want to skip all that noise and just pay for mobile proxies, that’s fine.

But when you know how to make them, at least you have the option.

It’s like knowing how to cook.

It doesn’t mean you MUST cook every night. It just means you CAN cook if you want.

Or you could order a pizza.

A few months ago, I discovered a very simple way to make mobile proxies.

There are quite a few ways out there, but I found most of the guides complicated. And the parts they required cost more than they were worth.

Who wants to spend $200 on a Raspberry Pi just to set up some mobile proxies?

There’s a much easier way.

Sure, if you’re not based in America and want to use American mobile proxies, you’re still going to have to pay.

There’s no way to create mobile proxies in a country other than your own since they all require the use of a SIM card.

But if you want to run some social media automation with mobile proxies in your own country, that would probably be in your best interest.

With this guide, you’ll be able to set up your proxies in just a few minutes.

There is an additional charge to run the service, but it’s 90% cheaper than what you would pay for retail mobile proxies.

You could even start selling your own mobile proxies and make a little extra money on the side.

Not a bad little addition huh!

Reason #33 – A-Z Mother/Slave Setup Instructions

So fair warning: I tried my hand at a mother/slave operation and failed miserably.

I wrote all about my mistakes in one of my recent articles.

I’ll save you the trouble of reading through that right now, but let me sum it up for you.

My operation had potential, but didn’t work for 2 main reasons:

  1. I skimped on costs
  2. I was managing too many girls

As a result, I wasn’t able to properly set my operation up.

Imagine trying to set up 100s of slave accounts for different girls, scheduling tweets for them, only to have the accounts get email or phone verification requests because you used low quality proxies.

It was nothing short of a nightmare!

That said, I definitely learned a lot about how to set up a mother/slave operation.

And best of all, I know how to do it WITHOUT physical phones.

From what I’ve seen, most people have given up on trying to use automation software to run their mother/slave operations.

I, however, have access to a little trick.

A long time ago, I was able to use a Jarvee-like tool to grow many Instagram accounts.

After legal hassles from Instagram, they eventually took their tool off the market.

I stayed in touch with the creators of this software, so if I ever needed to renew my subscription with them, they’d allow me to do it privately.

Obviously I’m not allowed to talk about the tool in public. But it definitely exists.

Best of all, the makers of the tool have EXCELLENT customer support.

When I was setting up my operation, I emailed back and forth with them quite a bit. Sometimes even multiple times per day!

If you’ve read my other articles, then you know that I don’t recommend biting off more than you can chew when it comes to different traffic methods.

Stick with one until you’ve mastered it, THEN move onto another one.

But the Jarvee-like tool I mentioned combined with mobile proxies and a little know-how could have you setting up a mother/slave operation for one of your girls in just a few days.

Full instructions on how to do this when you enroll in the coaching program.

Reason #34 – The Price Will Go Up After 7 Students Have Enrolled

In case you were wondering why I decided to price my offer the way I did, let me clue you in.

First of all, it’s a fucking awesome offer if I do say so myself.

I already have two people who have already put down a deposit. And I haven’t even launched it yet.

I mean seriously – who else do you know who has a coaching offer that is this robust?

This shit isn’t your run of the mill offer – this offer is a certified BEAST.

I’m very excited to get this party started.

However, once I get 7 people who are enrolled, I am going to raise the prices.

There are 2 few reasons for this:

  1. Higher prices mean I can offer a sexier package
  2. I will be able to charge more once I have testimonials from the first cohort

And since two people have already put down a deposit, that means I only have 5 spots left.

Once those spots are gone, they’re gone. And you’ll have to wait until I re-open enrollment at a higher price point.

Also, anyone who enrolls now will automatically get upgraded to the new offer once it goes live.

So you’re not just getting a super awesome coaching package right now, but you’re getting a less expensive version of the upgraded one too.

The $4800 And $19,770 Options

I really wanted to get this article to 38 reasons, but I am falling short.

I’ve already included everything that I think anyone would want that I can offer.

However, the $3800 package is just the starting tier. I also have two other tiers that I haven’t mentioned yet.

