4 Hard Lessons I Learned From Onboarding OnlyFans Models Without SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
One of the most important secrets I’ve discovered since starting my OnlyFans agency is this:
You must develop a system for every important process in your agency.
- You have to have a system for recruiting
- You have to have a system for getting traffic
- You have to have a system for requesting content from your creators
- You have to have a system for chatting with their fans
- You have to have a system for running their Instagram account, etc…
There are sooooooooo many things that you have to have a system for if you want your operation to run smoothly.
It can feel a little overwhelming at times.
That is, until you have the system.
Once you have a working system for a given process in your agency, you can FINALLY turn your brain off and move onto the next thing.
And if there’s one thing I love, it’s turning off my brain.
In this article, I’m going to cover two topics:
- My current onboarding process and how I developed it, and
- How to develop processes for the other systems in your agency with SOPs
Onboarding – The Unsexy Process That Can Make Or Break Your Agency
When it comes to running an OnlyFans agency, onboarding is not a topic you hear discussed very often.
Onboarding is NOT as sexy as recruiting, getting traffic, or making money.
But in my experience, it is an incredibly important process that can make or break the life cycle of your models.
When I first started out, I had no system for onboarding at all.
As a result, I had a ton of girls excitedly go through the recruiting process only to disappear when it came time to do some work.
It’s very likely that some of them were just lazy, rotten, on the fence, or otherwise not 100% fully invested.
But what I would come to realize down the line is that it’s equally as likely that these creators bailed because they lost faith in me once they saw how disorganized my onboarding process was.
Before we get into the meat and potatoes of my onboarding system, let’s define what I mean by onboarding.
Onboarding is the period of time between when the model signs the contract and when you launch her account.
Now, if you’re one of those cowboys who launches their models without much content, good for you.
If you’ve found a way to make that work, bless your heart.
(Also, hit me up on Telegram @yallapapi because I’d be interested in hearing about how you did it.)
But most agency owners are going to need a certain amount of content before launching the model so her OnlyFans account looks like it’s worth spending money on.
If a potential fan lands on an account with 8 posts and 24 likes, it’s not likely that he’s going to feel like subscribing is worth his $9.99.
If, on the other hand, the account has 132 posts and 2.3k likes, $9.99 seems like a great deal.
This is only ONE of the reasons to have a tight onboarding system.
Let’s take a look at a few others.
How I Accidentally Discovered The Power Of A Tight Onboarding Process
Back when I started my journey, I had no system for onboarding.
Onboarding was a necessary evil. And even worse, it was boring.
It felt like corporate babble – something people say in office jobs to make it seem like they’re busier than they really are.
But after having my 11th model disappear like the wind, I realized that maybe my problem wasn’t that I was just recruiting flaky models.
Maybe the problem was ME.
Playing with this idea forced me to do something I hate: analyze my process and look for weak points.
The reason I hate doing this is because:
- It means I have to think
- It means I might be WRONG (ew)
- It means I have to change what I’m doing AGAIN (which implies more thinking)
Fortunately, even back then my ego was big enough that I realized it would be worth it anyway.
I took a look at my process and here’s what I found:
- My opening message was amazing
- My sales letter was flawless
- My Zoom call was smooth as silk
- Everything else was a mess
And when I say “everything else” – I mean EVERYTHING.
True to my salesman roots, I had no plan for these girls after getting them signed up.
If I’m being honest, I didn’t even really want to deal with my creators after signing them.
“Just let me close deals and let these girls be someone else’s problem.” – me, probably.
Unfortunately, that someone else was me.
At the time, I thought maybe the reason for all the flakes was that there was a flaw in my filtering system.
What I did to test my theory was to write a long onboarding email that asked the model for 3 things:
- To sign the contract
- To verify her OnlyFans account
- To send me her first 40 pieces of content
1 & 2 were easy enough and could be done in 15 minutes.
#3 was the real filter.
