The 6 Mistakes I Made That Cost Me My Superstar OnlyFans Model


  1. Lots of text (indicates investment)
  2. Clearly money-motivated
  3. Good grammar and spelling
  4. Desperate to work with an agency
  5. High levels of excitement

Mistake #1 — Not Addressing Her Geoblocking Concerns Adequately

Tangent #1 — How We Promote Our Models On Reddit

Mistake #2 — Not Agreeing To Specific Amounts Of Weekly Content With Set Deadlines

NOTE: The part about 24 hours was incorrect. Last correspondence I got from her was Wednesday, and this message was sent on Saturday.
Good luck reading all that shit.

Mistake #3 — Arguing With A Model Over Text

Mistake #4 — Not Setting Up A Payment Method Before Launching

Mistake #5 — Allowing The Model To Have Access To The OnlyFans Account

Mistake #6 — Texting While Angry

7 thoughts on “The 6 Mistakes I Made That Cost Me My Superstar OnlyFans Model

  1. Ah, dude. A little bit of empathy would have probably avoided all this, considering the valuable asset she was. Raising four kids on your own is not easy, you should have echoed that.

    Anyway. Thanks for sharing this. It’s been incredibly insightful.

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