Before we go into the two higher tiers, let’s just take a moment to list ALL of the reasons why you should join the program:

  • I’m Going To Do Everything In My Power To Make Sure You’re Successful
  • Free Access To The Private Simp Hunters Telegram Group
  • You’re Getting A Lot More Than Just Me
  • My Ironclad No-Questions-Asked 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • I’ll Give You A Copy Of My Infamous Model-Recruiting Sales Letter
  • You Get My Ultra-Effective Recruiting System
  • My Battle-Tested IG Ads For Recruiting Models
  • A $500 Credit At BTZ’s Model Marketplace
  • Access To My Reddit Genius’s Powerful Traffic Method And Private Group
  • How To Drive Traffic With The Tube Method
  • Advanced TikTok Strategy And Daily TikToks To Copy
  • Access To Model “Training” And Mindset Videos
  • The Model Content Launch SuperPack
  • Sample High-Converting Content For Your Models To Copy
  • The Superstar’s Guide To Creating High-Performing Hardcore Content
  • 10 PPV Scripts For Your Model To Create
  • My Personal Help Setting Your Models Up On WishHush
  • The Simp Milking Bible
  • The E-Whoring Library
  • Access To My Private Pool Of Professional Chatters And Chatter Manuals
  • I’ll Make You Famous
  • The BEST Contract Template For New Models
  • The NSFW Subreddit Mega Super Bundle
  • 1800 Unique NSFW Post Titles (For Reddit Or OF)
  • OnlyFans Agency Website WordPress Theme And Instagram Account Template
  • 10% Discount On My Mobile Proxies
  • 10% Discount On High Speed VPS ServicesI Have A Lot Of Skin In The Game
    I Love This Community
  • I’m Really Good At Explaining Complex Concepts In Simple Terms
  • You Get Priority Access To Me On Telegram
  • I Will Teach You How To Set Up Your OWN Mobile Proxies
  • A-Z Mother/Slave Setup Instructions
  • The Price Will Go Up After 7 Students Have Enrolled

I don’t know about you, but that’s a sexy looking list of bonuses.

Honestly I feel like I should be charging WAY MORE than $3800.

But I digress…

The next highest tier is $4800.

There’s only one difference between the $3800 and $4800 tier: 6 private phone calls with me.

Sure, you already get priority access to me on Telegram.

But some people prefer a nice chat over the phone, to which I have no problem obliging.

The third package is only for the delusional adventurers – such as myself – who live life on the wild side.

The final package is $19,770 and is sure to give my most vocal haters a bonafide heart attack.

The $19,770 Option

Maybe it’s my delusional thinking kicking in again, but I would LOVE to take students on for this option.

If you have read this far, have that kind of money to invest, and feel like it would be well-spent on an adventure with a guy who writes really long articles, then keep reading my friend…

I’m going to tell you about this option by telling you a story about something that happened to me in early 2022.

Those of you who read my blog know that I have a casual interest in pickup, i.e. dating skills.

White knights may feel free to exit the thread now, but I am a red-blooded male who likes women.

It seems perfectly logical to me to copy people who have already cracked the code for sleeping with beautiful women.

Having read “The Game” by Neil Strauss, of course I knew about the RSD crew.

One of the most interesting instructors in the Real Social Dynamics organization was a guy named Luke Krogh.

Not only was Luke an expert in cold-approach pickup, but he had organized his life in such a way that he would always just coincidentally be surrounded by beautiful women who saw him as high value.

Luke built his system while studying with another pickup guru, a guy named Adam Lyons – AKA AFC Adam.

Adam was the one who originally developed what is today known as “social circle game.”

This style of pickup got a TON of attention just before the Covid lockdowns.

Instead of wearing pink feather boas and spam approaching girls at the mall, nerdy guys were now spending thousands of dollars on mirrorless DSLR cameras and spam approaching them on Instagram.

The angle?

“Hey, we’re doing a photoshoot with professional photographers, an open bar, and a fleet of Lamborghinis at a mansion in Summerlin. Are you interested?”

The idea was simple:

Instead of going out every night with a bunch of guys, building social proof at the club, and using your temporary reputation to game the hottest girls, what if you just held an event that brought the hottest girls TO YOU?

What if you just CREATED an event where you were ALREADY the man, invited a bunch of models, and then recorded a bunch of Irrefutable Visual Evidence (IVE) that you could use to “sell” future events?