If she couldn’t send me 40 pieces of content in 48 hours, then I knew she was lazy, not serious, or had decided that this line of work was just not for her.
Here’s something that you have to understand: how a model does one thing is how she will do all things.
- If she’s late to the Zoom call, she’ll be late to every call.
- If she delivers the first batch of content late, she’ll delivery every batch of content late.
- If she makes excuses for one thing, she’ll make excuses for everything.
And thanks to my abundance of models, I allowed myself to be very picky when it came to the types of girls I would work with.
Here’s a quick example:
Two weeks ago when I was working at a trade show, there was a sweet little 19 year old who seemed like she’d be a perfect fit for OF.
She expressed interest when I told her about my agency, so I told her I’d get her set up ASAP.
But when I told her to download Telegram, it took her 2 days to respond to my message.
If it took her 2 days to do something that takes less than a minute, imagine how long it’s going to take her to provide several minutes of content.
The fact that I know a girl in real life DOESN’T mean that she’s going to be any more reliable than a girl who comes pre-filtered through a scout or recruiter.
(NOTE: I just realized that I forgot to send her my sales letter. So in the end, can I really blame her for not being properly motivated?)
And if you thought I was spoiled for choice back then, I’m even more so now because of all the girls people bring me on a daily basis.
Lesson #1 – Don’t Launch Models With Less Than 100 Pieces Of Content
Another reason for requesting the content up front was because at the time, the main traffic strategy that we were finding success with was Reddit.
Now I’m not sure how YOU do Reddit, but my Reddit Genius figured out a blessed strategy to get massive traffic through the platform.
It was very simple: just post hardcore gifs to appropriate subreddits.
Easy peazy.
In the first onboarding email that I would send to new models, I gave them VERY detailed instructions on how to create perfect videos.
- I gave them tips on camera angles, lighting, poses, facial expressions, and even the types of noises they should make.
- I gave them examples of good content that they could literally just copy.
- I even gave them examples of BAD content and told them WHY it was bad!
My original idea was that the instructions would be so clear that it would be easy for them to create good content.
All they had to do was follow instructions.
But what I found instead was that a lot of these girls were either too lazy or too stupid to follow the instructions.
For example, one of the suggestions I make in the video is to have as little “dead space” as possible.
If it’s a vertical video, then the model should take up as much of the frame as they can.
You’d think that would be simple enough to follow, but you wouldn’t believe the amount of girls who sent me content with her empty wall taking up 1/3 of the video.
So the onboarding email helped filter these girls even more, just not in the way that I had expected.
But regardless of whether or not the models followed instructions, if they at least provided SOMETHING, I was happy.
Sure, they turned in their homework, but they did it in the car on the way to school. It wasn’t the best.
However, this allowed me the opportunity to give them feedback, which is exactly what I would do in the second email.
Let’s say there were the following 6 metrics that would be calculated to determine the “grade” of the content:
- Lighting
- Angles
- Dead space
- Facial expressions
- Noise/Intensity
- Variety
I could give their content an overall rank from 1-5 for each of these metrics.
In sentence form, it would look something like this:
“Oh your lighting and angles are really good, but there’s too much dead space. Also I can hear the TV in the background and you’re not moaning loud enough. And all of your videos are just you in the same position – we need more variety.”
After the feedback was provided, the girls were required to send ANOTHER 20 videos with the feedback integrated.
This usually lead to some “higher quality” videos.
When it comes to short content, you want the videos to be as intense as possible.
If you imagine a 20 minute solo session, our goal is to capture the intensity of the most intense 60 seconds and put that to a clip.
It’s not as easy as it sounds. But with proper instructions, some girls managed to do it.
At this point you’re probably thinking, “Jesus, that sounds like a lot of work to do before the account even launches!”
And you’re absolutely right – it WAS a lot of work.
But the payoff was that once we taught this girl how to make high-converting content, we could tap her to pump it out (no pun intended) any time we needed it.