Because you were the guy in charge of the event, the girls would naturally think you were hot shit and want to f*ck you.

There’s definitely a more tasteful way to phrase that, but I think you understand what I’m getting at.

Luke did such a good job exemplifying this style of game that he almost singlehandedly shifted the conversation in the pickup community from cold approach to this new form of pickup, called “social circle game.”

Guys were glad to avoid doing scary approaches. Spamming girls on IG is MUCH easier by comparison.

When I talk about the photoshoots I organized in Vegas, it was according to Luke’s model.

I organized a couple photoshoots, made some cool friends, and got valuable hands-on experience on what it was like to execute Luke’s methods.

The Epic Rise Of Michael Sartain

Those of you who watched pickup content during this time probably remember Luke’s best friend: Michael Sartain.

One of Luke’s original students in his live-in “Project Las Vegas” mansion, Michael had taken the social circle game ball and run with it.

In just a few years, he was hosting red carpet charity events with some of the biggest Instagram influencers in the world.

He is constantly surrounded by some of the most beautiful (and IG famous) women on the planet.

In early 2022, a few years after I left Vegas, I enrolled in Michael’s coaching program: Men Of Action.

There’s a lot more to his program beyond just “how to get organize events so you can f*ck models” (my words, not his), but I’m sure you can see how this would be relevant to people in the OnlyFans agency industry.

MOST GUYS who sign up for Michael’s program do so because they want to learn how to throw events.

Anyway, after I bought the program, I moved to Miami pretty much right away.

I’ll never forget the first coaching call that I did with Michael.

I jumped on the group call thinking I was hot sh*t because I’d already done a few photoshoots.

I had some basic question for Michael about something that I don’t remember.

After hearing my question, he predictably asked:  “What does your Instagram profile look like?”

Michael is ALL ABOUT having a world-class Instagram profile.

I won’t go too deeply into it here, but let’s just say that none of his methods work unless your IG profile makes you look like you are a high-status person.

When I showed Michael my profile, he gave me the most scathing review I’d ever heard him give anyone on their IG.

I’ll never forget what he said:

“I normally rate profiles between 0-100. But this is a negative 50!”

My ego was bruised and I was pissed.

I can admit now that I definitely spent a lot of time in Miami traffic rehearsing what I was going to say to Michael on the next coaching call.

I mean really, I paid $6000 to join this shit. Couldn’t he be a little nicer?

I was SO pissed I even thought about quitting and asking for a refund.

But at the end of the day, I realized that if I quit and asked for a refund, I would just be acting like a little bitch who couldn’t take criticism from someone who knew their shit.

Instead, I decided to prove to Michael – and myself – that I was capable of handling this Instagram shit.

I spent the next two months going out every evening during golden hour, taking the perfect Miami picture, and uploading it to my IG.

My goal was to make my Instagram account SO beautiful, that when I jumped on another call with Michael, he’d have no choice but to say nice things about me.

Let me tell you: I never work this hard for anyone’s approval, much less some guru who barely knows who I am.

Still, I understood that having a well-designed Instagram account would come in handy later in life – and not just for inviting girls to photoshoots, either.

Two months later, during another coaching call, Michael reviewed my account again and grudgingly gave it an 8/10.

I was ecstatic.

His one criticism was that I didn’t have enough story highlights and that I didn’t have enough stuff of me out being social.

I remember him saying, “It looks like you’re just walking around Biscayne Bay taking pictures of yourself.”

To be fair, that is pretty much exactly what I was doing.

Now that I had a good IG, it was time to actually help with an event.

It just so happened that a few weeks after this call was one of the biggest charity events of the year that Michael hosts: Babes In Toyland.

A white party charity gala for the purpose of gifting toys to homeless children, Babes In Toyland is a MASSIVE draw for Instagram models.

And in 2022, it was being hosted in Miami.

Over the years, Michael has built his virtual rolodex to include some of the biggest names on Instagram.

And Babes In Toyland is one of the few times during the year where they all get together.

I knew there were some MOA guys in Miami, so I reached out to them and pitched them on how I could possibly be useful.

My first step was to contact an MOA graduate and Miami nightlife VIP Host named Godwin Sotome.

I’d seen him in Michael’s MOA video calls and watched his progression from nerdy guy with no girls to certified pimp – constantly surrounded with Brickell’s baddest b*tches.

Before getting on the call with him, I made sure to do a little groundwork. I didn’t want to show up empty handed.

Meeting Godwin – Michael’s Most Successful Student

Guess which one is Godwin

From my experience doing photoshoots in Vegas, I knew that each one needed 3 things:

  1. Models
  2. Photographers
  3. A venue

This was the bare MINIMUM required to start organizing a photoshoot.

Of course, if you had things like exotic cars, boa constrictors, body paint experts, and rope artists, it would be much easier to attract high quality talent.

Traditionally, the HARDEST part of organizing a photoshoot is securing the venue.

Photographers are a dime a dozen. You can throw a rock in a major city and hit a photographer.

And most of them are dorks who would kill to shoot at a cool event like the ones we try to throw.

Models are a little harder, but it’s really just a numbers game with them (sound familiar?).

The current stats are something like this:

  • Invite 100 models (cold DMs on IG)
  • 20 will tell you they’re interested
  • 5 will confirm a few days before
  • 1 will actually show up

And let me tell you, those are VERY good ratios.

Guys in Men Of Action would be ecstatic if they got 1 guaranteed attendee for every 100 messages they sent.

I tried organizing a white party here in Minneapolis last summer and my stats were roughly the same.

Fun fact: it’s MUCH harder to organize a party than it is to organize a photoshoot.

I only had 8 people show up for the party.

  • 8 models a photoshoot is an incredible turnout.
  • 8 people at a party is a shitty party.

Digression aside, securing the venue is the hardest part of organizing any event.

For the party I mentioned, I just had it at a trendy bar in downtown. I knew there would be a lot of people there anyway.

But when you organize a photoshoot, you need to have picteuresque settings that will allow you to actually take good photos.

You can’t have hundreds of people causing chaos like at a party.

And here’s a pro tip: the more high-status the location, the easier it is to get people to come to the photoshoot.

Before jumping on the call with Godwin, I decided that I would use my sales skills to secure a high status venue.

I went on Zillow and set my search filters for 6000+ square foot mansions in the Miami/Ft Lauderdale area.

Agents that represent the property will usually list their phone numbers. So I called a few until I got a live one on the phone.

I pitched this guy my idea, told him all about Babes in Toyland, and let him know that we were looking for a venue to hold our photoshoot.

He seemed interested and we ended up chatting for about 30 minutes.

I got a little ahead of myself, assumed the agent would let us use his client’s mansion, and scheduled the call with Godwin.

Unfortunately, when I explained the situation to Godwin, he popped my balloon almost immediately.

For one thing, the agent I spoke with sounded a little too thirsty.

He wanted to use the influencers and photographers to “throw a party,” which apparently in Miami-speak is code for “Get these girls drunk and coked up so I can fuck them.”

Still, we had a good chat and agreed to stay in touch for future opportunities.

Fast forward to the end of 2022.

Men Of Action has a very active Discord server with multiple categories: events, dating, business, different cities, and many more.

(EDIT: MOA has moved from Discord to Skool.)

As my blog was starting to pick up steam, I decided that I wanted extra places to promote my articles.

After writing my Ultimate Guide To Recruiting OnlyFans Models, I dropped a link in one of the channels to see if there was any interest.

OFM and Michael’s group have quite a few similarities, so it wasn’t that much of a stretch.

One of the responses I got was from Godwin.

By pure chance, he had started managing the OnlyFans account of one of his friends in the nightlife industry.

Being a VIP host for one of Miami’s hottest clubs definitely has its perks.

Still, he was going at it alone with no community or official resources.

I invited him to my private Simp Hunters Telegram group, added him to a few more, and offered to help with anything else he might need.

Now, here’s one thing you need to understand about Godwin. I “know” him like you guys “know” me.

Godwin was one of Michael’s original students.

So when you watch the MOA core material, you are getting to see the progress of all of these guys as they implement Michael’s teachings.

As you watch the program, you see the development of these guys from having no girls and no social life to throwing parties, organizing photoshoots, and filling their social circles with beautiful women.

There were a lot of awesome transformations (you can watch video testimonials after you opt-in here), but Godwin’s was one of the most dramatic.