She would already know exactly what we needed from her.
The Reddit strategy is incredibly simple:
- Market the OF with hardcore content
- Post hardcore content on the OF
- Sell hardcore content as PPVs
It’s all hardcore content. The girl only needs to make 1 thing.
To be fair, some girls realize that they are essentially turning themselves into porn stars and decide to back out.
I totally understand – it’s definitely not for everyone.
But if a girl doesn’t care that there will eventually be thousands of clips out there circulating of her masturbating, then the Reddit strategy is reasonably easy to scale.
But the feedback for the first round of content wasn’t the ONLY thing we sent – this was also where we asked them to do the Reddit verifications.
There are tons of strategies you can use to promote on Reddit:
- You can build your own subreddits and advertise your girls there
- You can crosspost to different subreddits
- You can post from verified (but harder to get into) subreddits
- You can spam your posts on every subreddit that will accept you
- You can DM accounts that have commented on posts by similar creators
Plenty of options out there, however what my brother-from-another-mother @accountstealth realized was that the most efficient strategy seemed to be to get your models’ accounts verified on big subreddits and post there.
Getting these models verified on Reddit added another step in their onboarding process.
So now in addition to asking them for 3 rounds of content with our feedback integrated, we also needed them to provide their Reddit verifications.
I mean it’s not like it’s HARD WORK or anything: just write your Reddit username, the name of the subreddit, and the date on a piece of paper and take 3 selfies from different angles.
When we asked models to do these, we would ask them for anywhere between 20-50 verifications at once.
Yes, it was a massive pain in the ass (for them) to do. But it was integral to our strategy of promoting their accounts.
Once we got the videos from the models, we would review them for quality and send them additional feedback – if necessary.
But step 3 was simple: all they had to do was provide 20 more videos.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the extent of my onboarding process.
To some of you, it may seem robust.
But looking back on it now, I’m not surprised that we lost as many girls as we did.
For one thing, the volume of content (20 pics and 60 videos) we wanted before launch was WAY too low.
Keep in mind we also need enough content to populate the OF so that it looks like it’s worth subscribing to.
Sure, if your girl is a certified smokeshow or genetic freak, maybe you can get away with less.
For your 8s-9s, you’re going to need a lot of posts and likes to make the account look like it’s worth the money.
But 20 pics simply was not enough – especially since we wanted to use the first sets of videos to get traffic to find where our best-performing subreddits would be for each individual model.
The second problem was that we didn’t ask for enough VARIETY of content.
Sure, we didn’t really need that much variety – just solo videos.
But believe it or not, girls were actually more likely to get the content done faster if we asked for a greater variety of it than if we only asked for one type of video.
Don’t ask me why, because I have no idea.
Another problem with this strategy is that we didn’t ask for any custom content up front.
There’s nothing more annoying than getting a custom content request from some drooling weirdo for $100 and having to hunt down your model at 8 PM on Sunday night to ask her to do a 3 minute dickrate.
What we SHOULD HAVE done was to ask for that type of thing up front so we had it banked when someone asked for it.
Live and learn…
The way we do things now is WAY different – but we’ll get into that in a later section.
Lesson #2 – Set Expectations With Your Creators During Onboarding
Another massive benefit for tightening up your onboarding process is that it allows you to set expectations for your models.
“Yes darling, we told you that you would be making $15,000/month by month 4, but there is a lot of shit we need to do to launch your account before that happens.
Of course, you don’t want to be so direct in your setting of expectations with the model.
You absolutely MUST set expectations with your creators elegantly.
Personally, I just recorded a bunch of videos for them to watch that explain everything.
I thought about writing another “sales letter”-esque document for them to read, but I felt that expecting them to read so much was pushing my luck.
Videos are just so much more digestible.