You don’t need to look any further than his personal Instagram account to see the type of life he is living today.

Surrounded by beautiful women, eating comped dinners at high-end Miami restaurants, and rubbing shoulders with high-powered Miami businessmen, he seems to be living the life.

Do You Want To Start Your OnlyFans Agency Empire In Miami?

So, what exactly is the $19,700 offer?

Here’s how it works:

  1. You relocate to Miami
  2. Godwin connects us with his network in the nightlife industry
  3. We schedule regular photoshoots that 1) help us recruit, and 2) provide content to use for models
  4. We STILL do all the virtual agency stuff that’s listed in the basic package
  5. We stay high on cocaine 24/7 like Tony Montana
  6. All our dreams come true in Miami (like Tony Montana)

Now look, this is NOT your basic coaching offer. This is a complete lifestyle change.

  • You are moving to a new city
  • You don’t know anyone there (yet)
  • Your day-to-day life will change drastically
  • You will be surrounded by extremely high-value people (beautiful women, high rollers, etc)
  • You will have to completely change your peer group

These things all carry their own risks. This package is not for people who have a low risk-tolerance.

And finally, if you thought I was going to be picky with my core coaching offer, we’re going to be 10x moreso with this because it involves working together 1-on-1 for a long time.

It’s not rocket science. You just have to be able to follow instructions.

We just copy Godwin and follow Michael’s protocol.

The only difference is that we angle for girls who are already interested in doing OnlyFans, not just beautiful models.

And spoiler alert: if they’re hot, then they’re probably already on OF in the first place. 

I’m not going to list all the bazillion bonuses that you get with this package as this article is already long enough.

But just understand this: the Miami Immersion program will utilize ALL of the tools I listed in the Not So Basic Package.

We’ll just be complimenting that with lots of beautiful women in real life, live photoshoots, gorgeous beaches, and the thrill of living in America’s most exciting city: Miami.

How To Apply To Join The Incubator

Congratulations on getting this far. You have good taste in reading material.

But before we go any further, we need to address the elephant in the room.

Fun fact: I have really good hearing.

And for some of you, even though you may be across an ocean, I hear that little voice in your head trying to pop your balloon.

  • “This sounds too good to be true.”
  • “I know it works for OTHER PEOPLE, but what if this doesn’t work for ME?”
  • “Sounds great – but I probably can’t afford it.”
  • “Psh, this guy thinks he’s so great. I could learn all that just by Googling stuff!”

Well first of all, thanks for reading this far. I take it as a compliment.

But let me be perfectly honest:

If you’re the type of guy who lets the little voice in his head run the show, then let’s not waste each other’s time.

The sentiments I listed above – if not dismissed immediately – are red flags.

Here’s an analogy for you:

If I hear ANY resistance at all from a model when trying to recruit her, I give up on her pretty much right away.

I think to myself:

“You’re ALREADY giving me problems in our first conversation? I can only imagine what it’ll be like a few months down the line.”

I’m not going to try and “sell” you on this program. That’s not how this works.

I’m looking for a very specific type of person to join The Incubator.

Here’s a list of attributes I’m looking for:

  1. Has an overall positive attitude and outlook on life
  2. Believes that they WILL be successful if they put in the work
  3. Has an overpowering DESIRE to make their OnlyFans agency profitable
  4. Has the TIME to spend working on this several hours per day
  5. Likes me PERSONALLY (yes, it’s important) and would authentically ENJOY working with me
  6. Has already read my articles on Simp Hunter and appreciates the value I provide
  7. Is the type of person I would want to network with because of their prior success, advanced/unique skills, connections, or reputation
  8. Sees the VALUE in working with me as a coach
  9. Is prepared to INVEST an appropriate amount of dollarydoos into the growth and success of their agency

These are not “oh gee wouldn’t it be nice if…”

They are must-haves.

I’m not looking to win anyone over and I have absolutely no desire to work with hard-cases.

I want to work with driven individuals who are easy to work with, have a powerful desire to be successful, and BELIEVE they will achieve their goals.

If you’re a Grumpy Gus who thinks that just because they can AFFORD to pay me thousands of dollars so they can swing their dick around in front of a cool internet celebrity such as myself, you got the wrong idea amigo.

But if you’re like the first person I described, then this next part is for you.