Here are some of the ACTUAL video titles
- The Mindset Of A Successful Model
- Why We Need So Much Content Before Launching Your Page
- How Day-to-day Communication Works Between You And Your Account Manager
- How To Deliver Your Content To Your Account Manager
- What Are Reddit Verifications And Why We Need Them To Promote You
- Our Tiktok Strategy For Promoting Your Account
- How To Create Content That Performs Well And Sells
- Setting Expectations And What To Expect For The Next 3 Months
- Why We Don’t Let You Log Into Your Own Account (Sorry Not Sorry)
- How Often Are Payouts And How They Will Be Conducted
This is just what I have so far – roughly about 30 minutes worth of content.
So now, when I onboard a new model, all I have to do is send these videos.
This is 100000% easier than having to explain all of this info as we’re trying to request content.
Not only does this save me valuable time having to explain everything, but it pre-frames the model to work with us.
If she watches all those videos and continues to show up and do what we ask her to do, then that implies that she has tacitly agreed to all of the concepts in the videos.
Lesson #3 – Use Onboarding To Filter For Low-Quality Models
Yet another benefit of having a tight onboarding process is that it will filter for models who “do not fit in with company culture.”
Well, at least that’s the theory.
I wish I had some good stories about this benefit, but unfortunately for me it’s been the opposite.
I actually believe that this is because we are growing a little too fast.
Thanks to my superstar Russian scout, we are onboarding 3-4 new solid girls a week.
And occasionally, some LQs slip through the cracks.
For example, the other day my scout sent me a Russian bombshell and told me she was ready to go.
(I’ll go into more detail in one of the next sections, but we found a way to put Russian creators to work that doesn’t involve getting them fake documents.)
So my scout introduces me to this girl and right away I can tell she has a shit attitude.
However, she’s absolutely stunning. So I agree to sign her up anyway.
Now listen up, dear reader.
Mark my words: this girl is going to cause problems later on. And when she does, I’m going to get rid of her.
“So why don’t you just save yourself the headache and get rid of her now?”
Great question.
Well for one thing – as crazy as this will sound – I could be wrong.
She might turn out to be a perfect model who does everything we ask and makes us all a bazillion dollars.
I don’t believe that will be the case, but I’d love to be surprised.
However, the MAIN reason I don’t cut this one loose now (despite her awful attitude) is because it’s likely that my scout would feel like I am pulling the plug prematurely.
And if I write her off as a non-entity too soon, then he will be more reluctant to bring me bombshells.
And we don’t want that – I want him to bring me ALL the bombshells.
That said, having a tight onboarding process will help filter for models that are not a good fit.
This is one of the reasons why I have my scouts send my sales letter to all potential girls they want me to work with.
For one thing, it prevents me having to go over all the little details with them.
Secondly, it “sells” them on the benefits of working with us and why we’re so awesome.
Perhaps most importantly, it more or less explains to them what to expect when they work with us.
When you have a professional onboarding process, it sets the tone for how the rest of the relationship is going to go.
For example, let’s say you apply for a job and are invited for a job interview at a swanky office downtown.
You walk in and everyone is wearing nice clothes. It’s a clean and open space. The people that work there are clearly college-educated, intelligent, and come from a high socio-economic background.
That’s going to make a certain impression on you – very likely a positive one.
Now let’s say another company invites you for a job interview, but their office is in a dingy building in Koreatown.
Next door is a laundromat and there’s a little Korean grandma sweeping the sidewalk as you walk in.
The buzzer on the gate is broken, the door doesn’t lock, and the hallway is dirty.
You walk into the office and all the desks are cramped together, the lighting is awful, and the people that work there look like they would have a hard time getting a job at Walmart.
That’s going to make a different kind of impression on you.
The way your onboarding process is set up has a similar effect on your models.
If your onboarding involves slick PDFs, well-formatted emails, and a series of videos with concise explanations, your models are going to think, “Wow, these guys are the real deal!”
If your onboarding process is just you asking your model to “send some pictures and videos” so you can “start making bandz” then she’s going to think you are an idiot.
Lesson #4 – Using SOPs Improves EVERYTHING In Your Agency, Especially Onboarding
I have to admit: my current onboarding process – when executed properly – is a work of art.
Here’s how it works:
- My scout finds a girl who expresses interest
- He sends her my sales letter and contract
- She agrees to the terms
- He sends me some info and pictures of her
- I contact her and introduce myself
- I connect her with her account manager
- The account manager gives her a 10 page PDF of all the content we’ll need to launch/run her account
That’s currently where we are today.
In case the genius of this process is lost on you, let me tell you WHY I am so happy with it:
- The model is pre-sold on working with us from the sales letter
- The model has agreed to the contract before I even speak with her
- The model is extremely receptive to my initial message
- The model receives a 10 page document with instructions for creating ALL of the content that we need to launch and run her account
From what I’ve observed, most successful agency owners are one-man-shows with a few VAs who run 5-10 girls that are high performers.
I believe the reason for this is because they still manage a lot of day-to-day tasks by themselves.
While I’d love to have my own little special forces squad of superstar content creators, I don’t want to limit myself to only the best of the best.
If I have girls who are ready to provide content and account managers who are ready to promote them, then why WOULDN’T I take every opportunity?
It seems more practical to spread my risk across 100 models than to have it limited to 10.
And this patchwork of systems that my partners and I are cobbling together are allowing me to do just that.
Every single aspect of my agency that I am able to reduce to a 10 page PDF immediately liberates me from having to spend time communicating with any one person.
Now I understand why my potential big time agency partner was so big on SOPs.
Even if there’s 100 SOPs that need to be created, once they’re done, the agency can run on autopilot.
All I have to do is identify in what areas are we spending the most amount of resources (energy) and hammer out an SOP for it.
Here are the areas that we have handled so far:
- Recruiting
- Onboarding
- Setting expectations
- Requesting content
It may not look like much, but those 4 areas require a TON of upfront work by both us and our models.
Now that we have procedures to follow that ensure a good result, we can focus on creating recipes for future procedures to ensure good results in those areas as well.
Just off the top of my head, here are some other areas:
- Promoting the OF through TikTok
- Promoting the OF through Tinder/Bumble
- Promoting the OF through Reddit (partially finished)
- Promoting the OF through Instagram
- Running IG ads to recruit models
- Running the IG accounts of models for social proof (for recruiting)
- Running a free OF account
- Running a paid OF account
- Selling PPVs
I’m not going to lie to you – I don’t know much about any of these except for getting traffic through Reddit.
That’s why the categories are so vague.
If one of you is an expert in selling PPVs, for example, you could probably break that category down into 7 different sub-categories that need to be defined/mastered.
I have no experience with them, so I just have no idea.
But I DO have an increasing level of experience in partnering with experts and extracting their best practices from them.
For example, I got hit up recently by a very sharp Australian kid who found me from my journey thread on HF.
I’ve said it before, but people I meet from HF are usually very sharp and money-motivated. This kid is no exception.
He was one of these people who is just hungry for an opportunity.
The vibe was, “I need money and I’ll do anything for you if you help me make it.”
I didn’t have anything for him at the time, but I liked the cut of his jib so I told him I’d keep him in mind.
Lo and behold, an opportunity fell into my lap where I needed him to manage one of my French girls that my French account manager had sent to me.
All my other account managers were full and this kid had no experience.
But he seemed hungry and said he had e-whored before, so I figured I didn’t have anything to lose.
Literally on day 1, he sends me a screenshot of big traffic from Tinder.
Not even a few hours had passed and he had already gotten a sub for $15.
It didn’t cost me any money to hire him. He was actually doing me a favor by taking over that project for me.
Did I put any restrictions on what he could or couldn’t do? Of course not.
More than making a couple bucks, my main goal is to LEARN from these people I am partnering with.