If you’d like to apply to be a part of the Incubator, then send me the following information at @yallapapi on Telegram:

  1. Your name and email address
  2. How long you’ve been in the business
  3. Your current sticking points
  4. What appeals to you about joining the Incubator
  5. Any connections, reputation, media, prior achievements that you think would help tip the scales in your favor
  6. Which program you are interested in ($3800 Basic, $4800 with personal help, or $19,770 Miami Immersion)
  7. How soon you’re ready to start, if accepted

Once I have that information, I’ll reach back out to you within 24 hours.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Are you really going to spend another day, week, month or year in your dusty ass apartment? Driving your beat up car, wearing the same ratty clothes, and living in your small-time town?

  • Wouldn’t you rather be able to buy whatever you want without checking your bank account?
  • Wouldn’t you rather eat at fancy restaurants, stay in nice hotels, and travel the world?
  • Wouldn’t you rather live a life of true freedom, instead of being tied to a job?

I won’t lie to you: designing a successful OnlyFans talent agency is NOT easy.

  • Simple? Yes.
  • Time-consuming? Yes.
  • Guaranteed to work if you follow instructions? Yes!

Look, this isn’t easy money. This is FREE MONEY.

Here’s a quick reminder of everything you’re getting as part of the coaching program:

  • I’m Going To Do Everything In My Power To Make Sure You’re Successful
  • Free Access To The Private Simp Hunters Telegram Group
  • You’re Getting A Lot More Than Just Me
  • My Ironclad No-Questions-Asked 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • I’ll Give You A Copy Of My Infamous Model-Recruiting Sales Letter
  • You Get My Ultra-Effective Recruiting System
  • My Battle-Tested IG Ads For Recruiting Models
  • A $500 Credit At BTZ’s Model Marketplace
  • Access To My Reddit Genius’s Powerful Traffic Method And Private Group
  • How To Drive Traffic With The Tube Method
  • Advanced TikTok Strategy And Daily TikToks To Copy
  • Access To Model “Training” And Mindset Videos
  • The Model Content Launch SuperPack
  • Sample High-Converting Content For Your Models To Copy
  • The Superstar’s Guide To Creating High-Performing Hardcore Content
  • 10 PPV Scripts For Your Model To Create
  • My Personal Help Setting Your Models Up On WishHush
  • The Simp Milking Bible
  • The E-Whoring Library
  • Access To My Private Pool Of Professional Chatters And Chatter Manuals
  • I’ll Make You Famous
  • The BEST Contract Template For New Models
  • The NSFW Subreddit Mega Super Bundle
  • 1800 Unique NSFW Post Titles (For Reddit Or OF)
  • OnlyFans Agency Website WordPress Theme And Instagram Account Template
  • 10% Discount On My Mobile Proxies
  • 10% Discount On High Speed VPS ServicesI Have A Lot Of Skin In The Game
    I Love This Community
  • I’m Really Good At Explaining Complex Concepts In Simple Terms
  • You Get Priority Access To Me On Telegram
  • I Will Teach You How To Set Up Your OWN Mobile Proxies
  • A-Z Mother/Slave Setup Instructions
  • The Price Will Go Up After 7 Students Have Enrolled

Despite what I said earlier, running an OnlyFans agency really is a simple business model:

  1. Find some titties
  2. Drive traffic
  3. Ask simps to pay for more titties
  4. Recruit more models
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until you’re drinking kombucha with your skinny blonde trophy wife at your villa in Malibu.

I don’t know about you, but to me that seems a lot easier than having a “real” job. Or depending on a boss to keep you clothed and fed. Or worse – the government!

So if you’re ready to make hundreds of thousands of dollars, get famous, travel the world, and claim your piece of the most exhilarating pie on the planet – don’t waste another second.

Send a text right now to @yallapapi on Telegram (t.me/yallapapi) with the following info:

  1. Your name and email address
  2. How long you’ve been in the business
  3. Your current sticking points
  4. What appeals to you about joining the Incubator
  5. Any connections, reputation, media, prior achievements that you think would help tip the scales in your favor
  6. Which program you are interested in ($3800 Basic, $4800 with personal help, or $19,770 Miami Immersion)
  7. How soon you’re ready to start, if accepted

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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