I’m not shy to admit that I have no idea how they do any of what they do.
- I had no idea how my French guy gets such a good result with his French girls.
- I had no idea how my Reddit Genius got such good results on Reddit.
- I had no idea how this Australian kid got such good results with Tinder and Snapchat.
But after observing them, it started to come together.
And not only that, but it behooves all parties involved to distill this information into an easily-digestible 10 page PDF that we can hand off to VAs, models, or other partners.
Over time, the library will grow until the day where someone will ask me a question and instead of having to answer them, I can just send them a PDF.
Actually scratch that – they won’t even NEED to ask the question, because they will have ALREADY read the PDF.
This was the original purpose of my sales letter: to create something that would answer the most commonly asked questions I would get from models.
After I started using it, I rarely got any questions from them because the sales letter answered everything so thoroughly.
Eventually, I will get to a point where everyone knows exactly what they are supposed to be doing at any given time.
And over time, the process will be refined further until the results get better.
But more importantly, they’ll become AUTOMATED.
I’d rather make $30 but not have to do any work than make $300 and have to spend 3 hours doing something.
BTW, I’m not saying this is the only way to operate.
There’s obviously value in banking up quickly and then putting that money to good use so you can expand.
This has never worked for me in the past.
I either end up working too hard and burning out or blowing the money on stuff that doesn’t work.
My current system of partner, learn, and distill is working.
Some of you short-sighted competitive types might be wondering,
“Wait, but if you and your partners have such open channels of communication, aren’t you risking them cutting you out of the deal once they have your secrets?”
Look, I won’t lie to you and tell you that’s impossible. Of course it is. This is business.
And while I can’t speak for everyone I do business with, I believe I have a better way.
MY goal is be able to replicate a given process regardless of who is doing the operating.
Let’s take my French guy for example.
It’s very possible that in the near future, we will give him more girls than he can comfortably handle with his current team.
I can go to him and say, “Bonjour mon ami, write out your SOPs and I’ll send you a team of people who will take over your job so you can help me expand.”
What’s he going to say, “No sorry, I actually like being overloaded with all these girls and don’t feel like making any more money and spending less time working.”
My Australian is at an earlier stage in his development, but once he irons out his strategy as an operator, I can have him manage, train, and oversee a team of operators that execute his strategy.
And instead of having him teach his methods to the new recruits one by one, all we have to do is write a 10 page PDF and/or record some videos with the sauce, hand them off, and move onto the next thing.
Choosing Slow Money Over Fast Money

I’m painfully aware of the fact that if I went the normal agency owner route of, “do everything on my own” I’d make money faster.
I die a little bit inside every time I see someone post an earnings screenshot in the groups.
My methods do NOT generate fast money.
But I believe that my way will create a much larger, more robust operation that can be replicated like Agent Smith from the Matrix once the systems are all clearly defined.
Not only that, but there’s a lot of ways I can play with this when everything is said and done.
Selling courses is the easy route, but I believe there are better options that just require a little creativity.
Here’s a few just for fun:
- Selling an agency-in-a-box service to existing agencies that want to scale
- Selling individual traffic methods as a service to agencies
- Selling consulting services to agencies
- Selling tax help services to agencies
- Selling banking alternatives to agencies
- Selling pre-trained teams (chatters, recruiters, traffic, etc) to agencies
These are just off the top of my head, but I’m sure there’s more.
Here’s the point: when you have the instructions clearly written out, you can hand those instructions off to someone and they can replicate your results.
This is essentially the appeal of buying courses.
“I figured it out and now I’m giving you the sauce!”
The problem is that courses rarely contain 100% of the sauce because giving it all away would create competition for the course seller.
However, when I am giving away the sauce to my OWN employees, contractors, or operators, I not only WANT to give them 100% of the sauce, but I am going to do everything in my power to give them all of the ancillaries required to execute the method with as little friction as possible.
If I have software tools, VAs, SOPs, or anything else that would increase the chances of my people getting a better result, then I would obviously give it to them.
If I withheld information or tools from them, I would only be limiting my own results.
And what’s the point of that?
Join My New Telegram Group For Business Opportunities And Partnerships
Many of you are already aware of my Model Marketplace, but I am opening a new Telegram channel for business opportunities and partnerships for OnlyFans agency owners and service providers.
I get a lot of stuff thrown in my lap all the time and don’t always have the means to take advantage of it.
Not only that, but it’s hard for me to find the right people unless they pop up in my inbox.
Yes, I can spam the groups asking for what I need, but that implies the right person reads and feels like responding to the message in a timely manner.
The solution? Create my own Telegram channel.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am very excited about this little project.
There are 2 things that got me where I am today: writing articles and networking.
It only makes sense for me to double down in those areas.
For now, this Telegram channel is only going to be for opportunities/partnerships that I have a direct stake in.
It’s possible that in the future I’ll open it up to other people looking for partnerships, but for now it’s just stuff that I’ve personally vetted and am involved in.
If you’re interested in working with me and have some special skill, opportunity, or hustle that needs complementary partners, then send me a DM on Telegram @yallapapi and I’ll see about adding it to the list.
In the meantime, click this link to join the channel: https://t.me/+-kWHSOFGy5M1ZmU1
Subscribe To The “Simp Hunter” YouTube channel
Those of you who read all my articles probably remember me talking about how I was going to start a podcast for OnlyFans agency owners.
My original idea was to host the podcast on The Simp Hunter YouTube channel (a la Joe Rogan style) and make 2-3 hour long videos that people could watch/listen to on their drive to work or whatever.
However, I realized that a podcast was a bit too much of a pain in the ass for me to casually add to my to-do list.
For one thing, podcasts need guests. And I have to FIND the guests.
And any guests that I would want to have on are probably going to be successful, which means they’re BUSY.
So then it’s a matter of arranging a time that we can sit down and rap for 2 hours.
It seemed like a big hassle and not something I could easily start and test.
I’ve decided instead to keep the YouTube channel but to just make short(er) videos sharing my knowledge on what I know about being an OnlyFans agency owner.
Fair disclaimer: I’m not a guru, I don’t make a bazillion dollars with OF, and there are tons of people whose advice you should probably listen to before mine.
So my channel may NOT be useful for everyone.
But I made some videos and they were pretty fun.
Plus I will be linking to my blog in all the vids which should add some SEO juice and get me more traffic there, which for now is a bigger priority.
If you want to check out the channel, you can do so by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUfvj3j6O4ERDdu647M8gNQ
OnlyFans Agency Incubator Program Update
So as you guys know, I’m planning on launching a 12 week Incubator program for OnlyFans Agency owners.
If you want to read the full details you can check this page, but here are the bullet points of the offer:
- Access to a private Telegram group and NFT
- Weekly group calls with special guest experts
- Personal introductions and access to my network
- My DFY model recruiting framework
- A feature article on SimpHunter.com
- A 30% discount on my model marketplace
- Access to my private pool of professional chatters and chatter manuals
- My Reddit traffic strategy and discount on my upvote panel (coming soon)
This is a new program and I’ve never done anything like this before.
I don’t want to do it unless I know I can dedicate enough mental energy to delivering on my promises.
(Can’t go risking my reputation for a couple measly dollars.)
And the only way that I can do that is if I charge a respectable amount of money for it.
In order for this to be worth my time, I also need to have at least 10 people committed to the first cohort.
I currently have 4.
If you’re interested in taking part in The Incubator (for a steep discount), then review the primer and follow the instructions at the end to apply.
If not, all good. Thanks for reading 🙂
I’m trying to enter this business and have a few questions. I already have most of it done but have a few minor questions. Any chance I can reach out to you for some advice?